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Superior university (campus


Topic name: Correlation

Submitted to: Syed Raheel Raza

Submitted by: Syeda Zeenat Naqvi

Class: B.B.A hones (5th semester)

Roll no. 16
Correlation is used to describe the strength and direction
of the linear relationship between two variables.

It is used to determine

Relation between both variables exist or not,

The direction of relationship that is defined by the sigh
(-, +) of the test value
The strength of relationship that is defined by the test

Assumptions of correlation

1. The two variables have a relationship.

2. Each variable should be normal.
3. Outliers (i.e. extreme scores) like high and low effect
on correlation.
Check the normality of data through Skewness and
histogram curve.



Age source of stress

Valid 439 422

Missing 0 17
Skewness .564 .651

.117 .119
Std. Error of Skewness


Skewness statistical used check the normality of data.If

the value of skewness lines between +1 to -1 than
considered the data approximately normal. And in this
example the value of skewness value of age is .564 and
value of source of stress is .651. Both values of skewness
lines between +1 to -1 and this value show the normality
of these variables.


Histogram means summarized the data and check

normality. The figure shows the Highest and Lowest
value age bar. The maximum value of bar is
approximately 82 and minimum value is 2. X-axis
represent the age while Y-axis represent the frequency of
age.X-axis show the value (-20 to 100) while Y-axis (0, 20,
40, 60, 80, 100).Bell shape graph show almost normal.

Scatter plot

Scatter plot shows positive relation between age and
source of stress. In this graph linear line shows the
positive relation and if age level increase then source of
stress level automatically increase.



age source of stress

Pearson Correlation 1 .172**

Age Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 439 422
Pearson Correlation .172 1

source of stress Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 422 422

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Used SPSS and create a correlation table, both variables
almost normal and linear line show positive relation and
full fill all assumption then we use Pearson correlation.
Significant (P) value of Pearson correlation is 0.000
Significant (P) value is less than 0.05
H1 is accepted
H o is rejected
In the Pearson correlation.
In this table the direction of variables are positive and
strength of both variables is small. According to Cohen

Regression means relationship between one dependent
variable and other independent.

Assumptions of regression:
1. Dependent variable should be scale.
2. Relationship variables should be linear.
3. Normally distributed.

H1=Food expense has significant impact/effect on

income, family size, study.
H2=Food expense has no significant impact/effect on
income, family, study.
Used the multiple regression one variable dependent and
others independent.
Variables Entered/Removed

Model Variables Variables Method

Entered Removed

Student in . Enter
family, Income
of a family,
Family size

a. Dependent Variable: Food expenses

b. All requested variables entered.

Inter all variables inter in this table. The combination of
Food expenses with student in family, Income of a
family, Family size.

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate

1 .897a .804 .731 572.68706

a. Predictors: (Constant), Student in family, Income of a family, Family


R square values are explained the independent variable
now R independent variable 0.804 it is good fit. If value
less than 0.05 then consider the value is best.


Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 10762902.960 3 3587634.320 10.939 .003b

1 Residual 2623763.707 8 327970.463

Total 13386666.667 11

a. Dependent Variable: Food expenses

b. Predictors: (Constant), Student in family, Income of a family, Family size

In this table check the overall significant value. Overall
hypothesis checked through ANOVA table. The significant
value is 0.03; this value is less than 0.05 then H1 is
accepted and H0 is rejected.

Ho: a1=B=0
H1: a&B=0

Coefficients a

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.


B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 954.024 1580.839 .603 .563

Income of a family 1.092 3.153 .068 .346 .738

Family size 748.384 302.953 .636 2.470 .039

Student in family 564.521 495.135 .267 1.140 .287

a. Dependent Variable: Food expenses

Food expenses=954.02+1.09(income) +748.38(family
size) +564.52(study)


Food=954.02 is calculate through use SPSS and its

hypothesis significant value is 0.563.It is dependent
Income of a family=Value of income is 1.092 and its
significant value is 0.738
Family size=748.38 its value and significant value is
Student in family=Value is564.52 and P value is 0.287

Hypothesis significant (P) value:

Ho: a equal to 0
H1: a not equal to 0
If the value of independent variables equal to 0 then the
fixed value is 954.02 also remain.
Beta food value is fixed value in this table. If the
independent values can changed then overall value

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