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Simpson 1

Brandi Simpson
Professor Bevill
ENGL 1302
26 January 2017
The Effect of Parental Neglect in Todays Society
The Address at the NAACP' on the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

was delivered on May 17th 2004 by Bill Cosby to his fellow peers . Bill Cosby expressed his

concerns within the African American communities in his speech regarding parenting, and the

diminishing respect the youth have for culture and life values. Cosby depicted the long term

effects that many misguided youth face in low class and lower middle class communities,

without the proper parental support. In his address Cosby focuses his attention on the comparison

and contrast among different cultures, the changes in parenting from the past to the present, and

he emphasizes on the importance of protecting the movement that many people fought hard for.

Cosby was successful in delivering his message to the audience and African Americans in these

effect neighborhoods by using these statistics and his personal life journey all while using an

authoritative tone throughout his speech.

Cosby captured the audiences attention by utilizing an array of compare and

contract situations as a method to get his overall message across. His use of compare and

contrast throughout his speech helped outline the direction he was taking with his address.
Cosby used this technique to shed light on the downfall of many minority communities across

the United States, during his speech. By using this method of compare and contrast he was able

to persuade his audience to take notice of the epidemic plaguing these neighborhoods he once

called home. Which allows his audience to receive an over view of the bigger picture. He used

this method to compare the difference between different cultures, race and education, which

allowed the audience to view his argument from an outside aspect. During his argument Cosby

also capitalized on the generational differences and how that has affected the method of

parenting today and how parental neglect has been shaped into today.
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While presenting his argument Cosby uses an authoritative tone, using this tone of during

his dialect allows the audience to see his passion and logic. This tool help him covey his message

to the audience. During his speech he uses examples of broken homes and the increasing parental

absence within in a child lifespan, as well as addressing major issues that many single parent

homes endure. Cosby presents the statistics of high school dropout rate in his argument. Cosby

stresses the fact that there has been an increase in the dropout rate, which now is at fifty percent

by using statistics. Using statistic allows his audience to see the effects parental neglect plays,

helping him prove his key points. Cosby touches on points of how our youth is not receiving the

proper tools for life, such as respect and morals, due to the lack of parental influences in many

African American homes and communities. Nevertheless he educates his audience on how far we

have come, from the past to the present.

Throughout Crosbys address he uses history to express the change that he has witness

first hand, over the past few decades and how these changes have molded society and the way

people view opportunity in the free world today. By sharing his personal memories he is

engaging with the audience on a personal level allowing him to have a deeper connection with

the audience. Cosby reminds his audience at the start and ending of his speech that African

Americans have earned the rights they have today, and that many dedicated members in society

helped fight for these right that have been granted to them. Meanwhile stressing how important it

to utilize their intended purpose in life versus digressing back in history implying African

American should be of moving forward. Cosby uses this method of rhetoric to help his audience

understand and become informed of the challenges many before him have faced. Although

Cosbys address was unorganized and likely ruffled a few feathers, his overall message was

powerful and logical.

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Cosbys powerful and logical address utilized examples of disparity and disappointment,

compare and contrast to create an effective argument, in hopes to create a better future for the

African American youth and to hold parents accountable for their neglect. His authoritative tone

throughout the speech encourages parent to take responsibility for their actions, because not only

are they doing their children a disservice but this is also affecting the overall communities and

neighborhoods as well. The intended message delivery was to inform African Americans that as

a community they cannot expect better, if they are not willing to do better and put in the work

required and unite as a team .

Work Cited

Cosby, Bill. Bill Cosby. Address at the NAACP on the 50th Anniversary of Brown v.

Board of Education. N.p., 2004 PDF file

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