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Pengetahuan Pemahaman Penerapan Analisis Sintesis Penilaian

(C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4) (C-5) (C-6)
Mengutip Memperkirakan Menugaskan Menganalisis Mengabstraksi Membandingkan
Menyebutkan Menjelaskan Mengurutkan Mengaudit Mengatur Menyimpulkan
Menjelaskan Mengkategorikan Menentukan Memecahkan Menganimasi Menilai
Menggambar Mencirikan Menerapkan Menegaskan Mengumpulkan Mengarahkan
Membilang Merinci Menyesuikan Mendeteksi Mengkategorikan Mengkritik
Mengidentifikasi Mengasosiasikan Mengkalkulasi Mendiagnosis Mengkode Menimbang
Mendaftar Membandingkan Memodifikasi Menyeleksi Mengkombinasikan Memutuskan
Menunjukkan Menghitung Mengklasifikasi Memerinci Menyusun Memisahkan
Memberi label Mengkontraskan Menghitung Menominasikan Mengarang Memprediksi
Memberi indeks Mengubah Membangun Mendiagramkan Membangun Memperjelas
Memasangkan Mempertahankan Mengurutkan Mengkorelasikan Menanggulangi Menugaskan
Menamai Menguraikan Membiasakan Merasionalkan Menghubungkan Menafsirkan
Menandai Menjalin Mencegah Menguji Menciptakan Mempertahankan
Membaca Membedakan Menentukan Mencerahkan Mengkoreksi Memerinci
Menyadari Mendiskusikan Menggambarkan Menjelajah Merancang Mengukur
Menghafal Menggali Menggunakan Membagankan Merencanakan Merangkum
Meniru Mencontohkan Menilai Menyimpulkan Mendikte Membuktikan
Mencatat Menerangkan Melatih Menemukan Meningkatkan Memvalidasi
Mangulang Mengemukakan Menggali Menelaah Memperjelas Mengetes
Mereproduksi Mempolakan Mengemukakan Memaksimalkan Memfasilitasi Mendukung
Meninjau Memperluas Mengadaptasi Memerintahkan Membentuk Memilih
Memilih Menyimpulkan Menyelidiki Mengedit Merumuskan Memproyeksi
Menyatakan Meramalkan Mengoperasikan Mengaitkan Menggeneralisasi
Mempelajari Merangkum Mempersoalkan Memilih Menggabungkan
Mentabulasi Menjabarkan Mengkonsepkan Mengukur Memadukan
Memberi kode Melaksanakan Melatih Membatas
Menelusuri Meramalkan Mentransfer Mereparasi
Menulis Memproduksi Menampilkan
Memproses Menyiapkan
Mengkaitkan Memproduksi
Mensimulasikan Merangkum
Memecahkan Merekonstruksi
Sumber : Diadaptasi dari Kurikulum KBK tahun 2004
Figure 2.1 Blooms Cognitive Objectives
Arranged from Simple to Complex


We now consider these categories in more detail :

1. Knowledge refers to the recall of previously learned material. Students are required to remember facts, principles, steps in a
sequence, and other information in the same way in which the material presented in the class. The key activity is recall. Example :
Identify the wage fund doctrine.

2. Comprehension refers to understanding of learned material. Student must show that they grasp the meaning of the material by
explaining, interpreting, translating to a new form or symbol system, and extrapolating. The key activity is Explain. Example :
Explain the statement : Aquinas was a Aristotle what Marx was to Ricardo.
3. Application refers to the ability to use learned material in new and concrete situation. Student must use abstractions, such as
concepts, principles, rules, theories, and laws to find solutions to new problems. The key activity is transfer. Example : Use the
wage fund doctrine. To explain wage rate in the writing of J.S Mill.

4. Analysis refers to the ability to break down material into its components parts so that the organizatoinal structure is understood.
Students are required to determine distinguishing characteristics, so the relationship between parts, and so on. The key activity is
separate. Example : Compare and contrast the attitudes toward male and female sex roles in the work of Ibsen and Huysmans.

5. Synthesis refers to the ability to put parts together to form a new whole that was not previously present. Student must think
creatively to produce new product, such as a theme, speech, article, or research proposal. The key activity is combine. Example:
Compose an essay discussing how Nietzsche and Marx approach to the question of truth differed from that of a positivist such as

6. Evaluation refers to the ability to judge the value of material for a given purpose using definite criteria. Student are required to
make value judgments, to rate ideas or objects, and to accept or reject materials based on standards. The key activity is make
judgement. Example : Using the five criteria discussed in the class, critically evaluate Adam Smith theory of economic

Dikutip dari buku : Developing and Using Test Effectively (A Guide for Faculty) : Lucy Cheser Jacobs, and Clinton I. Chase

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