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The Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Their Effect on Our Lives

Meeting the Challenge of

Bible Translation

'Living No Longer for Ourselves'

JUNE 15, 1974

W T B iT S
The Horsemen of the ApocalypseTheir
Effect on Our Lives 355
Insight on the News 360
Meeting the Challenge of Bible Translation 361
A watchtower enables a person to see far Reaching People in the Skyscrapers of
into the distance and announce to others New York 364
what is coming. Can a magazine serve Are You Truly Approachable? 367
similarly in our day? Yes, from its first
Living No Longer for Ourselves369
issue (July 1879) onward, The Watchtower,
published by Jehovahs witnesses, has done Serve with Eternity in View 375
just that. Noahs Ark No Minor Vessel 380
How can it benefit you? Consider: Do you The Lake of Fire and Its Purpose 381
long for a better world, one of true justice
and free from sorrow, hatred and war? Do
you want to live at a time when genuine
peace and love prevail among people of all Average Printing Each Issue: 8 ,2 5 0 ,0 0 0
races? Then this magazine can aid you. Using
Gods Word, the Bible, as its authority, it Now Published in 7 7 Languages
points out the clear evidence that the present S em im o n th ly E d itio n s :
wicked system of things will soon end, Afrikaans Dutch Italian Swahili
Arabic English Japanese Swedish
destroyed by God. But it also announces Cebuano
the coming in of a righteous new order. Chishona German Norwegian Xhosa
Cibemba Greek Portuguese Yoruba
There, under the rule of Gods kingdom, his Cinyanja Hiligaynon Sesotho Zulu
Danish Iloko Spanish
heavenly government, people will enjoy life
M onthly E d itio n s :
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It stays strictly neutral as regards political Gun Marathi Sepedi Urdu
Hebrew Melanesian- Serbian Vietnamese
affairs. It wholeheartedly upholds the high- Hindi Pidgin Silozi
est moral standardthat of mans Maker,
Jehovah God. From this source, it shows
solutions to the problems of daily life. Five c e n ts a copy Yearly subscription rates for semi-
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WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY b e l). Write Watchtower, 1 1 7 Adams S t ., Brooklyn, New York 1 1 2 0 1 , U .S .A .
OF PENNSYLVANIA The Bible translation sed In The Watchtower Is tho modern-language
117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, U.S.A. Now World Translation of tho Holy Scriptores, nless otherwise Indicated.
N . H . K norb, President G rant S uiter , Secretary Printed in U.S.A.
AR, famine and disease have con- barley for a days wage; and do not harm
W tinued to plague humankind in
this twentieth century. Why is this so in
the olive oil and the wine.*
And when he opened the fourth seal, I
heard the voice of the fourth living creature
spite of mans technical developments? say, Come!* And I saw, and, look! a pale
The answer involves "the horsemen of horse, and the one seated upon it had the
the Apocalypse. No doubt you are ac- name Death. And Hades was closely follow-
ing him. And authority was given them over
quainted with that expression. But did the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a
you realize that what the Bible says about long sword and with food shortage and with
those "horsemen is really a description deadly plague and by the wild beasts of
of the problems of our day and of their the earth.Rev. 6:28, New World Trans
solution? The accuracy with which the lation, 1950 edition.
events of the twentieth century fit the Obviously, much of this prophecy is
prophecy is indeed thought provoking. symbolic; Revelation was 'presented in
The term "horsemen of the Apocalypse signs. (Rev. 1:1) Thus, in the fulfillment,
is drawn from the Bibles last book, called we would not expect a series of literal
Revelation, or, as in Greek, Apocalypse. horsemen to spread destruction. But the
Written nineteen centuries ago, it is a book effects brought by these symbolic horse-
of prophecies inspired by God. Consider men would be as disastrous as if that had
how it describes these horsemen: happened.
When do the terrible conditions repre-
And I saw, and, look! a white horse, and
the one seated upon it had a bow, and a sented by those horsemen appear? The
crown was given him, and he went forth Revelation indicates this because, after
conquering and to complete his conquest. describing the horsemen, it goes on to
And when he opened the second
seal, I heard the second living crea-
ture say, *Come! And another came
forth, a fiery-colored horse, and to 25 Yer *

the one seated upon it there was __ _ OHCt

granted to take peace away from the
I. 01 even the skeptic*, w \ \
earth so that they should slaughter t there has been a change in th ^
I since AX>. 1914. ! iac. recon1*H
one another, and a great sword was ^ t o r y poini, t0 that year as the turning

given him. S . * * -
L ,'{ * ha* Jong*** apparent that Augu<#f 1
And when he opened the third !9 1 4 , was one of history's mile.7 ^
y o rty years is a short enough span
seal, I heard the third living creature (5 isreckoned, but the events tho!>%/
fave thrown u p -tw o world wars, thl)
say, ,Come! And I saw, and, look! s of the Welfare State, the prodt
om and hydrogen bombs, to m e n t i c ^ $
a black horse, and the one seated N 1, 1949

upon it had a pair of scales in THE WORLDS TIME OF THE END

his hand. And I heard a voice as if /ftvhen shall these things bet and what shall be the sign of thy presence, and of the end of the^
in the midst of the four living crea- worldf"Matt. 24:3, Am. Stan. Ver., margin.

tures say: A quart of wheat for a Y TEH O V A H centuries ago marked A.D. 1914 as his It failed to bring a "**,1*0^ r1'
I appointed year for bringing his kingdom to birth, and a now earth^ All the_ ___ in .
\ {

* J liisjjurgm ^'
days wage, and three quarts of *


cal control, and
the kings of the
earth and their
armies. (Rev. 11:
15 ; 12:10 ; 19:11
21) Then he rules
for a thousand
years. (Rev. 20:
6) All of this is
included in the
day or period
of Jesus rule of
talk about the great tribulation, also which the apostle John speaks.
called the great day of [the] wrath of But when, exactly, does the Lords day
God and of the Lamb Jesus Christ. (Rev. begin and thus also the ride of the horse-
6:17; 7:1-3, 14) So the conditions repre- men of the Apocalypse? All the evidence
sented by the horsemen must come just points clearly to the year 1914, and it in-
before the complete destruction of the eludes our own day. How is this known?
present worldwide wicked system of things. Well, consider first what the Bible says
about the horsemen and then compare this
Our personal security during Gods great
with world events since that year.
tribulation demands that we find out
Since it is Jesus day, it is logical to
when these horsemen would ride.
believe that the account of the horsemen
DETERMINING THE TIME would, first of all, describe him in some
OF THE APPEARANCE OF THE HORSEMEN way. This is the case. The initial horse-
Most of the action in the Bible book of man is shown to be seated on a white
Revelation occurs during what the apostle horse and as having a bow and a crown,
John calls the Lords day. (Rev. 1:10) expressions that would indicate he is both
What does this term the Lords day a warrior and a king. That this is a refer-
mean? ence to the Lord Jesus is shown by a com-
Well, first of all, note that the Lord in parison with Revelation 19:12, 13. There
this expression must refer to Jesus Christ, the Word of God, Jesus, is shown astride
the one to whom God entrusts rulership a white war mount and as having upon
over all mankind. The rest of Revelation his head . . . many diadems. Also, ter-
largely revolves about his special activities. minology similar to that found in Reve-
It calls him Lord of lords.Rev. 19:16. lation chapter 6 about the white horses
The work that Revelation speaks of Je- rider is found in Psalm 45; this psalm is
sus as performing is definitely not con- applied to Jesus Christ in Hebrews 1:8, 9.
fined to a twenty-four-hour day. The How does knowing this help us to know
term day often means an extended pe- when he rides? Well, to say, as the Reve-
riod of time, as in the expression Noahs lation does, that this one on the white
day. As Revelation shows that sometime horse goes forth conquering and to com-
after Jesus is granted rulership over the plete his conquest indicates that he, as
world of mankind he fights the wild an active king, would remove his enemies.
beast, Satans beastly system of politi- Who was the first of these to whom he
turned his attention? Revelation chapter THE SECOND HORSEMANWAR
12 speaks of the time when Jesus Christ The second rider is depicted as being
comes to his rightful rule! (Rev. 12:10, seated on a fiery-colored horse and as
New English )B
ible A war takes taking
place in peace away from the earth so that
heaven, and Satan the Devil, the foremost they should slaughter one another, and a
enemy of all who love righteousness, is great sword was given him. What does
thrown down to the vicinity of the earth. this represent? War! But not just ordinary
With that act, Christ ,goes forth conquer- war. Rather, large-scale war seems to be
ing. implied, for this rider is given no ordinary
These events, however, took place in sword of war; he is given a great sword.
heaven, invisibly. After the Devil is thrown For this reason the paraphrase found in
out of heaven, the account tells us that The Living Bible is appropriate. It says
there would be woe for the earth . . . be- that this rider was authorized to banish
cause the Devil has come down to you, peace and bring anarchy to the earth; war
having great anger.Rev. 12:7-12. and killing broke out everywhere. When
The descriptions of the other horsemen did war on such a large scale appear?
who ride at the same time that Jesus does In the year 1914.
serve to prove that Christ as King is rid- That was when World War I erupted,
ing to victory. Knowing when the effects the greatest war the world had seen up
caused by the riders started would reveal to that time. Further, historian H. W.
the exact time that the horsemen were Baldwin says: World War I ushered in
riding and would indicate when Jesus as the century of Total War, ofin the first
king was gathering lovers of God and of full sense of the termglobal war. About
his kingdom with a view to their preser- 10,000,000 persons were killed and many
vation. millions more were wounded in that war.
What are these disastrous effects? Even those nations that did maintain their
neutrality were in great uncer-
tainty; they felt no sense of se-
curity, because ,peace had been
taken from the earth.
But the fiery-colored horse
did not stop after World War I
ended in 1918. True, there were
concerted efforts to bring about
earth-wide peace, and many cir-
cumstances seemed to indicate
that it could be achieved. An inter-
national organization, the League
of Nations, was even established
to try to prevent war from arising
again. A New York Times edi-
torial appearing the day after
World War I closed expressed the
feelings of most persons: The
world is sick of war . . . the solid
framework of the League of Na-
E WATCHT W E R _ _ JUNE 19 74 ,5 357
tions has already been erected. Even Revelation thus indicates that food
science seemed to contribute toward last- would be limited. Rationing would be nec-
ing peace, by making a smaller world, essary, as pictured by the horsemans
one of rapid communication and transpor- pair of scales. The wealthy would not be
tation. But even with all these favorable exempt, since the voice says, Do not harm
forces at work, the League of Nations the olive oil and the wine, that is, it would
buckled about twenty years later. be necessary to use sparingly even those
World War II broke out in 1939. It even- products customarily identified with the
tually took fifty-five million lives. After well-to-do. Have we seen such famine con-
the explosion of two atomic blasts over ditions as these since World War I?
Japan, it finally came to a close. Indeed we have. One of the largest fam-
The nations again desired peace and so ines in history swept much of Europe and
the United Nations was formed. Peace Russia after World War I. An even larger
talks continue up to this time. But, as you one occurred after World War II. You have
know, so do the construction and stock- probably read about the extreme famine
piling of huge weapons of war. War, revo- conditions and food shortages that con-
lutions and civil revolts are still being tinue right now in parts of Africa and
fought. Peace has indeed been taken from Asia. And where you live, what has hap-
the earth, in spite of mans efforts and pened to food prices? People in all walks
desires to the contrary. of life, from every economic and social
Is this not clear evidence, therefore, that stratum feel the effects of the food pinch;
the rider on the fiery-colored horse must such shortages have occurred in spite of
have started his ride in the year 1914? mans know-how. Better farm equipment
Are not the effects of his riding all around and sophisticated farming methods have
us? Surely that is the case. In that same not stopped famine. Since thousands of
year, 1914, Jesus Christ must also have people still suffer and die every day from
gone forth to begin actively ruling as king starvation, the rider on the black horse
over the whole world of mankind, and the obviously is still riding.
time when he would destroy those who
are enemies of Gods righteous rule must DEATH BY OTHER MEANS
be near at hand. While war and famine have caused mil-
lions of deaths in the last sixty years, there
THE THIRD HORSEMANFAMINE have been other major causes of death.
Food shortage often accompanies war- So, the fourth horseman is described as
fare. Appropriately, therefore, the third being seated upon a pale-colored horse and
rider that John saw is upon a black horse it had the name Death. He brings death,
representing famine. So intense would the not just with a long sword and with food
conditions be that a voice is heard to say: shortage, but also with deadly plague
A quart of wheat for a days wage, and and by the wild beasts of the earth.
three quarts of barley for a days wage; Many persons now living have seen the
and do not harm the olive oil and the truthfulness of this prophecy about dead-
wine. According to the Greek historian ly plague. Ask some of the older genera-
Herodotus, one quart of grain was the tion who recall World War I. They will tell
minimum amount needed to maintain a you about the deadly Spanish Flu (grippe)
soldier successfully. that swept the globe after that great war,
and about how it brought death to over largely parallel those found in Revelation
twenty million persons, even to those liv- chapter 6. He predicted similar calamities
ing in the most remote sections of earth. in connection with the conclusion of the
Cholera, malaria, trachoma, smallpox system of things. (See Matthew chapters
and schistosomiasis (snail fever) now af- 24 and 25; Mark chapter 13 and Luke chap-
feet hundreds of millions of persons. And ter 21.) And, therein, Jesus lets us know
even if you live in one of the advanced how much time is involved before he, as
countries, you know that in spite of dili- the rider on the white horse, completes
gent medical work, cancer, heart disease his conquest.
and other sicknesses abound. These things Jesus stated, as recorded at Matthew
should convince us that the fourth horse- 24:34: Truly I say to you that this
man is still riding. generation will by no means pass away
But what about death brought on by the until all these things occur. The gener-
wild beasts? In ation that saw
the absence of the beginning of
hum ans, w ild these th in gs
animals ordinar- in 1914 is now
ily thrive. (Ex. L
'A * * . . .
children1 well up in years
Indi (SCI
23:29) So, too, 01 . 5 one
Indi ever Tear
- Jn told.
and, in fact, is
Scaled that 85% of
in modern times 9 , 1*-Jn lowest income
rr ?rr * near to passing
the large-scale lii% from severe

deficiency ak


< aw ay. There-
" c^ddren uockr
upsetting of set- r m frn *rettimt an
I 4V ' dependent fore, the time
tied life brought must be close for
;-" !
about by war the great trib-
and subsequent
T im U ) x , k , x ulation and the
fa m in e s and "S-1;.''^;
"tr.'v 'il
,"Pm that bishun. "
day of wrath
p la g u e s h a s of God and Je-
meant increas- . Lve .
sus Christ. What
ing danger from should you do to
w ild b e a s t s . survive the com-
Thus a January ing destruction?
23, 1915, Reuters news dispatch reported Take steps to find yourself among those
that people living in the Carpathian Moun- whom Revelation also reveals will come
tains while fleeing from the Austrians were out of the great tribulation, that is, who
in fear of wolves, who, rendered desperate will survive it. These ones, the account
by hunger, are attacking human beings says, have taken certain steps to come into
throughout the devastated districts. a favorable relationship with God and the
Yes, honest observers can see that the Lamb. They have shown faith in the sin-
horsemen of the Apocalypse have been on atoning value of Jesus sacrifice; theirs is
the move since the year 1914. But how an active, living faith resulting from study
long will they continue to ride? That is of the Bible. Jehovahs witnesses will be
no doubt something you would like to pleased to show you how you might be
know. among the great crowd, which no man
was able to number, out of all nations and
UENGTH OF THEIR RIDE tribes and peoples and tongues, who stand
In answer to that question it is necessary approved before the throne and before
to consider the words of Jesus, which the Lamb.Rev. 7:9-17.
Insight on the N ew s
To determine what institutions are most and a Catholic minority. Many hold that the
influential in the United States, the U.S. News present conflict is not really a religious
& World Report magazine struggle waged over religious issues. Instead,
recently took a survey among they say it is a case of a minority group
Religion 500 leading Americans. List- seeking greater voice in government and a
How Much *n9 eighteen major organiza- majority group resisting due to fear of jeopar-
In fliio n ro ? tions and institutions, the dizing their present independence from the
magazine asked those polled Catholic Republic of Ireland to the south.
to rate each according to Be that as it may, the inability of Northern
the amount of influence you think it has on Irelands religious organizations. Catholic and
decisions or actions affecting the nation as a Protestant, to halt the violence and contribute
whole. to peaceful conditions for the people is pain-
First place in the ratings went to television, fully evident. Nor can the churches wash their
followed by the White House, the Supreme hands of responsibility for the deep-seated
Court and the newspapers. Educational insti- divisions and distrust that exist.
tutions were in twelfth place, while the two
Transsexualism is a word appearing
major political parties occupied fourteenth and
with growing frequency in the news. A trans-
seventeenth places. In last place: Organized
religion. sexual is not merely a trans-
vestite (one who dresses in
Commenting on this, the magazine said:
Bom in clothes of the opposite sex),
Long-held suspicions that the influence of
religion, educational institutions and political
the W rong nor necessarily a homosexual
(though that may be the
parties are not as strong as once thought
case). A transsexual is a
appear to be borne out in the answers given
person who rejects the sex
by Americas leaders.
with which he or she was born and takes up
The drop of the churches influence is paral- the life of the other sex. Claiming they were,
leled by their modern failure to uphold the in effect, born in the wrong body, many
Bibles morals and principles. Jehovah Gods have undergone radical surgery and hormone
words directed to the leaders of apostate treatments to attain a sexual transformation.
Israel of old come to mind: "Look! They have An estimated 1,500 persons in the United
rejected the very word of Jehovah, and what States and about 150 in Britain have done
wisdom do they have? Jer. 8:9. so. What really do they accomplish? Is it
possible to change a normal person (not a
The first death came on August 15, 1969, hermaphrodite of ambiguous sex) from one
when machine-gun fire smashed into an
gender to another?
apartment and killed a sleep- The answer is. No. As Dr. Georges Burou,
ing nine-year-old boy. Less a French surgeon prominent in the field, says:
Gruesome than five years later on I dont change men into women. I transform
Toll Mounts Saturday, April 20, 1974 male genitals into genitals that have a female
the one thousandth victim of aspect. All the rest is in the patients mind.
violence in Northern Ireland ( Time, Jan. 21, 1974, p. 64) In reality,
died. All these deaths are directly related to the ultimate result is either a severely (and
terrorist action and do not include deaths irreversibly) mutilated man who resembles
from accidental causes. Among the one thou- a woman, or a severely (and irreversibly)
sand slain were fifteen children less than mutilated woman who resembles a man.
twelve years of age. The increase of transsexualism is but one
The country has a population of about one more facet of the spread of practices con-
and a half million. What if the same ratio trary to nature characterizing much of this
of deaths struck a nation the size of the present period. (Compare Romans 1:26.) The
United States? It would mean the loss of remedy for those with such inclinations is
135,000 persons more than double the not surgery but a change in outlook, being
number of U.S. soldiers killed in Vietnam! made new in the force actuating their minds
Northern Ireland has a Protestant majority with the aid of Gods Word. Eph. 4:22-24.
there are two Greek words
that most translations render
anoint, namely, a-lei'pho
and khri'o. Whenever a-lei'-
pho appears it always refers
to the use of oil or ointment
applied to the body, as af-
ter a bath, or in sickness or
in death. (Matt. 6:17; Mark
HE Holy Bible, by early 1974, was 6:13; 16:1; Luke 7:38, 46; Jas. 5:14)
T translated wholly or in part into But khri'o is used only in a spiritual,
1,526 languages and dialects. Not only sacred
is and figurative or symbolic sense
it being translated into more languages and therefore deserves the word anoint,
each year but more and more translations as at Luke 4:18, where we read: Jeho-
are being made in the same languages. vahs spirit is upon me, because he -
A case in point is the English language, ed me to declare good news to the poor.
in which it seems that of late almost yearly Few, if any, aside from the New World
new translations have been made. Translation (NW), uniformly distinguish
Regarding the art of translation a pro- between these two Greek words.
fessor of languages once stated that the Another challenge as to accuracy has to
problems that arise with translation are do with what is known as the present
infinite. Translating the Bible presents imperative in Greek.* It denotes con-
the greatest challenge of all. Well has it tinuous or repeated action. Its distinctive-
been said: Biblical translation is an end- ness is, by and large, ignored by Bible
less process. It involves translating from translators. For example, at Luke 11:9,10
ancient languages idioms that are no Ion- nearly all read as does the New English
Bible (NEB) : So I say to you, and
ger in common usage. And it involves re-
you will receive; seek, and you will find;
ligion, and religion always has associated knock, and the door will be opened. For
with it strong feelings, which at times may everyone who asks receives, he who seeks
get in the way of a translators judg- finds, and to him who knocks, the door
ment. The Bible being the inspired Word will be opened.
of God, it should be translated with the But such a rendering misses the entire
greatest care and skill. Unless one ac- point of Jesus illustration. In it he tells of
cepts the Bibles claim to be the inspired a mein whose guests arrive at midnight
Word of God one cannot fully do justice and who goes to his neighbor for bread.
to it. Bible translation should be a labor The neighbor at first refuses because he
of love, as well as an art and a science. is in bed with his children. But finally the
neighbor does get up and gives him bread,
ACCURACY not because the one asking is a friend but
Among the many challenges that Bible because of his bold persistence. And so
translation poses is that of accuracy. Is the what Jesus said in applying the lesson of
translation as explicit as is the original? the parable was: Keep on asking, and it
Does it do justice to the flavor as well as will be given you; keep on seeking, and
you will find; keep on knocking, and it will
the words of the original? Often trans-
* See A Manual Grammar of the Greek N ew Testa-
lations come short in this regard. Thus m entj Dana & Mantey, pp. 300303.
be opened to you. For everyone asking re- Furnishing similar examples of religious
ceives, and everyone seeking finds, and to bias is TheChildrens Living Bible by
everyone knocking it will be opened. K. N. Taylor. Thus at 2 Timothy 2:8 it
NW. reads: Dont ever forget the wonderful
fact that Jesus Christ was a Man, born
GUARDING AGAINST BIAS into King Davids family; and that he was
There is also the matter of fidelity to God, as shown by the fact that he rose
the original. At times Bible translators let again from the dead. But the original
their religious bias show through in their says nothing about Jesus being God, even
renderings. For example, modern transla- as can be seen from the way the New En-
tors appear to have an aversion to using glish Bible renders this verse: Remember
an equivalent for the Hebrew Tetragram- Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, born of
maton, YHWH or JHVH. Some object to Davids line.
using the name Jehovah as an equiva- Then again, Taylors translation of Mat-
lent. But if Yahweh is more nearly cor- thew 7:13 reads: Heaven can be entered
rect, why do not more of them use that only through the narrow gate! The high-
form? Since Rotherhams translation way to hell is broad, and its gate is wide
(1897) apparently only The Jerusalem Bi- enough for all the multitudes who choose
ble has used Yahweh. Obviously the Tetra- its easy way. But the original says noth-
grammaton is a proper noun and so can- ing about either Hades or Gehenna, the
not be properly translated by using such two Greek words often translated hell.
common nouns as Lord or God. True, Instead, it contrasts life and destrue-
in some translations these common nouns tion.
are printed in all capitals, but that does
not make them truly distinctive. Besides, LETTING GODS WORD ITSELF DIRECT
when Bible texts are read aloud the listen- When there is a choice of alternatives,
er is not aware of the capital letters, is he? as when punctuation becomes vital, what
Then again, John 2:3, 4 in the Catholic the Bible itself says must be permitted to
Confraternity Version (1941) reads: The direct. (When the Bible was first written,
wine having run short, the mother of Je- there was no such thing as punctuation.)
sus said to him, They have no wine. And But Luke 23:43 is almost invariably ren-
Jesus said to her, What wouldst thou have dered as if Jesus said: I tell you verily,
me do, woman? My hour has not yet today you shall be with me in Paradise.
come. This is just the opposite from the (The Bible inLiving English, Byingt
way Jesus actually spoke to his mother, However, others, such as the New World
even as indicated by his calling Mary Translation and Rotherham, put the com-
woman instead of mother. What he ma after today : Truly I tell you today,
actually said was: Woman, why turn to You will be with me in Paradise. Which
me? My hour has not come yet. ( is correct?
Jerusalem Bible) A footnote states: A All that we need to do is to ask, Did
Semitic formula not infrequent in the that malefactor merit going to heaven af-
0[ld ] T[estament]. . . . It is used to dep- ter a life of crime just because he ex-
recate interference or, more strongly, to pressed sympathy for Jesus and asked to
reject overtures of any kind. Jesus was be remembered by him? Did he work out
putting Mary in her place; he did not re- his salvation with fear and trembling?
gard her as being on a pedestal.Luke (Luke 13:24; Phil. 2:12) Moreover, the
11:27, 28. Bible says nothing about Jesus as having
gone to a heavenly Paradise that day. On with water, the coming One will baptize
the contrary, Peter said that Jesus went you with holy spirit. (Mark 1:8) One can-
to Hades when he died and was buried, and not be baptizing with another person
from it he was resurrected. Jesus him- one can baptize others with water or with
self said that, even as Jonah was three an active force, which is what Gods holy
days and three nights in the belly of a spirit is. Yes, translators must let the rest
fish, so he would benot in heaven but of Gods Word direct when there is a
in the heart of the earth three days. Be- choice between renderings.
sides, after being raised from the dead, Illustrating this principle also are the
Jesus told Mary that he had not as yet words of Jesus at Matthew 24:3-8. Thus
ascended to his God and to her God. (Matt. after Jesus tells of wars, famines and
12:40; John 20:17; Acts 2:22-33) So in earthquakes, the New English Bible has
view of these facts, what other conclusion Jesus saying: With all these things the
can the objective Bible translator come to birth-pangs of the new age begin. But
than that Jesus must have said, not To- not so. Rather, these things mark the death
day you shall be with me in Paradise, throes of an old order. The birth pangs
but, rather: I tell you today, You will be leading to the new system of things are
with me in Paradise, that is, at some described at Revelation chapter 12, which
future time. tells of the birth of Gods Messianic king-
The same principle holds true in begin- dom followed by a war in heaven, between
ning names with capital letters; it is up Michael and the great dragon, Satan the
to the translator as to what use he makes Devil.
of these. Thus those who believe the holy
spirit to be the third person of a Trinity THE IDEAL IS TO COMMUNICATE
will, of course, capitalize Holy Spirit, as It might well be said that no one trans-
at Acts 1:8, which reads (NEB): You lation is superior in every instance. While
will receive power when the Holy Spirit some freer translations may err as to ac-
comes upon you. But in the actual ac- curacy, more literal ones may at times not
communicate as well as do others. Thus,
count when Jesus words were fulfilled,
time and again, we read of some being
what do we read? This will happen in the
brought to silence. (Isa. 6:5; Jer. 49:26)
last days: I will pour out upon everyone
The actual thought is being brought to the
a portion of my spirit.* (Acts 2:17, NEB)
stillness of death. (Jer. 49:26, NEB) Like-
Where is the capital letter? It is not there!
wise that expression of contempt, any-
Why not? Because God could not pour out
one urinating against a wall (1 Ki. 14:
a portion of a coequal God; spirit, as
10; 21:21; 2 Ki. 9:8), is idiomatic, refer-
used here, clearly could not refer to a per-
ring to males only, and so some transla-
son. Since this text relates to the very
tors simply render the expression every
thing Jesus foretold at Acts 1:8, it must
mothers son. {NEB) But in other in-
follow that he did not have a person in
stances the New English Bible does not
mind when he spoke of his apostles as re-
communicate as well as do other transla-
ceiving holy spirit, and so in Acts 1:8 it
tions, as, for instance, when it reads:
should not have been capitalized either.
They shall beat their swords into mat-
All of this is in harmony with the words tocks, and thy staff and thy crook are
of John the Baptist that, while he baptized my comfort. Not everyone reading will
* See also The New American Bible. be familiar with a mattock, nor with a
crook as referring to a shepherds staff. duced so many different translations. How-
Isa. 2:4; Ps. 23:4. ever, from the foregoing examples it may
Truly, doing justice to translating the well be said that, as an accurate transla-
Bible presents a real challenge. It is in- tion, the New World Translation has much
deed a blessing that there have been pro to recommend it.

T WAS a cold February morning in The friendly executive who greeted me

I New York city. People were making
their way in and out of stores amid tow-
had just been served a cup of coffee. My
opening remark tied in with the morning
ering skyscrapers, the tallest of them being break, after which I introduced myself as
the 110-story World Trade Center. Just a representative of the Watch Tower So-
a few blocks away from those mammoth ciety whose world headquarters are located
structures is an insurance building that I just across the East River from lower
was about to enter. Manhattan. Inviting me into an adjoining
Getting off the elevator on the thirty- office, he motioned to a chair near his desk
seventh floor, I looked down the long cor- and kindly suggested that I make myself
ridor with entrances leading to various comfortable.
offices. It was my prayer that people work- In explaining the purpose of my call,
ing in large office buildings here in New
I raised a question about the quality of life
York city would be reached with the im-
portant message that we had for them. and what could be done to upgrade it. His
interest seemed to be aroused. He gave the
Earlier that morning, as we prepared to
set out on our mission, a group of us won- question some serious thought before re-
dered: How would people in this business sponding. Within minutes it was apparent
and financial center react to the good news that this man was concerned about the
of a coming world change by means of general deterioration within human soci-
Gods kingdom? This question now flashed ety and specifically what was happening in
through my mind as I approached one end the city. However, he was not sure what
of the corridor leading to an office of a could be done to improve the situation,
research corporation. unless, he said, the answer lies in reli-
36 4 THE WATCHTOWER JUNE 15, 19 74
gion. That comment indicated something given. Where a receptionist or secretary
about his inclinations. was on the job, I would ask for a particu-
What he said was used to emphasize the lar individual or head of the firm after
purpose of my visit and the work that identifying myself and the organization I
Jehovahs witnesses are doing. He was re- represented. If there was some hesitation,
ferred to the Bible and to what it says I assured them that my call would be brief.
about these critical times and the basis for Most receptionists were usually quite
a welcome change. For detailed answers friendly and helpful. On other occasions,
to questions and the hope for a better way it was evident that they were instructed
of life for all mankind, he was offered to screen out everyone except those who
a Bible study aid entitled The Truth That had appointments, in which case I found
Leads to Eternal Life. Readily accepting it practical to request an appointment.
the publication, he insisted that I take an In keeping such an appointment with
extra contribution, for which he was left the head of a personnel agency, I directed
additional pocket-size books. We had spent his attention to an article in Watch-
about twenty minutes discussing some tower dealing with the bad effects of drug
pressing questions and spiritual matters. abuse and what can be done to safeguard
On leaving, he thanked me for the call. youths from getting hooked. Having teen-
That visit gave me added courage. It age children, he immediately expressed
made me more aware of the fact that no concern over the drug problem. As a par-
matter what the occupation or business, ent he wanted to protect his children from
there are people who feel the need to take this danger, so he became fully absorbed
a few minutes in their busy day to consider in the discussion. One could keenly sense
vital issues that affect them personally. that this man was disturbed over what was
Before the morning was over, that realiza- happening to young people; he was con-
tion was heightened by experiences that cerned about his own family.
my co-workers and I had in reaching peo- Despite several interruptions by phone
pie in offices high above the street level. calls and inquiries from his secretary, at
With some exceptions, we found business no time was he inclined to curtail our con-
people quite courteous, civil and friendly versation. The points referred to in the
in dealing with visitors like us. Putting article were used to encourage him to
ourselves in their position made us appre- receive regularly the Watchtower and
date things that they must put up with. Awake! magazines. Without hesitation he
Like most other people, they feel the pres- agreed to have both magazines sent to his
sures of everyday life and are beset with home. As he gave me his card, extending
anxieties. They wonder what the future an invitation to visit him again, it was ap-
holds, and, consequently, are in need of parent that our thirty-minute discussion
the Bibles comforting message. had accomplished much good.
On several occasions it was receptionists
OUR VARIED EXPERIENCES or secretaries who took a special interest
Just how does one go about determining in what we had to say from the Bible.
whom to see and how to reach them? The One of us called on a doctor who lived in
names of individuals or firms were usu- an apartment that was not !,eadily acces-
ally listed on the directory located in the sible to outsiders. So he had little occasion
lobby area as well as on the various floors. to get acquainted with the work of Jeho-
But in many cases it was not possible to vahs witnesses. However, when the Wit-
reach directly the person whose name was ness called at his office, he took advantage
of the opportunity to listen carefully. Even along with his gracious manner. It was
though the phone rang several times, he most satisfying to have reached such a
did not answer. They will call back, he person with the good news.
said, encouraging the Witness to continue While making visits a few blocks above
the discussion. The doctor accepted four Wall Street, I noted that a number of of-
Bible study aids and wanted to examine fice doors were locked. Outside bells had
them thoroughly. to be used to gain admittance. Peepholes
An unexpected reception greeted two in solid metal doors were also in evidence.
Witnesses who called on a businessman in My conversation with one receptionist in
his office. Before they even had time to this area about the causes of increased law-
introduce themselves, he inquired: Jeho- lessness was overheard by a lawyer in an
vahs witnesses? I have been looking for inside office. He invited me into his office
you! It turned out that his sister in a for further discussion. He had just re-
southern state was deriving much benefit turned from court, where a case involving
from a home Bible study conducted by some youths was being handled. He voiced
one of Jehovahs Christian witnesses, and his fears that discipline in the home was
she made known this fact to her brother. breaking down. A fine discussion ensued,
He readily took several Bible publications. and he accepted a hardbound volume ex-
plaining what the Bible has to say on
these and other vital matters.
Trying to reach people in some office
buildings was more difficult due to a vari- WHAT CONCERNED THEM
ety of security measures now in effect, It is evident that people in the business
because of increasing crime. In some build-
and professional community are definitely
ings security guards are on duty; identifi-
concerned about national and international
cation cards or passes are needed to gain
admittance beyond the lobby area. Some- issues. Their comments indicate a general
times we had to obtain permission in ad- dissatisfaction with the way things are go-
vance or we had to check with a personnel ing in the world. Few spoke with any de-
director, public relations officer or other gree of confidence in human plans and ef-
such official. forts to lay a solid basis for improvement
In one building with security restric- in the foreseeable future.
tions, I was directed to a brokerage execu- While this attitude was reflected in the
tive who told me that something was hap- face of growing troubles elsewhere, prob-
pening to family life. People are getting lems closer to home disturbed them even
away from the Bible, he observed. In the more. The energy crisis, rising inflation,
ensuing discussion it was evident that he increasing lawlessness, youth and drug
had respect for Gods Word and advocated problems, family breakdown and deterio-
a closely knit family unit. For this he was
ration in the quality of life around them
commended. To emphasize how Jehovahs
witnesses aid people in this vital area, he are what they see from day to day.
was shown one of the Watch Tower publi- By responding to the Bible-based mes-
cations with a chapter on Building a Hap- sage brought to them by Jehovahs Chris-
py Family Life. He was pleased to obtain tian witnesses, some individuals working
a copy of the book. in the skyscrapers of New York are being
What made this discussion so refreshing directed to the divine source of true peace
was his ready response and attentiveness, and security. Contributed.
tain approachability
with their children
if they do not want
them to become ,ex-
asperated and down-
hearted. And, in
each Christian con-
g r e g a tio n , eld ers
(overseers) need to
EHOVAH God highly values approach- prove themselves truly approachable in
J ability on the part of those who serve
him. We should expect this. For God him-
their dealings with all their brothers and
sisters.Eph. 5:28,33; Col. 3:19,21; 1 Pet.
self has set a superb example of approach- 5:1, 3.
ability, being accessible to the prayer of
people of all kinds, at all times, under all PROVING OURSELVES APPROACHABLE
manner of circumstances.Ps. 65:2. The key to being approachable is having
Evidence of Gods high regard for ap- sincere, genuine interest in others. It is
proachability is found in his sending his not enough to say that we are approach-
Son to earth and causing him to live under able, that we have an open-door pol-
lowly circumstances. For what purpose? icy and the welcome mat is out. As
Among other things, that this Son, Jesus the proverb says: A multitude of men
Christ, might become a merciful and will proclaim each one his own loving-
faithful high priest, not one who cannot kindness. But words are not enough. We
sympathize with our weaknesses, but one must demonstrate that we are genuinely
who has been tested in all respects like approachable by the way we deal with
ourselves. Because of him, Christians can others. (Prov. 20:6; 1 John 3:18) If we
approach with freeness of speech to the really care about people and are willing
throne of (Gods] undeserved kindness, to give of ourselves on their behalf, they
doing so with boldness and confidence. will sense this.
(Heb. 2:17, 18; 4:15, 16; 10:19, 21, 22) An elder in a congregation has an as-
Jehovah God wants it that way. signment by holy spirit to serve as a shep-
Today, people in general are steadily herd under Christ Jesus. But this assign-
drifting apart; communicationsbetween ment should not make him feel superior
family members, between those with au- to others, for he himself is part of the
thority and those subject to authority flock as one of the sheep. (Acts 20:28;
are steadily breaking down. This should 1 Pet. 5:2, 4) Instead, he should feel grate-
cause us to appreciate more them ever the ful that the Head of the congregation,
vital need for being approachable. We can- Christ Jesus, counted him worthy to min-
not afford to let such unfavorable worldly ister to fellow members of the flock and
conditions filter into the Christian con- that God qualified him by granting him a
gregation and weaken the spirit of warmth measure of knowledge, understanding and
and genuine love prevailing there. Who wisdom. (1 Tim. 1:12; 2 Cor. 3:5) Such
especially need to be alert, and how can spiritual riches are like a trust fund from
they guard against such a danger? God. Rather than feeling important in him-
Christian husbands, who are to ,love self, he will be happy that, by Gods un-
their wives as themselves, need to guard deserved kindness, he has something to
this quality. Parents also must main give for the good of his brothers, good
counsel and knowledge, all based on and to approach him first, but took the initial
gained from Gods own Word. Exactly op- steps himself. (Jer. 7:13, 25; 2 Cor. 5:20;
posite to feeling lifted up in his own eyes, 1 John 4:10, 19) Even in this, however,
he will humbly endeavor to use that trust it is vital that we demonstrate that we
fund of knowledge to bring praise to Je- are not merely being congenial, nor just
hovah and to his Son, the congregations following a policy of being (or appear-
Head.1 Cor. 4:7; 1 Pet. 4:10, 11. ing) friendly and outgoing. Our interest
must be sincere and genuine.1 Pet. 1:22.
DO YOU MAKE YOURSELF AVAILABLE? Do we really listen when someone pre-
Obviously, you cannot be approachable sents a question or a problem? The matter
if you are not available to be approached. may seem minor, even somewhat trivial,
Of Jehovah God, the apostle Paul could to us. Yet to the one presenting it, it may
say, he is not far off from each one of us. seem very big. Some parents are guilty of
(Acts 17:27) Gods servant Moses was will- exasperating their children and making
ing to endure the wearing task of aiding them downhearted through ignoring or
people with their problems from the even ridiculing them for presenting cer-
morning till the evening.Ex. 18:13-16. tain seemingly small problems. Elders
Of course, Christian elders may have should guard against doing the same thing
many responsibilities to care forthey with those they serve in the congregation.
may have their own families that need For Jehovah God is clearly not like that.
their attention. And they are also inter- As James 1:5 tells us, Jehovah God is not
ested in sharing in the announcing of the stingy about giving us help with our
good news to those of the world of man- problemsproblems that certainly could
kind, making disciples of as many as they look very small from his lofty viewpoint
can. Yet, if they are to be good shepherds but he hears us and generously aids, not
of the flock they must balance these and becoming annoyed or reproaching us for
other responsibilities in such a way as to having come to him with such matters.
make themselves available to their broth- On one occasion certain parents brought
ers and sisters in the congregation who their young children to Gods Son. Jesus
seek information or aid in personal ques- disciples tried to prevent this, evidently
tions and problems. feeling that their Master had far more
At Christian meeting places it is often important things to occupy his time and
simply a matter of letting others see that attention. But Jesus became indignant on
you are there, available and willing to talk. seeing this, reproved his disciples, and took
If one gives the appearance of being con- the children into his arms and gave them
stantly busy, many may hesitate to ap-
the attention sought.Matt. 19:13, 14;
proach. Congregational records and paper
Mark 10:13-16.
work have certain value, but these are not
what show one to be a true shepherd of Surely the fine example he and his Fa-
the sheep. It would be better to handle ther set for us should move us all to prove
these after the real, live sheep them- that we, too, are truly approachable. So
selves have first received due attention. doing, we will contribute to a fine spirit in
Compare Proverbs 27:23; John 10:2-4. Gods congregation, a true Christian spirit
It is a fine thing, of course, to take the of warmth and confidence, love and broth-
initiative in showing interest in others, erly affection. We will prove ourselves a
approaching them. This follows Gods ex- blessing to others and will, in turn, be
ample, for he did not wait for humankind richly blessed.
'OW highly prized free-
cH dom is! On all sides
today persons extol freedom "For th e love th e C hrist has com pels us,
b ec ause . . . h e d ie d for all th a t th o s e w h o liv e
and equality. The ideas of m ig h t live no longer for th em selves, b u t for him
w ho d ie d for t h e m ." -2 Cor. 5 :1 4 , 15.
freedom and independence are
so prominent that many rebel
even at the thought of having
to be directed by someone
else, or, in effect, living for someone else. 3 Well, that does not involve me; Im no
You may have heard such ones say, want slave, you may think. However, a re-
to live the way I want. They do not want nowned writer who observed firsthand the
to be slaves to anyone. To most people, slavery of the Roman Empire proved that
the very word slave brings to mind every person in the entire empire was, in
scenes of past centuries when hopeless a sense, a slave. By the same reasoning,
men strained at the oars of a galley, the slave population today includes all
labored in a quarry or served the will of mankind. That renowned writer, the apos-
some cruel master. tie Paul, did not consider himself exempt
2The bad effects of slaveryof humans but, in writing to Christians at Rome, said:
existing as no more than the property of I am fleshly, sold under sin. . . . I behold
another personreach down even to our in my members [a] law warring against
time. A 1972 United Nations report stated the law of my mind and leading me cap-
that the origin of the social strife in many tive to sins law that is in my members.
countries today is directly attributable to Rom. 7:14, 23.
various forms of slavery. Recently large-
scale massacres in several countries have ABE WE FREE, INDEPENDENT?
been perpetrated by peoples formerly en- 4 The apostle Paul did not mean that his
slaved, against those who had once been own parents willingly had sold him into
their masters. captivity to sin; nor did our own parents
do that to us. But Paul understood that,
1. What is the common response to the ideas of freedom
and slavery? 3. Why can it be said that slavery is more widespread
2. Is slavery something affecting only people of past today than is usually thought?
generations ? 4, 5. What evidence is there that all of us are enslaved?
by deliberately choosing to sin, our com- 8 It is only those with an approved stand-
mon forefather, Adam, sold himself and ing before the Creator who gain the full
all his future offspringall mankindinto benefits of the ransom provisionperma-
bondage to imperfection, sin and death. nent release from sin, sickness, old age and
(Rom. 5:12) Undeniably this reaches down death. While all are invited to gain that
to our time and includes us all, for we see approved standing, not all want to accept
around us, and in our own personal lives, it because of the responsibility that is in-
evidence of this bondageevidence in the volved. Many do not want to act in har-
form of hurtful mistakes, sin and sickness. mony with the fact that a ransom or
6 Yet there are those today who boldly redemptive price has been paid in their be-
claim that they have freedom. Some pro- half. They do not want to acknowledge that
claim their sexual freedom. But does their they have been bought and that Jehovah
way of life indicate that they are actually God and Jesus Christ are their rightful
free? True, they may be living for them- Owners or Masters, deserving of full obe-
selves, gratifying their own passions. That, dience. All who persist in disobedience or
however, only underscores the fact that who later renounce Jehovah God and Je-
they are slaves to imperfection and sin. sus Christ as their Owners lose out on the
What of the man whose greed drives him benefits of the ransom provision.Matt.
to gain money, possessions or prestige? 10:33; John 3:36; Heb. 10:26, 27; 2 Pet.
He, too, grows older and weaker, succumbs 2:1-3.
to some disease and finally dies. That is 9 The question before all humans, there-
true even of the leaders of civil, womens fore, is, Whom do I want to serve volun-
and minority rights movements. The end tarilysin with death in view, or God
for all is the same deathproving that and Christ with life in view? (Rom. 6:16)
they are indeed slaves of Kings Sin and That is not much of a choice, some may
Death.Rom. 5:21. say. Id rather die than be a slave for-
*Does this mean that mans situation ever. But is that sound reasoning when
is hopeless? Is there no emancipation from it comes to serving God and Christ? Did
sin and death? And if there is a provision not Jesus say that the truth will set you
for release, can you still live just as you free? (John 8:32) Should we, therefore,
want, or is something required of you to not expect service to God and Christ to
benefit from this provision? offer the kind of freedom that every
7A fundamental teaching of the Bible honest-hearted person would desire? Con-
is that God, in his mercy, made provision sider:
for mans release from bondage to sin and
death. This was by means of his only- A DIFFERENCE IN MASTERS
begotten Son, who became the perfect hu- 10There is good reason for humans to
man Jesus. In harmony with Gods purpose want to be slaves of God and Christ. They
for him, Jesus laid down his life sacri- are unlike the cruel masters of past cen-
ficially as a corresponding ransom for turies who brutalized and exploited their
all. (1 Tim. 2:5, 6) Though the ransom slaves and cared little about their welfare
or redemptive price was thus paid for and happiness. What Jehovah God and his
all, not all will fully receive its benefits. Son have done for mankind testifies to
Why not?
8. Why do not all humans receive the benefits of the
6. This enslavement should lead to what questions on ransom?
our part? 9. What choice is set before all mankind?
7. How has provision been made for release from this 10. What type of masters do Christians have in
bondage ? heaven?
their depth of concern and boundless love. This is why the Father loves me, because
11Jehovah God is the One to whom we I surrender my soul, in order that I may
are indebted for life. He created all things, receive it again. No man has taken it away
and because of his will they existed and from me, but I surrender it of my own
were created. (Rev. 4:11) He could have initiative. (John 10:15-18) No one has
executed the death sentence upon the dis- love greater than this, that someone should
obedient Adam and Eve before they were surrender his soul in behalf of his friends.
able to become parents. None of us would (John 15:13) Jesus actually did more than
then have been bom. However, moved by that. He died, not only for his friends, but
merciful consideration for their unborn for the world of mankind in general that
offspring, Jehovah God allowed the first did not acknowledge any accountability to
human pair to continue living and to pro- his Father. (1 John 2:2) Now, what man
create. Despite the unappreciative attitude would have been willing to do that for peo-
of most of their descendants, he did not pie who had no respect for his father? We
withhold from humankind his generous are indeed indebted to Jesus Christ for
provisions for sustaining life. (Matt. 5:45) purchasing us at the cost of his life, open-
Even the pagans could not disagree with ing up to us the opportunity to gain free-
the apostle Pauls statement that God does dom from sin and death.
good, giving you rains from heaven and 14 In view of the great love of God and
fruitful seasons, filling your hearts to the Christ, is your heart stirred to want to be
full with food and good cheer.Acts 14: in their service? Do you feel like certain
17; Ps. 104:13-15, 24. men of ancient times who, though offered
12But Gods expression of love and un- freedom, voluntarily chose to continue in
deserved kindness did not stop at this slavery to their kind and generous Hebrew
point. So that sinful, undeserving humans masters? (Ex. 21:2-6) That is the heartfelt
could choose to come into an approved response of those who appreciate what Je-
relationship with him and be freed from hovah God and Jesus Christ have done in
bondage to sin and death, God did not their behalf. As Paul wrote, the love the
spare his dearest Son from undergoing Christ has compels us. (2 Cor. 5:14) Ob-
a shameful death. (Rom. 8:32) For the serve that he did not say that God compels
majority of mankind the opportunity for
or that Christ compels humans to take up
life free from death that this affords will
faithful service to them. On the contrary,
become theirs upon being raised from the
dead. (Acts 24:15) Think of it, Jehovah the compelling force is the love the
God did this for humans who did not even Christ has. And, since Jehovah God has
acknowledge his authority in their lives. the same love for us as does his Son, Gods
As the apostle Paul wrote to Christians at love has like compelling force.
Rome: God recommends his own love to 15The relationship that you can enter
us in that, while we were yet sinners, into with God and Christ, if you have not
Christ died for us.Rom. 5:8. already entered it, is not a formal or im-
13The purchase of sinful mankind with personal one, but warm and close. On his
precious blood was also an outstanding final night as a human with his disciples,
evidence of Jesus own deep love. (1 Pet. Jesus warmly assured them: I no longer
1:19, 20) As Jesus himself put it: I sur- call you slaves, because a slave does not
render my soul in behalf of the sh eep .. . .
14. How should we respond to this Indebtedness?
11, 12. In what ways are we indebted to God? 15. What is the nature of a Christian's relationship
13. Why are we indebted to Jesus Christ? with Jehovah and Jesus Christ?
know what his master does. But I have 18 Ponder a literal slave-master relation-
called you friends, because all the things ship. Would a faithful, trusted slave put
I have heard from my Father I have made off serving his master or treat such ser-
known to you. (John 15:15) By this Je- vice as of minor importance? Would he
sus was not saying that their real position give first attention to his own comforts or
was no longer that of slaves, for they still personal interests in life? Most certainly
owed their lives to God, and soon Christ not! Then what about slaves of God and
was to pay the redemption price for Christ?
them. He meant that he was not treating 19An illustration used by Jesus Christ
them as mere slaves, ones who just get gives a forceful answer to this question.
He drew upon the fact that then slaves
assignments but no intimate information.
who worked in the field might also serve
No, they were to be treated as friends, the evening meal to their master. This was
as trusted and respected confidants. viewed as something to which the master
18So we see that there is nothing bur- was entitled. Jesus said: Will he [the
densome about slavery to God and Christ. master] not say to him [the slave], ,Get
Their commands are based on love and something ready for me to have my eve-
serve to protect obedient ones from injury ning meal, and put on an apron and min-
and to ensure their lasting happiness and ister to me until I am through eating and
welfare. (1 John 5:3) No oppressive yoke drinking, and afterward you can eat and
awaits those who, motivated by love, drink ?He will not feel gratitude to the
choose to disown themselves in order to slave because he did the things assigned,
will he? Then, regarding the fulfillment
be slaves of God and Christ. Come to me,
of their assignments, Jesus advised his dis-
said Jesus Christ, all you who are toiling ciples to say: We are good-for-nothing
and loaded down, and I will refresh you. slaves. What we have done is what we
Take my yoke upon you and become my ought to have done.Luke 17:7-10.
disciples, for I am mild-tempered and low- 20 Jesus was not here recommending
ly in heart, and you will find refreshment that Christians constantly be tearing
for your souls. For my yoke is kindly and themselves down, depreciating themselves,
my load is light. (Matt. 11:28-30) With thinking of themselves as useless. No, but
such loving masters, what rightly disposed he was advising them to keep clearly in
man or woman could possibly want to pur- mind their relationship to God and his
sue a course of self-willed independence? Son. As Christians, it is not their personal
will and comforts that come first, for
A SLAVE DOES WHOSE WILL FIRST? Christ died that they might live no longer
17 If the love of God and Christ compels for themselves.
you to serve them, this will be reflected in 21 Of course, service to God and Christ
the way you live your life. You will not is not always easy, but never is such ser-
be living for yourself. As the apostle Paul vice the reason for problems. In itself it
wrote: [Christ] died for all that those is a source of joy and refreshment. Hu-
who live might live no longer for them- mans without faith and wicked spirit fore-
selves, but for him who died for them. es, however, are the ones that make
(2 Cor. 5:15) Just what does this involve? 1820. (a) As Illustrated by Jesus, what comes first if a
person is no longer living for himself? (b) Did Jesus
16. Why is service to God and Christ not burdensome? mean that we are useless?
17. What effect should the love of God and Christ have 21. Why is living no longer for ourselves' very difficult
on the way we live our life? at times?
things hard for Christians. (Eph. 6:11,12; 23What enabled these young men to
2 Thess. 3:1-3) This has been the experi- maintain faithfulness? They appreciated
ence in modern times of Jehovahs Chris- that they had been bought with precious
tian witnesses, especially in lands under blood and did not want to prove false to
dictatorial rule. Often they have been per- their Owners, Jehovah God and Jesus
secuted because of obeying Jesus com-
Christ. They had the firm conviction that,
mand to preach and teach Gods Word.
though killed by men, God and Christ
(Matt. 28:19, 20) At other times persecu-
tion has come upon them because, out of would not forget them and would restore
faithfulness to God, they refuse to get in- them to life. They believed the inspired
volved in the political and military affairs assurances: God is not unrighteous so as
of the nations. (John 6:15; 17:16) The to forget your work and the love you
line of least resistance would be to give showed for his name. (Heb. 6:10) Who-
in, to live ,good, moral lives, while ac- ever seeks to keep his soul [life] safe for
commodating the demands of the totali- himself will lose it, but whoever loses it
tarian governments. But these Christians will preserve it alive.Luke 17:33.
are not living for themselves. They are 24 While you individually may never face
servants of God and Christ. Appreciating such a severe test of your faithfulness to
the boundless love that they have been God, are you, nonetheless, even now put-
shown, they are willing to suffer, yes, even ting him first? Maybe the test of your
to die, in faithful service. faithfulness involves family members
22 Thus, in the book Under the Skyperhaps they abuse you, saying you ,take
There Is Hell (1971, page 117) a Czecho- your religion too seriously. Or, possibly
slovakian reporter described the cruel your schoolmates or workmates put pres-
treatment of Jehovahs witnesses in a Com- sure on you to abandon your Christian
munist labor camp during 1951: I will principles. What are you doing and will
always remember with admiration and rec- you do in the face of such difficulties?
ognition Jehovists [Jehovahs witnesses], Giving in to the persecution or pressure
mostly young boys, who refused military might seem to make life easier, more bear-
duty and were condemned for it. Even able; whereas proving faithful to God may
here they remained in their faith . . . and mean continued or even increased abuse
they refused to work in uranium mines. for a while. If you bear in mind your in-
Commanders of the camps used everything debtedness to God and Christ, you will
they had at their disposition to force them make the right decision. You will continue
to do the work, but everything they tried to glorify God.1 Cor. 6:20.
was in vain; most of them would rather
die them work in building the Soviet atomic USING YOUR FREE TIME
threat. The chief of the camp Palacek 25 Living no longer for ourselves involves
made them stand for days in front of head- more, though, than faithful endurance
quarters in snow drifts in the [-]30 C. when we are being persecuted. Christians
[-22 F.] winter weather pouring water on are urged: Whatever you are doing, work
them till they were frozen. It was a ter- at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not
rible sight, which will haunt me till I die. 24. In what related situations can we show that we are
not living for ourselves?
22, 23. (a) What did young Witnesses in Czechoslovakia 25. What, besides faithful endurance when we are per-
endure? (b) What enabled them to continue faithful? secuted, is involved in living no longer for ourselves?
to men, for you know that it is from Je- an added pleasurethe opportunity to
hovah you will receive the due reward of meet new friends, spiritual brothers and
the inheritance. Slave for the Master, sisters, in another city or country. When
Christ. (Col. 3:23, 24) Hence, living no situated some distance from a Kingdom
longer for ourselves includes every aspect Hall, perhaps camping in the woods, they
of lifemorals, how one thinks, acts, talks find joy in meditating about their Creator
and works, wifely subjection, husbandly and Scriptural discussions as family groups.
exercise of headship and obedience to par- Then, too, many of Jehovahs witnesses
ents.Col. 3:5-22. schedule their vacation period to include
26 You may, however, have observed that benefiting to the full from one of the large
many professed Christians make excep- Christian conventions arranged each year.
tions. It is well known that even among 29 So when you personally give thought
nominal Christians who have a certain to evenings, weekends or vacations, reflect
sense of decency, wild unrestraintdrunk- on your standing before God and Christ.
enness, immorality and destruction of prop- Endeavor to do that which will refresh
ertyoften accompanies festivals that are you physically, mentally or spiritually.
linked to church holidays. Vacations, eve- Have as your goal gaining strength that
nings and weekends are also times when you will put to good use in continued ser-
more and more people feel they are free vice to God after the free period is over.
to live as they please. While the world may say, Get away for
27 Relaxation and pleasure are, of course, a while and forget your regular routine,
useful in achieving a balanced life and per- demonstrate your appreciation for what
sonality. And a genuine Christian rightly God and Christ have done for you. Avoid
uses some of his time in pursuits that are things that could disturb your conscience
relaxing and pleasurable. But he does not and cause you to look back with regret on
live solely for pleasure. He does not ration what might otherwise have been a reward-
off some specific part of his life as my ing and refreshing time.
time, during which he can forget that he 30 Really, the servant of God should have
is serving God. in mind doing all things to the glory of his
28That this is so is seen from the fine Creator. (1 Cor. 10:31) Though imperfect,
way in which Christian servants of Jeho- he should strive to control sinful inclina-
vah use their free time. High on the tions and not present himself as a slave of
list of pleasurable things they do are things sin. (Rom. 6:16) You may have noted,
directly related to their worship. They de- however, that some persons who say they
light to speak about their Creator and to believe in the Creator and his Son lead
attend Christian meetings each week. The daily lives that center on having all the
wholesome association and instruction re- pleasure they can get here and now. What
ceived make these meetings most enjoy- is lacking? Might it be that they see no
able. Even when families are away trav- hope for the future? Just how is your
eling, they may include some Christian day-to-day living influenced by your view
meetings in their plans. Thus they enjoy of the future? This we leave for the next
article to consider.
26. What exceptions do nominal Christians make in the
way they conduct themselves? 29. When giving thought to our use of free time,
27, 28. (a) While there is a time for relaxation, what what might we beneficially consider?
will true Christians not do or think? (b) In what fine 30. What questions arise regarding those who claim to
ways do they use their free time? believe in God but live for pleasure?
\ ^ ei t w e mu ETERNITY IN VIEW

S IT not common today to meet per- all they can out of life while they have it,
I sons whose basic theme in life, as re-
vealed by what they say or do, is: Enjoy
since science (in which they have trusted)
cannot prevent death. For example, com-
yourself while you can; who knows what menting on sciences findings, one reporter
tomorrow will bring? Even many nations admitted that Tubingen professor Fried-
seem to follow that idea. One of Europes helm Schneider has established that noth-
most influential economists accused his ing supports [the view] that death is tied
government of pursuing a policy of After to the concept of life as a physical neces-
us the delugethat is, plan and spend sity. And the reporter acknowledged that
money with only today in view, not the current evidence is that with the right
future. mixture of cell hormones in each cell one
2And many people are so disenchanted would die no more. Still, he was compelled
with the goals and accomplishments of the to add, Except: At present there is no
establishment that they are not inter- possibility of producing this right mix-
ested in a future of just more of the same. ture! So, for most people it is Live for
In 1972 one college professor observed that today! since death appears to be inevi-
young adults do not seem interested table.
enough in their own personal future. He 4 What a vastly different outlook, though,
added: Youth lacks what social scientists is found among the Christian witnesses of
call goal orientation, and they frequently Jehovah! It is not a fatalistic let us eat
appear to be frittering away their time and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.
with everything from drugs and protest to (1 Cor. 15:32) Rather, they are intensely
life-style experiments and pointless proj- interested in the future, looking forward
ects or pleasures. Then there are other to it. In fact, their whole life and thinking
persons who would rather not even think revolve around, not a finite, limited exis-
about the future because of the ever more tence, but around eternity. However, is
terrifying warnings about pollution, crime, that so with you individually? In order to
famine and war. see how it can be so, let us consider eter-
3Even if the major nations made star- nity as respects God and his purposes.
tling breakthroughs in international rela-
tions, so that the foretold significant ETERNITY INHERENT IN OUR WORSHIP
announcement of peace and security ap- 5It can fittingly be said that Christian
peared certain, many persons would still worship pivots around eternity, for our
live just for the moment. (1 Thess. 5:3) God is himself eternal. For humans, that
They believe that they might as well get may be hard to conceiveGod never hav-
1, 2. (a) What view do individuals and nations have
ing a beginning. But just consider the
about the future? (b) Why are some not even inclined
to think about their future? 4. (a) Is this the view of Jehovahs witnesses? (b) But
3. What realization moves many persons to live just what does each of us need to consider?
for the present? 5. Why is eternity fundamental to our worship?
mountains, the whole earth, and, yes, the dom, which, as described in Revelation 12:
entire universe. Are these new, recent? 1-5, was born in heaven in 1914 C.E. Yes,
Scientists date the universe in thousands since then it has been appropriate to say:
of millions of years. So would not their The kingdom of the world did become the
Creator extend back even beyond that? kingdom of our Lord.Rev. 11:15.
Understandably, the apostle Paul wrote
that Jehovahs eternal power and God- ETERNAL RULERS IN THE KINGDOM
ship are evident from what He has ere- 8This kingdom, the means by which
ated.Rom. 1:20. eternal life is possible for us, is a heavenly
*Gods eternity also extends into the government. Jesus himself is the chief
future. The writers of both the Hebrew Ruler, and he is to have 144,000 corulers
Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scrip- who have been chosen from mankind and
tures knew that God will never die, hence, called by God to heavenly life. (Rom. 8:16,
that Jehovah will reign for all eternity to 17; Luke 22:29; Rev. 5:9, 10; 14:1) The
come. The psalmist proclaimed: Jehovah paramount importance of this kingdom is
is King to time indefinite [Heb., ' ], seen in the emphasis that God put on it
even forever [Heb., 'adh]." (Ps. 10:16; in the Bible. It was the chief subject of
Ex. 15:18) And in the final book of the Jesus preaching. (Matt. 4:23) Also, it is
Bible the apostle John quoted voices out to the spirit-anointed Christians who will
of heaven that said about the Lord Jeho- rule in that kingdom that of the
vah: He will rule as king forever and Christian Greek Scriptures is directed, in-
ever. The writer John here used the plu- eluding the promises of everlasting life.
ral form of the Greek phrase, which literal- 9For instance, the apostle John wrote
ly means to the ages of the ages. (Rev. in 1 John 2:25: This is the promised
11:15; 1 Tim. 1:17) With regard to the thing that he himself promised us, the life
future, then, John knew unquestionably everlasting. Did he mean everlasting life
that our Creator will reign into the ages on earth, or immortal life in heaven? John
of the ages. ( KingdomInterlinear Trans-
realized that Gods purpose from the time
lation) What can this mean both now and of Adam was to have the earth filled with
in the future for you? true worshipers who would receive ever-
7Not all of Gods living creation is eter- lasting life. But in these words John was
nal. We know that plants, even long-lived speaking to Christians who had been
trees, eventually die. (1 Pet. 1:24) And anointed with holy spirit and called to
there is no Biblical evidence that God pur- heavenly life. (1 John 2:20) Thus, he went
posed for individual animals to live for- on to say: As yet it has not been made
ever. Yet it was different with humans. manifest what we shall be. We do know
God held out to our first parents the pros- that whenever he [God] is made manifest
pect of never dying. By obedience they we shall be like him, because we shall see
could have hoped to live eternally. (Gen. him just as he is.1 John 3:2.
2:17) Gods purpose in this regard was not 10A similar promise of eternal life is
interrupted by mans fall into sin. But the found in Jesus statement: Most truly I
Bible shows that His purpose to have obe- say to you, If anyone observes my word,
dient humans living forever on earth is
he will never see death at all. (John 8:51;
definitely going to be realized. That will
be accomplished by means of Gods king- 8. Why is Gods kingdom stressed in the Bible?
9. How can we see what John meant by life ever-
6. What does the Bible indicate about Gods future? lasting in 1 John 2:25?
7. Is eternal existence linked with all of Gods living 10. In promising that his disciples would never see
creation on earth? And what about man? death, what did Jesus mean?
6:51, 58; 11:25, 26; 12:25) Christ obvious- MORE THAN GLIMMERINGS
ly did not mean that the faithful apostles OF EVERLASTING LIFE
and others who soon would be anointed 12The possibility of being numbered
with holy spirit would never grow old or among the sheep who will enter into
die. He knew that in order for them to everlasting life on earth without dying
receive heavenly life they must die. Some should stimulate your devotion to God.
months earlier Jesus had told them that Why, you are in position to experience
he himself would die and then be resur- things of which many faithful servants of
rected. (Matt. 16:21; 17:22, 23; John 2: God in past centuries could see only glim-
19-22) All of his anointed followers, too, merings. Note how this was so with King
had to die to become immortal rulers in David.
his kingdom. (1 Cor. 15:42-44, 49, 53; 13 In Psalm 37:11, 29 David wrote: The
2 Tim. 4:18) Then how would such ones meek ones themselves will possess the
never see death at all? In that by being earth, . . . The righteous themselves will
faithful until death they would never be possess the earth, and they will reside for-
harmed by the second death, as borne out ever upon it. In saying this he evidently
by Revelation 2:10, 11. Thus, after being drew upon what should have been the case
resurrected, they will forever be kings in with regard to the Promised Land in his
heaven, to the benefit of all of Gods ser- days and in the following generations. Ac-
vants on earth. (Rev. 22:5) What a bless- cording to Gods covenant with Abraham,
ing! the wicked pagans who had lived in the
11 This hope of everlasting life, however, land should be cleared out. (Gen. 15:18
is not limited to those who are part of the 21; 17:8; Deut. 7:22; Josh. 21:43-45) Thus
heavenly kingdom. Not at 0111. In speaking each successive generation of righteous
about this time or the generation seeing worshipers making up the nation of Israel
the establishment of the Kingdom, Jesus could have resided on the land, the por-
definitely promised everlasting earthly life. tion of the earth that God gave to them.
This is the time for separating the sheep (Deut. 30:20) We know, however, that the
from the goats. (Matt. 25:31-33) And majority of the Israelites proved unfaith-
what reward did Jesus hold out for the ful, and so they did not carry out Gods
sheep who help and serve with his anoint- purpose in that regard. In fact, finally God
ed brothers but who are not themselves let the Assyrians and Babylonians con-
such brothers of Christ who have heav- quer and depopulate the land temporarily.
enly life in view? He promised that these 14 What David wrote in Psalm 37, though,
righteous ones will enter into everlasting was also a glimmering of the prospect that
life, yes, life right here on earth. (Matt. Christians today can have. That Davids
25:46) What a thrilling prospect, living words had a broader, large-scale applica-
forever on earth, which God has purposed tion to the Kingdom rule of the entire
to become a paradise! But how much does earth is seen in the fact that at Matthew
that really mean to you? Do you show 5:5 Jesus quoted from Psalm 37. Did Christ
that you believe it? Does it influence your say that its fulfillment was all in the past?
daily decisions? your attitude toward your No, for he projected it into the future,
job? what subjects you choose in school? saying that the mild-tempered will in-
herit the earth. Yes, those mild-tempered
whether you will get married soon? Yes,
12. In what sense are we particularly privileged?
are you living with eternity in view? 13. What was David evidently drawing on in what he
wrote at Psalm 37:11, 29?
11. How can we be sure that everlasting life on earth 14. Jesus showed that Psalm 37:11, 29 had what further,
is possible for persons alive at this time? grander significance?
ones who are to be with Christ in his heav- to walk in the name of God forever, un-
enly kingdom will rule over this earth. interrupted, have the same outlook?
(Rev. 5:9, 10) Jesus knew that the King-
dom would rule the earth in righteousness NOT SERVING JUST UNTIL SOME DATE
forever. So, the earth itself will be popu- 16 Whether we personally have the pros-
lated by righteous ones who will reside pect of life in heaven with Jesus or in an
forever upon it. Thus, by inspiration, Da- earthly paradise, it is vital to remember
vid had described what the finale will be that, not any set date, but eternity is our
when Jehovah carries out his purpose for goal. We can, in this respect, imitate those
our earth. Christians can rejoice that the who were Christians prior to the destrue-
things of which David saw just glimmer- tion of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. They rightly
ings, and could personally share in only expected the end of the Jewish system of
by means of a future resurrection, they things to occur soon, during the great
can experience. Those whom the Lord puts tribulation that Jesus said would come in
on his right hand as sheep have the op- that generation. (Matt. 24:3, 21, 22, 34)
portunity to reside forever on a para- But had they decided, when they repented
dise earth governed forever from heaven. and became Christians, to serve only until
some date or event? By no means. What
15How fitting, then, that we focus our
they had learned and accepted, such as
thinking, plans and hopes on serving Je-
what Peter preached to Cornelius and his
hovah with eternity in view! Think how household, was not that they were to be
much David, Abraham and prophets such Christians only until some approaching
as Isaiah and Micah would have thrilled date arrived. Rather, God granted repen-
to be alive now with such a privilege. In tance for the purpose of life, endless life
describing prophetically the restoration of as Christians.Acts 10:34-43; 11:18.
pure worship among the Jews after their 17Hence, when Jesus half brother Jude
return from exile in 537 B.C.E., Micah in- wrote his inspired letter around 65 C.E.,
dicated the attitude that he and other true about one year before the Romans attacked
worshipers had: For all the peoples, for Jerusalem for the first time, he did not
their part, will walk each one in the name mention some terminal date. Instead, he
of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk wrote: Keep yourselves in Gods love,
while you are waiting for the mercy of
in the name of Jehovah our God to time
our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life
indefinite, even forever. (Mic. 4:1-5; Isa. in view. (Jude 20, 21) He knew that the
65:18) He was absolutely determined to goal was to serve God forever. Whether
worship God eternally. A t that time Mi- the tribulation on the Jewish system
cah did not have everlasting life. Up to came in two years, or three, or beyond
then death was an unavoidable experi- that, would not affect the fact that they
ence for mortal men. Yet Micah was go- were going to keep right on serving God.
ing to serve God right up to the day he 18 And it is the same today among true
died, and upon resurrection in the New Christians who realize from the fulfillment
Order he would carry on his service as if of Bible prophecy that the end of this en-
it were uninterrupted. What a fine view tire wicked system of things is near at
for Micah to have! But should not we, 16. Those who became Christians in the first century
C.E. had what view of their service?
many of whom have the prospect actually 17. How did Jude manifest this view?
18. (a) Where do we stand in the stream of time?
15. What was Micah's attitude with regard to worship- (b) What does Bible chronology indicate, without
ing Jehovah, and what does this mean for us? setting dates?
hand. True, the most accurate Bible chron- 21 The very fact that true worshipers can
ology available indicates that 6,000 years have a place in Jehovahs eternal purpose
of human existence will end in the mid- proves how fleeting now is. It is compa-
1970s.* So these Christians are intensely rable to one half inch on a measuring stick
interested to see if that will coincide with that extends for thousands of miles, if you
the outbreak of the great tribulation of can picture that. Would it be sensible to
our day that will eliminate 111 wicked ones govern ones whole life by the half inch,
on earth. It could. But they are not even as if that were the principal thing? How
attempting to predict exactly when the de- much more balanced and wise is the one
struction of Satans wicked system of who lives now so as to live forever, and
things will occur. They are content to wait who measures and evaluates things in
and see, realizing that no human on earth terms of how they will affect his everlast-
knows the date.Matt. 24:36. ing welfare!
19 Jehovahs Christian witnesses are con- 22 One example to illustrate living with
fident that God is going to bring the end eternity in view involves marriage. The in-
of this ungodly system in HIS due time. clination on the part of young men and
When the great tribulation begins, we women toward marriage is understand-
will be able to recognize it. So instead of able. Marriage is an arrangement that God
speculating about a certain date, as if provided and it has many blessings. But
serving with that date as a goal, we can among imperfect humans it also has its
concentrate on the important preaching problems and limitations. (1 Cor. 7:28)
work that Jesus said his disciples would The apostle Paul understood this, and he
do in this time period. (Mark 13:10) Thus, recommended singleness for Christians
whenever the tribulation breaks out, we who could maintain that state without be-
will be found busy and zealously carrying ing persistently disturbed by passion. Such
out the assignment we have. And our single persons would be able to give con-
sights for the future will not be on some stant attention to the Lord without the dis-
date, but we will be serving with eternity tractions associated with married life.
in view, just as Jude urged Christians to do. And Paul said that this advantage of sin-
gleness was specially valuable because the
time left is reduced. 1 Cor. 7:29-38.
20 Our firm belief that we can serve God 23 For many young persons who have no
forever should also be evident in matters faith in the possibility of serving God ever-
other than our preaching. It should in- lastingly, the attitude is, Why bother with
fluence our daily thoughts and deeds. This self-control. If we want to enjoy sex or to
is mentioned because a person might say get married, lets do it. Who knows what
that he agrees with all that we have con- the future will bring? But the young
sidered up to this point but then manifest Christian who is really serving with eter-
by his daily life that it still does not af- nity in view is in no such rush. He is will-
feet his thoughts and actions. He might ing to wait until he is past the bloom of
show that actually he is living only for youth to decide if it would be better for
NOW. How sad that would be! him to marry or not. In the meantime he
* See Aid to Bible Understanding, pages 322348. can experience the advantage of singleness:
19. This leads to what outlook among God's servants
today ? 22, 23. (a) The Scriptures help Christians to understand
20, 21. (a) What might a person's life indicate about what about marriage? (b) In contrast to the world,
his view of the future? (b) Is this the wise outlook what attitude do Christian youths who serve with
to have? eternity in view have toward marriage?
undivided devotion to the Lord. (1 Cor. 25 This same outlookserving with eter-
7:35, Revised Standard Version) If in time nity in viewwill aid Christians to endure
he decides to marry, he then will be better joyfully. Though opposition, sickness and
prepared to handle the responsibilities in- old age can be difficult tests to endure,
volved. His serving with eternity in view measured against eternity, this endurance
thus helps him to avoid living only for is but momentary. We can have eternity
now. And note, it is reflected in his before us, just as the apostle expressed it:
everyday decisions. Even if the man we are outside is wast-
24 Ones belief in serving eternally shoulding away, certainly the man we are inside
also affect ones view of money and poses- is being renewed from day to day. For
sions. Many people in the world have a though the tribulation is momentary and
get it while you can attitude toward these. light, it works out for us a glory that is
And advertisements constantly stress buy- of more and more surpassing weight and
ing new things now. But how do you re- is everlasting; while we keep our eyes,
act? What is your view? When you are not on the things seen, but on the things
tempted along these materialistic lines, unseen. For the things seen are temporary,
does eternity come into the picture? It but the things unseen are everlasting.
should, for after showing the dangers of 2 Cor. 4:16-18; Matt. 19:29.
loving money and material possessions, the 26 As Christians, then, let us strive each
Bible recommends thinking about ever- day to remember that our God is eternal
lasting life. (1 Tim. 6:6-12) So when and that we should serve him with eternity
directly or subtly pressured toward obtain- in view. And he will aid us by increasing
ing more money or possessions, ask your- our knowledge of his eternal truth and giv-
self: A thousand years from now, will I ing us of his holy spirit, which is promised
regret having decided against taking an to his servants as a helper forever. (2 John
extra job that would enable me to buy a 2; John 14:16,17) Thus our service to him
new car or boat? Or ask, A million years will not be just for now, or for a limited
into the New Order, will I look back and life-span. Rather, we will serve him eter-
feel I made the wrong decision in turning nally, for to him be the glory . . . into all
down overtime work so I would not miss the generations of the age of the ages.
any of my Christian meetings? Yes, eter- Eph. 3:20, 21, Kingdom Interlinear
nity should influence our daily lives and Translation.
thinking. 25. The right view of eternity is of what value when
enduring various trials?
24. How does eternity affect ones outlook on material 26. What, then, is the Christian view to have of the
goods? future?

Noah's Ark No Minor Vessel

The ark that God commanded Noah to build may sometimes be thought
of as an insignificant vessel. (Gen. 6:14, 15) But not so, says a recent article
on supersize tankers: The ark had to be one of the largest vessels to ride
the seas until even fairly modern days, for at about one and one-half feet to
the cubit it was 450 feet long, 75 feet in beam and 45 feet high. This was bigger
by far than most of the famous wooden sailing craft built since Noahs time
and surpassed even many early steam-powered steel ships, thereby qualifying
Noah as one of the master shipbuilders of all timealthough it must also
be assumed that he received more than a little help from a higher source.
Oil Lifestream of Progress, Number Three, 1973.
heads of the beast represent seven
mountainlike kingdoms. These are un-
derstood by Bible commentators to be the
seven world powers of Bible history. The
five that had fallen were Egypt, Assyr-
ia, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. The
one that was at the time the apostle
John wrote was Rome. The seventh has
proved, from historical events, to be the
Anglo-American World Power.Rev. 17:
9, 10; compare Daniel chapter 8.
Similarly the false prophet is not a
person, but is a system or an organization.
A prophet claims to have inspired in-
formation for the direction of others. A
false prophet would mislead others, to
turn them away from God and toward
false worship. What does this false proph-
et do to accomplish such purpose? He is
shown in another guise in Revelation 13:
1117 as a two-homed wild beast. As
such he is depicted as performing in front
of the seven-headed wild beast the signs
HAT is the lake of fire? We find with which he misleads those who re-
W this expression used in the Bible
only in the book of Revelation, and there
the mark of the wild beast and those
render worship to its image.Rev.
its mention is confined to the small area
of chapters 19 to 21. A possible allusion to Since the wild beast and the false
it is also found at Matthew 25:41. prophet are symbolic, the lake of fire
is necessarily symbolic.
Who or what goes into the lake of fire ?
Among the things mentioned are the wild Further supporting this conclusion is the
beast and the false prophet. Death and fact that the abstract thing, death, is
Hades are put into this lake. We also also hurled into the lake of fire. Death
read that the Devil (and along with him cannot be literally burned.
his associate demons) is hurled into the Moreover, the demons are thrown into
lake after his final attack on Gods sov- the lake. These are angels, spirit per-
ereignty.Rev. 19:20; 20:10, 14. sons. Being spirit, they cannot be hurt by
literal fire, which is a physical product of
A SYMBOL chemical combustion. In fact, we read of-
In examining these texts we readily see ten of spirit persons manifesting them-
that the lake of fire is not a literal pool selves to humans in a flame.Ex. 3:1-5;
of flame. The wild beast is symbolic, as Acts 7:30; Judg. 13:20; Ps. 104:4; Dan.
earlier shown in Revelation chapter 13, 7:9, 10.
the image of it being described in chap- Of what, then, is the lake of fire a
ter 17, where we are told that the seven symbol? The Bible says that it is, or that
it means or symbolizes, the second death. sand years, we read: Fire came down
(Rev. 20:14) This cannot mean that every- out of heaven and devoured them. They
thing that goes into it dies a second time, go into the second death. The lake of
for death and Hades have not died or fire likewise burns up all humans who do
gone out of existence in the past. The ex- not obey the things written in the scrolls
pression second death distinguishes this of instruction during Christs thousand-
death, which is permanent and everlasting
year rule. None of these finally find their
and from which there is no resurrection,
names written in the book of life. (Rev.
from the death brought upon the human
race by Adam. Adamic death is one kind 20:9,12,15) The same punishment of sec-
of death, a death that all men inherit ond death is executed upon Satan and his
through no personal fault of their own. demons, who are hurled into the lake of
The second death is another kind of fire. All are everlastingly dead.
death. Individuals that go into the second There is not a spark of life in the second
death merit it because of their own delib- death, which is the everlasting punish-
erate choice of sin and enmity toward God. ment for those who willfully disobey God.
This is evident by the action of those the There was not a bit of life in the first kind
Bible speaks of as being sentenced to the of death, that which came to Adams off-
second death. spring by his first sin. That first kind of
Further evidence or testimony as to death would have been permanent had it
what the lake of fire represents and who not been for the love and undeserved kind-
finally receive the judgment of this death ness of Jehovah God in providing Christs
is found in Revelation 21:7, 8. After de- sacrifice. The second death is perma-
scribing the good effects that the New nent, for there is no atonement sacrifice
Jerusalem will bring about in the earth, for those going into it. The apostle Paul
the prophecy quotes the words of God, say- wrote:
ing: Anyone conquering will inherit these
If we practice sin willfully after having
things, and I shall be his God and he will
received the accurate knowledge of the
be my son. But as for the cowards and
truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for
those without faith and those who are dis-
sins left, but there is a certain fearful ex-
gusting in their filth and murderers and
pectation of judgment and there is a fiery
fornicators and those practicing spiritism
jealousy that is going to consume those in
and idolaters and all the liars, their por-
opposition.Heb. 10:26, 27.
tion will be in the lake that burns with fire
and sulphur. This means the second death. NO CONSCIOUS TORMENT
All persons who choose such a way of Those in the lake of fire do not have
life and spurn Gods provision of Christs life. Their names are not written in any
atonement sacrifice for recovering from book of life. And life is life, whether
such a degraded condition will thus be spent in pleasure or in suffering pain. Ac-
obliterated forever from existence. cordingly, there is no consciousness or
So Gods fiery judgment comes upon all feeling of pain or suffering in the lake of
those who are his avowed enemies. Of fire, because there is no life there at all.
those of the Gog and Magog crowd who Why, then, does the Bible speak of the
follow the Devil in his renewed attack on Devil, the wild beast and the false
Gods sovereignty at the end of the thou prophet as being tormented day and
night forever and ever in this lake? will have been emptied and will receive no
Rev. 20:10. more such dead. (Rev. 20:14) Certainly
It is because they are under the torment these two inanimate things can feel or ex-
of restraint. When Jesus was on earth, the perience no conscious suffering, but they
demons entreated him not to order them can be restrained, put out of the way, for-
to go away into the abyss. (Luke 8:31) ever.
In a parallel account of the same incident,
the demons asked Jesus: Did you come ITS PURPOSE
here to torment us before the appointed The lake of fire, which means, or sym-
time? (Matt. 8:29) This being put into bolizes, the second death, also ,burns
the abyss will be a torment because it with sulphur.( Rev. 21:8) Sulphur ignites
will be a restraint. at a low temperature and burns quickly,
Satan and his demons are, therefore, to thus tending to consume things that would
not otherwise burn so readily. Sulphur was
suffer the torment of restraint by being
hurled into the abyss just prior to the anciently used in fumigation. Thus the
lake that bums with fire and sulphur
thousand-year reign of Christ. They will
would well represent a complete, everlast-
be restrained from all activity during that
ing destruction universally of everything
thousand years. Then they will be loosed
after the thousand years end. (Rev. 20:7; and everyone that has contaminated it,
carrying on filthy practices, challenging
compare Revelation 11:7; 17:8.) After the
Gods sovereignty and bringing reproach
final attack on Gods sovereignty, the Dev-
upon his name. The lake of fire or sec-
il and his demons are hurled into the lake
of fire, where they suffer the torment ond death, though always possible for
of everlasting restraint, without letup, in God to use on the willfully disobedient,
the second death. They are completely will not hold any threat to those who have
annihilated, never to appear again. More- been proved everlastingly loyal through
over, all that they accomplished, all their the test of Satans loosing after the end
works, will be erased from the universe. of the thousand years of Christs reign.
1 John 3:8. The faithful survivors of that test will
The truth that this being put into the have Gods guarantee of protection and
lake of fire does not mean conscious the sustaining of their lives forever.Rom.
pain of torment is shown in that the wild 8 :21.
beast and the false prophet, both sym- Thus the lake of fire is an important
bolic of systems or organizations, are spo-
ken of as being tormented day and night.
But systems or organizations cannot suffer IN COMING ISSUES
pain. The lake of fire annihilates, de-
stroys them. They are restrained from op- How W om en C an R eally Be
erating, forever. Never will such wicked Liberated.
organizations rise up to dominate or dis- "G ird Y ourselves w ith
turb mankind. Low liness of M ind.
Also, death and Hades, mankinds com- "W h en Y ou S ee Jerusalem
mon grave, are done away with in the S u rrounded b y E ncam ped
lake of fire, in that Adamic death will Arm ies.
have been completely wiped out and Hades
factor in Gods purposes. It is not some- portunity for all. Those who go into the
thing contrary to the personality of Jeho- lake of fire, which is the second death,
vah God, who never conceived nor would actually choose everlasting death rather
ever countenance the eternal conscious tor- than life, of their own free will and ac-
ment of anyone. (Jer. 19:5; 32:35) It is cord, because they selfishly violate the laws
in harmony with his personality of justice of the Universal Sovereign. He rightly re-
and loving-kindness, however, for God to quires respect and exclusive devotion. This
clear out wicked troublemakers forever. cleaning out of such hardened rebels is the
For it is essential that justice be carried only way the universe can have peace.
out in the universe for the sake of peace May all who want life learn about Jeho-
and order in behalf of those who want to vahs ways so as to have their names writ-
do what is right.Ps. 145:20. ten in the book of life for everlasting
Jehovah is not a ruler who is going to happiness.
let crime and criminals continue to run
rampant, taking away all peace and joy
of living from law-abiding people. Neither WATCHTOWER STUDIES FOR THE WEEKS
is God harsh, so that there is no help for July 14: Living No Longer for Ourselves.
Page 369. Songs to Be Used: 79, 112.
those who want to change their ways. July 21: Serve with Eternity in View. Page
(1 Tim. 2:3, 4) He allows full and fair op 375. Songs to Be Used: 111, 93.

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