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OMM II Part 1

Lab 1: Hip Joint
00:31 General Observation & Palpation
03:11 Tredelenburg Test
05:31 Examination of Pelvis/Hip
10:45 Patrick's Test
11:32 ROM
16:29 Ober's Test
17:22 ROM contin.
19:58 Stork Test
21:41 Assess Sartorius
23:22 Hip Myofascial (Quads, Hamstrings, TFL)
25:19 Assess Hamstrings
26:36 Hip Myofascial: IR Restriction
28:50 Counterstrain: Anterior Tender Points (low ilium sacroiliac,
35:26 Counterstrain: High Flare-Out
36:30 Counterstrain: Lateral Trochanteric
37:54 Counterstrain: Midpole Sacral
38:47 Counterstrain: Piriformis
41:15 Hip ME

Lab 2: Knee Joint

00:25 Review of Palpation
12:00 Review: Special Tests
17:00 Exercises for Quads and Hamstrings
19:15 General Observation, Palpation, ROM
32:20 Long Lever Articulation/ HVLA Fibular Head
39:15 Muscle Energy: Fibular Head (Anterior/Posterior)
44:20 Myofascial: Popliteal Muscle
47:00 Counterstrain: Medial Meniscus
48:33 Counterstrain: Lateral Meniscus
49:32 Counterstrain: Lateral Hamstring
50:30 Counterstrain: Gastrocnemius

Lab 3 Foot/Ankle
00:26 General Observation
06:00 Single Leg Heel Rise
06:53 Plantar Fasciitis
10:35 Active and Passive Range of Motion
20:40 Counterstrain: Calcaneal
23:11 Counterstrain: Navicular
24:22 Counterstrain: Medial Ankle
26:42 Counterstrain Lateral Ankle
27:52 Treatment of Subtler Joint Using Direct BLT(bootjack)
35:18 Treatment for Anterior Tibia/Posterior Talus
37:49 Treatment for Posterior Tibia/Anterior Talus

Lab 4: Cranial I
02:39 Landmarks: Bregma
03:52 Landmarks: Lambda
04:10 Coronal Suture
04:37 Landmark: Pterion
05:36 Occipitomastoid Suture
06:18 Landmark: Astern
06:37 Lambdoidal Suture
07:01 Landmark: Inion
08:55 Vault Hold
10:45 Strain Pattern: Flexion
12:50 Strain Pattern: Extension
13:27 Strain Pattern: Torsion
16:33 Strain Pattern: SB/Rotation
19:35 Superior/Interior Vertical Strain
22:17 Lateral Strain
24:38 SBS Compression
25:06 Recap: Strain Patterns
28:22 Venous sinus drainage

Lab 5: Cranial II
03:14 Palpate cranial rhythmic impulse at occiput and sacrum
20:55 Review Vault Hold
22:45 Temporal decompression
24:44 OM suture V spread
35:22 Balanced Ligamentous Tension: Fibular Head
39:15 Balanced Ligamentous Tension: Knee

Lab 6: Cranial III

00:45 Becker Hold
05:55 Fronto-Occipital Hold
11:05 Parietal Lift
17:00 Frontal lift
19:30 CV4
26:25 Becker Hold
28:40 Fronto-Occipital Hold

Lab 7: TMJ
03:42 General Observations
06:46 Palpation of Cervical Spine
07:10 Active ROM
10:40 Passive ROM
12:37 Palpation of TMJ
19:55 TMJ Diagnosis
22:00 Myofascial Release of TMJ
26:30 Myofascial Release Hyoid bone
28:05 Muscle Energy to TMJ
33:27 Myofascial Inhibition: Masseter and Lateral pterygoids
37:10 Home Exercise TMJ Mobilization
40:17 Cervical Spine BLT

Lab 8
00:25 General Observation
05:55 Special Tests
20:22 BLT-Standing Innominate Technique
24:29 Anterior and Posterior Thoracic Counterstrain
34:24 HVLA-Texas Twist
38:56 Thoracic Articulatory Technique
45:03 Exercises: Lazy Person
47:02 Exercises: Figure 8 Mobilization

Lab 9
00:00 Diagnosis the ribs and thoracic spine and diaphragm
11:14 Red Reflex (VSR)
12:26 Locate the Chapman points
20:04 Rib counterstrain: Depressed First Rib (anterior TP)
23:50 Rib counterstain: Depressed Lower Ribs (anterior TP)
26:00 Rib counterstrain: Elevated Ribs 1 and 2 (posterior TP)
27:52 Rib counterstrain: Elevated Ribs Lower Ribs (posterior TP)
33:00 Rib Counterstrain: Longissimus Thoracis
36:05 Review: Rib ME
***Rib Counterstrain for liocostalis thoracis, and lumborum points in
lab handouts***

Lab 10
13:00 Assess Thoracic Inlet/Cervicothoracic myofascial release
15:30 Paraspinal Muscle Inhibition&Rib Raising-supine
20:25 Re-doming the Diaphragm
23:48 Subcondylar Decompression
26:24 Cervical Myofascial Release
30:00 FPR: Hypertonic Muscle & Thoracic Type 2 SD (Seated)
35:20 FPR: Hypertonic Muscle & Thoracic Type 2 SD (Supine)
37:00 Review Thoracic Inlet, Thoracic Lymphatic Pump, Pedal
Lymphatic Pump

Lab 11
03:53 Chapmans Reflexes
05:14 Assess Sternum
09:24 Seated Rib Raising
14:01 Sinus Drainage
19:30 Sphenopalatine ganglia technique
25:16 Splenic Pump
30:14 Liver Pump

Lab 12
06:20 Evaluation of patient with chest pain
18:45 FPR- 1st Rib
24:15 FPR- Anterior Rib
27:45 FPR- Cervical Spine (muscle hypertonia)
30:50 FPR- Cervical Spine (Type 2 SD)
36:20 FPR- Lumbar Spine (Extension SD)
40:47 FPR- Lumbar Spine (Flexion SD)

Lab 13
14:55 Review: General Exam
18:12 Diagnosis of AA and OA
20:00 Still Technique: AA
24:00 Still Technique: OA Compression
27:30 Still Technique: OA Traction
29:40 Still Technique: Typical Cervical
34:35 Review: Hyoid and Sternum Treatment
38:05 Still Technique: Thoracic Spine
42:50 Still Technique: Lumbar Spine (Type I)
44:35 Still Technique: Lumbar Spine (Type II)

Lab 14

12:40 Counterstrain for Pec Major Trigger Point

16:00 Eval Thoracic Inlet
18:00 Eval Abdominal Diaphragm
19:00 Treatment of Diaphragm- Supine
19:15 Treatment of Diaphragm- Seated
20:25 Assess 12th Rib
22:00 Doming Pelvic Diaphragm/Pelvic Floor Release
31:05 Pectoral Traction
36:00 Popliteal Spread
39:23 Thoracic Pump & Pedal Pump
OMM II Part 2
Lab 1

06:40 Palpate Kidney

07:34 Lloyd Test
10:00 Eval and treat collateral ganglia
12:00 Review: Palpate Lumbar TPs
14:50 Eval and treat pelvic diaphragm in prone
24:00 Anterior Lumbar CS
37:45 Posterior Lumbar CS
46:02 Lumbar Spine FPR

Lab 2
00:00 Cervical Exam
14:45 Review ME: OA, AA, Typical Cervical Vertebrae
18:00 Oculocephalogyric Reflex/Oculocervical Reflex ME
22:15 Propioceptive Cervical Spine Release
26:05 Anterior Cervical Counterstrain
35:40 Posterior Cervical Counterstrain
44:40 Seated HVLA of Cervical Spine

Lab 3

00:00 Shoulder Exam (Obs., Palpation, ROM, Special Tests)

13:55 Sternoclavicular Joint Diagnosis
24:30 Sternoclavicular Joint ME: Anterior Clavicle
27:00 Sternoclavicular Joint ME: Superior Clavicle
28:00 Shoulder Counterstrain: Long Head Biceps
Shoulder Counterstrain: Short Head Biceps
Shoulder Counterstrain: Supraspinatus
Shoulder Counterstrain: Subscapularis
37:00 Scapular Release
39:00 Spencer
Lab 4

00:00 Elbow Exam

12:45 Muscle Energy: Pronation SD
15:00 HVLA Elbow: Medial/Lateral Glide
16:00 HVLA Posterior Radial Head SD
17:00 HVLA Anterior Radial Head SD
17:50 Counterstrain: Lateral Elbow
25:00 Counterstrain: Medial Elbow
30:00 Counterstrain: Wrist
36:00 Wrist Exam
42:50 ME/HVLA techniques to the carpal bones
45:00 Opponens Roll
46:00 Articulatory Motion with Traction to the Wrist

Lab 5

02:30 Upper extremity examination

16:15 Treatment of Brachial Plexus & Posterior Cervical Roots
18:30 Scalene Muscle Stretch
20:00 Manipulation of the Brachial Plexus Behind the Clavicle
20:50 Special Test: Adson's Test
21:30 Special Test: Claviculocostal Test
21:55 Manipulation of the Brachial Plexus Behind the Clavicle
24:30 Manipulation of Median Nerve in the Sub-Pectoralis Tunnel
28:40 Direct myofascial release of the glenohumeral joint

Lab 6

18:52 Abdominal Exam

28:30 Mesenteric Assessment
31:45 Assess Pelvic Diaphragm
33:20 Lumbar paravertebral ganglion inhibition
41:30 Mesenteric lift
42:50 Large intestine lift
45:00 Practical Review

Lab 7
02:20 Motion Testing
03:45 Straight Leg Raise Test (and variations)
04:05 Femoral Nerve Stretch
05:15 Motion Testing (continued)
07:15 Diagnose Lumbar Spine
12:43 Diagnose Lumbar Spine (seated)
17:50 Disc Reduction Technique
21:45 FPR Discogenic Technique
30:20 Still: Lumbar Type I
32:25 Still Lumbar Type II
34:15 Exercises for Treatment/Management of Disc Diseases
37:33 Muscle Energy: Lumbar Type I
42:45 Muscle Energy: Lumbar Type II Extension SD
50:45 Muscle Energy: Lumbar Type II Flexion SD
55:30 HVLA Lumbar Spine

Lab 8
Sacrum Diagnosis
04:30 Seated Flexion Test
07:00 Palpate Deep Sulcus
08:00 Palpate ILA
09:40 Spring Test
11:18 Sphinx Test
!2:30 Palpate L5
13:45 Four Corners Test
15:30 Sacrum Diagnosis (continued)
22:45 ME: Anterior/Posterior Innominate (Supine)
30:15 ME: Forward Sacral Torsion/Rotation
32:30 ME: Backward Sacral Torsion/Rotation
35:30 ME: Unilateral Sacral Flexion
38:30 ME: Unilateral Sacral Extension
40:00 ME: Bilateral Flexion
42:45 ME: Bilateral Extension
44:40 HVLA: Sacral "C"

Lab 9
Sacral Diagnosis
03:30 FPR-Sacrum
09:55 Structural Screening
22:30 Assess Fascial Patterns (Zink Model)

Lab 10
00:30 Strain Patterns: Flexion/Extension
02:20 Torsions
03:40 Sidebending/Rotation
06:30 Lateral strain
08:30 Superior/Inferior Vertical Strain
10:30 SBS compression
14:15 Evaluate sacrum (seated)
17:25 Temporal bones
19:30 Review: Becker Hold
21:05 Temporal Decompression
29:00 Galbreath technique
33:00 Condylar decompression
44:30 Pronator drift
48:50 BLT of the OA (OA decompression)

Lab 11
07:24 Osteopathic examination of the pregnant patient
15:50 Seated rib raising (review)
16:55 Pelvic diaphragm
22:23 Sacro-iliac mobilization in lateral recumbent
26:05 Sacro-iliac mobilization supine
29:30 Uterus visceral manipulation
39:13 Iliacus tenderpoint
41:30 Lithotomy position "undo"
43:05 Sacral rock
47:30 Sacrum inhibitory pressure
48:08 Sacrum inhibitory pressure self-treatment
51:30 Lateral fluctuation at the forearm

Lab 12
01:40 BLT 12th Rib
06:50 BLT SI Joint
11:03BLT Thoracic Spine

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