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Leslie Bruce
University Hall room 526
800 N. State College Boulevard
Fullerton, CA 92831

Dear Dr. Bruce,

At the start of the semester I wanted to improve my writing for scientific papers. My goal
was to learn how to structure my papers properly. My biggest struggle was organizing my
sentences to translate my thoughts on paper. The handouts and exercises you gave us helped me
gain more knowledge on the techniques that I can apply to my work. From them I adjusted my
punctuation and rhetoric, thus cleaning my sentences creating a clearer message. In my
improvements, I became adept at understanding and mastering the Student Learning Outcomes
(SLOs). In this letter, I will provide detailed evidence to prove my mastery of SLOs with the
selected documents in my portfolio. The portfolio will consist of my definition, the revised
definition, and review headings.

My definition is directed at students with a minor scientific background with the aim to
provide knowledge of my subject telomerase. I used the appropriate scientific terminology when
I described the structure of the protein. When I conducted research for my topic to ensure that the
information was true and reliable, so I thoroughly researched the author and institution of my
sources. In my organization, I focused on the proteins structure and how its biological makeup
affect its function. Using this information, I connected it effects to humans so the definition was
relatable. To make sure that my language was easily understandable to my audience any
uncommon words to describe my protein had at least a sentence definition. I did not want my
reader to constantly stop to look up words.

In my scholar notebook entries, I showcase my skill in organizing and refining my papers

before and after my rough drafts have been written. The first entry is my revised definition and to
show the changes I numbered each correction in both the original and new text as well as
highlighted the fixes. In the text, I provide examples to how I can edit my sentences to clearly
communicate my thoughts. It also shows my ability to make sentences flow together, so ideas
mesh together. My revising demonstrates that I can tweak my rhetoric to suit my audience by
providing them with the proper language for the topic. Lastly in my review headings entry I
wanted to give evidence to my ability to collaborate as a team. Before we started our review
article we wanted a structured outline to begin our paper. The topics chosen gave a background
to specific details that we would later discuss in the paper. In the headings, CRISPRs discovery
and mechanism can help our readers have a keen idea for why the technology has controversy.
Overall I feel confident in my ability to master the SLOs in my assignments, forming
clear and accurate papers. Through this semester I grew as a writer thanks to the many
techniques you have taught us these past months. I hope this letter and portfolio can persuade
you to believe you have given me so many tools to improve myself as a writer.


Jonathan Reyna

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