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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


o When women who are pregnant drink large amounts of alcohol, the mothers
blood passes through the umbilical cord and the baby receives the alcohol.
o There is no safe amount of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

Signs and Characteristics

o Range of effects
Abnormal facial features
Low birth weight
Difficulty with fine motor skills- presenting more on this later
Poor coordination
Hyperactive behavior
Poor memory
Attention difficulties
o Different types of FASD
Fetal alcohol syndrome-full range of delays
Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder-intellectual disabilities
Alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD)-heart, kidney, bones and hearing

Screening and diagnosis

o To diagnose FAS
Abnormal facial features (e.g., smooth ridge between nose and upper lip)
Low Birth weight
Central nervous system problems (small head size, problems with
attention and hyperactivity, poor coordination)
Prenatal alcohol exposure; although confirmation is not required to make
a diagnosis

Intervention and Treatment

o Interventions
Medications can help with some of the symptoms
Education therapy can also help children with FASD
o Treatment
FASD is a lifelong disorder that cannot be treated but can be improved
with protective factors
Diagnosis before 6 years old
Absence of violence
Involvement with special education services

Colleen Douglas 2017

Adapted from Information was received

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