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Acts 1:1-2 NLT

1. Jesus began to Do the Word.
Jesus "DO" what the word says before he teach it to others.
Jesus Act on the word of God
Jesus Do the word of God
Jesus Apply the word of God
Jesus Live on the word of God
Do before you teach.
Apply first to yourself.
Practice everyday.
Let the word of God manifest in your life.
Be a real word!
Master the Word of God until it becomes your Life.

2. Jesus began to Teach the Word.

Teach the Word of God.
Share the Word of God.
Spread the Word of God.
Preach the Word of God.
Declare the Word of God.
Post the Word of God.
ONLY the Word of GOD!
Let those people around you know :
How the Word of God affects your life.
How the Word of God change you into a better person.
How the Word of God mold you into the likeness God.
How the Word of God make you a new person.

3. Until the day he was taken up to heaven.

Be consistent in everything you do.
Heaven is the limit.
Don't stop until you will take up to heaven.
Do what Jesus did.
Jesus finish what he has started.
What he did in his day in he also did in his day out.
He constantly do what he began.
Jesus has a character of being a finisher.
Jesus constantly do his purpose in life.
Jesus also encounter all sorts of difficulties but he won"t give up because he k
now's his purpose in life.
What did you start in your life?
Finish It!
The day will come that you will take up to heaven.
One day you will impart what you have.
You will give it others.
You will pass it to others.
At the end of the day, everyone will receive a reward based on what he has done
not on what he has started.

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