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SCANNED SEP 03 204 iin State Highway Patrol—Batch = 2. Travel for Periods Fiscal Year 13 / 14 NoRT! -ARTMENT OF PUBLIC Seen | H CAROLINA DEPARTMEN’ Bi 1d!) 63 wees PBs 1: REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCURRED} IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one orignal to General Azcouning. Attach al necessory eriglnl recaps anc otier supporting document ots form ‘nouding ery prior witien approval of excess regisvaion, lodging, and ou-ot-staletcunky travel. Retain ono (1) copy fr your recards, Comelele mount, ‘company, account, and centerfield, Fle at east monty and not later than 30 days afer monn ends. Prepare im nWvor type. |Retmbursoment for approved training expenses must be eubmite to OSDT. Fajen Won Pave Nara OTST =i Dricovbeaan INC State Highway PatroV Executive Protoction Paress htas (BE) l200 North Blount Street Trooper noma Werng Has (rave) ‘Use puna pay eal sab cs nd oan TON eT en le aor reg ere and Use! po eon a) a "s) _— Ze OM pire e JULOl ue MILs ener ls ‘we No ‘0001 ‘0002 ‘008, ‘0008 ‘0005 08 907 0008, 600. PAID MAR 05 20% c= Ale Regor ime of departure and loc ‘her Travel Expert ‘Subsistence ‘Travel (snow each ay veto) “Transporation Day fom a 1] ir-sate [owetSaie] 2 [State [oustsare] — enplanton Bape om a L ry ° [a ESTED a Freie roan a i ss Pie or a = ii A 2 "3620 Ds * $1070. ory 2 35180, ia Cor Winn = we a = 2 2 a tf “31070, cry ry > 18.40 emer aa . x = vo a oni Bai Cermiape 393.00 ‘GRAND TOTALS lk) Mode of Trav: 2) Typo a subsistence: |wore: Daly tte for subsites Aen ReRemalcer — | B= Breakfast to excooe aunored amount P= Prieto car = Other, ral, bus, tx, parking fees state or out-osat rave Le lunen = Housing (om) B= Dimer tz e iB Fm CNTR 073 Reimbursement of Travel and Other ExensesIncured inthe Dikcharge of Ol DY oy N39 NI G.D3H Form stuctre ist revised Februsry 2018 NG Department of Puble Safely, Ovsin of Administration rere cael Ha 7 fei Fea, tive, Debi NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT ‘OF:PUBLIC SAFETY ic x REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL: AND OTHER'EXPENSES INCURRER CT) FEB 2 IN THE DISCHARGE OF:OFFICIAL: DUTY Le INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one original to General Accouning. tach all necessaryieginel recaps snd cher supporting documents tots form, ‘incising any por wen approval of excess realsation, edging, and out air Somat Complete amount, ‘ompsny, eccounl, and gener fe mony ant tr than 9 das ater mo ez esr mink ype ors Wak Piss ar Fanaa ia Tasarbnion ciara Fon caer * state Highway Patel Executive Proticion Data = “Aloning eigen and slovinesnoues nts tani ee Si hat aga, Ihave pron rer apr er orig aw aruba lps enya wie elec tm ye oes se ae exer venti (eae Ss) Toney (Speier Sore) (oa, [cura (Cairo Pose) — Zé Tiopovae Tope ven, ‘001 0002) ‘0003, VALUEL 0004 -VALUEL 0005 0006 : ‘0007 103.43) 0008 sVALUEL oO Taal Eps PIOBAG as sce : AlAd|) a hd PAID Te. Due(on) ROSA L ‘Subeitonoe Tn-Siae [Ovo Sta ‘Other Travel pense Exploration Travel (show each aly vated) insite [ower state ‘ame Day tron a 070 $16.40 Emi rovoaeu mveoe $5.20 $10.70, $1840 sara 220 $10.70 $18.40, [sy Pca carne oxy Pre canoe cane oes (GRAND TOTALS 2 S780) $103.70 (2) Type of subsistence: B= Breakfast Le Luneh lwoTE: Daly tot! or subsisen to exceed suthoraed smount site or cuto-tae travel. cy Mose of trav P= Private car O- Other, ral bus, ten, parking fees A Ale R= Rental car Housing 1 REO) Form CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses inured in he Discharge of Qik@DYYNAD NI G.9IY Form sructure as revised Februsty 201 [NC Department of Puble Safely, Division of Administration NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F\¢q1 (ei tive. Detai | REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCURRED IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT, Submit one crsinal to General Accounting. Attach el necessary asia cepts and other supporting documents tts fem, ‘nding ary prior written approval of excess regievaion, ding, ans outctstateveounty travel. Retan one (1) copy fr your records. Complete amount company, account, and centerfield Flea east monty and not fator than 30 deys afer month ends. Prepare in nko pe. [Reimbursement for approved training expenses must be submitted to OSDT. Pape Wot Pra Rane BISTSESTT Papa ie Te ‘Bitton Paina, [sate Highway Patrol /xacutlve Protection Detall Pons Aaa (00) Te 7 Leslen Nene Re [200 Nort Blount Street lrrooper alelgh, St (Ste. 2) jms ong Fae ano) ores Comme sees ont) [Rate NC 2760-1006 Toe Sarid vata gue itd eae Unde es opefuy leet Baebes mend aaa vlonen mea > egg eevee ounces Feria te seven he Sa ue — — —_ —_ — paver ited Ka) ‘Sopot Tesphnn oa. ee eta nor (Giordano) LAF 022861 oust cour accour ° s [2 2 Is 3 az * sz 3 ae 2 fz 3 lta 9 sz 3 Tas eee Sy om 2 MAR 08 2014 Record the actual tt arrival in blocks indicatec "Tensporiation ‘Subsistence Gir Travel rponeos insta [ovrrsing| inSiate [Owetsiie| Explanation | Amount 70 ESUE $1840, D. Travel (show each aly vised) Dey. rom o aiyivaecam 3 1070 ae $1840 ay rat ape Seseaie u sty re Cavin cera 2 z $8.70 iL] si670. oe 3 18.00 siya emai m sate Coen re js ‘GRAND TOTALS $111.90 (2) Type of subsistence: 'NOTE: Daiy tot for subsstonce sored amount er Ya pan oes AA QE, gy hier vt et Seca uhorid not B= Bene | Nae of Trav Ps Piva ca L90V NBO NI @.oay Fon GHTR 008 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Incuredn tho Discharge of Offa Duty Form stuctre last revised February 2019 NC Department of Publ Safely, Dion of Adminsraion 1 aut an ‘Other Travel Expenses Bplanaton |, Amount Subectonce TerStale | Ow Ste ‘sino 30 "Transporation insite [ouctSee “Travel (ohow each oy vad) ten © TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD Pa Ca toa sis iat or noe bats rats Car mape fn Pune carn [Baty rate ar aoe [ony Prue car wen [sip rnte Sa ope Sat sip irvos Go 2 Sarai Baty te Paty erat Reape Fae Cs Nae Ps Cor Meg esi rte or sa Fy rte oratsne lol |=]2f=/>/- late |=[o|-|o|s}=|o\-lols|xlo|-lafe|s|o|-lo]z|=/ol-lo}e}}-lo]e| $120.10, Foim CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel end Other Expenses Incuratin the Discharge of Of Duty Fea structure ast evied February 2013 NC Department of Public Safety Dvsion of Administration 2 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY on hie. Deda: REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCURRED IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY 14)) INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT, Submit one eign! fo General Accounting. Attach all necessary orginal ecelpts and other supporting documents to his fom, Including eny prior wren approval of excess registration, lodging, and oute-statalcounty rave. Retan on (1) copy for your records. Complate amount, ‘company, acctunt end centerfolds. Flea least monly and not later than 30 daye ier monn ends. Prepare nk or type. [Reimbursement for approved training expenses must be submitted to OSOT. Papo Wo Pane ae BeTaeTF Fae nr re ea La Graiaieion [tate Highway Patrol / Executive Protection Detal Te conten Nome Rate asec (Se) 200 North Blount Street hooper Raleigh, 81 (Cry, Sit 2) Pett vonig Pa omioy Talos Soest a Race Fo [Raleigh,NC 27601-1006 Thave waned romtisern| seinen cou tt jira ‘Une pais apo leo Ha be anus wena Deora OOO les expat ard ences rameain rio othe Sate. Uber Wega, ave ve pr appr ovengh Yoana we cence! ome en ana = — =_ - Tesi) ‘Burervor Spice) Deseo aay ST ZAP 9 22G7TE™ 9225 ‘Ganariagaanr) uous 004 ‘002 008 0008 [ood Gods: ‘007 ‘0087 008 ee AIL HAR 08 20m Substance ‘Other Travel Expenses WSlote [OuotSive| — Expanation | Amount “eave (Show each oy vised) Day ‘rom ‘e Dees iy rin Grane ai si a $6.20 best B10.70 [iy Ponte Garooe, [iy Pte Gar eae eo ‘GRAND TOTALS | ={o\-l2]2|=|>}-1s]s | =|>]-l0] » $97.30 (2) Type of subsistence: R= Rental car B= Brealiast, z bunch kr mse of travo: P= Private car © Other, al bus, tox parking fees A= Ar O2 8 WH 8 BU) HIbE Deer 9L09¥ N39 NI G.oay Ferm GNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses inured ia the Discharge of Offa Duty orm sruelute last eised February 2013 NC Deperiment of Puble Satay, Dliion of Acministration 1 REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCURRI IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY I NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Ke euchive- det} D [le INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one orginal fo General Accounting. Allach al necessary orignal recebts and other supporting documents to is frm, Payers Wo ae oer DiaTaaaeT Reimbursement for appro yar a (oe Waa La arama [state Highway Patol Executive Protection Detail Payeos nase (S07 Teesion Nona abar l200 North Bioune Steet raleigh, $1 Someta Rear) (Gv. ise, 2) aaa Racy [Raleigh, NC_27601-1008 —_ ‘er paato cl ory et iso ts ats snd eoarae Wack Thave saradt ombusene ete acenty ht ispalanosera ‘Voplene bee gre ppv tr omragh ta andere ef peter cfg erpnts od alate ured in eve he Sl thr ‘Bapenaa Teanenet) 22 Tansee Tous) “fy cba lee 0008 00 9008; D004 05, ‘008 007 ‘0008, REESEERRIE eee D oat / A MAR 0 8 2014 Record the actual time of d Jin blocks indicated. Travel eow each ely vised) “Tranepanaton Sbetenee ‘Other Travel Expenses fom © TpSiste [ourar si Trio [owarswe| Explanation | Amount iy ens Cr | By Pale Gag 2 oa, | $520 ly Pris Mn Benn iy Prater Wage ene Say Pro cise Sanne (GRAND TOTALS $2860 |) Mode of Travel (2) Type of susistonce: NOTE: Daty toa or subsistence no Private car = Olver, ral, bus, Ix, parking feos A= Ar R= Renialcar B> Breaklost fo excéed authorized amount erin Letuneh = Housing [state or oukot tate tava B= Dinner (oom For CNTR 009 Reimbursemon! of Travel and Olver AOL MARA HREPOS YC of Oficial Duty Form suetue last vised Fobruaty 2013 INC Cepartment of Punic Seely, Division of Administration 1 EHUUNYO LEI | NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INcURREBCD FEB 28 2014 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one ginal to General Accounting. Attach ol necessary orginal cepts end ether supporting documenis tots fom, Intuding any prior waten approval of excess regitston, edging, and ou-ofstatelcoutry travel, Rotan one (1) coy fr your recor. Compote amour, ‘company, accounl, and canter feds, Fle atleast monly and mat ater than 30 days afer month ends. Prepare In nk or ips. Reimbursement for approved traning expanses must bo submitted to OSDT. Payot Wa Ph aria TT State Highway Patol / Executive Protection Dtall trooper. igh, St mal wha ars ora eins Coed oa Rain ENO ‘One poral ol peyote Fv beam rd nase Plone eg Trove aire inverse nie once) ats aT lesing perso en alonrces ceredinn arse the Ste. the apes, nae gen pi spol ovarian te po (om Taeveetoare) ‘ea za eT C7 (Caner tos ge) i ‘001 0002. ‘008, 004 008. 0008- D007 1006, 2008 ‘iia eae WALL -HVALUET Re Other Travel Expenses Travel enow each ty vtoo) “ransponton inSiale [owetsate) Explanation | _Ameunl ay “rom ‘e estate [ower] 2 a aa ‘re o[a8a0 [iy rine cartes eat i ens Prt cer ace co i a0, 20 Dart S070 ai racer te Pia a Hin EU rns ba os ‘Gann ‘GRAND TOTALS 7846.00 8 WEG cfd difasienc: lores Day toa for subsistence no (Mode of raver other, rl, bus ta, parking feos, A Air RGRentalcar *] B= Breakfast, to excoed authorized amount or in. eae er , \_an00¥ N39 Re, Aternang |paecrouctaatar \ Form CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel nd Other git ineuredin be Dect obo 0 Form seture ast revised February 2013 INC Deparment of Publ Safety Dvision of Administration? - Raa EAGT THC Vea, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY) -/, i Males REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES: woutlted, FEB 2014 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one origina io General Accounting. Atah af necessary original receipe and other eupporting documents o this form, Inctudng ary rier wrtien spproval of excess rogistaion, lodging, and ou-c-taefcounty vavel. Retain ane (1) copy for your records. Complete smut, ‘cempery, acount, and center fel. Feat est monthly and not laterthan 30 aye ater month ends, Prepare in nk or ype. Faye Wa Para Ta BOTS JReimbursement for approved taining expenses must be submited to OSDT. Poser re Wael anh ‘Boron 7 [State Highway Patrol / Executive Protection Dotall Pay Aster (Seo) Lectin Nae haar 1200 North Blount Stroot [Rateiah, $4 ease ee ‘Gly, Sse. 2) Fra jain eich ett mrs Tse eaired amber eal ron 1s il TE toa, empense andatonatns maura eae ete ie. Ihrer ‘epoca, Inve gop ago a reve ed an epee ‘atoll a ceearsedton ay ce maze fr ate ara pees. seis ‘Earan Sina) (os) Msusrex eo) (Sipe vena Et OPANL-OF D3 out oupavey ° ; : EHO tise cord the actual tie of departure and ara in ee indate ier oy eaten Tass [ous] 3] wane [oman] Baio Travel chow eae ly vised) ‘tom o Day $07 $20.90 Es Frat roe 2 > St 3 $1070. Baty Prva Ger tage erate Cu eae om at Prt Cori [iy Pte Corto sa, (GRAND TOTALS Oe ee ox ona tu mt ointey Oy ME Be lll 94999 N23: 1 2. z 3 (2) Type of subsistence: Breaklost neh H= Housing (oom) IMOTE: Daty tat tors to oxcoed authored = state or outorstate Foim CNTR 008 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Inourd inthe Discharge of Oficial Daly Form strctre lst revised February 2013, si [NC Department of Puble Safty, Crvson of Administration 1 4 (OherTav0ie ‘Expianaton Subntence WrStale | Omer S| $90.30 | ‘Transpertion InSiato [ower si| ‘Traypl chow each oy visto) ‘ton © "TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD Da s Pa eli eva Cae rt omnemrenumens ya Coe Desa si rete araneoe iy Ea Care oo i Forster Atae ony er cow iy Fv Gn Wise [Pre arama: te pay Pave co me Sanam fay Pacer [bron tortor oi Car Nees ys Gor [oe or ap o bay Fri arnaeaor yr Ca wb [srt ar owe re a eae ss Pan Co Wea (GRAND TOTALS }=el- Hele [=|>]- lots }=|ol- lols f 1 |o}-lol 2} =|2]-la nye Cor ign Bs [oan Pv Carnes fy ov ara cam [iy Pr arate iy at awe Senate l-jofefstel- l=] f=|>[-=eftol-lale|=lol-|ol2|<|o|-la)s}clol-felaletel- lel [iy Pre urea ‘GRAND TOTALS ‘180-10 Form CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel end Other Excenses incurred inne Discharge of Ofse! Duy Ferm structate let revises February 2013 [NC Dapertment of Puble Saely. Dvision of Administration 2 Bkecubve Dero ( NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MAR 01 2014 REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES wourkeb? IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY eae INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one original to General Accoumtng. Attach al nacess hota ‘gina recess and other supporting documents otis form, 3 brorwitten approval of excess registration lodging, and ou-ofstate/courty travel. Retain one (1) copy for your records. Complete amour, company, account, and canter fel. Fl al laast monthly and not lator than 30 days ater monh ends, Prepare in nk or ype |Rotmbureoment fr approved taining expontos must be eubmited to OST. apes Wo Pane tana TeTTAT Pape ae aa at Doisewseaion Fever al State Highway Patrol / Executive Protection Detail Pays tes (en) Tae Laaten ened Wi [200 North Blount St Trooper [Raleigh S/1 (Co. SZ) eal a Hs Way Cast i) [Raleiah NC 27604 ‘Un pao fea este be oe and re alone a Tie ae ono enue ad ee aH oe stlogrg. arenes er "apse, Ive np roe argh bane mtr ef een Ztfogdl a ite meth Ber He Beate oe te eet ae ate Hetietite a tt Sette oe of SH etrtets a : ert Ss — Asstt Etre a 000 i e tomom /STSOSTS "AID Record th ral (Show each aly wed) “Transporton Day ‘tom o inState [Oust Desa Bary Pu Corie Pais Pena co ee Fai rac isaoe Earn fos ex os Gy rte Coane Bari ‘GRAND TOTALS 9 oe of Tr P= Private car O= Other, il, bus, tox, parking fees AS Air R= Rental car 2 inSiae MAR 08 roy blocks indicated. Other Travel xsenses Owstsiae| — Enplaneton | Amount 070 $2000 3180) $6.20 $10.70 S200 a0 310.70 $20.90 ‘$2007 $114.20 (2) Typo of subsistence: |OTE: Daiy tot! or subsistence ol Fm CNTR 003 Rembursrent of Travel and Other Expenses Incute nthe ORY Fim suture last revised Fabruary 2013 INC Department of Pubte Safty, Orson of Administration He Housing. fst to oxc0ed aunovied amour ar n- ey { Oe aval eno Explanation «| Amount ‘Subsstonee InState [OutorSae sitt20 $670 0.70 Transporation n-sate [ouersie “env (eho gach ely vised) fom e "TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD, 2 i Pri Naa oy Paes es iy ioe errr oi at Caos Ea ay rere Core Beni aircon [ow Fs carn FH=|2]-l>}2F=[o|-lele|=lo}-[elz] loll a va Cor [ba Paver carte ay Pani ba a [os ri car Wings [Say rea rome on re Cacese ini a a iy rc aa Pier 3}=|>+|=]2[<{o|-lole}= lol fala |slol-la [os rn cara any ris ur nae [ay Pon car era ‘GRAND TOTALS $1500 Form CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel and Cine Expanses Inéuredin tho Discharge of Oficial Duty Form sry as raised February 2015 NC Depariert ef Pubic Safty, Division of Namiisiaton 2 . . EUW DET NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY — | L|\ aes __ REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCURRERE( R01 2014 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one original fo General Accountng. Atach all necossary origina receipls and eter supporting documents to is form, Including any prt wren approval of excovs regan, lodging, and out saelcounirywravel. Retain one (1) 209y for your records, Complele amount, ‘company, account and conor fel. Fle atest monthly and not later than 20 days ater month ends, Prepare in tk or ype Fayed We Pro Sis TaE ST \Retmbursemant for approved traning expences must be submitted to OSDT. Paya aa se al a) Drains Fasano state Highway Patrol / Executive Protaction Detail Pape es 60) "ae ese os Hone [200 North Bunt str Irrooper Jaalign, $1 ‘Ch Sot. Zo) ert Weis Boa Ti Coma toe (aos, No 27601-1008 —_ Traarpared tania ene ea fet Soo OBO ‘cr eae ct ey ony Tobe 3 anc ocao Hower ee tein ents nd lonrca ered te sine Sn. eta apc, Poe gran re apc neigh a andr ut pn! See eee eat ae a. — ae ae (Camas (058) ‘Bapevier Sone (089 aa 27 Pa 0001 iis Iss f2|7 Jala 7 anette fo: = yeu Sete a is Pe tetriats Do08. £259-Fo sf i2trlats. pea zz iets] fee tet t ae oo of PAID ees He MAR 0 8 ay & RS9.70 Record | time of Travel hon each oly vie) Transporation ‘ulelence ‘Diner Travel Expaneos Dey ‘om e iSite [Outer ‘e-Stale [Ouersie| Explanation | Amount loci ae SO 5 Fe faa = [sy Pte cen $2030 ou $10.70 520.50 |x| ay reer tnege ay rs ae 2 $10:70 Dees $2090 say rm art Bane i. sty Ponte Cor rile ‘8am, (GRAND TOTALS $100.60 (2) Typo of subsstonco |wore: aiy ttt for subsistence nol her eB bus, tx, parking feee AA R= Rental cat B= Breaklast fo excbed authorized amount fo 02 8 uy les Me neuirg_ ater tan to OLOOV NBO NI 4.9: Form CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Inoured in the Discharge of Oa! Cuty Form eiucturelatevised February 2019 : : Ne Department of Pubic Safety, Dison of Adminsiaton 9 mode of rave = Private car a (ehow each ely veld) Day or TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD wa is en rs cs Tyra Ca ape iy Pew i Pa Gar Wee [srg carne ay Pa Caro [iy rie Carnie Best iy Fra carpe [ass Prt areas [sya cermi [as Pie bse i ay rei ara [iy Pe corse [byron artes [pst Piva cartes Fom CNTR 003 Retmbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Incued in the Discharge of Oficial Duty Ferm suc la NC Depertment of Pubic Safety, Division of Admiistation . ‘GRAND TOTALS eed February 2013 (Oiher Travel Expenses ‘Omarsae| Explanation | Amount soso fe 20 $10.70 $20.00 ‘Subsistence ir-Stat "Transporation InSiale [owas] 36 $258.70 Fi NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Phebe ve Dei ( : REIIBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES NCURAER, Nudes” : IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY TtD FEB 28 2014 INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one eriginal fo General Accounting. Allah all necessary aviinalrecelps and other supporting docunents fo his fom, Inclusing any prior witten approval of excess registration, lodging, and ou-otsete/county vavel. Rein one (1) copy for your reearés. Compleo amount, ‘company, accourt, ard contr fs. File at east monthly and not later than 20 days afer month ends. Prepare inink ripe. Taps sae 8 TETGHFT——Ralmureont orppove ang expenses mst be submited fo OS fae ae — stn ignnay Pal Execute Proton Dot ‘oe rere 20 hour Sot reser sto, 5 ee coe reaaae Fane : ae nani ‘leg, apenes wo eovanen paren tev oe Sth, ee ‘eps, ra hn pao anton ns , + = Supe Sera) — —— wa ELP 6 God 2 " eno cus ot toa cs Sas ace Toner on ra ‘207 an08 a8 Tabane AG. AD 1a be (Om) TA 279,70 é7 ip Travel (ehow each aly vied) : arture and arrival in blocks a! O 2015 Transposon Subsisence ‘other Travel Erpensos ‘bay “rom a Stale [ures inSiate [owerst Explanation | Amount Sane EET eo] - Dapat var $200 SOS 5 2 ce 520 30 $1078 $20.0, iy rte Cree Bere i 35 $820 $10.70 $20.00 Pana Caras (GRAND TOTALS rs S00 $100.50 $1200 (1) Modo of travo PPrvate car O= Ober, abs. tas parking EAS WE PUES rp (2) Type of subsistence: B= Breakiest, Letunen = Housing inner (eon) nore: oat total tor svbsistnce no to exceed auholzed emount for state cr ov-ot.state ave. NI @93y Form ONT 008 Reibureement of Travel and Otor Expenses nce the erage of of Outy Form ster ott rovieeFeorny 2019 NE Deparinens of Peble Say, Dvn of Admeistrton 1 "Tavel how each Gy sted) in-Siate irom _ "TOFALS BROUGHT FORWARD. [yon Gar aoe Derst bony Press Gartape i Pt os EE 2 iis ay ents Cor miaape [stron cane [bay rine Curae aiy Pate coramanse ee iy Pale Carlos Da [San Pas Cartaag iy aioe nage iy Pint Carlee iy Piva a age at Pra ar ge ‘pears cn iy Fr ar ee eens (any Privo Carmine ena ‘GRAND TOTALS Form CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Tove and Other Expenses incurred Form sirucute lst revised February 2013 [NC Departmant of Publ Safety, Division of Aaministrtion Transportation |= |>}-]=]2|=|0|-Io]2}=lol-lola|=|o]-|2fz]\-l2]=|=fol- fel the Discharge of Oma! Duty Subssienee ‘other Travel Expenses State | Ona Ste Drs? NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Heudive Poketio REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCURRED IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY 14/1 Bla INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one original to General Accounting. Atach a recessary orginal cepts and othér supporting documents to hs form, Inouding any por written apocoal of excess rogitaton, edging, eng cut-tsiate/country travel, Retain one (1) copy fr your recor. Compete amount. ‘Company, account, an canter fds, Fle atleast monthly and not later than 30 days ater morth ends. Prepare ink or yp. [Reimbursement for approved training expenses must be submitted to OSDT. Par Wor Pave Raat Wasa aso ne Fas Ne ay ‘Dance oo [state Highway Patol / Executive Protection Detall Payers aaress(Stee) Te etn Naa FS 200 N. Blount Street tor Trooper Inaleigh, St XG. Sam, 2) Rare ting Hs iano) Fas siento) {Baisiah NG 27601 epee pry Ty ei be ean aoa saan (thing epee and owes ted ta enone Sine. tar ‘casa et ever seams Sure or Pate xe epee EEE. — —_7 Rect = Scum aur aoa, hve van pr pra ot overs earor ese cpr (Guoara Prete) 0 527 {Brean Paar) Id 009! 0002, 008 ‘004 0008 108 0007, 008 B00, Teatro Tet (Ose) Record the actual "Travel show each city visiod) "Teneperaion Sobscionce (Oihor Travel pense bay fom to Instat [Outer sae in-State [OxtorSaie] Explanation | Amount Pap Daly Prva saa. Pest sin car oe eae SRA TOTAS tao eo mate roe Ce efanstece. (ons Daly rsa SPOS oncomininnian omens Aca Rp trivcay) LS BGiO | eeeemhewc angen Seine aon) ‘9190 N39 NI .93U Form CNTR 005 Reimbursement of Travel and Ober Expenses Incured inthe Discharge of Offela Duty Form stvuciue lat revised Februsty 2013 NO Deperiment of Pub Satay, Dison of Adminstration 1 2 ‘Travel (shew ea0h ety vied) “om © "TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD ey rn Gone syne Ca ane sy Pons caress ini or Wt a Pras Cateae Pe Cia [serene caren ay rn fos rica anon airs Gara ss Prva Care as rvs Gortiaae [a rim cermimae siyrown cote ai Fv Cor eae eae fy Prater aa ss Praag es rv Coa si eisai Ganale ‘GRAND TOTALS Form CNTR 003 Rembursament of Travel and Other Expenses Incured inthe Discherge of Ofc! Duy Foim siueture last revised February 2013 NC Deparment of Public Safety, Division of Administration =|} fle} =[o}-fo] | =|o]-fo]e}<[o|-lele|=lol-lolat=|o)~lof.| ie} =|>}-|=|2}<|>I ‘other Travel Expenses InSiete [Owersiwe] * Exgtanation ' 1 kad Pew | : NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFE Ty REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INRERAEMIAR 4 9) ff S IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY cossery orignal receints and other aupparting documents toh ror writen approval of exces registration, aging, ad outotstatfeaunty Wavel Retain one (1) copy for your records, Complete amavr, company, account, and contr fs, Feat es! monthly and net later than 30 days afer month ends, Prepare nk or ype. Faye Ws rane Rata ao 3677 Relmbursoment for approved training expenses must be submitted to OSDT. Paya ee onal a ‘reanoaton Pencraie State Highway Patro!/ Exocutive Protection Dotall Pap’ Aco (oro) Tee esten ans Wome l2oe North Blount Street Trooper Raleigh, $1 eh, SZ) Wea Wg Voss oor Ss asa Ras Hoe) [nateiah, NC 27e05-1008 pestis of pet ley sobs uw oe waa aamanatet cy Ths earaneaTi via aa agent Fas ba a on lagna esanies and slowncar nares sin te Sa aoe ‘apa, ave anger apr er cvragh ae anon pean! ee ‘Baer Sort se) (Supers Pisses) (Ganon Toone f) £2 030 3) Boe [A course corner Recetas BRS S ESE (ter Travel Expense Eoplanation Transporation insta [Onto Se Travel (ehow each ey vised) inSate ‘Amour Out Sai| Day om © te [oss rss Cri ve at, rene area [ony rte Cos Mion bas rte Coens ‘oman ‘GRAND TOTALS 2 : aa $53.80 (2) Type of subsistence: FEN O ce 9190¥ N39 NIE G.O3H Form CNTR 09 Reimbursement ef Travel and Olhor Expenses Incured in tho Discharge of Ol Oty Form struc let revised February 2013 NC Department of Puble Safty, Divion of Aministration 1 |woTe: Daly ota for substance na to oxe8e3 authored amount for stale or ou-oFstate aval (1) Mode or Tevet Peirce! O= Ober te paen tes AA Re pata — NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY I af | ly 8s ) REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INRDBBEMAR 4 2014 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY My INSTRUCTIONS TOCLAIMANT. Submil one original to Generel Accounting. Attach all necessary orignal receipts and ear supporting documents to this frm, incding ery pcr wien approval of excass reparation, fodging, and oul atstate/ecutry vavel. Ren one (1) copy for your records, Complete amount, Company. 2ocbunt and center fis. Fle at ast monthly and not later than 30 days afer month ends. Propare i nko type. Far ae TTT Reimbursement or approved ang expenses mut san a aaron — State Highway Patrol Executive Protection Detail reer = an Tne 200 Hort Blount Seat erneant atin, 4 ee caer Seren Te Thave sxarined this rermburserent request end cerfly Wt ful ard raasonatie. ‘Une pena open erty iat baa wr and aooraa Pent hwo ceding, penne nd dlornces bsuneéoerrce oe Se ser a casio lmstaratsan rama aco es ae THES Iraocaie, Ive prea r ves tala use cpr! ee C2QTUH-GRQPly oon ie BPS SSEES RIE 0008 0005 ‘008. “0007. ‘008. ‘0087 to: Due Ove) 8: “Travel (ehow each ely vod) Transporation Subsistence Other Travel Expenses insta | Ouest ‘Stale [onatsiae) Explanation | Amount Depa rey Tae ay Painter sls Cox Ma 40, E20 sy Prat Cartas oa iy friar gana fost Presi ot geri i ‘GRAND TOTALS, 328.60 (2) Type of subsistence Nove: Day ita for subsistence no o exceed authorized amaur fori L=Lunch”——-H= Housing [sate or outotstate vavel, hh Wd €T BW HE Be Diner (Room) (1) Mode of Trave: P= Pavate cit = Ofer, ral bus, ax patking fees A=/Air R= Renal car Be Breakast QL99¥ N39 NI G.03¥ Form CNTR 009 Reimbursement of Fave) and Oihor Exponsos Incured inthe Discharge of Offa Duty Form structure last raved February 2013 [NC Department of Puble Saety, Drsion of Adminsiraton ‘ Sabestonoe insta [owe site e280 (Other Travel penses Explanation [Amount “rave @how each ely vated) ene © TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD “rensporation Slate [OxatSine| Be Fa rn er ag 1 rei Ca age iy risa oe fire vat Co wiege aa a Festa Rane Fron Ge Wlage a |=|o}-le}z |= fo|-|=fal|o|-fela|=|o|-|» as roma ara [ba res Gare siya co uise [bay revere gaara sy eco z|o|-[e|5|z|o|-|»|5|=/o|-| Tet ay vcore genni ais vs comers ‘genuie, [sy rence ty av crn Bi Pt aR emir Pa aa aa iy ora Co na Seas Serine ‘GRAND TOTALS, om CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Incured inthe Discharge of Of Oty Form stucture asl evised February 2018 [NC Dopattment of Pubic Safely, Division of Administration 2 DPS! NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES. INCURRED CD MAR 7 9 2074 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Sumit one orignal fo Generel Accounting. Attach al necessary orginal recaps and oar supporting Socumen's otis for. Including any per wren approval of excase registration, ding, and eu-afstatetcounty travel Relea ore 1) copy for your records. Complele emiount, ‘conpany, accourl, and canter fal, Fie at east monihly and nat ister than 30 days afer month ends. Prapare in ink or type Reimbursement fot approved training expenses must be submitted to OSDT. a wih Poe Naas BT TIGR Pavashane Pa ial La) Dera Tarai | STATE HIGHWAY PATROL / EXECUTIVE PROTECTION DETA, reve nse (eo) “ae Teer Na aT 200 NORTH BLOUNT STREET IMASTER TROOPER RALEIGH SH tS, Rens eg to PSST ‘ pani A, li ‘lik eeperae sd tonacas icant een ihe Se hae? ‘yo lle ered em yo sate a se san eens appt, Ive en anor fr omni aa andr ve pean Bae Tapers Sera] Zpp 022g 4- ‘ot ‘02 0008, 004 0. 0006. ‘oor, 006 009, 3/i8)ty ival in b Oiher Travel Epenses Explanation | Amount ‘Substance InStae [Ont Sta] = 1070. $15.40 Travel ehow each ey vied) fom e Day ay re ar ape 3i7) 20 10°70 $18.40 bai rar ane $3780 $520 $10.70 Staab ‘$9730, s1tt90 Gamma ‘GRAND TOTALS INOTE: Daiy total for subsisionce no [exceed sutvenzed amount rn. sate oF outoF tte revel, (2) Type of subsictonce: (Mode of ava < Ppmstecer © Other albus. tx pangtees Ar ReRenpene 3, ULES HUBAELY BL B= Ohmer (oon) Foim CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Incurred nthe Discharge of Oficial Duty Form structure last roves February 2013, NC Deparment of Pubic Safety, Dion of Adminstration “Travel (show each aly vised) ‘fom ay "TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD ay Sa Bear Pr xan oat Pan Corton: si Pv Ga ease at Pras Car Mowe: ‘Qe Gab Fae aes Daw Pv Co Nase omer [ben reais = aoe [ns risa eae ai re cara [bat rasta icoe sis iva Caren oor ie Carne [iri car mmaae sty rv carMiage yl ca aa [aay rica iia iat (GRAND TOTALS in-state [ouat su | 12> }ol-l-]a) =[ol-lalz|=|o]laI ‘Substtonce nSie $111.90 $520 12070 Form CNTR OU Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses cued nthe Discharge of Ocal Duly Form stuctare fst roused February 2013 NO Deparment ef Public Safety, Dion of Administration ‘Other Travel Expenses NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Hy / UBbs— REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCUNMED) MAR 10 2014 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY Ly INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit one ciginal lo General Accounting, Attach a necessary egnal recaps and other supporting documents to ini for, ‘mousing ary per wien approval of excess regtaton, edging, and ou-3siatelcounry travel. Retin one (1) copy for your records, Complele amount, ‘company, accourt, and conte elds. Fle atleast monthly and not alr than 10 daye afer month ends. Prepare rk o ype, [ Fase Fences 918 79BSFT ——] reimbursement tor approve training expenses must be submited to OSOT. —_—_—_—e, [STATE HIGHWAY PATROL / EXECUTIVE PROTECTION |~|2)=) Dimer (Roan) I) mode of Travel: = Piva car O- Other, A bus, tau parting fees A= Ale Form CNTR 008 Reimbuccement of Travl and Other Expenses Incured in the Discharge of Ofte! Dy Form structure ist revsed February 2013 NE Department of Pubic Safety, Divsin of Administration 1 “Travel @how each oly visted) ‘tae ee ‘TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD 1 ss rvs Gor aoe Pie Gx Mae ban Pree Carmine iy Po ar a foot car re [yrs crtmage Ba ys Car as Pete Ca ae Tess [ory rns Gr Waenge [ania cea Baty orn Car se fon Pome Corners is rte ba ae Pal Ca ia ro Dan Prono bo Moe Sie ‘gre (GRAND TOTALS 2 = rT 2, = 2 & 3. z “Transportation eStie [outs el lelef=lel-[>]5]=|>/-2]2]}-|=| ef =lof-let [San rns Co aoe fos re Cor wise es a si Prana tae es Pri Cart ai Prisowr fis Piece =f>}-lole|=|o|-|2| =) =1ol-l=]ef Broaktast fo exceed authorzes aout fr Letunen” = Housing |stae oroutoF state ove inne (fom) z 5 5, Fear CNTR 003 Reimbursement of Travel nd Other Expenses cued in he Dischatge of Oficial Duly Foam sratu las evsed February 2013 NO Department of Pub Safety, Division of Adminststion ‘ : LA ‘Subaienee +Other evel Expos te-Stale [ouorsate] Expansion | _ Amount aval chow aach aly wala) rom © {_TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD Transparaton ni 7 a Outch | Espasa ele Car Nese EEE ire Oa ge oy rime Cocmicne sy rive Gao [si Five Gui ie os risa carn ny te Gar a0 ra a age oa Ga in Sai Pvc Garmge [ten Corea [ony Bova Cornicss i Fri a Waae Gem cy rvs Crags cine Po a esa pst Prva carting rate Gam [bn rr ox aa sive canes Sama consi iy aC ae aaa ‘GRAND TOTALS 7 o r % Form CNTR 003 Reimbucsement of Travel and Other Expenses Ince in he Digcharge of Oficial Duty Form structure las reve February 2013 [NE Department of Publ Safety, Cvscn of Adminstration NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY UN WeBle s— REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCI MAR 19 2014 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAINANT. Submit oe orginal to General Accounting. Attach all nacessary orignal receipts and other supporting documents to this for, travel. Relain one (1) copy for your records. Comite amount, Inching any grit writen aporovalof excess registration lodging, and ou-ofslate/coun ‘company, account, and contr fds. Fle at eas mony and net later than 30 days ator mortn ends. Prepare in nk or (ype. expense must be submitid to OSDT. Tapas Wo Pane Naber BioTeaETT Retmbursement for approved trainin Tea as rt Doisansoon Besessine [state Highway Patrol Executive Protection Detall Papa kets (Set) esto Hans EHR 1200 North Blount Street Master Trooper Raleigh, $1 (er, Sen 2) [ere Warag Hert Fone) Fea Godby a Poss oo} (Ralelan No 27ant Urs pos pony cay robe Poe wd wo lon. Tha oarad isaac que an co a ial TT ifeppceb, nave gen par apovli seri een abet perce| liar pean ad alownces howd sic te Sa. fae ‘cyt! note ented tony cacao Peeexane epee, Ener HEE 0307 [4 Lave no ‘cours ‘001 2 ‘0 0008. 0008 ‘0005. ‘005 0007 aoe 00s (Supa Prete ae) ‘Soper Tepe 4 NI S & 2 al jevaea C Ppl eH hay Pe Bo “Travel (show each ay vistod) ‘Subslstonee ‘her Travel Epanaes| Day ‘wom © In-State [Ourersia| Weta [Sucre] Exolanaion | Amount [ay ri wage Fa Cae (GRAND TOTALS 337.30 I) Mode of Traves INOTE: Day toa for subsistence no ir R= Rona cor B= Breakfast, fo exceed auhonzed ermout fori state or cutotetae ave. (2) Type ot subsistence: L=lunch” = Housing rivate car © Other, 8, bus, tn, asking fees B= Diner (Room) Foam CNTR 003 Relmbureement of Travel and Other Expenses Incuted inthe Discharge of Official Duty Form st vctute last revised February 2013 NE Department of Publ Safeiy, Dvisin of Aamestation Bee rs. Other Wavel Expanses| ‘Subsistence instars [owetsian| $37.30 "ranepetation rite [Outer S| Travol(chow eagh ay vstod) tom e "TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD. a iia beep at ines Cara ty Pov Cerhone [ba roa cman Desa si rte coringe sri Sea Doi re Corsa Dan Peco Grae: iy is cernieoe Baap Pvt aria Ta ny Pata fay Pete Carneas [bay eras Carmiege 5 ris a Psi rite Gor miage cam eect oir ra Go ee wis rime Cor nage yas a a Besta (GRAND TOTALS Form CNR 003 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Incured inthe Discharge of Oficial Duly Form shucture last revised Feotuary 2013 [NO Deparimect of Pubic Safely, Divison of Administration 1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY | uy eZ " REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCURRI MAR 19 2014 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit ane original to General Accounting. Attach all necascery oginalacupte and other supposing documents to this fom, Inclsing any rir witen approval of excess registration, lodging, and ou-oFsiate/county travel. Retain one (1 copy fr your records. Complete emaunt company, account, and center flee, File at east monthly and na ator than 30 days efter month ends, Prepare mink or yp Tanct Wi PaseTankesSIECTREHETT Reimbursement for approved training expanses must be submitod to OSOT. Feeds Noa Fa Se ET Tae Fasc —_e state Highway Patol / Executive Protection Detail Foes cd cere Wa 00 North Blount Street Trocper Rati, St 0, Sm 20) sng sory Fae Rie} Ha loves ost = a arama Tra aS Rat ane BA eT leaeg experts end toate nares sec th ae thot ‘opiate, Invent ese eri al or para’ ety tar reberanbused em any herrea ase te spore vata. (a) a Sere) ‘Pwel (Claman reser) (Super Terre) is ‘001 ‘02 000 ‘008 000 000 9007. 0008) 3009, Tet Deo) WALT WALUEL 5 B Bute ' an ss EHC ley i 3 indicated, ? tay Travel ehow each cy vied) Substance Obie Travel Ewensee InSate [outersie| — Eweneton | _ Amount Ferree! | Day ‘tom o 7 S070 Gay race sip ne Coto 070, sea 1.00 20, S07 aman 2 een aa “GRAND TOTALS, $48.00 (2) Type of subsistence |NOTE: Daily etal for subsistence no Be Breakfast fo exceed authorizes amount fri Letunes-H= Housing state or eut-ot state wavel B= Dinas oom) |) Mode of Taver: P= Private car = Otnr, ai bus, tod, parking foos A*AK R= Renal car Form CNTR 002 Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Incured inthe Csscharg of Oficial Duty Fim strgtue est revised February 2013 NC Deperiment of Publ Stel. Division of Adminstration 1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY j ty | (Ble y : deta, REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES INCU} 19 2014 IN THE DISCHARGE OF OFFICIAL DUTY INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT. Submit oe aigial to General Accounting. Attach all ncessary orgil receipts ad other supporting documents fo this form, Ineuding ary pier writen approval of excess relstaton, ieging, and uot staalcounty ave. Ratan ano (1) copy for Your recoras, Complete smoun, ‘company, account, end center eid. Fle atleast monthly and not later than 20 days afer month ends. Prepare in ink or type. Fea ib Pas aro ara7asaeTt [Reimbursement for approved training expenses must be submited to OSDT. rsa Fie Wea Driseaisaion Fae [state Highway Pato! / Exoculve Protection Detail Paes hss (Si) "he: Lesion fone None [200 North Blount Street trrooper lnateign, 5 (ch is 20) errata ows oor Fasad Coss nn bsaet foe {Raloin, NC_27601-1006 The sarid is rombnenel nut eet Pali apnoea ‘Ue penance Os Toe # os end aca ona tO agra, pees nt aloumoes eared rere tne Si Achat Iapcan, Ive geno oer Weed we eso, ect wilco ronan ome oh soe eee sae omnes vet (038) —_ Sot) a es se aetna R FE ams i Sew SEE fof= & Slope lol= Ee : 7 152-90 | Ye, 040mm) 152,90 1 tho actual time of departure and artva in blocks indicated ier Sipe Zenon te TTransporaton Sobeinence ie-Site “Travel (efiow each aly vised) ‘rom e ‘amount Tame In-State | ouarsa| $670 $10.70 uae Sa| bay oi ale Ew sis Pe ernie ‘a coine bai Pree or Sane ‘GRAND TOTALS 2 $890 F800 Inore: vty tit tr subsistence nl fo exceed auihorzad amount erin state or outot state trav, 2 7y00 of sss: Be Broskfast Le Lunch H= Housing B= Dinner (Room). (1) Mode of Trove P= Paivate cat O= Other, ra bus, tx, parking fees A= Air R= Renta car Foim GNTR 008 Relmbursernen of Travel and Otpor Expencos Incered in the Discharge of Ofiat Duty Foo stucture lst rovsea Februsry 2073 : NO Deparment of Pubic Safety, Dain of Admiisation ‘Other Travel Expenses Explanation [Amount e__sa00) Bete ‘Subsaience State [owotsuie ‘sie00] _ se070 | oe ‘sem $10.70 Trarspetation TrStte [Outer sat Travel haw each ety vised) ‘fom © "TOTALS BROUGHT FORWARD. Iya Tae ae a va Gar eas sero cox B00 Datei Gx nme ost Pe Co ai Pina or Wisae Bi Pr arog Baty Piva Corners ‘geri F L=|2|-2| ef |-lele}zlo|-lo|s]-\o|-|2]24<\o}-le]<4

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