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ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~$ cd moment/

ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ ls
20041128183100 citarik inversionM1.f90 palu sub.qrf.f90
20041130040100 example Makefile sinyal_121098 velocity
20041201013100 example2 Makefile~ sinyal_pacitan velocity.f
20041201142900 FILTER.DAT malang_8_7_2013 sinyal_tarakan
aceh_221013_moment greenM merbabu_2014 STRUCTURE.DAT
aceh_seis_2014 greenM.f obsdata sub.filter.f
bener_meriah_2013 inversionM1 obsdata.f sub.invM.f90
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ make
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ gfortran -o inversionM1 inversionM1.f90
sub.invM.f90 sub.qrf.f90
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ gfortran -o inversionM inversionM.f sub.invM.f
gfortran: error: inversionM.f: No such file or directory
gfortran: error: sub.invM.f: No such file or directory
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ gfortran -o greenM greenM.f
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ gfortran -o obsdata obsdata.f sub.filter.f
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ gfortran -o velocity velocity.f
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ ls
20041128183100 citarik inversionM1.f90 palu sub.qrf.f90
20041130040100 example Makefile sinyal_121098 velocity
20041201013100 example2 Makefile~ sinyal_pacitan velocity.f
20041201142900 FILTER.DAT malang_8_7_2013 sinyal_tarakan
aceh_221013_moment greenM merbabu_2014 STRUCTURE.DAT
aceh_seis_2014 greenM.f obsdata sub.filter.f
bener_meriah_2013 inversionM1 obsdata.f sub.invM.f90
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment$ cd malang_8_7_2013/
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ ls
bji FILTER.DAT JAGI.BHZ.SAC plotsolution.csh ugm_resp
BJI.BHE.SAC FILTER.DAT~ jagi_resp rdseed.err_log.11.18.13 WAVE.GRN
BJI.BHN.SAC i_greenM lem solution.dat WAVE.OBS
BJI.BHZ.SAC i_greenM~ LEM.BHE.SAC solution.list wsi
bji_resp i_inv LEM.BHN.SAC solution.pdf WSI.BHE.SAC
CISI.BHN.SAC i_obsdata~ malang.pdf ugm wsi_resp
cisi_resp JAGI.BHE.SAC peta.csh UGM.BHN.SAC
coba JAGI.BHN.SAC peta.csh~ UGM.BHZ.SAC
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ chmod u+x plotsolution.csh
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ ls
bji FILTER.DAT JAGI.BHZ.SAC plotsolution.csh ugm_resp
BJI.BHE.SAC FILTER.DAT~ jagi_resp rdseed.err_log.11.18.13 WAVE.GRN
BJI.BHN.SAC i_greenM lem solution.dat WAVE.OBS
BJI.BHZ.SAC i_greenM~ LEM.BHE.SAC solution.list wsi
bji_resp i_inv LEM.BHN.SAC solution.pdf WSI.BHE.SAC
CISI.BHN.SAC i_obsdata~ malang.pdf ugm wsi_resp
cisi_resp JAGI.BHE.SAC peta.csh UGM.BHN.SAC
coba JAGI.BHN.SAC peta.csh~ UGM.BHZ.SAC
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ ../obsdata < i_obsdata
Stcd, comp, dt, N, Npole
JAGI EW 0.50 320 4
JAGI NS 0.50 320 4
JAGI UD 0.50 320 4
UGM EW 0.50 320 4
UGM NS 0.50 320 4
UGM UD 0.50 320 4
CISI EW 0.50 320 4
CISI NS 0.50 320 4
CISI UD 0.50 320 4
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ ../greenM < i_greenM
#############Input Structure#############
VP(km/s) VS(km/s) den(g/cm3) Thick(km) QP QS
5.6 3.4 2.6 15.0 250.0 150.0
6.5 3.7 2.9 18.0 400.0 200.0
8.1 4.7 3.3 0.0 650.0 280.0
rigid (hypocenter) = 72.28 GPa
Station Name, Latitude, Longitude, Ptime
JAGI -8.470 114.152 22.052
UGM -7.912 110.523 42.026
CISI -7.556 107.815 77.588
Depth = 80.00
rigid = 72.28 GPa
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ ../inversionM1 < i_inv
Strike, Dip, Slip
Nodal Plane 1 : 108.38 73.95 84.74
Nodal Plane 2 : 306.81 16.87 107.69
Variance : 0.2422
0.2422 80.00 check
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ ./plotsolution.csh
bash: ./plotsolution.csh: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ csh
The program 'csh' can be found in the following packages:
* csh
* tcsh
Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>
ganis@ganis-Aspire-V5-471G:~/moment/malang_8_7_2013$ ./plotsolution.csh
gmtset: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
gmtset: Warning: Parameter MEASURE_UNIT is deprecated. Use PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT instead.
Please see for more
psmeca: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
pstext: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
pstext: Warning: use of old style pstext input is deprecated.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Warning: 5/10 not a valid number and may not be decoded properly.
psxy: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.
psxy: Representation of pen color (5/255/0/0) not recognized. Using default.
psbasemap: warning: PS_IMAGE_COMPRESS = DEFLATE not available, falling back to LZW.

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