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SUNY Delhi MS in Nursing Education

Professional Nursing Standards and Guidelines

As you proceed through the graduate nursing program, you will engage in numerous learning activities
that relate to professional nursing standards and guidelines (PSNGs). The MS program is guided by these
professional standards, which provide the expectations for these advanced roles in nursing. This exercise
provides an opportunity to link your learning activities to these nursing standards.

The Essentials of Masters Education in Nursing (AACN, 2011)

National League of Nursing Nurse Educator Competencies
o Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2016). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (5th ed.). St Louis: MO: Elsevier.

The learning outcomes for this assessment exercise are to:

Provide an understanding of the integration of professional nursing standards into the graduate
program curriculum
Enable reflection of achievement of each professional standard as evidenced by learning activities in
the graduate program
Link the program outcomes to the learning activities throughout the graduate nursing program.

Graduate Program Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Integrate advanced knowledge and theories from nursing and related disciplines into the nurse educator role

2. Use scientific inquiry and quality principles to identify problems and individualize patient care designed to improve care

3. Apply advanced knowledge of leadership and management to effect change, and influence health policy to transform care
delivery systems
4. Practice inter-professional collaboration for improving patient and population health outcomes

5. Demonstrate competence in the advanced nursing role to meet current and emerging health needs of a global changing society

6. Apply teaching/learning principles with patients and/or students across the continuum of care in a variety of settings

The professional standards are provided below; please refer to the sources above for detailed descriptions
of the standards.

The Essentials of Masters Education in Nursing

Essential I: Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities
Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership
Essential III: Quality Improvement and Safety
Essential IV: Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice
Essential V: Informatics and Healthcare Technologies
Essential VI: Health Policy and Advocacy
Essential VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes
Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health
Essential IX: Masters-Level Nursing Practice

National League of Nursing Nurse Educator Competencies

Competency 1: Facilitate Learning

Competency 2: Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization

Competency 3: Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

Competency 4: Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes

Competency 5: Function as a Change Agent and Leader

Competency 6: Pusure Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Role

Competency 7: Engage in Scholarship

Competency 8: Function Within the Educational Environment

Name ______________Marjorie Reilly ________________

Complete the table below in Columns 2, 3, and 4. In Columns 2 and 3 identify at least one Essential and/or
Core Competency, and then an example of an assignment or learning activity that met this standard.
Identify the assignment and describe the outcome in 50-75 words, followed by a brief statement as to how
this met the standard. In Column 4, identify the number(s) of the Graduate Program Student Learning
Outcome (listed above) that links to these course activities.

Professional Nursing Standards and Guidelines

Graduate Nursing MSN Essentials NLN Core MSN Graduate

Course Competencies Program Student
Learning Outcomes

NURS 600: Development of Essential I Competency 2 - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

the Nurse Educator Background for Facilitate Learner
Practice from Science Development and
and Humanities: Socialization
Outcomes # 1, 4, 7, 8
This assignment helped
Assignment: Personal me understand my
Philosophy of Nursing responsibilities as an
Education educator to identify
student learning needs,
In this assignment a and to provide resources
personal philosophy of to support them (such
learning and education as advisement and
was created. This counsel). The
exercise integrated importance of creating
nursing science and learning environments
theory, and employed that are focused on
ethical analysis and socialization to the
consideration. In nursing role, and that
addition, evidence from also encourage and
the literature was support self-reflection,
synthesized to self- and peer-
determine appropriate evaluation, and goal-
application of setting, was also
interventions to be highlighted. The
taught to, and modeled importance of teaching
for, students in order to methods, interpersonal
effect change in the care interactions, and
environment. In modeling of professional
addition, nursing and behaviors were all
educational history and reinforced by this
theory were analyzed in exercise.
order to formulate an
evidence-based Summary:
philosophy of education. This assignment helped
me to identify a number
Summary: of strategies I will
This exercise met employ in order to
Essential I by providing create a nurturing
me with an opportunity learning environment to
for investigation, facilitate learner
reflection, and creation development and
of a personal philosophy socialization. Ultimately,
of education with a these strategies will help
background from the learners meet their
sciences and professional and
humanities. This personal goals.
assignment helped me
to develop a much
deeper understanding of
the vital interplay
between the sciences
and humanities in
nursing practice, which
is vital to my practice as
a nursing educator.

NURS 601: Principles of Essential IX - Competency 1- 1, 2, 5, 6

Teaching and Learning Masters Level Facilitate Learning
Nursing Practice:
Outcomes # 2, 4, 6, 7, These exercises
11, 12, 14 implemented a variety
of teaching strategies
Assignments: grounded in educational
Designing a lesson, theory and evidence-
Parts A, B, and C. based teaching
practices, to deliver
Lessons in EKG content using
interpretation and information technologies
interventions were to a diverse learner
designed using online population. These
technology, and exercises facilitated
integrated evidence- critical thinking and
based concepts from clinical reasoning. To
nursing and other create these lessons, it
sciences. Also included was necessary for me to
were epidemiological, update and reinforce my
social and knowledge-base in order
environmental data, risk to be sure the content
assessment, and would appropriately
disease management prepare learners for
concepts. contemporary nursing
Integrated teaching and practice.
learning principles
included Blooms Levels Summary:
of understanding, and These lessons met the
varied teaching competency of
strategies for content facilitating learning
delivery. The importance through the use of
of remaining current in evidence-based content,
the principles of EKG and varied teaching
interpretation and strategies. These
interventions served to lessons will ultimately
further highlight the help to prepare learners
necessity of lifelong for contemporary
learning. nursing practice.

The essential of Masters
Level Nursing Practice
was met by using
teaching and learning
principles to designing
lessons for ADN nursing
students using online
technology to deliver
evidence-based content.
These lessons will
ultimately result in safe
evidence-based care for
NURS 602: Curriculum Essential II - Competency 5 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
Development and Organizational and Function as a Change
Instructional Design Systems Leadership: Agent and Leader
Outcomes # 1, 2, 3, 6,
7 This assignment helped
me to identify the
Curriculum Case important skills of
Study: Northern innovation and creativity
Lights School of for the nursing educator
Nursing and leader. Also
reinforced were the
This case study centered upon importance of
the appointment of a organizational
curriculum leader at Northern effectiveness and
Lights School of Nursing. It organizational change,
highlighted the vast as well as the
importance of team importance of adopting
coordination, oversight and a long-term perspective
accountability, and effective when considering
communication skills such as: organizational or
scholarly writing, speaking, curricular changes. In
and group interaction. addition, the
Principles of organization, and significance of
the importance of cultivating
implementing systems change interdisciplinary
strategies in the development relationships necessary
of effective nursing education to success as a
curriculum were also transformational leader
underscored by this exercise. to implement change
were covered by this
Summary: assignment as well.
This assignment met Essential
II by highlighting a number of Summary:
important areas for The importance of
consideration in organizational transformational leadership
and systems leadership. The style in the individuals at the
importance of organizational helm of an organization or
competency and committee, the leadership of
transformational leadership, individuals charged with
spearheading projects, staying leading projects, and the
current, moving forward, and importance of mentorship in
facilitating growth of cultivating new leaders were
colleagues in order to highlighted by this case study
ultimately improve the exercise. These qualities are all
healthcare environment were vital to the success of a nursing
all reinforced by this exercise. educator in the role of change
agent and leader.
NURS 603: Measurement Essential IV - Competency 3 Use 1, 2, 5, 6
and Evaluation in Nursing Translating and Assessment and
Education Integrating Evaluation Strategies
Scholarship into
Practice: Outcomes # This assignment helped
1, 3, 4, 5, 6 me to learn how to
produce evidence-based
Assignments: assessment and
Objective Tests evaluation tools in the
Design and form of objective test
Considerations exam questions. These
questions evaluated
This assignment learning in the cognitive
required me to critique domain, and were
and integrate theory, appropriate to the
evidence, clinical learner and the learning
judgement, and goals. Data from this
research in order to assessment could be
construct objective test used to enhance
exam questions which teaching and learning,
would accurately and would provide
measure student feedback to learners as
learning. In addition, the well.
assignments helped me
learn how to assess and Summary:
measure student This assignment helped
understanding of me learn to create
evidence-based nursing assessment and
concepts. Ultimately, evaluation tools. These
learning how to measure tools will not only
student learning will measure student
help me to produce learning, but will help
teaching and learning me to determine the
content that will effectiveness of
ultimately improve teaching and learning
nursing practice and the strategies used in
care environment. delivering content.

This assignment meet
Essential IV by helping
me to translate and
integrate scholarship
into practice through the
careful creation of exam
questions which reflect
current theory,
evidence, and research
in order to assess
student learning.
NURS 604: Graduate Essential VIII - Clinical Competency 6 1, 4, 5, 6
Practicum I Prevention and Pursue Continuous
Population Health for Quality Improvement
Improving Health in the Nurse Educator
Outcomes: Outcomes Role
# 1, 3, 4, 5
This experience
Assignment: reinforced the
Practicum, Part 1, importance of lifelong
Remote Area Medical learning. I identified
(RAM). number of opportunities
for my practice as an
This assignment educator in providing
deepened my similar service and
understanding of widely clinical experiences to
varied determinants of students. This
health. I participated in experience helped me to
patient-centered and imagine ways to balance
culturally responsive service with my other
strategies in the delivery nursing educator
of health care responsibilities. The
interventions. I was able feedback from my peers,
to explain to patients and many other
the importance of participants, helped to
screenings (such as further reveal the value
mammograms), and of participating in similar
management of chronic opportunities for growth
illnesses such as as both a clinical nurse
hypertension and and nursing educator.
diabetes. Translators
and teach-back methods Summary:
were utilized in order to This experience helped
help ensure that health to highlight areas in
education was which I might grow my
linguistically practice in order to
appropriate, and tailored better pursue quality
to the patients learning improvement in my role
needs. as a nurse educator.
However, I think the
Summary: most valuable lesson I
gained from this
Participating in RAM met experience was the
Essential VIII by helping importance of
me to identify issues, continually seeking out
barriers, and logistical new experiences, which
concerns which impact might help to open my
the provision of eyes to possibilities for
interventions to improve growth that I might
population health. never imagine on my
NURS 605: Graduate Essential IX - Competency 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Practicum II Masters Level Function within the
Nursing Practice: Educational
Outcomes # 2, 5, 8, 9, Environment
11, 12, 14, 15
In collaboration with Dr.
Assignment: Learning Julie London, I identified
Contract (Specifically and discussed current
teaching and trends in higher
collaborating with education. I collaborated
Instructor Julie London in in efforts which
the Online SUNY Delhi enhanced nursings
RN-BSN course, Teaching academic influence. I
and Learning). also reflected upon and
obtained valuable
Evidence from nursing insight into areas
and other sciences, and influencing my
ethical and scientific professional goals. I
principles were utilized integrated and
in discussions, witnessed the values of
assignments, and respect, collegiality,
feedback. Students were professionalism, and
coached and taught caring, which very
through classroom obviously fosters the
discussion and development of faculty
assignment feedback and students alike. I also
which was consistent evaluated opportunities
with my personal (and for leadership and
ever-evolving) governance for nursing
philosophy of nursing. faculty.
Teaching and learning
principles were taught, Summary:
and used, in delivering This experience had me
content. In addition, functioning within the
tools and strategies to education environment
facilitate lifelong as an educator, and also
learning and gave me the opportunity
professional practice of to observe and
students were participate in
integrated through both governance efforts.
modeling and discussion Being exposed to so
with students. many facets of the
nursing educators role
Summary: has helped to influence
Essential IX was met by my views in regard to
using teaching and my own professional
learning principles to goals, and was thus an
deliver content and to extremely valuable
provide feedback to learning experience.
students. A wide variety
of masters level
competencies were used
in this experience.

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