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Corbin Marucco
Professor Newport
Research paper

Pipelines spill and Tar sands kill! There are about 20 spills a day here in the United

States (Americas Oil And Gas Industry Averaged At Least 20 Spills Per Day In 2013, Emily

Atkin) This is the biggest problem that the United States faces as a whole to this day. We are

killing our country from the inside out with the damage that the oil spills have on our

environment. Not to mention the destruction the spills have on our local communities around the

spill sites. After a Tar sands spill the average clean up rate is 15% and this is considered a

success. (Before The Flood, Leonardo DiCaprio). The fracking industry, if left unchecked, could

potentially kill millions of people, and speed up the effects of global warming, because fracking

is one of the leading causes for greenhouse gases to be emitted and the chemicals used in

fracking contain many cancer-causing agents.

The boom in oil over the past two decades

has been the result of the new technique of oil

extraction called fracking. Fracking or Hydro

fracking is a form of extracting oil from

shales in the earth by pumping water, sand,

and other hazardous chemicals into the

shales to break them up and harvest the

gases and the oils that come up from the broken

Gives a view from the public
shales. When the oil comes up to the

surface the fracking fluids must be put into tailing ponds due to their toxicity and are shot back

into the earth as wells under the surface of the earth.

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One problem that we face as American citizens is that we always want the latest and

greatest technology that we can get our hands on. Which comes to the question that if there is

progress to be made is it always good progress? There have been new technologies advancing

the process of fracking, but this is not necessarily a very good thing. With the new

advancements in the fracking industry it has come to develop more problems with the release of

more methane than ever before. These drilling fields produce almost 100 times more methane

than what the EPA had estimated. The study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the

National Academy of Sciences, found that drilling operations at seven well pads emitted 34

grams of methane per second, on average, much higher than the EPA-estimated 0.04 grams to

0.30 grams of methane per second. (Ari Phillips, Think Progress) This shows that even the

programs that we have in place to watch these companies are not able to stay on top of the

problems these companies are producing.

Cancer in the water?

This industry that we are all looking at to produce one of the biggest commodities, oil, is

poisoning our earth with the new fracking methods that these companies are using. These

companies do not report all the chemicals they use in their pumping method other than the

water and sand. What we know about the chemicals used is they are all cancer-causing agents

that can contaminate our water supply and sicken hundreds of people. Just like what happened

in the Kalamazoo spill.

This spill happened in the Kalamazoo river in Michigan. There was a 6-foot rupture in the

pipe and it leaked for 17 hours before Enbridge shut down the flow of tar sands to this pipe.

(David Hasemyer, Inside Climate News) The effect this had on the citizens that lived on the river

was detrimental to their way of life. The spill turned the river and Little Tallmadge Creek black

with oil. The air was so rank with its toxic smell that emergency hotlines were flooded with calls
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from people sickened by the fumes. (David Hasemyer, Inside Climate News) These toxic fumes

can kill if inhaled for too long and make those that have existing lung conditions worse.

These are the types of catastrophes that happen from spills and other types of exposure

from the pipelines. It ruins people's livelihood, not to mention the destruction that the spills

cause to the wildlife that lives around the river. The spill has taken away the residents and

animals main source of water and for some of them their food. These spills can easily kill an

entire ecosystem, and keep it from ever coming back. Also, residents had to leave their homes

for this spill; the toxic fumes and the toxicity of the oil itself could give someone multiple

diseases, including cancer. That is not an environment that you would want to raise your child

in, a cancerous, dead, toxic wasteland.

The economic benefit to the pumping of tar sand is drastic for the American economy,

the moment we tapped into our shales and started hydro fracking is the moment that our

economy sky rocketed. Oil production has jumped up 88% from 2008- 2015 and has

significantly reduced gas prices, fuel imports, and heating and electricity costs for households

and businesses, while at the same time cutting carbon emissions from energy to near 20-year

lows. (Energy Tomorrow, Page 1). Besides lowering gas prices, it opens many job opportunities.

By 2035 the companies have projected that they will be able to give jobs to 1.9 million people.

57% of the jobs that are projected by 2035 will be in the blue-collar field; these people

will be working in factories and doing the down and dirty work of the hard-working American. But

have we looked fully into all options for us to promote the best way to extend the job search for

all Americans? 7.7 million jobs were supported to the American citizens by renewable energy

and this was after budget cuts in 2014. The future in the job market is for investors to start

considering renewable energy, we have no sustainable energy for the United States to stay in

the oil industry. We have a limited supply of oil but the sun, wind, and water will never run out.

They are an endless supply of energy and we must take advantage of that.
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Earthquakes?! Where??
Fracking has not only made ground water toxic but has killed much of the wildlife around

their drilling sites and spills. The drilling stations have also been a key factor in creating

earthquakes in states that normally do not have as many earthquakes. Due to the hundreds of

fracking sites in the state of Oklahoma. it is now more earthquake prone than California.

Between 1990 and 2008, Oklahoma had only three earthquakes per year that registered at 3.0

or more on the Richter scale. In 2013, Oklahoma had 109 earthquakes. (Carl Gibson, Reader

Supported News) That number has increased to 238 as of June 2014. One quake caused by

drilling destroyed 14 homes in Oklahoma City, injured two people and buckled pavement. (Carl

Gibson, Reader Supported News) This is shocking news! Because of these drilling sites we

have taken a state that is not prone to earthquakes and surpassed a state, California, where

earthquakes are a part of the everyday life and has one of the biggest fault lines in the United

States running through it.

There is never a perfect direction for the

way we wish to move forward with progress

in the United States. These American

citizens, who lived by the drills, were notified

that a fracking drill was to be put in near

Destruction of an earthquake their homes so they could decide if they

wanted to move or stay. The fracking process does not by itself cause these earthquakes we

are seeing in states where fracking is becoming a huge process; it is the distribution of the

fracking wells. These fracking wells are causing the earthquakes because of poor placement.

These oil companies are placing their well sites near fault lines, thus when pressure is added to

push all the fracking water into the wells it adds extra pressure on the fault lines causing them to
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crack and earthquakes are a result. Frohlich cited six earthquakes since 2008 in Texas,

Arkansas, Colorado, Ohio, and Oklahoma, ranging from a magnitude of 3.3 to a magnitude of

5.7. Their locations show that human-caused earthquakes are geographically widespread and

geologically diverse, but "very rare," given the amount of petroleum produced and the amount of

waste being disposed of. (Vickie Smith, Associated Press) The scientist Frohlich speaks to the

fact of the disposal sites being the main cause to these earthquakes, but does this really mean

that it is okay to keep using this method to extract oil and other natural gases from the earth?

We must look at these well sites as our priority. They are what is really causing the

earthquakes according to scientists, but is moving these sites really going to affect the result

they have on our earth? It seems like a simple fix, move the well sites away from the fault lines

and continue drilling wherever. The problem with that is that the well sites have to be near the

drilling sites in order to be able to extract the toxic chemicals that come out of the pressurized

process. This makes it next to impossible to move the wells far away from the fault lines they

are drilling on. The United States

government has known about these wells

causing earthquakes since 1969. Now the

United states has more earthquakes than

ever before. The state of Oklahoma has

surpassed California for the total number of

Destruction of an earthquake 2
earthquakes a year, all do to the fact of the

United States allowing these companies to continue to drill for oil even though it is destroying

the ground we live on as citizens. So much for defending against all threats foreign and


The Frankenstein Effect that this industry has on our country is the question of just

because we can, should we, knowing all the effects we know this industry has on humans or

land? We have a better alternative to this type of drilling and it does not take throwing cancer
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causing agents into the ground and releasing methane that is destroying our atmosphere. This

is converting to solar, wind and water technology. These are all self-sustaining ways of collecting

energy. We cannot blow through these types of energy because they are everlasting. Some

countries are already working on ways to keep the oil at a minimum and use other ways to

harness cleaner energy to use. We are using one way that we know works, but are ignoring all

the signs that this is killing us. Just like Victor Frankenstein saw his monster as the greatest

technology or creation that was ever made because he beat death. Until his monster turned on

him and made his life hell. Do we really have to wait for these oil companies, that are excited

about their new creation of technology to make fracking become more cost effective, finally

realize they have killed our planet and step in and try to reverse the hundreds of years of killing

and destruction they have done to our citizens and planet.

These oil companies have every resource in their power to use when it comes to

keeping their drilling stations and pipelines open. The biggest controversy over pipelines came

up when Standing Rock was brought into the spotlight, this is the tribe that is fighting the North

Dakota access pipeline. These companies can hire private security and local law enforcement

to become their own special army to fight protesters and keep them out of the companys hair.

Differing reports will come in from the oil companies about the pipeline and the protestors.

These reports will differ from what actually is and what they want people to know, because the

private security company and the oil company will not disclose what really happens to the

protesters in order to keep the image of the companies good with the media. Tribe spokesman

Steve Sitting Bear said protesters reported that six people had been bitten by security dogs,

including a young child. At least 30 people were pepper-sprayed, he said. Preskey, reporter for

Fox News, also said law enforcement authorities had no reports of protesters being injured.

(Fox news) This report speaks to the fact that these oil companies will do anything to keep their

company up and moving. This includes the reckless endangerment of the public with allowing

children to be attacked by dogs and placing 30 people in need of medical attention. These
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companies will not report incidents like this. They only report that a police officer and two dogs

needed medical attention but with no details. This is to allow the public to run wild with their

imaginations on what happened to the police officer and their dogs. This helps the oil company

turn the public's favor to them and against the protestors.

We are wasting what drinking water we have stored and are currently using for the

process of fracking. We are using 2 to 10 million gallons every time a well is fractured on the

biggest shale in the United States. (Greenpeace, Fracking Environmental Impacts: Water)

People all over the U.S. are losing their precious

drinking water because these companies are

pumping toxic chemicals into the ground to

obtain oils and natural gases; and this fracking

liquid is coming up from the wells, spilling out

and contaminating rivers, ponds and other water

Protesters fighting fracking resources that lay around these fracking wells.

Not to mention the water that lays underneath the surface, this is where much of our drinking

water comes from. The EPA estimated that 70 to 140 billion gallons of water were used to

fracture just 35,000 wells in the United States, more than was used by the city of Denver,

Colorado in the same time period.(Greenpeace, Frackings Environmental Impact: water) As of

2012, the fracking industry has drilled around 1.2 million wells, and is slated to add at least

35,000 new wells every year. (Jeff Goodell, The Big Fracking Bubble: The Scam Behind the

Gas Boom, Rolling Stone). This evidence shows that this industry is out of control and needs to

be pulled back to planet earth and shown what they are doing to our planet just to make a dollar.

The biggest and most prominent problem that fracking poses on the world is the huge

release of methane. Fracking is not good for the climate or, to put it a tad more scientifically, by

The Time Natural Gas Has A Net Climate Benefit Youll Likely Be Dead And The Climate
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Ruined. (Joe Ramm, Methane Leaks Erase Climate Benefit Of Fracked Gas) This shows that

we need to put a stop to fracking. If we cannot use this process to benefit the earth and only kill

the earth then why should we keep funding this process if we are putting future generations at

risk. It is time that we stop the cycle of its up to your generation and we do something now.

Does it smell like methane in

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The fracking industry is single

handedly causing one of the

biggest productions of methane in

the United States by producing

almost 44% of the United States

greenhouse emissions in the next

20 years. (Fracking and Climate

(photo: Earth News Media)
Change, The Council of

Canadians). As a country, we are single handedly putting out increasingly more emissions every

day. In Texas, the EPA has done a study with shocking results, the state of Texas alone has

been producing 90% more methane emissions than what was predicted (Lisa Song Inside

Climate News). These facts are being brought to light as more and more studies are being done

on fracking. Methane is catastrophic to the world's climate. The EPA is learning increasingly

more about the toxic effect that methane has on our world and with each new discovery brings

more of a reason to shut down this method of oil extraction. Discoveries have been made that in

a 20-year time scale, methane is 86 times more potent than CO2 and on a 100-year time scale,

it is 36 times more potent. (Christina Nunez Inside Climate News). These new discoveries are in

the front running on why we need to act as a country and shut down these fracking companies

before we end our planets chance to reverse any damage that we have done so far. We must

stand up to the oil companies and put a stop to their unchecked rain on the natural gas shales in

the earth.

As we continue to try and put a stop to this fracking problem we must check the

economic effect of our country if these fracking companies were to go under. The fracking

process started back in the 1940s and has ever since worked side by side with the government

and these companies as huge revenue ports. (Christina Nunez, The Great Energy Challenge)

This program has produced around 1.7 million jobs and 3 million dollars in revenue alone. Not to
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mention the 62 million dollars it has made in the government revenue. (Christina Nunez, The

Great Energy Challenge) This is a huge industry for our revenue as a country and to stop this

income from our country could be detrimental to the United States Economy, and could topple

the economy along with one of the biggest incomes for the United States Government. We use

natural gas to try and cut down on our need for foreign oil, scientists admit that natural gas is

not a permanent solution. Thus, making the way for the renewable energy department to kick in

and take over the market. The biggest debate on record are the jobs in the oil industry, because

these jobs can be restructured into renewable energy positions. Think about it, these wind

turbines, solar panels, and hydro dams will not build themselves. ( The building of

these materials and the running of these farms will take a lot of manpower and brainpower.

Renewable energy will open the option for so many opportunities in the job front. Wind and solar

jobs are skyrocketing through the United States Economy. Jobs in the wind industry are

booming 12 times faster in the United States Economy. (Dana Varinsky, Business Insider) Jobs

are growing in the industry, not just in the wind industry, but also in solar and water. These

versions of energy are skyrocketing because of the new need for jobs in the different

departments of energy other than oil. Trump signed the executive order for the Keystone

Pipeline saying that it would create 28,000 good construction jobs, but he has exaggerated this

number by a factor of 7. (Dana Varinsky, Business Insider)

I created a personal survey to get an understanding of where the basic public's

knowledge is on the topic of fracking. I had my classmates as well as a few other people take

this survey on 8 basic questions on information that I first learned when diving into the subject of

fracking last year. I feel that I sampled the proper age range because after all we are the future

of America and as the future we should be educated on a topic that is going to impact the very

future that we stand on today. The average score for my survey, given in quiz form, was a 65%.

This demonstrates my conclusion that there is not much known about fracking in our up and

coming adults. What shocked me most about the results was how misinformed people were
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about the United States fracking companies in the questions they did get right. The question

was asked What is the biggest fracking

company in the United States?. Most

answered Enbridge, which is the top oil

company in Canada, this shows how little

knowledge people have because this is the

biggest company in the news today for

Survey taken about Fracking
fracking. To make a stand against these companies, we need to show the companies that come

through the United States that we will not stand for our own oil companies, let alone a foreign

company coming into our country, to run pipes and drill in our own lands. The other fact that

shocked me the most is the dangers of the pollution in our air and water from Fracking. Less

than 50% of the students that took this survey understood the dangers of fracking to our water.

Help me Im drowning
We always talk about the problems that the pipeline can cause to our environment, but

these oil and gas companies never take into consideration that oil is killing the environment.

These companies are not taking the environment into consideration. The biggest pipeline in the

United States is the Dakota Access Pipeline. This Pipeline has been under scrutiny for passing

through the Standing Rock Sioux Tribes land, but in reality, this pipeline does not go through the

Tribes land. The pipeline instead goes under a lake a few miles north of the tribes land. The

pipeline has been created to be Americas safest and most ecofriendly way to transport oil from

domestic wells to the American citizens. (Dakota Access facts) Companies like Enbridge put up

their own websites with this information to help their cause and remain favorable in the public

eye. They are trying to show everyone that the protesters are taking jobs away and delaying the

future of American infrastructure. (Dakota Access Facts) The real problem and what the tribe
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and protesters are fighting for is to save their drinking water.(personal experience at Standing

Rock) The Dakota access pipeline along with 7 other pipelines cross under the Lake Ohane

(Dakota Access Facts); this causes alarm for the tribe because this lake is the main water

supply for the entire reservation.(Personal experience at the reservation) Without this lake the

tribe would be forced to give up the water they have relied on for generations. Along with the

sacred hunting and fishing lands their ancestors have handed down for generations. The

placement for the pipeline is nowhere near as ecofriendly as the company claims. If this pipeline

were to burst, and all pipelines do eventually, Lake Ohane would be completely contaminated

and kill all the wildlife in the lake, along with any animals or humans that would use that lake for

food and water, especially the Native Americans on

the Standing Rock reservation.

Fracking is one of the biggest components

to the oil industry and revenue for the American

government. If left uncheck, this industry can

North Dakota Access Pipeline 1
destroy the environment and the world we live in.

Frackings two biggest concerns to our country are the constant spills that happen every day

and the seismic activity that has increased due to hydro fracking. Arkansas has surpassed the

state of California for the number of earthquakes per year due to the constant hydro fracking

that is happening in this rich state. (Carl Gibson, Reader Supported News) As Bernie Sanders,

senator of Vermont, has said, I am very proud that the state of Vermont has banned fracking. I

hope communities all over California, and all over America do the same. This quote shows that

big name scientists and senators all agree this process should be stopped for the safety of our

planet and our people.

We need to take action now, this is not a dilemma that we can push off to the generation

after us, as so many have done before us. We are the last generation that can make a
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difference before it is too late. If we dont take down these companies and make them pay for

what they have done to our planet then we need to make new regulations for these companies

to follow. Ones that punish companies heavily for the wrong doings that they commit. For

example, for every pipeline that goes up one must be shut down, or not allowed to run over a

certain amount of years for they could become faulty over time. Otherwise, we run the risk of

allowing these oil companies to continue to use faulty equipment while they show us their new

fancy toy that is supposed to suppress the bad images of their old toys. These pipelines could

destroy all those who cannot speak for themselves or are pushed aside because of their little

numbers: the animals, Native Americans, and farmers. Who is to say that the regular public is

not next. Who is to say that you will not open your mail box one day to a letter saying your land

has been bought up and you need to evacuate or you can stay and deal with a pipeline that is

running right through your backyard. I know I would not want to bring up a family next to a

pipeline, would you? Margaret Mead once said, Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,

committed citizens can change the world. We should all want to be a part of a group like this.

The African tribes used to have a belief; humans went through not one but two deaths, the first

was of the body and the second was of the name. A member of the society never really dies

until their name is forgotten, do not let your name be another forgotten word. Stand for what you

believe in and what is right in your heart.

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Survey Results








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