Anda di halaman 1dari 2

* WAP to add 2 integers

* WAP to add 3 integers

* WAP to add 4 integers
* WAP to subtract 2 integers
* WAP to muliply 2 integers
* WAP to muliply 3 integers
* WAP to muliply 4 integers
* WAP to divide 2 integers
* WAP to add 2 integers no must be entered at runtime using KB
* WAP to add 3 integers no must be entered at runtime using KB
* WAP to add 4 integers no must be entered at runtime using KB
* WAP to subtract 2 integers no must be entered at runtime using KB
* WAP to muliply 2 integers no must be entered at runtime using KB
* WAP to muliply 3 integers no must be entered at runtime using KB
* WAP to muliply 4 integers no must be entered at runtime using KB
* WAP to divide 2 integers no must be entered at runtime using KB
* Read an integer from keyboard and display last digit of given no
* Read an integer from keyboard and display second last digit of given no
* Read an integer from keyboard and display third last digit of
given no
* Read an integer from keyboard and display last 2 digit of given no
* Read an integer from keyboard and display last 3 digit of given no
* WAP to read temprature value in ferinhit and convert into celcius
* WAP to read temprature value in celcius and convert into ferinhit
* display square of given no
* display cube of given no
* enter the radius of the circle and display its area
* enter two sides of the rectangle and display its area
* enter the monthly salary and calculate 12 days salary of the employee
* enter 15 days salary and calculate 2 month salary
* enter monthly salary and calculate yearly salary.
* enter monthly salary and display its 10% da and 15% hra and total(salary+da+hr
* display 15% of given no
* display 23% of given no
* WAP to calculate simple interest
* ENTER 3 digit no and convert into reverse order.
* Enter 3 digit no and display sum of the digit
* ENTER 4 digit no and convert into reverse order.
* Enter 4 digit no and display sum of the digit
* Enter 4 digit no and display sum of the square of the digits
* Enter two distance and display its difference
* Enter the distance in kilometers and convert it into meters
* Enter the wieght in kilograms and convert it into grams
* Enter two no and add digists of two no
* Write a c program to swap two numbers.
* Write a c program to swap two numbers without using third variable.
* Write a c program to find the area of circle.
* Write a c program to find the area of any triangle.
* Write a c program to find the area of equilateral triangle.
* Write a c program to find the area of right angled triangle.
* Write a c program to find the area of rectangle.
* Write a c program to find the area of trapezium.
* Write a c program to find the area of rhombus.
* Write a c program to find the area of parallelogram.
* Write a c program to find the volume and surface area of cube.
* Write a c program to find the volume and surface area of cuboids.
* Write a c program to find the volume and surface area of cylinder.
* Write a c program to find the surface area and volume of a cone.
* Write a c program to find the volume and surface area of sphere.
* Write a c program to find the perimeter of a circle, rectangle and triangle.
* Write a c program to multiply the two very large number (larger the long int)
* Write a c program for division of large number (larger than long int)
* C code for modular division of large number.
* C code for division of large number.
* C code for power of large numbers.
* C program to get last two digits of year
1. read the marks of 5 subject from a keyboard and display its total marks and a
verage marks.
2. read the basic salary,hra,da for an employee and display total salary.

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