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Associate Principal Associate Principal Associate Principal Associate Principal

Guidance Assessment/Accountability Student Services Student Services

Jennifer Euker Matt Thomas Abraham Olivares Michael Richter
School Psychologist Athletic Director Activities Director
Megan Whitley Matt Thissen Laura Diele
May 5, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Susan Fox. I am a Biology and Forensic Science teacher at Golden Valley High School in Merced, California.
I am writing this letter on behalf of an wonderful young lady, Haryeon Haygood. I was privileged to get to know Haryeon
her Freshman year when she took my Biology class. Very quickly, I saw potential in this young lady. I have continued to
stay in contact with Haryeon over the last couple of years. It is wonderful to see just how much a person can grow and
mature during their high school career.

Haryeon knows who she is and what she wants. She is highly responsible and quite ambitious. I have watched her
character grow over the last three years. As my Biology student she was determined to make sure that she did the best
job possible. She honed this characteristic until it became second nature to her to excel. Her ambition carries over to
extracurricular activities in addition to her rigorous academic schedule. She is an independent young woman and is active
in several on campus clubs (Book club, Desi Club, Culinary Club, Dare2Care Club to name just a few), as well as being
an Academic mentor, working as a caregiver and manager of a local retail store. She did all of this and still maintained
above a 3.0 GPA.

Haryeon perseveres. She is practical and works for what she wants, even if it means doing the things others may not want
to do. She knows the value of hard work and dedication. She can work with people from various backgrounds and ideals
and still make sure the job, whatever the job is gets done. She does all this with respect for herself and for others. I
believe this will serve her well in her college career and earning her BSN in Nursing.

For these reasons, I highly recommend Haryeon for your scholarship and have the utmost confidence that she will
achieve great things in her life. It has been a privilege to be a part of her journey.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Susan Fox
Susan Fox
Biology and Forensic Science Teacher
Science Department Co-Chair, Forensic Club Advisor
Golden Valley High School

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