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TEMPLATE Revised 4.15
For directions on how to complete this form, see EDSC Lesson Plan Directions and Scoring Guide in the SSCP Handbook at

Name CWID Subject Area

Nic Carlson, Amy Rudenburg Chemistry
Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes
Chemistry Chemical Bonds 10, 11 5 x 45 minutes
Next Generation Science Standards Common Core State Standard Connections
W2 - Write informative/explanatory texts to
examine and convey complex ideas clearly
and accurately.
HS-PS1-2. Construct and revise an
R3 - Analyze how and why individuals,
explanation for the outcome of a simple
events, or ideas develop and interact over
chemical reaction based on the outermost
the course of a text.
electron states of atoms, trends in the
SL1 - Prepare for and participate effectively
periodic table, and knowledge of the
in a range of conversations and
patterns of chemical properties.
collaborations with diverse partners,
building on others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly and persuasively.
Lesson Objective(s) Evidence
Students are able to create the lewis
- Students create the lewis dot
structure for given molecules and are able
structures of molecules in the carbon
to connect these structures to the
molecular geometry and bond strength.
- Students describe the properties
Students refine their initial model by
of chemical bonds both verbally and
adding the Lewis diagrams of compounds
in writing .
in the carbon cycle.
Type Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
of Assessment
EL 1. Periodic 1.Teacher provides 1.Feedback is 1.The responses
table Puzzle students with an empty immediate and given students give informs
activity - periodic table. In verbally. Students the teacher about
Informal groups students place receive verbal students prior
formative the different groups of feedback from their knowledge and
activity to elements to their peers. in their group possible
access position in the periodic and from the other misconceptions of
students prior table and the students groups. The teacher periodic table. This
knowledge match individual can give feedback allows the teacher to
about periodic elements to their while observing adjust their plans to
table after periodic group. students during group either cover any
watching a Students compare and work nd they also give missing content or to
short video. contrast their models feedback when the continue with the
2. Anticipatory with a neighbouring students shares out. lesson as planned
set- think pair group. Students share 2.Feedback is 2. Students
share- Informal out their periodic table immediate and given predictions will inform
formative predictions and their verbally. During the the teachers of
activity to reasoning behind it. pair part of the Think- students
access Pair-Share. students understanding the
students prior 2. Teacher provides receive verbal types of chemical
knowledge of students with an feedback from their bonds and the
the chemical anticipatory set peers. The teacher classes of elements
bond types and containing a list of can give feedback they occur between.
where the molecules names and while observing The teacher uses this
occur. condensed Formulas. students in the pair information to inform
3. The The students predict, part and they also the type of
quickwrite which molecules, have give feedback when elaboration activities
gives the ionic, covalent or the students shares that the students will
teacher an metallic intermolecular out. perform in order to
idea of what bonds. Students clarify their
the students compare and contrast 3. The teacher holds a understanding.
know about their answers in a class discussion in 3. This helps inform
chemical think-pair-share. which students share the teacher what the
bonds. It also 3. Quickwrite: What information that they prior knowledge that
brings ideas are similarities and wrote down in their the students have
about chemical differences about the 3 quickwrite. Students about chemical bonds
bonding to the types of chemical can add new 4. This informs
front of the bonds talked about information to their teacher that students
students mind yesterday? quickwrite if the know how to use the
to prime them 4. Students work with teacher writes it on physical models
for the lesson the physical models to the board and they properly and can
4. Working with create bonds with dont have it in their continue with the rest
the physical elements quickwrite. of the lesson.
models and 5. Quickwrite: What 4. The teacher gives 5. This informs the
creating have you learned this partners feedback as teacher because it
octane, show week that changes you soon as they create lets the teacher know
the teacher initial model for the octane molecule. what the class has
that the chemical bonding? 5. The teacher holds a learned as a
students know class discussion and collective.
how the shares the ideas that
models are students have in the
supposed to be class. That way they
used and the can add to their quick
students can write and ideas for
proceed with revising their model.
the lesson.
5. The
quickwrite give
students ideas
they have
learned in
class that week
and brings it to
the front of
their mind
PM 1. Informal 1. Teacher leads 1. Feedback is given 1. The initial models
formative students in a jigsaw by the teacher students create
activity to with a reading related individually and informs the teacher
access verbally when about students
to the driving question
students where students are creating knowledge and
students of the unit. Students their initial model. The possible
demonstrate individually answer the teacher can provide misconceptions
their current questions from the feedback/notes on the chemical bonds. This
knowledge in guided reading initial model in writing allows the teacher to
order to create handout. in the form of adjust their plans to
an initial model Students individually questions to think either cover any
2. Webquest - about. missing content or to
create an initial model
Informal 2.Feedback is given continue with the
formative of octane based on verbally by peers and lesson as planned
assessment of their prior knowledge the teacher druing the 2. The webquest is
students ability up until this point. group work. The used in order for the
to find patterns Students turn in their teacher gives teacher to evaluate
from data initial model as part of feedback in writing students ability to to
obtained the exit slip. through comments find patterns in the
during a added on the periodic table and
2. Teacher introduces
webquest. student's google use this information
students to the
sheets which are to better understand
Webquest activity. In
3. This shows shared with the the chemical bonds
groups students collect
that students teacher. that occur between
data and record it in a
have learned 3. Verbal feedback is the different groups
google sheets.
the objective given to students as of the periodic table..
Students can use the
lesson of day the revise their model. This informs the
data to create graphs
three and have The teacher asks teacher of students
that show the trends
some students scaffolding acquisition of the skill
that occur along the
understanding questions from the and any
period such as the
of the octet lesson to help misconceptions. The
relationship between
rule and how it students add to their teacher can use this
the atomic number
applies to models. to adjust instruction.
and the molar mass.
bonds in 4. The teacher will 3. This tells the
3. Revise initial model
octane. provide written teacher what the
of octane and its
4. This show feedback to the students know about
chemical bonds
the teacher students on the the octet rule. If the
4. Exit slip - answer
that the following day. students are having
question, What were
students 5. Students will post trouble the teacher
some processes that
learned from their revised model of can cover the topic
the carbon went
the lesson and the carbon cycle on again in a different
through and how did
did not just the wall and students method.
the bonds and
play with the can look at each 4. This informs the
complexity of the
models. The others. The teacher teacher so that the
molecules change?
students will leave each group teacher knows if he is
ready for the
students to revise
their initial model of
the carbon cycle or if
they need more
practice with bonds.
5. The revision of the
carbon cycle model
from using the 5. Students add their
to include the lewis
models new knowledge of
structure and
5. This to get chemical bonds and
written feedback for bonding of each
students to atomic structures to
the next week. molecule shows that
think about add Lewis dot diagrams
the students
what is to their carbon cycle
understand the
happening at models.
carbon cycle at the
the atomic
atomic level. If
level in the
students were having
carbon cycle.
trouble the teacher
can go back and
reteach areas that
the students are
Instructional Strategies
Problem of the Day - Students answer a warm-up question to activate prior knowledge.
Think-Write-Pair Share - Allows students time to express their ideas in words, and to listen to other
students ideas and reformulate their own thoughts.
Vocabulary worksheet - Teacher models how to fill out the notes and student does the last two
vocabulary words on their own.
Combustion Concept Diagram - Helps students come to a joint understanding of the vocabulary word
Refining Models - Students refine carbon cycle model adding Chemical reaction details
Ordering the Procedure - Students put the steps of the procedure in an order that makes sense
before starting the lab to show they understand the significance of each step.
Conservation of Mass Investigation - Students complete an investigation to determine what
happens to vinegar and baking soda after it reacts.
Conservation of Mass Graph - A visual representation that shows how the mass of the reactants
relates with the mass of the products.
Exit Slip - Teacher uses it to measure progress of student learning and to see if students need
additional practice..
Rubric- Rubric provided so students understand the expectations for the closing group presentation
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Time Teacher Does Student Does
45 min Day 1 (Engagement) (Types of Day 1 (Engagement)
Reactions) Students watch the periodic
Teacher engages students prior table video and connect the
knowledge of the different elements elements and examples of elements
in the Periodic Table Song video shown with their prior knowledge . Students access their prior
Teacher puts students in knowledge in order to match the
groups and then provides students an different groups of elements to their
empty periodic table, the students position in the periodic table and the
have to outline the areas of the individual elements to their groups.
periodic table as metals or nonmetals Students compare and
and then label the different groups of contrast their models with a
elements in the periodic table, Alkali neighbouring group in order to fill in
metals; Alkali Earth Metals, transition some gaps they may have had or to
metals; Semi-metals/metalloids, verify their answers.
Halogens, noble gases, lanthanides, Students share
The teacher out their periodic table
provides students with random predictions and their
elements and the student need reasoning behind it.
to decide what group they are Students take
in. additional notes from the
The teacher gives think pair share on their
groups the opportunity to periodic table model.
compare their results with a Students break out into their
neighbouring group. reading groups for the jigsaw. They
Teacher prompts read their paragraph and then
different groups to share out discuss it with their group. Then they
their order and uses this to join a group with a member who has
ensure all students are aware read each piece from the article and
of what they order is and the each member shares .
background to why that group Students individually answer
is labeled so. the questions from the guided
Teacher leads the students reading handout .
through a Jigsaw reading of the aticle Students individually create
Fact or Fiction: Premium Gasoline an initial model of octane based on
Delivers Premium Benefits to your their prior knowledge up until this
Car point.
Students answer the exit slip
and turn it in before they leave
Teacher provides students with class.
the handout in order to perform the
guided reading and to answer the
questions about the molecules
present in gasoline and why their
structure is important.
Teacher challenges students
individually to come up with a model
of the molecule octane with the
condensed formula C8H18.
While students
are doing the guided reading
and creating their initial model
the teacher is walking around
and asking students probing
The teacher provides students
with the exit slip question, What
information was used in order to
create the initial model, what
information would you like to know to
refine this model?
Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Day 2 (Explore: Data Collection) Day 2 (Explore Data Collection)
n Teacher provides students with
a list of molecules names and Students predict whether the
condensed Formulas (The final bonds in molecules are, ionic,
molecule is octane) and aks students covalent or metallic. They are likely
to predict, which molecules, have to get metallic right and depending
ionic, covalent or metallic on their prior knowledge will get
intermolecular bonds. simple molecules such as NaCl and
Teacher leads students through CO2 correct.
a think-pair-share, about each Students share their
molecules and the students predictions with a partner and aloud
predictions. in the discussion . During the
The teacher asks discussion students are taking down
probing questions, during the notes about relevant information
think pair share like, why did they did not initially remember or
you choose that bond?, What had not heard of previously.
are the properties of that bond In groups students explore the
type? bonding that occurs along a period
During the think - of the periodic table using the
pair- share the teacher publicly Webquest activity.
records students knowledge Students collect
Teacher provides students with data and record in a google
the Bonding Webquest activity and sheets. Students can use the
the Google Spreadsheet table for the data to create graphs that
group to record their findings from show the trend that occur
the website below: along the period such as the relationship between the
ct/ atomic number and the molar
For extra credit mass.
students can use google sheets Students use the data
to demonstrate trends in the collected during the Webquest to
data collected. refine their initial models of octane
The teacher instructs students from day 1.. It is expected that
to refine their model of octane taking students may show valence
into consideration the knowledge electrons or atomic charges of the
they gained from the think-pair-share elements.
and the webquest. Students re-do the
Students exit-slip is to re- anticipatory set from the first activity
evaluate what the bond types are and turn it in as the exit-slip
from the molecules provided in the
initial activity and turn them in.
Day 3 (Explain and Elaborate)
Day 3 (Explain and Elaborate) Students walk into class and
immediately start answering the
Teacher starts class by giving quickwrite question, What are
the students the quickwrite, What similarities and differences about the
are similarities and differences about 3 types of chemical bonds talked
the 3 types of chemical bonds talked about yesterday?
about yesterday? Once students complete the
The teacher calls on students quickwrite they share their ideas
to share what they wrote and starts a with the class in a class discussion.
class discussion about what the Students write information that they
students know about the three types did not include in their quickwrite if
of chemical bonds. The teacher writes another student says it and the
the main ideas of the students on the teacher writes it on the board.
board to keep track of what the Students get into their lab
students know. groups of three and do a group read
Teacher gives the following of the articles. Each person in the
articles to lab groups to read in a group is assigned one responsibility.
group about one type of bond, and One person will be presenting to the
share with the class summary and class. One person will be trying to
interesting points about article and summarize the article so the present
bonding. The teacher also gives each can present a summary. The third
person in a group a unique task to group member is looking for
complete. interesting facts in the article for the
Octet rule and covalent bonds presenter to present to the class.
Electronegativity and Ionic
After reading the group discusses
the article and gets ready to present
The teacher circulates the
to the class.
class monitoring participation and
Each presenter for each lab
engagement of each student. The
group spends about 30 seconds
teacher answers any questions that
relaying to the class what they
the students may have from reading
learned from the article and each
the article.
group tries to add to the group
Teacher has each presenter
before them.
present about their article for about
The students follow guided
30 seconds. The teacher also tries to
notes provided by the teacher in a
get each new presenter to add one
five minute mini lecture about the
new thing to the class.
octet rule
Teacher holds a quick lecture
Students revise their model
about the octet rule to complete the
learning session and connect the about octane that they made earlier
articles more seamlessly to the topic to include new information from the
being covered in the class lesson.
The teacher instructs students
to revise their models about Octane
and include more reasons to why it is Day 4 (Elaborate and Evaluate)
like that.
Students enter the class and
Day 4 (Elaborate and Evaluate) watch as the teacher shows them
how to use the physical models of
The teacher starts the class the elements and bonding.
with a small demonstration using the Students work in pairs to
physical models representing create a molecule of gasoline as a
elements and bonds. The teacher warm up and getting used to using
shows which blocks represent what the physical models. Once students
elements and how the models work complete this and get checked by
with the octet rule when creating the teacher they can move on to the
bonds. The teacher creates a model rest of the lesson.
of ethanol and explains to the Students work with their pair
students that when ethanol combusts partners and use physical models of
it turns into water and carbon elements and bonds to create all the
dioxide. The teacher show students reactants and products in the
models of both water and carbon combustion of gasoline. This gives
dioxide as well. visual and kinetic learners a time to
The teacher first has students be able to see and feel what is going
create a molecule of octane with the on at a molecular level.
physical models. This shows the Students then work in pairs
teacher that students can use the and use the models to follow a guide
models properly. that will have them making a model
The teacher then instructs the of gasoline and changing it as they
students to work with their pair work through stages of the carbon
partner and construct physical cycle and see how their carbon is
models of all the reactants and changing.
products in the combustion of Students record in their
gasoline. The teacher hands them an journals by drawing pictures and
instruction sheet with a labeled list of writing segments about the steps of
what the students should be creating combustion.
and recording. When finished working with
The teacher circulates the the physical models the students
room and monitors student complete the exit slip and are
engagement and scaffolds student excused from class.
Exit slip - answer question,
What were some processes that the
carbon went through and how did the
bonds and complexity of the
molecules change?

Time Teacher Does

Day 5 (Evaluate) Day 5 (Evaluate)

Teacher gives students a Students come into class and

quickwrite: What have you learned start responding to the quickwrite,
this week that changes you initial What have you learned this week
model for chemical bonding? at the that changes you initial model for
beginning of class. chemical bonding?
The teacher holds a class Students engage in a class
discussion and writes students ideas discussion and share what they put
on the board to share with the class on their quickwrite with the teacher.
The teacher circulates the Students add their new
room and monitors student knowledge of chemical bonds and
engagement while students are atomic structures to add Lewis dot
adding to their carbon cycle model. diagrams to their carbon cycle
Teacher tells students to post models.
their revised carbon cycle model on When complete the students
the walls so that students can all see post their model on the wall of the
the work. class and walk around and see the
work of other students in the class

Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia

Overhead projector, class set of chrome books, reading articles, exit slips, physical models of elements and bonds,
paper, pencils
Co-Teaching Strategies
Much of the work in this lesson is individual work done by students alone or students working in groups. By co-teaching
this lesson it increases the ratio of teachers to students allowing students to get more meaningful feedback. Both
teachers will be monitoring and assisting students during individual and group work to ensure that students are
productive, and are using evidence from the class to make their models and arguments.
English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Advanced Students

Think- Think-Write- Think-Write- Graphic

Write-Pair Share Pair Share Pair Share Organizers to help
Graphic Graphic Graphic students organize
Organizers to help Organizers to help Organizers to help their concepts and
students with students with students with vocabulary
concepts and concepts and concepts and Heterogene
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary ous grouping helps
Sentence Sentence Sentence students better
structures to help structures to help structures to help articulate their
aid in the writing aid in the writing aid in the writing ideas to others in a
process. process. process. manner that they
The The The physical can understand.
physical models of physical models of models of the These students can
the elements and the elements and elements and bonds help scaffold other
bonds can help EL bondst can help can help students students in their
with special needs
see and understand
conservation of
striving readers see mass.
students see and
and understand I do, we do,
conservation of You do provides
conservation of
mass. scaffolding for
Heterogene students in order to
ous grouping helps complete the
ous grouping helps
students better vocabulary hand out
students better
develop their individually. Teacher group by providing
develop their
reading and writing modeling , then other different
english and
skills. The small practice with the scaffolding support
academic language
groups also gives whole class, then than the teacher.
skills. The small
these students time practice individually. The diversity of the
groups also gives
to practice their Heterogeneo groups are also a
these students
reading and us grouping helps strength for
time to practice
vocabulary in a safe students better advanced students
their english in a
environment. develop their ideas too because it
safe environment.
I do, we do, because they can allows them to see
I do, we
You do provides receive scaffolding science from
do, You do provides
scaffolding for from the students in diverse
scaffolding for EL
striving readers their group. By perspectives as
students by
students by having diverse well.
introducing the
introducing the groups students can
academic see problems from
vocabulary then
vocabulary then multiple
practice vocabulary
practice vocabulary perspectives. The
as class, then
as class, then small groups also
practice gives these students
individually. time to practice their
science and
vocabulary in a safe
Lesson introduces and investigate chemical bonds and relates them to the Carbon Cycle. Students learn how to create a
lewis dot structure and are able to describe the intramolecular chemical bonds that would occur in that molecule
We are in the second step of the collaborative model of the Technology matrix. This lesson has students using
technological tools collaboratively. Next is step 3, Collaborative use of tools with some student choice.

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