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About People:

People only see things as they appear.

(They only know what you show them, -exceptions are possible.)

Impressions are made up of what it shown more to people.

(More depressing comments and less happy comments, = depressed.)

People expect based on their own knowledge, perception, or experience.

(People expect things to work the same every time.)

A start and an end make the whole story.

(Change isnt expected without witnessing or knowledge of it.)

All the emotions exist naturally in everyone, but Limits may vary.
(People who dont get stressed easily are better at hiding it.)

People will look more closely than hearing.

(They will focus less on what is said and more at who is saying it.)

People can be tested with both the easiest and the hardest tasks out of necessity
(Douching easiest means laziness, Accepting hardest means a motive in mind)

About Yourself:

Every weakness has some strength and strength has some weakness.
If you know 10 things, you still dont know 100. (That remains true.)
You will always get some form of what you think most about.
Nothing comes from nothing. If you want something, work for it.
Sacrificing is not as same as Giving away.
About Planning:

Use the ordinary force to engage and extraordinary to win.

Dont make the first move without thinking about the second one.
The second plan must be short and effective, or it wont work.
If a plan is 100% success, then it is a trap or isnt applied in real life.
There are only two ways to win; advance your strategy or respond to an
opponents strategy.
Dont wait for every piece to fit. Use what you have and be quick about it.

Tools for Life:

Life is workshop and you need tools and to understand there better use if you ever want
to succeed.

Praising. It has the ability to win hearts if used properly.

Whether people realize the Buttering technique being used on them or not, they
like being praised. Dont start with praise; try using it in the middle or the end of
your point. Praising some actual ability is bound to give some positive results.

Communication. It has the power that determines your success or failure.

Communication is strictly a two way process, sending a message and receiving
it. Thinking is necessary to develop its effectiveness but feeling is the greatest
part. Feel what it needs to be and show it to others however you possibly can.

(Aside from posture, gesture and all the detailed variables involved;
Communication is something we humans simply cant live without in any culture.
All the geniuses ever know to man-kind, they master (or discovered) something
and communicated its awesomeness through some medium. Let it be a painting,
an invention made functional, a theory proven through math etc.)

Dangerous Tools

Fear. Intense feeling to unrest from the possibility of harm.

Having fear is not pathetic at all; it is a natural human feeling. It cannot disappear
and it can eat your brain (theoretically). Our mind simply invents this illusion to
prevent us from harm but world is boring without it. In order to tame it you must
face it head on but act gradually. Remind yourself that you are not the first to do
it. With fear tamed, there is no force that can stop you from doing what you want.

(Idea: Compare it to some actual tools.)

Fear: Welding torch

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