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Rachmawati, Yulia. 2017. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based

Learning Berbantu Teknik Permainan Tic Tac Toe Pada Tema 4 Subtema 2
Pembelajaran 4 Materi Bangun Datar Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri
Keboan Anom Gedangan Sidoarjo. Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Guru
Sekolah Dasar. Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Pembimbing (1)
Drs. Bahauddin Azmy, M.Pd (2) Ida Sulistyawati, SH., M.Pd

Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan Teknik Permainan
Tic Tac toe

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses penerapan,

mendeskripsikan hasil belajar peserta didik, dan mendeskripsikan respons peserta
didik dari penerapan model Problem Based Learning berbantu teknik permainan
tic tac toe pada peserta didik kelas 4 tema 4 subtema 2 pembelajaran 4 materi
materi bangun datar Sekolah Dasar Negeri Keboan Anom Gedangan Sidoarjo.
Diharapkan dengan model ini, siswa dapat lebih kreatif dalam memecahkan
masalah, dan mampu mengaitkan masalah dengan lingkungan sekitar yang sesuai
dengan kurikulum 2013 melalui aspek pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan.
Subjek dalam penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV SD Keboan Anom Gedangan
Sidoarjo dengan jumlah siswa 40 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunkaan jenis
penelitian kombinasi (mix research) model Sequential Explanatory. Model ini
menggabungkan penelitian kualitatif dan tahap kedua menggunakan penelitian
kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan
observasi, angket dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini adalah analisis data deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif.
Analisis data deskrptif kualitatif untuk mengetahui hasil observasi dan analisis
data deskriptif kuantitatif untuk mengetahui hasil tes hasil belajar dan respon
Hasil analisis deskriptif kualitatif mengungkapkan bahwa hasil observasi
guru telah diterapkan oleh pendidik. Pada penerapan Model Problem Based
Learning (Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah) berbantu teknik permainan tic tac toe
memperoleh ketuntasan sebesar 90%. Siswa yang tuntas 3,00 sebanyak 36
siswa. Sedangkan siswa yang tidak tuntas 3,00 sebanyak 4 siswa. Respon siswa
yang diperoleh setelah penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning
adalah 61,5% siswa yang menjawab sangat setuju, 34,25% siswa yang menjawab
setuju, dan 4,25% siswa yang menjawab tidak setuju. Melalui model
pembelajaran problem based learning, siswa mampu memecahkan masalah
melalui pengetahuan di lingkungan sekitar.

Rachmawati, Yulia. 2017. Application of Problem Based Learning Model

Mechanical Assisted Learning Game Tic Tac Toe In Scene 4 Subtheme 2
Lesson 4 Materials Two Dimentional figure State Elementary School
Fourth Grade Keboan Anom Gedangan Sidoarjo. Essay. Study program
Elementary School Teacher. Adi Buana University PGRI Surabaya. Tutor
(1) Drs. Bahauddin Azmy, M.Pd (2) Ida Sulistyawati, SH., M.Pd

This study aimed to describe the process of implementation, describing the

learning outcomes of students, and to describe the responses of students from the
application of the model of Problem Based Learning-assisted technique of playing
tic tac toe on students grades 4 theme 4 subthemes 2 lesson 4 material Flat State
Elementary School Keboan Anom Gedangan Sidoarjo. It is expected with this
model, students can be more creative in solving problems, and is able to associate
the problem with the environment in accordance with the curriculum in 2013
through the aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills.

Subjects in the study were students in fourth grade Keboan Anom Gedangan
Sidoarjo by the number of students 40 students. This study menggunkaan type of
research combinations (mix research) Sequential Explanatory models. This model
combines qualitative research and the second stage using quantitative research.
Data collection techniques in this study is the use of observations, questionnaires
and tests. Data analysis techniques used in this research is descriptive data
analysis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of descriptive data. Qualitative
descriptive data analysis to find out the results of observation and descriptive data
analysis to determine the quantitative test results of learning outcomes and student

The results of a qualitative descriptive analysis revealed that the observation

of the teacher has been applied by educators. On the application of the Model
Problem Based Learning (Problem Based Learning) assisted technique of playing
tic tac toe gain mastery of 90%. Students who completed 3.00 as many as 36
students. While students who did not complete as many as four students 3.00.
Student responses obtained after the application of problem based learning
learning model is 61.5% of students who answered strongly agree, 34.25% of
students who answered agree, and 4.25% of students who answered disagree.
Through learning model of problem-based learning, students are able to solve
problems through knowledge in the neighborhood.

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