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CE 161 Review Questions 21) Two types of mineral admixtures

22) True or False. Soils are

1) Ratio of volume of void to the total permeable due to interconnected
volume voids through which water can flow
2) Measures the conductivity of the soil
from points of high energy to points of
or how easily water flows through soil
low energy.
3) True or False: Total weight is equal to
23) Enumerate the three In Situ
the weight of soil and Water
4) The higher the curing temperature
24) Modes of origin of soil.
before loading decreases creep 25) Is a result of material response
5) Enumerate the factors affecting
to external load and its environment
adiabatic temperature rise. 26) It is given by the slope of stress
6) Identify the classification systems of
strain curve under uniaxial loading
soil 27) True or False. In nuclear
7) True or False. The degree of saturation
method, dense soil absorbs more
is equal to the moisture content.
radiation than loose soil.
8) True or False. Dry unit weight is
28) This is defined as the weight of
directly proportional to the moisture
soil per unit volume
content. 29) Four basic states of soil
9) True or False. Larger amount of CA
depending on moisture content.
with high elastic modulus, the greater 30) In this classification system, the
the modulus of elasticity of concrete soil texture is influenced by individual
10) Enumerate the factors affecting
particles present.
elastic modulus. 31) Mineral admixtures is also
11) True or False. Void ratio is
known as?
greater than porosity. 32) Surface active chemicals that
12) Alternation of environmental
is composed of salt of wood resins,
humidity results to a higher creep due
proteinacious materials, petroleum
to increase in microcracks in the ITZ.
acids and synthetic detergents.
13) Enumerate the applications of
33) True or False. Admixtures are
water reducing admixtures.
classified according to function.
14) For clays, signifies volume
34) Four groups under Natural
change under several water content
Pozzolanic Materials.
conditions 35) True or False. Compaction is a
15) Corresponding to a very small
time dependent process.
instantaneous strain given by initial 36) True or False. Dry density
tangent modulus increases in both compaction and
16) Measure of materials stiffness
or determining stresses induced by 37) Four types of test in triaxial
strains shear test.
17) Four stages of Stress level and 38) What are the advantages of
Microcracking triaxial test versus direct shear
18) Stage where the propagation of
strength test?
cracks increases causing bending of 39) What tests are used in field unit
curve towards the horizon weight of compaction (standard
19) Reduce solubility of calcium ions
but increases solubility of silicate and 40) Surface active chemicals that
aluminate ions has an anionic polar group
20) These are siliceous materials
hydrocarbon chain.
added to concrete in relatively large 41) Triaxial test that is used for clay
amount (20 70% by mass) soils.

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