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FOR RELEASE ON APRIL 28TH Contact: Austin Rae 949-735-0111

New App Rewards Concentration on Homework

Elon, NC - [April 19th, 2017] Imagine your child being able to focus on their homework without
having to worry about the distractions of their phone. There is a new app being released that
parents have been asking for for years.

This app, designed by Focus, Inc., allows children to focus all his/her attention into their
schoolwork by integrating his/her coursework and blocking out social media distractions.

The FocusMe app connects to the students courseware website and uploads all the assignments
and deadlines to the app. Also, the app disables various phone features when students havent
finished their work. For example, the user might set it so if there are 4 to do items, all features
are available. If there are 5, social media apps are disabled. If there are 6, music is disabled, etc.

There are various features that can be disabled like:

Social media apps

Texting apps
Phone Calls except 911
Gaming Apps

This rewards system incentivizes students to finish their work and then get their phone features
unlocked again.

The app also plays consistent background coffeeshop noise which enhances cognitive flow, a
psychological state in which you are able to intensely focus. This focus allows students to finish
his/her assignments in a timely manner.

Stephen House, the Business manager of Focus, Inc. said, This app is a great gift for the
student in your life.

FocusMe is available on Android and iOS starting May 1, 2017. The app will cost $2.99 in the
App Store.
Dont let this be your

FocusMe helps
students study

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