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Short Questions:
1. What is the task of main method in a java program?
2. Why cant we use a keyword as a variable name?
3. Enumerate the rules for creating identifiers in java.
4. What are the 2 types of Java programs?
5. What are command line arguments? How are they useful?
6. What is Java Community Process (JCP) and Java Specification Request (JSR)?
7. List out the 8 basic data types used in java. Give an example.
8. What is a scope of a variable?
9. What is type casting?
10. What is a conditional operator or ternary operator?
11. List out the operators available in java.
12. What is type conversion?
13. What is the difference between WHILE and Do-While loop?
14. What is the difference between the keyword break & continue?
15. Explain the syantax of enhanced for loop with an example.
16. What is an array?
17. How will you represent a multidimensional array in java?
18. Explain about operator prsedence and associativity.
19. What is switch statement in Java? Explain with a program example.
20. Explain about the entry point for java programs.

Long Questions:
1. Explain in detail about Java Buzzwords (or) Java features (or) characteristics.
2. Explain in detail about Control Structures available in java.

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