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Kendrick Noetzelman

8th Grade Language Arts
24 April 2017
The Mexican-American Border Wall, Should it happen?
It all started June 16, 2015. Donald John Trump announced he was running for
president, when the public heard this there was many things said many good and
many bad but this essay outlines one thing only. Along with many other things
Trump said he was going to build a wall on the border between Mexico and America.
At last someone was taking action against the illegal aliens that populate Mexico
and invade America to sell illegal drugs and other items. Is he starting something
new or finishing what others started? So the question stands, should the wall
become a reality? Would it be a good idea?
The Mexican-American border wall should happen, its what I believe.
Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders, gets
back its borders. (Trump) When this wall goes up no longer do the Americans have
to worry about lost control of the border. Once we build the wall we dont have to
worry about losing our loved ones to drugs and alcohol sold on the streets by illegal
aliens. We also need to have casinos in the wall. Just look at the money the
Casinos in Pittsburgh give to the city each year its in excess of $10 million. The
wall casinos can be much longer, thus generating even more revenue. All these
border states (California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas) already have legalized
gambling. So you dont even need Trump to sign an executive order. (Point park
Globe) This is just one of the many ways we could pay for wall maintenance
because Trump has many great plans for his wall. Trump has said he wants a
concrete barrier as high as 55 feet tall and has described his proposed wall as
"impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful."(abc NEWS) Trump is describing
his idea for his border wall, how he wants it to be tall and beautiful, yet effective.
The flow of drugs and undocumented immigrants through the reservation has
caused a host of problems. Juan-Saunders estimated that about 1,500 illegal
immigrants cross reservation land each day, depositing on average six tons of trash.
Some well-traveled knolls have been renamed "Million Backpack Hill" because of the
refuse. (Washington Post) So the wall would help keep trash output on the US down
by a lot because the Illegal Aliens are disposing of tons of trash. Mr. Chertoff said
the criminal activity in Mexico, which has caused more than 5,300 deaths in the last
year, had long troubled American authorities. But it reached a point last summer, he
said, where he ordered specific plans to confront in this country the kind of
shootouts and other mayhem that in Mexico have killed members of warring drug
cartels, law enforcement officials and bystanders, often not far from the border. So
the wall is for the United States protection against warring drug cartels that may get
normal citizens caught in the crossfire. (New York Times) But that's not all, there's a
So Trump wants to build this giant, big wall but it would cost $31,216,000,000
MILLION for the entire wall. Where is America supposed to get that money from?
American taxpayers? We dont want to pay for more stuff when the nation is already
$18.96 TRILLION in debt. Bad leaders jump to conclusions. They base their actions
on outdated assumptions. They invest in the wrong places because they think they
know everything, rather than making sure they know the situation as it really
exists.(Hartung) So according to Hartung Donald Trump is jumping to conclusions
and not finding the facts. It has to be a layered defense, Mr. Kelly said during an
exchange with Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona. If you build a wall, you
would still have to back that wall up with patrolling by human beings, by sensors, by
observation devices.(New York Times) So the wall isn't just a one time cost it's
going to be long drawn out because you have to pay for border patrol and extra
costs. On the campaign trail, Trump's immigration reform plan called for
impounding remittance payments derived from illegal wages, a controversial idea,
and imposing increased visa and entry fees to the United States from Mexico unless
the latter agrees to finance the wall.(CNBC) So now Trump is trying to threaten a
trade partner into making a deal they don't want to do. That shows some seriously
bad Presidency right there. The United States now spends $3.7 billion per year to
keep some 21,000 Border Patrol agents on guard and another $3.2 billion on 23,000
inspectors at ports of entry along the border, a third of which is already walled or
fenced off.(Reich) So the expenses aren't only for the cost of building the wall but
the cost of maintaining the wall and paying people to man the wall. Yes, yes, Trump
has made a fun little chant out of promising that Mexico will pay for the wall. But
odds are that its taxpayers who will be responsible for footing the bill. (US News)
So looks like America will pay for the wall no matter what Trump says. So we have a
president who isn't a politician he is a businessman. And hes a liar? That's just what
the democrats want the general public to think.
So why do the Liberals want you to think that? The answer is simple, the
democrats dont want to lose possible drug purchase opportunities. The democrats
agree with the use of drugs. Hispanic Caucus members called Trumps border wall
ignorant, lazy, antiquated, a waste of everyones time and money, and proof
that Donald Trump is taking this country back to the dark ages. Every caucus
member who attached their name to the press release is a Democrat.
(Conservative Review) That shows that the only people that disagree with the wall is
because they are Liberals. The people illegally crossing are taking more of our jobs,
getting benefits, help care less taxes, and hurting america due to not agreeing this
is the land of the free and the brave, but they are crouching on our religion, our
rights to pledge of allegiance, making it so the children cannot be allowed to show
any religious beliefs due to them getting offended about our cultures. We allow
them to be here and they have not pledged to america for all they are receiving
while not being made to agree to follow our ways and complain that we are
prejudice to them, they contribute to any and all missions of hate crimes against the
United States.(All About Politics) That shows why people think the wall is about
hate. It really isn't, any supposed hate is because the illegal aliens are stealing
american money and stealing american jobs. Anyone who wants to come to America
can pay for the travel. They say Trump won't get the mexicans to pay for the wall. I
will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for
that wall. Mark my words.(Trump) That there shows us United States of America
citizens that Donald Trump will be relentless in getting his way. President Donald
Trump is promising Mexico will pay for his massive border wall. On Thursday, his
administration finally suggested how: a 20 percent tax on products imported from
south of the border.(Kiro) So right there is how Trump is making the mexicans pay
for the huge, 55 foot tall, concrete border wall. As said earlier the wall will cost a lot
of money. In fact thats not the case. You can knock off 850 miles from that
decreasing the expenses to only $17,616,000,000 Million effectively decreasing it
by $13,600,000,000. Of course, if Trump convinces the Mexican government to pay
for the wall, goading the country to use its own labor and materials to build it, the
whole jobs stimulus would benefit workers on the south side of the border. But don't
hold your breath waiting for Mexican President Enrique Pea Nieto to bow to
Trumps demands, says Michael Camuez, president and CEO at Manatt Jones
Global Strategies, and a former assistant secretary of Commerce under President
Barack Obama.(Time) So the wall will benefit both countries on the north side of
the wall and the south side of the wall by giving the mexicans more jobs and giving
the Americans more protection from potential terrorist trying to border jump.After
the September 11 terrorist attacks in the U.S., homeland security was again a
priority. Many ideas were tossed around during the next few years on what could be
done to permanently secure the border. And, in 2006, the Secure Fence Act was
passed to build 700 miles of double-reinforced security fencing in areas along the
border prone to drug trafficking and illegal immigration. President Bush also
deployed 6,000 National Guardsmen to the Mexico border to assist with border
control.(ThoughtCo.) This means not only is the wall supposed to keep out drug
traffickers it's meant to keep out terrorists trying to hitch a ride into the US by the
Mexican-American border to keep you safe. So maybe is it as racial based as the
public thinks?
So to answer one of the questions at the beginning no it ISN'T racial based,
people only think it's racial based because of nasty election rumours that were used
to try and ruin Trumps chance of becoming president. So I once again think the wall
should become a reality, even though there is evidence that is proving that it's a
bad idea, there is also evidence that supports it and I think that the evidence
supporting the wall outweighs the evidence that is against the wall. Some will
disagree, in fact, many will and some will agree. Finally, the drug trafficking menace
is being dealt with in the building of a giant wall. That is why Donald John Trumps
wall should become a reality.
All About Politics. "Why Might Building A Border Wall Be A Good Idea." All About
Politics. All About Politics, 30 Sept. 2016. Web. 18 Apr. 2017.
Archibold, Randal C. "U.S. Plans Border Surge Against Any Drug Wars." The New
York Times. The New York Times, 07 Jan. 2009. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.
Bahler, Kristen. "Donald Trump Wall: How Many Jobs Would It Create? | Money."
Time. Time, 27 Jan. 2017. Web. 18 Apr. 2017. <
Drew, Kate. Donald Trump's Controversial Border Wall Could Cost Upwards of $15
Billion.CNBC, CNBC, 26 Jan. 2017,
border-wall-could-cost-us.html. Accessed 12 Apr. 2017.
Garofalo, Pat. " You're Going to Pay for the Wall Mexico won't pay for Donald Trump's
useless border wall; taxpayers will." US News. US News, 26 Jan. 2017. Web. 13 Apr.
Grande, David. Why We Need Trump's Border Wall Now. Point Park Globe, Point
Park Globe, 31 Jan. 2017,
now/. Accessed 17 Apr. 2017.
Hartung, Adam. Why President Trump's Border Wall Is An Example Of Bad
Leadership. Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 31 Jan. 2017,
is-an-example-of-bad-leadership/#2844bebc26cf. Accessed 14 Apr. 2017.
Jacobo, Julia, and Serena Marshall. Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico
Border Already Exist. ABC News, ABC News Network, 26 Jan. 2017,
Accessed 13 Apr. 2017.
Jeffrey, Maria. "Congressional Democrats lose their minds over Trump's 'Wall of
Hate'" Conservative
Review. Conservative Review, 26 Jan. 2017. Web. 13 Apr.
Kiro 7. Will Tequila Prices Increase? Trump's Plan to Pay for Border Wall Explained.
Kiro 7, Kiro 7, 26 Jan. 2017,
trumps-plan-to-pay-for-border-wall-explained/488319562. Accessed 17 Apr. 2017.
McFadyen, Jennifer. Building Barriers on the US-Mexico Border. ThoughtCo,
ThoughtCo, 5 Apr. 2017,
1951541. Accessed 14 Apr. 2017.
Nixon, Ron. "Homeland Security Secretary Has Said Border Wall Alone Will Not
Work." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Jan. 2017. Web. 18 Apr. 2017.
Pike, John. Great Wall of Mexico. Global Security, Homeland Security, 26 Jan. 2017, Accessed 14 Apr. 2017.
Pomfret, John. As Border Crackdown Intensifies, A Tribe Is Caught in the Crossfire.
The Washington Post, WP Company, 15 Sept. 2006,
dyn/content/article/2006/09/14/AR2006091401827.html. Accessed 17 Apr. 2017.
Reich, Robert. Robert Reich: Six reasons Trump's Mexico wall is a dumb idea.
Newsweek, Newsweek, 22 Jan. 2017,
trumps-mexico-wall-dumb-idea-543247. Accessed 19 Apr. 2017.

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