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Classroom Management Plan

I. Theorists

For this theory I think it is a useful theory once you get later into

the school year. Groups will tend to change and roles can also change

within the group. As a teacher youll have to make constant

assessments to adjust to how the groups themselves are changing and

affecting the students. Also when looking at dealing with a behavior

with a group you might run into different reactions for your punishment

because they are in a group.

With the theory of shaped behavior there are many applications

for this theory and many ways to apply it to different students. With

reinforcements for students, other students will pick up it just by being

around the one who was rewarded. They see consequences so in a way

you are conditioning both them and the individual. The conditions for

your punishment can also be set in advance allowing for the students

to decide their own fate. Making the behaviors that will be punished

even less likely to happen.

The idea of understanding the growth of your students is

important as an educator. By realizing the stages that your students

are in you can focus on what they will be able to understand.

Understanding the moral development of students is important for

trying to make a connection with them and building your relationship.

Kounins theory focuses not on the students but rather the effect

the teacher has on those pupils. He describes what he called a ripple

effect, that students learned simply by being in the area of someone

behavior that is corrected. Kounins idea was for a teacher to be

proactive and have a well planned out day. He looks towards smooth

transitions to help with classroom management and the overlapping of

lessons to keep students engaged.

This theory for classroom management is really caring towards

the students. The teachers are in a position where students dont get

directly focused on when they do something wrong. I kinda like this

theory because of the fact that, if a student is misbehaving the teacher

addresses the class about it and reinforces the rule for the whole class

and not just specifically for the one person.

The ideas behind the Social Discipline Theory by Dreikurs have

an implied idea of the equality of all people. In Dreikurs mind humans

are social beings and ever action that they take has its own purpose

and reason behind it. There are four goals to a child misbehaving,

attention getting, contest of power, revenge seeking, and even

displaying inadequacy. The main purpose for misbehavior and actions

of students is social acceptance.

Social discipline is a theory that doesnt really resonate with me,

but I can see some aspects of the theory that are appealing. First of all
the meaning behind an action, to many people can pass off an action,

like oh boys will be boys. No there is something behind that action and

an educator who can discovery why that action occurred can get to the

root of the problem and solve it.

To understand assertive discipline you must first understand that

with this idea there is no reason for any form of misbehavior. With this

theory the teacher is in charge and it is a dictatorship. Teachers should

expect compliance by their students and should react confidently and

quickly to whatever situation arises. More than just directing students,

teachers of an assertive nature must also build a strong relationship

with those students.

I dont like this theory very much. I think a completely

authoritarian educator doesnt take into account all of that can differ

between students. I understand and like the part of the theory that

considers a strong relationship with students but at the same time

students should have their own ideas, that they can be open with in

class. Having the view that there is no reason for misbehavior makes a

teacher seem distant from students difficulties.

This education theory focuses on an individuals personal choices

like the name implies. The individual controls what happens to them

and how they act. The improvement of said individual is based on

certain questions they must ask themselves. What do you want? What

are you doing to achieve what you want? Is it working? What are your
plans or options? Based on those questions a person can make

decisions to help themselves reach their goals.

This theorys emphasis on personal decisions is important to the

growth of students as members of society. Making these personal

choices now and understanding how your choices affect you can better

prepare the students for a time when there wont be a teacher there to

hold their hand. If you make a bad personal choice or are irresponsible

you should be able to acknowledge the fact that it happened and then

figure out a way so that it doesnt happen again or the student can

change it.

For Coloroso the inner discipline theory focuses how a behavior

should be dealt with through discipline and not punishment. Being

assertive is also important for a teacher, being firm but cautiously so,

avoiding unnecessary arguments. Its important to realize if a

punishment or form of discipline is too much. The utilization of natural

consequences is a good way to teach a student, you dont always have

to nag or point out the issue, and the student can learn it on their own.

Teachers should preserve the dignity and identity of their pupils.

The theory of inner discipline makes use of natural occurances

and proves it doesnt just have to be the teacher that give all the

questions and answers. I like this theory because it takes into account

how the students just living their lives can solve their own difficulties

and get their own consequences for a decision being made. It doesnt
always have to be the teacher the gives a consequence, life does it


Teachers to be able to influence their students and not just

control them, let the students actions lead them to the conclusion not

just your direct participation. Take preventative measures, the best

way for students to listen and follow the rules are to have them work

with you for creating said list of rules. Is it the teacher who has a

problem with the behavior or the students themselves. Finding out who

owns the problem helps to solve the issue. Make sure not to just

regurgitate information to the students, make time to listen as well as

teach. Focus on win-win resolutions for the students.

The theory of inner self-control is probably one of my favorites

because it gives students freedom to learn for themselves, they learn

what is right and wrong through the actions.

The open discussion helps to build a bond with your students. By

having open discussions students feel like its easier to talk to and

almost less formal, but keep some formality or else the students may

not respect you enough to listen to them. Youre their teacher not their

friend so thats where the theory is difficult.

II. Personal Philosophy of Discipline

My name is Matthew Hogue and I am an Adult youth Adolescent

education major at the university of Akron focusing on social studies.

As a classroom manager, in my class I wish to see that my classroom

stays very open minded and discussion oriented. I want to place my

students in situations where they can discuss things they may not

understand completely. These discussions can happen during class

time with participation from all students or personally after class time.

This open type of classroom may not seem very uniform but the

students when thinking about the rules themselves should run the

discipline. Consequences and punishment for behaviors will be

previously decided by all in the class room. One big part about my

classroom is that some consequences will be tied to the entire class, if

a behavior keeps happening the rest of the students will participate in

that consequence. When thinking about discipline this way I think

utilizing an attitude that many sports hold can work in class as well.

Students will have created the rules themselves, with some assistance

by me. Having created these rules the students will feel more

responsible for their actions. The same is true when you think about if

the entire group will be punished. People are more willing to do things

when it only affects once those same people see that their actions are

causeing problems for other people the behavior will start to disappear.

My classroom is going to focus on collective responsibility, they were

all responsible for the rules, they will all be responsible for the

consequence. Having this group mentality also starts to take away

unjust rules or things that students dont see as fair because they
decided on it, they had a hand in its creation. For creating good

behavior in my classroom I want to use a reward system like Skinners

were student will get reinforcement for following rules or going above

and beyond them. Character education is also important for me, I want

my classroom to be somewhat like the real world, you can talk about

whatever you want within a form of reason. The rules are built

democratically hosing the hand they have in the society of the class.

There may be some rules that some students like that others dont,

that right there is a simple lesson about society. There are going to be

things students dont like, but instead of opening up into a screaming

match with someone who thinks differently from you, people should be

able to have an open discussion about that issue.

III. Diversity

When taking diversity into account I want my classroom to be

open to whatever form comes through the door that day. No one

should feel like they cant come to the class because they arent

being represented or because their needs arent being met. The

positive thing that comes with teaching a social studies class is

the fact that you can study all of the different people around the

world and their cultures if you want to. You can discover their

history. What I want to do in my class is give those cultures a

chance to be recognized and taught to the students. During the

first week of class I want to ask for a list of cultures by the

students about what culture they would be interested in learning

about. When it comes to disabilities there is no real reason that

they cant participate in a discussion with the class, if they are

having difficulties, the way the class is designed is that I as well

as other students help them through that question they have or

input they want to contribute. For the promotion of positive

behavior, first off is a rewards system like B.F Skinner suggested.

The other way to build positive behavior is just create a positive

environment in which students understand they are responsible

for what they do. In my class I want to teach students that I can

treat like they act their own age as grown members of society.

IV. classroom rules and consequences.

The classroom rules can vary depending on the year to year

basis and the students decisions on what is most important to

the classroom. One major rule that I will put forward for the

students is to respect the words of others. With these open

discussions I want to make sure no one is being mocked simply

for sharing their view on the situation and it differs from all the

other students. Respecting the words of others means respect

the views of others. Just because you dont agree doesnt mean

you have to, the world is made up of many people who will not
share your views but rather clash with them. I want to teach my

students early that its okay to disagree, but its even better if can

keep an open mind and discuss the differences of the issue with

others. Being able to learn to keep an open mind early in life will

help all of these students to progress further in life and do more

in life.

Positive consequences

The rewards in my classes are going to be individually

marked to support the behaviors of the people who are doing the

right thing. I cant reward the whole class for what one person

does because it may give the students the idea that oh they talk

the whole time, I get candy, this works rewards could be

anything from a couple less questions on a test or bringing in

something, having a movie day instead of lecture. Getting

creative with the rewards will be based on what the students and

I agree proper rewards are for certain positive behaviors.

Negative consequences

Consequences in my class from this category are going to

be most likely, extension of paper length for the whole class; the

class has to recite all the rules they made together. Not all

consequences will be group oriented but most of the things that

happen in the class can be dealt with in a group manner that

doesnt make me focus specifically on that one person. The

reason for my consequences being collective is because of how it

can psychologically affect the students before they continue

upon a behavior. If they know the behavior is not going to get

them the result they want or the proper attention they want. Also

creating problems or chores for others causes a tendency to

lessen a behavior.

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