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Random CCLD Technical Certificate Questions and Answers:

Identify the main influences that may affect the social development of children
learning difficulties, language barriers eg EAL, no previous experience of a setting, language delay
eg speech difficulties, being an only child, being shy.

Describe how snack and mealtimes can support the social development of children
sitting together, waiting their turn, discussing preferences, communicating, reading each other's
body language, forming friendships.

Identify the possible affects of transitions on the development of children
Any sort of change in the life of a child eg a new baby in the family or moving house is bound to be
hard on a child emotionally, but these help children to build their resillience and give them
experience of having to adapt to new situations. Child may appear tearful, clingy, reluctant to part
with parent/carer, withdrawn, display attention seeking behaviour.

Describe ways the practitioner can support children through transitions
Spending one to one time with the child, preparing them for the change that will occur, or about the
change that has occurred. Maybe encorporate this into a general "circle time" discussion. Help the
child see the positives of the situation eg new baby=someone to play with, new house=new
bedroom. Stay in close contact with the family and keep a good communication going between you
so that both you and they know how the child is coping with the transition.

Explain how observations can be used to support the development of children
Observations tell you at what stage a child is in their development and if they are at the right level
for their age range. They give you an idea of what they are capable of and what goals to set them to
achieve next. They also flag up any developmental delays or concerns. Also helps with the planning
of activities for the children because you can make sure they are age and stage appropriate.

Explain why it is important for practitioners to understand the pattern of development of
children from birth to 16 years.
So that the practioner is aware what children at each stage of development should be achieving,
they can also be aware of any developmental delays, difficulties or concerns, and they can help to
put measures into place which should help a child overcome such difficulties eg IEP for language
development or PBP for behavioural problems. And so that activities can be planned and pitched at
the correct level so that a child's self esteem is kept on an even keel as activities are not too hard or
too easy, but challenge the children appropriately and encourage them to achieve more as they
progress through life.

Reflect on the reasons why everyday care routines are important in early years group settings.
Helps the child to feel settled and know what to expect. Helps to promote independence. Help the
child feel safe, happy and well cared for. Helps to establish consistency for the child between setting
and home. They are an essential part of health and safety eg washing hands etc Parents know that
their children are receiving the best care. Provide children with skills for life eg basic time keeping,
going to the toilet, dressing etc, and helps prepare them for starting school.

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