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Test 3

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

A. Last summer I 1) visited (visit) the United States. I 2) had been looking. (look forward) to the
trip for ages and I 3) enjoyed (enjoy) myself very much. On the 4 th of July a friend 4) suggested..
(suggest) we go and watch the fireworks. I 5) had seen.. (see) fireworks before, but I 6) had neve
experienced (never/experience) anything like the spectacle we 7) witnessed (witness) that night.
B. Sarah 8) left. (leave) school two years ago and for the last year she 9) has been looking.
(look) for a decent job. She 10) hopes. (hope) to find work as a secretary but as she 11) has never
done. (never/do) a secretarial course before, I think she 12) will have. (have) some difficulty in
finding such a job.
C. Peter 13) was driving (drive) to work yesterday when a dog 14) ran (run) into the middle of
the road. Peter 15) managed.. (manage) to stop in time but the car which 16) was following
(follow) behind him 17) crashed. (crash) into the back of his car. Then the two cars 18) collided
(collide) with a police car which 19) was traveling (travel) in the opposite direction.

2. Correct the mistakes.

1) I've played chess since I was eight years old.
2) I used to eat at that restaurant three times a week.
3) Take some food in case you get hungry.
4) When was the last time you saw Tony?
5) They will return until noon.
6) You should better stay in bed today.
7) Mum has stopped drinking fizzy drinks. She is on a diet.
8) I forgot to call you last night. Im sorry.
9) This bag is too expensive for me to buy.
10) I saw a burglar breaking into my cousins house.

3. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1) People say that she owns several companies.
2) They are interviewing two candidates at the moment.
3) Who took that beautiful photo?
4) They had sold all the tickets by the time we arrived.
5) We shouldnt reveal anything to the press.
1) People say that several companies are owned by her.
2) At the moment two candidates are being intervied by them.
3) By whom was that beautiful photo taken?
4) By the time we arrived all the tickets had been sold.
5) Nothing should be revealed to the press.

4. Rewrite the following sentences in the reported speech using appropriate reporting verbs.
1) Be quiet or Ill send you to bed, she said to them.
2) He always makes too much noise, she said.
3) Yes, Ill lend you the money, I said to her.
4) He said, Shall we go shopping?
5) I didnt break your stereo, he said to me.
1- She warned them to be quiet or she wouls send them to bed/
2- She complained that he always made too much noise
3-- I confirmed to her that I would lend her the money.
4- He asked if we should go shopping.
5- He said that he hadn't broke my stereo.

5. Underline the correct preposition.

1) This flat is small, but it will do from/by/for the time being.
2) He gave a speech in/on/for behalf of the class.
3) I will give you the job on/in/ under condition that you work hard.
4) He was sentenced to/at/for two years in prison for his crime.
5) They emptied all the cupboards I search for/of/to the money.

6. Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold.
1) You must pay for the tickets by Friday, he said to me.
on He said on Monday I must pay for the tickets by Friday.
2) I didnt see the car until it was too late.
did Not until it was too late did I see the car.
3) I want to go on holiday, but I cant afford it.
wish I wish I could afford to go on holiday.
4) If I were you, I would apologise.
you Were I you, I would apologise.
5) She had no idea she had gone to the wrong house.
know Little did she know that she had gone to the wrong house.
6) Ruth would prefer to stay at home than go to the party.
rather Ruth prefers staying at home rather than go to the party.
7) Caroline regrets shouting at her friend yesterday.
wishes Caroline wishes she hadn't shouted at her friend yesterday.
8) I rarely went to the cinema before I got married.
go Hardly ever did I go to The cinema before I got married.
9) I dont suppose you know where Alison is, do you?, Liz said to me.
whether Liz wanted to know whether I knew where Alison was.
10) Although he is poor, he likes giving people presents.
spite He likes giving people presents in spite of being poor.

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the ing form.
1) She was unwilling to help (help).
2) I would rather eat (eat) Chinese food tonight.
3) Mary stopped buying. (buy) a newspaper on her way to work.
5) Im sorry to have to. (have to) ask you to do this but could you possibly work late tonight?
6) It was kind of you to send (send) me flowers.
7) In addition to missing (miss) the bus, she also lost her umbrella.
8) Did you remember to thank (thank) Aunt Hilary for her present?
9) He wasted valuable time talking (talk) on the phone.
10) Did he mention anything about leaving. (leave)?

8. Fill in a/an or the where necessary.

1) My perfect day in -.. London would include shopping at -. Harrods, eating at -.. Pierots and going to the
opera at - Covent Garden.
2) - Falklands are islands in the. South of the. Atlantic Ocean.
3) We heard a. lovely sermon at the church in -.. Lord Street - last night.
4) the.Nile flows from near -.Lake Victoria to ...the Mediterranean.
5) When I visit the Netherlands I always stay at the Park Hotel in - Amsterdam.

9. Translate into English.

Cum statea asa, pe jumatate adormit, isi spuse ca locul in care se afla seamana cu un cosciug. Primul cosciug in care
vazuse zacand un mort fusese cosciugul bunicului lui. In noaptea in care sicriul statuse in casa, capacul ramasese
intredeschis, proptit cu un betisor, iar Haze il privise de la distanta spunandu-si: bunicul n-o sa-I lase sa inchida
capacul peste el; la momentul potrivit o sa-si vare cotul in crapatura. Cand a venit momentul sa-l inmormanteze, au
inchis capacul cutiei si el n-a facut nici o miscare. Se trezi brusc. Auzi pasii insotitorului de tren venind pe corridor,
inabusiti de covor, venind tot mai aproape, atingand draperiile verzi si disparand catre capatul celalalt.

10. Translate into Romanian.

But after that, though she never took her eyes off the pictures, she said so little that I was afraid she was bored.
Accordingly, after we had finished one portfolio, I offered, if she desired it, to desist. I felt that she was not bored,
but her reticence puzzled me, and I wished to make her speak. I turned round to look at her, and saw that there was a
faint flush in each of her cheeks. She was waving her little fan to and fro. Instead of looking at me she fixed her eyes
upon the other portfolio, which was leaning against the table. Wont you show me that? she asked, with a little
tremor in her voice. I could almost have believed she was agitated. With pleasure, I answered, if you are not
tired. And as I took the other portfolio she laid her hand upon it, rubbing it softly.
Test 4

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

I 1) have always been. (always/be) glad I 2) said. (say) that. It was the only compliment I ever 3)
gave (give) him, because I 4) disapproved... (disapprove) of him from beginning to end. First he 5)
nodded (nod) politely, and then his face 6) broke (break) into that radiant and understanding smile, as
if we 7) had been (be) in ecstatic cahoots on the fact all the time. His gorgeous pink rag of a suit 8)
made (make) a bright spot of colour against the white steps, and I 9) thought.. (think) of the night when I
first 10) came. (come) to his ancestral home, three months before. The lawn and drive 11) had been
crowded. (be crowded) with the faces of those who guessed at his corruption and he 12) had stood
(stand) on those steps, concealing his incorruptible dream, as he waved them goodbye. I 13) thanked.. (thank)
him for his hospitality. We 14) were always thanking.. (always/ thank) him for that I and the others.

2. Fill in the correct preposition(s).

1) Im very attached to... my dog.
2) I havent heard from... my mum in ages.
3) They congratulated her for... her performance.
4) Its good to take pride of... your appearance.
5) My son is very jealous of his... younger sister.
6) Jeff has been charged ...for.. the murder of his boss.
7) I keep matches on the top shelf ...out of.. reach of my two year-old-son.
8) Sitting in the sun too long can result .to... skin cancer.
9) Could you give me some advice .on.... where to go for holidays?
10) Nuclear weapons are a threat to.... world peace.

3. Find the word which should not be in the sentence.

1) When you go on holiday, take these extra precautions.
2) Cancel the milk and also any other deliveries.
3) You move out of sight Tvs, videos and other valuables that can be seen through the window.
4) Make sure you put expensive jewellery in a safe place and ask for a friend to keep an eye on your home.
5) In this way you can relax while you will be on holiday.

4. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.
1) Youd better not be late or well miss the plane, he said.
warned He warned us not to be late, otherwise wed miss the plane.
2) David is less clever than John.
so David isnt so clever like John.
3) Why did you insist I see that awful film?
make Why did you make me see that awful film?
4) Sarah has the same number of children as her sister.
as Sarah has as many children as her sister.
5) I spent more money than was necessary at the weekend.
need I didn't need to spend so much money at the weekend.
6) Someone broke our window last night.
had We had our window broken last night.
7) I havent been to the cinema for a month.
time The last time I went to the cinema was a month ago.
8) She had just replaced the locks when she was burgled again.
sooner No sooner had she replaced the locks than she was burgled again.
9) There are only a few people who can afford three cars.
not There are not many people that can afford three cars.
10) Sue emigrated to Canada. She wanted to start a new life.
view Sue emigrated to Canada for the view of a new life.

5. Fill in the correct particle.

1) My grandmother brought up... ten children.
2) Hes recently come into... a fortune.
3) I could do with... some new shoes.
4) His parents broke up... when he was six.
5) Tom has fallen ...out. his best friend over a girl.
6) The roadworks on the motorway held us up.. for 15 minutes.
7) Colin never uses cookery books because he makes up.. his own recipes.
8) Snobs are people who look down on. others.
9) From the map I can make out. our location.
10) My parents saw me off.. at the station.

6. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1) Jack must have sent this letter.
2) I object to her using my computer.
3) My Grandfather gave me a very expensive Swiss watch.
4) Does she train all the new staff?
5) What did they open the safe with?
6) The children were feeding the dog.
7) Who broke the teapot?
8) When will they repair my car?
9) We expect him to arrive early in the morning.
10) Is Mark repairing my bicycle?
1-This letter must have been sent by Jack.
2- She was objected for using the computer.
3- This very expensive Swiss watch was iven to me by my grandfather.
4- I all the new staff trained by her?
5- With what was the safe opened?
6- The dog was being fed by the children.
7- By whom was the teapot broken?
8- When will the car be repaired?
9- He is expected to arrive early in the morning.
10 Is my bicycle being repired by Mark?

7. Put the verb in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the ing form.
Chris Weaver is thought 1) to be (be) one of the best modern artists in the world. 2) painting..(paint) and 3)
making. (make) staues are his favourite types of art but he also enjoys 4) drawing (draw). So far, he has
managed 5) to sell.. (sell) his best pieces to collectors and galleries all over the world. As a result, he has
made a lot of money. At the moment, he is planning 6) to hold. (hold) an exhibition. He would like 7) to
have. (have) it at the National Gallery in London, but he isnt sure whether he can 8) do.. (do) that or
not. As well as planing (plan) his exhibition, Chris is also busy 10) working on (work on) his latest
statue, which was ordered two months ago by a famous actress for her new mansion in Miami.

8. Rephrase the following sentences using a modal verb.

1) Why dont we go to Spain on holiday this year?Can we go to Spain on holiday this year?
2) Perhaps Tony has gone to work early.Tony might have gone to work early.
3) Policemen are obliged to wear a uniform while on duty.Policemen must wear a uniform whilw on duty.
4) Simon managed to climb the mountain although it was steep. Simon could climb the mountain although it was
5) It is forbidden to sound the alarm for no reason.You must not sound the alarm for no reason.
6) How about watching a video this evening.Can we watch a video tis evening?
7) Im certain Martin heard me calling him.Martin must have heard me calling him.
8) Im sure Paul isnt an engineer.Paul can't be an engineer.
9) I advise you to open a bank account.You should open a bank account.
10) It wasnt necessary for him to help me but he did.He shouldn't have helped me but he did.

9. Correct the mistakes.

1) Im three inches shorter than you.
2) Steve is older than me.
3) That little boy sang like a bird.
4) Let me know if you need any future help.
5) The church is the oldest building in the village.

10. Write the past tense and tha past participle of the following irregular verbs.
Break broke broken, bear bore borne, begin began begun, buy bought bouht, burn burnt burnt, choose chose chosen,
dig dug dug, deal dealt dealt, drink drank drunk, drive drove driven, fight fought fought, forbid forbade forbidden,
freeze froze frozen, lead led led, mean meant meant, meet met met, pay paid paid, ride rode ridden, shake shook
shaken, shoot shot shot, spill spilt spilt, spread spread spread, stick stuck stuck, strike struck struck, tear tore torn,
throw threw thrown, wake woke woken.

11. Rewrite the following conversation in Reported Speech.

Ive got a job interview today. Can you give me some advice? said Graham. Well, said Tracy, You should dress
smartly. You neednt wear a suit, but you had better wear a tie. You must arrive on time. And you ought to prepare
some questions about the company. Thanks, said Graham. Ill let you know how I get on. Yes, phone me
tonight, Tracy replied.
Graham said that he's got a job interview that day. He asked Tracy if she could give him an advice. Tracy adviced
him to dress smartly. She said he doesn't need to wear a suit, but he should better wear a tie. She told him that he
must arrive on time and also prepare some questions about the company. Graham thanked her and said that he would
let her know how he got on. Tracy told him to phone her that night.

12. Translate into Romanian.

It was nine oclock when we finished breakfast and went out on the porch. The night had made a sharp difference in
the weather and there was an autumn flavour in the air. The gardener, the last one of Gatsbys former servants, came
to the foot of the steps. Im going to drain the pool today, Mr Gatsby. Leavesll start falling pretty soon, and then
theres always trouble with the pipes. Dont do it today, Gatsby answered. He turned to me apologetically. You
know, old sport, Ive never used that pool all summer. I looked at my watch and stood up. Twelve minutes to my
train I didnt want to go to the city. I wasnt worth a decent stroke of work, but it was more than that I didnt want
to leave Gatsby. I missed that train, and then another, before I could get myself away. We shook hands and I started
away. Just before I reached the hedge I remembered something and turned around. Theyre a rotten crowd, I
shouted across the lawn. youre worth the whole damn bunch put together.

13. Translate into English.

Primul lucru neobisnuit pe care se trezi ca-l face fu acela de a-si economisi banii. Ii pastra pe toti, in afara de cei pe
care-I dadea proprietaresei in fiecare saptamana si de cei care-i trebuiau pentru mancare. Mai tarziu constata, spre
surprinderea lui, ca nici nu mai mananca asa de mult si ca pune deoparte chiar si acesti bani. Avea o adevarata
pasiune pentru supermarketuri si-si petrecea acolo cam o ora in fiecare dupa-amiaza, cand pleca de la slujba,
invartindu-se printre cutiile de conserve si citind textele de pe pachetele cu cereale. In ultimul timp fusese nevoit
chiar sa sterpeleasca cate ceva pe ici, pe colo, lucruri mici care nu-I umflau prea tare buzunarele, si se intreba daca
asta o fi motivul pentru care reusea sa cheltuiasca asa de putini bani pe mancare. Poate ca asa era, dar faptul ca
economisea banii I se parea a fi legat de o problema mult mai serioasa. Avusese totdeauna o inclinatie spre furt, dar
nu pusese niciodata bani deoparte.

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