Anda di halaman 1dari 4

01 The sociodemographics of land use More Land use / yes

planning: Relationships to physical activity, walkability isnt the

accessibility, and equity topic
03 Transport, urban design, and physical activity: Review / Less walkability yes
An evidence-based update
05 Understanding the Relationship between More neighborhood than yes
Activity and Neighbourhoods (URBAN) Study: Walkability
research design and methodology
06 Pathways and artifacts: neighborhood design for Both informal observation and systematic yes
physical activity studies reveal that, especially among car-
owning households, pedestrian travel
occurs less for utilitarian purposes such as
shopping, and more as therapeutic
physical activity, meant for health and
10 Effects of the residential environment on health in The residential environment, which is yes
Japan linked with travel behavior only observed indirectly via lifestyle
habits for commuters, has limited
effects on health. As for noncommuters,
neither their travel behavior nor the
residential environment influences their
health-related QOL
13 Mixed land use and walkability: Variations in Yes
land use measures and relationships with
BMI, overweight, and obesity
14 Measuring the Built Environment for Physical Yes
Activity. State of the Science
22 Barriers to walking: An investigation of adults Para reprisar em Juiz de Fora yes
in Hamilton (Ontario, Canada)
25 Does the built environment matter for physical There has been a dramatic increase in
activity? the number of studies that correlate
aspects of the built environment with
physical activity. This paper describes
some of the recommendations and
reports on recent progress that has
been made on them.
36 Physical activity and safety from crime among
adults: A systematic review
43 Overweight, Obesity, And inactivity and urban design We examine key urban planning yes
in rapidly growing Chinese cities features and policies that shape urban
environments that may compromise
physical activity as part of everyday
life, including walking and bicycling.
51 Correlates of change in adults' television viewing A significant neighborhood walkability x yes
time: a four-year follow-up study working status interaction (P = 0.035)
indicated that, for those who were not
working, living in a highly walkable
neighborhood was associated with a
23% lower TV viewing time at follow-up
(P = 0.003)
57 Relationships of land use mix with walking for yes
transport: Do land uses and geographical scale
67 The relationship between built environments and yes
physical activity: A systematic review
68 A qualitative study on the role of the built yes
environment for short walking trips
69 Spatial heterogeneity of the relationships between yes
environmental characteristics and active commuting:
Towards a locally varying social ecological model
72 Walking for health: Contradictions between yes
environmental indicators for a walkable
neighbourhood and human behaviour
74 Design and destinations: Factors influencing walking yes
and total physical activity
78 A national plan for physical activity: The enabling Law & Order poltica yes
role of the built environment mas atende a todos os
critrios pra entrar
79 The built environment and human activity patterns: Review yes
Exploring the impacts of urban form on public health
81 Prospective Examination of Self-Regulatory Efficacy yes
in Predicting Walking for Active Transportation: A
Social Cognitive Theory Approach
85 Association between neighborhood active living yes
potential and walking
89 A comparison of the effects of objective and Uso do solo/transporte
perceived land use on travel behavior ativo
97 Neighbourhood walkability, daily steps and utilitarian yes
walking in Canadian adults
10 Built environment and physical activity for yes
8 transportation in adults from Curitiba, Brazil
11 The association between Belgian older adults'
2 physical functioning and physical activity: What is
the moderating role of the physical environment?
11 Behavioral and Environmental Modification of the Sem AF sim
5 Genetic Influence on Body Mass Index: A Twin Study
11 Longitudinal associations between neighborhood-
6 level street network with walking, bicycling, and
jogging: The CARDIA study
12 Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes yes
9 associated with walking and cycling for transport
among adult residents of 17 cities in 12 countries:
The IPEN study
13 A disadvantaged advantage in walkability: Findings s/ AF yes
3 from socioeconomic and geographical analysis of
national built environment data in the United States
13 Walking to work in Canada: Health benefits, socio- Achei pouco environment
4 economic characteristics and urban-regional
13 Mismatch between perceived and objectively yes
7 measured land use mix and street connectivity:
associations with neighborhood walking
14 Does the effect of walkable built environments vary yes
7 by neighborhood socioeconomic status?
14 Comparing Associations Between the Built yes
8 Environment and Walking in Rural Small Towns and
a Large Metropolitan Area
15 Association between neighbourhood green space and yes
2 sedentary leisure time in a Danish population
15 Operationalizing environmental indicators for yes
4 physical activity in older adults
15 Destination and route attributes associated with yes
8 adults' walking: A review
15 Residential built environment and walking activity: yes
9 Empirical evidence of Jane Jacobs' urban vitality
16 Compact, walkable, diverse neighborhoods: SIM
2 Assessing effects on residents
17 Active accessibility: A review of operational Review yes
9 measures of walking and cycling accessibility
18 Influence on pedestrian commuting behavior of the yes
0 built environment surrounding destinations: A
structural equations modeling approach
18 Neighborhood walkability and health outcomes yes
1 among older adults: The mediating role of physical
18 Environmental and psychosocial correlates of yes
2 accelerometer-assessed and self-reported physical
activity in Belgian adults
18 Physical environmental attributes and active Apesarde ter yes
3 transportation in Belgium: What about adults and adolescents, esto
adolescents living in the same neighborhoods? inclusos todos os temas
da RS
18 Urban form relationships with youth physical S teoria, mas inclui yes
7 activity: Implications for research and practice todos os temas
19 The impact of neighborhood walkability on walking: yes
1 does it differ across adult life stage and does
neighborhood buffer size matter?
19 The Burdens of Place: A Socio-economic and
3 Ethnic/Racial Exploration into Urban Form,
Accessibility and Travel Behaviour in the Lansing
Capital Region, Michigan
19 A review on the effects of physical built environment yes
5 attributes on enhancing walking and cycling activity
levels within residential neighborhoods
20 Neighborhood Design and Walking. A Quasi-
2 Experimental Longitudinal Study
20 Potential environmental determinants of physical Parecer ter alguns yes
3 activity in adults: a systematic review fatores de walkability
20 The association between objectively measured
5 neighborhood features and walking in middle-aged

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