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1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Q4 Q4 Q4 Q4 Q4 Q4 Q4
1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Dec
1 Menurut Lapangan Usaha - - - - - - -

2 Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan dan Perikanan - 100.76 118.43 125.25 127.52 136.41 151.34

3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian - 109.25 94.74 101.11 99.20 141.57 211.41

4 Industri Pengolahan - 105.98 123.92 124.17 128.61 140.30 172.29

5 Listrik, Gas dan Air Bersih - 104.65 133.70 165.70 194.20 219.81 242.03

6 Konstruksi - 105.00 121.53 135.25 141.65 162.27 209.20

7 Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran - 103.50 119.20 131.28 129.96 138.32 151.62

8 Pengangkutan dan Komunikasi - 108.74 113.04 135.33 141.27 149.80 185.84

9 Keuangan, real estat dan jasa perusahaan - 100.67 111.47 120.14 123.51 131.21 152.61

10 Jasa-jasa - 100.30 120.84 122.75 147.33 163.86 181.27

11 Menurut Jenis Pengeluaran - - - - - - -

12 Rumah Tangga - 104.76 127.92 141.27 145.13 158.25 184.03

13 Pemerintah - 99.76 123.12 123.10 141.91 153.79 175.16

14 Pembentukan Modal Tetap Domestik Bruto - 104.13 112.32 114.92 128.03 148.60 186.64

15 Perubahan Inventori - 111.91 53.08 275.49 250.41 166.14 150.35

16 Ekspor Barang dan jasa - 106.70 107.72 103.13 101.58 112.18 122.28

17 Impor Barang dan jasa (-\-) - 104.00 111.98 115.21 107.92 120.29 137.15

18 Produk Domestik Bruto - 104.38 116.99 123.91 128.99 143.37 172.58

19 Tanpa Migas - 102.84 119.60 125.43 131.26 141.80 164.63

20 Migas - 115.21 97.12 111.25 108.47 159.28 260.49

Sumber : Badan Pusat Statistik

Statistik Ekonomi Keuangan Indonesia

Indonesian Financial Statistics 208 Bank Indonesia

2006 2007 2008 2009 * 2009 2010

Q4 Q4 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Mar 1-Jun 1-Sep 1-Dec 1-Mar 1-Jun 1-Sep
- - - - - - - - - -

175.98 215.37 271.50 278.00 283.00 291.00 308.00 315.01 316.92 325.83

230.72 276.48 318.40 302.00 321.00 334.00 355.00 370.00 382.18 387.46

184.43 207.31 264.10 255.00 256.00 262.00 263.00 264.35 267.41 266.90

246.98 261.40 276.70 278.00 271.00 269.00 271.00 266.30 267.19 276.43

230.43 264.71 341.50 379.00 395.00 402.00 405.00 419.40 438.07 450.71

163.69 178.59 198.20 200.00 198.00 201.00 209.00 216.78 217.76 221.26

185.23 185.92 191.10 185.00 183.00 184.00 184.00 187.04 190.46 196.19

161.06 170.28 190.70 192.00 193.00 194.00 196.00 202.09 207.54 214.35

206.54 226.67 252.80 258.00 294.00 282.00 284.00 269.67 304.94 308.17

- - - - - - - - - -

206.76 233.83 259.60 260.00 261.00 265.00 268.00 270.29 274.86 283.02

198.42 216.05 240.00 261.00 287.00 275.00 274.00 284.27 310.90 300.46

205.83 235.50 297.50 330.00 342.00 346.00 348.00 358.29 372.61 378.08

157.66 214.89 202.30 287.00 349.00 240.00 296.00 297.90 284.90 246.05

123.09 130.10 146.90 149.00 145.00 141.00 147.00 145.49 146.17 144.04

125.22 137.96 183.60 171.00 166.00 173.00 165.00 172.44 175.93 181.16

187.38 209.88 248.50 249.00 255.00 260.00 265.00 269.06 276.46 281.12

180.93 201.33 239.60 246.00 252.00 254.00 258.00 263.77 270.69 277.06

263.38 319.40 368.50 296.00 310.00 344.00 356.00 346.38 363.03 344.00

Statistik Ekonomi Keuangan Indonesia

Indonesian Financial Statistics 209 Bank Indonesia

2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013*

Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
1-Dec 1-Mar 1-Jun 1-Sep 1-Dec 1-Mar 1-Jun 1-Sep 1-Dec 1-Mar
- - - - - - - - - -

337.33 343.85 339.58 348.56 355.05 364.00 358.00 363.00 371.00 378.00

397.70 444.13 450.04 460.98 498.16 517.00 509.00 495.00 490.00 510.00

272.28 278.60 285.68 287.31 287.92 291.00 294.00 296.00 296.00 299.00

278.22 290.46 294.26 302.74 312.24 307.00 308.00 311.00 313.00 329.00

452.22 460.14 461.90 478.89 483.75 486.00 492.00 499.00 498.00 494.00

225.26 230.48 233.23 236.87 235.94 239.00 241.00 245.00 246.00 254.00

201.80 202.05 202.23 204.75 205.18 204.00 204.00 209.00 210.00 208.00

219.96 222.36 224.59 228.33 231.00 233.00 234.00 238.00 240.00 244.00

327.66 311.91 324.64 352.74 357.32 342.00 373.00 359.00 378.00 356.00

- - - - - - - - - -

285.41 288.20 290.14 300.58 304.18 305.00 307.00 315.00 319.00 323.00

297.70 326.80 327.06 347.69 320.04 357.00 374.00 356.00 345.00 377.00

382.29 387.43 389.01 398.64 400.60 404.00 405.00 412.00 414.00 413.00

163.80 464.02 248.24 263.65 96.23 452.00 266.00 282.00 284.00 329.00

153.26 157.76 164.95 160.94 157.04 162.00 163.00 161.00 157.00 160.00

180.15 186.67 195.63 201.80 200.53 206.00 211.00 213.00 216.00 222.00

287.05 293.84 297.31 304.92 308.14 311.00 314.00 315.00 316.00 319.00

282.62 286.05 287.62 296.12 300.39 302.00 306.00 307.00 308.00 310.00

355.52 417.37 455.42 448.81 439.47 469.00 470.00 460.00 471.00 490.00

Source : Statistics Indonesia

Statistik Ekonomi Keuangan Indonesia

Indonesian Financial Statistics 210 Bank Indonesia
2013* 2014**
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
1-Jun 1-Sep 1-Dec 5-Jul 1-Mar 1-Jun 1-Sep
- - - - - - - By Industrial Origin 1

378.00 388.00 401.00 386.00 408.00 405.00 410.00 Agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishery 2

496.00 519.00 560.00 522.00 560.00 559.00 557.00 Mining and Quarrying 3

301.00 305.00 312.00 304.00 317.00 321.00 326.00 Manufacturing industry 4

328.00 329.00 336.00 331.00 364.00 375.00 379.00 Electricity, gas and water supply 5

497.00 499.00 502.00 498.00 509.00 515.00 521.00 Construction 6

255.00 263.00 267.00 260.00 277.00 278.00 282.00 Trade, hotel, and restaurant 7

210.00 225.00 226.00 218.00 226.00 230.00 236.00 Transportation and Communication 8

246.00 255.00 259.00 251.00 262.00 264.00 269.00 Finance, real estate and business services 9

378.00 407.00 408.00 388.00 372.00 383.00 426.00 Services 10

- - - - - - - By Expenditures 11

327.00 340.00 344.00 334.00 347.00 349.00 355.00 Household Final Consumption 12

377.00 405.00 378.00 384.00 404.00 394.00 432.00 Government Final Consumption 13

414.00 418.00 426.00 418.00 431.00 435.00 444.00 Gross Domestic Capital Formation 14

342.00 352.00 439.00 334.00 371.00 372.00 489.00 Changes in Inventories 15

158.00 164.00 175.00 164.00 182.00 180.00 180.00 Export of Goods and Services 16

218.00 233.00 245.00 230.00 256.00 258.00 258.00 Import of Goods and Services (-\-) 17

321.00 332.00 338.00 328.00 340.00 343.00 351.00 Gross Domestic Bruto 18

313.00 324.00 328.00 319.00 330.00 333.00 342.00 Non Oil 19

474.00 495.00 544.00 501.00 561.00 552.00 549.00 Oil 20

Statistik Ekonomi Keuangan Indonesia

Indonesian Financial Statistics 211 Bank Indonesia


2010 2011 2012 2013

1 Menurut Lapangan Usaha - - - - -

2 Pertanian, Kehutanan & Perikanan 100 106.48 110.85 117.72 124.16

3 Pertambangan & Penggalian 100 123.48 129.65 132.83 137

4 Industri Pengolahan 100 106.02 108.86 113.29 118.4

5 Pengadaan Listrik dan Gas 100 119.62 113.32 111.13 120.55

6 Pengadaan Air, Pengelolaan Sampah, Limbah dan Daur Ulang 100 101.37 104.33 110.23 113.03

7 Konstruksi 100 104.21 110.57 117.25 123.26

8 Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Reparasi Mobil dan Motor 100 105.22 106.61 112.68 119.31

9 Transportasi dan Pergudangan 100 103.89 110.01 123.25 131.92

10 Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Makan Minum 100 104.76 110.68 118.77 123.04

11 Informasi dan Komunikasi 100 100.03 98.45 97.67 96.41

12 Jasa Keuangan dan Asuransi 100 105.52 114.11 121.15 126.07

13 Real Estate 100 102.51 103.78 108.2 112.06

14 Jasa Perusahaan 100 105.3 109.83 115.23 118.25

15 Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib 100 110.28 120.67 128.59 126.85

16 Jasa Pendidikan 100 108.23 116.19 123.14 122.93

17 Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan Lainnya 100 105.25 110.02 114.49 115.25

18 Jasa Lainnya 100 103.34 105.96 114 119.05

19 Menurut Jenis Penggunaan - - - - -

20 Konsumsi Rumahtangga 100 107.11 113.66 120.29 124.88

21 Konsumsi LNPRT 100 104.87 109.36 117.28 122.11

22 Konsumsi Pemerintah 100 108.76 116.87 124.84 127.43

23 Pembentukan Modal Tetap Domestik Bruto 100 105.85 111.52 114.96 121.2

24 Perubahan Inventori 100 111.1 116.34 143.1 132.99

25 Ekspor Barang 100 108.23 108.92 111.83 123.75

26 Ekspor Jasa 100 102.31 109.18 120.94 133.84

27 Impor Barang (-/-) 100 106.72 113.36 120.89 127.64

28 Impor Jasa (-/-) 100 99.52 108.84 123.31 141.2

29 Produk Domestik Bruto 100 107.47 111.5 117.04 121.75

Sumber : Badan Pusat Statistik



Source : Statistics Indonesia

2014 2015* 2016**
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
- - - - - - - - - - - -

123.49 124.23 128.02 124.85 132.46 131.83 132.61 134.58 132.79 138.28 137.3 137.2

133.12 133.04 120.71 130.83 117.59 120.94 113.43 107.79 114.9 104.52 110.61 115.46

119.29 120.47 122.29 120.13 123.82 124.28 125.59 126.29 125.01 125.9 125.16 125.85

128.1 119.02 121 122.18 130.88 140.2 140.04 141.66 138.31 131.56 139.45 148.74

113.57 114.09 114.95 113.92 115.92 116.86 115.16 115.98 115.98 116.61 116.43 117.27

125.36 126.72 128.52 126.05 132.07 132.6 133.86 136.67 133.89 138.68 138.87 139.33

119.6 120.73 122.51 120.55 124.94 126.29 127.92 129.21 127.12 129.82 129.72 130.42

138.36 145.75 154.42 142.83 158.99 162.65 171.37 170.39 166.03 167.87 167.09 177.16

124.22 124.62 126.2 124.53 126.22 126.89 127.28 127.61 127.01 127.84 128.15 128.59

96.08 96.01 95.89 96.09 96.02 96.2 96.24 96.58 96.27 97.2 97.35 98.08

126.67 128.25 129.75 127.71 131.73 133.25 135.04 135.35 133.89 136.1 136.66 138.24

113.24 115.31 118.73 114.87 121.47 122.4 123.04 123.88 122.71 124.45 124.54 125.44

118.71 120.74 123.99 120.46 126.09 127.18 129.35 130.11 128.22 131.7 131.73 133.41

133.61 147.62 137.3 136.55 134.14 145.7 154.91 145.74 145.21 143.84 154.64 152.25

126.86 136.23 131.77 129.63 129.1 136.12 142.94 139.42 137.11 137.42 144.46 144.02

118.01 122.31 121.8 119.47 121.54 125.48 128.71 128.44 126.13 127.15 130.19 130.22

119.59 121.62 127.42 121.99 129.41 130.54 132.65 133.34 131.52 134.8 134.91 136.4

- - - - - - - - - - - -

125.49 126.99 131.19 127.18 130.46 132.01 133.39 134.75 132.69 135.57 136.07 136.98

122.82 124.88 130.48 124.97 129.92 131.73 133.41 134.85 132.54 135.69 136.28 137.51

132.72 143.27 135.43 135.3 134.72 143.81 151.85 146.14 145.06 145.28 155.03 154.87

122.46 123.84 128.07 123.97 128.32 129.6 130.27 131.26 129.9 132.58 132.68 132.81

133.82 139.87 140.85 134.63 141.26 143.73 148.04 151.71 140.68 151.89 154.54 155.43

121.05 119.76 118.2 120.65 118.11 120.58 119.8 115.88 118.61 111.69 114.66 115.99

133.53 135.14 139.35 135.55 143.27 146.83 151.3 151.31 148.36 150.35 150.32 149.95

127.91 130.8 124.82 127.74 120.26 124.87 125.83 121.15 123 116.04 119.33 118.8

139.86 141.84 147.24 142.66 153.41 158.97 168.08 166.82 161.83 163.67 162.55 160.75

122.53 124.44 124.8 123.41 126.44 128.14 129.41 129.42 128.38 129.48 130.59 131.99
- - By Industrial Origin 1
139.41 137.97 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery 2
130.36 115.28 Mining and Quarrying 3
127.57 126.12 Manufacturing 4
150.9 142.76 Electricity and Gas Supply 5

118.45 117.2 Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities 6

139.83 139.2 Construction 7

131.33 130.33 Wholesale and Retail Trades, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles 8

176.14 172.22 Transport and Storage 9

128.84 128.36 Accomodation and Food Service Activities 10
98.56 97.82 Information and Communication 11
139.82 137.73 Financial and Insurance Services 12
125.85 125.07 Real Estate Activities 13
134.4 132.83 Business Services 14

147.75 149.6 Public Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security 15

143.07 142.32 Education 16

129.98 129.4 Human Health and Social Work Activities 17
137.27 135.87 Other Services Activities 18
- - By Expenditures 19
138.23 136.73 Private Consumption Expenditure 20
138.93 137.15 NPI Serving Household Consumption Expenditure 21
149.61 151.42 Government Consumption Expenditure 22
133.22 132.83 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 23
157 153.38 Changes in Inventories 24
122.7 116.36 Export of Goods and Services 25
151.57 150.56 Export of Services 26
120.83 118.8 Import of Goods (-/-) 27
162.91 162.49 Import of Services (-/-) 28
133.92 131.53 Gross Domestic Bruto 29

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