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Goal 2. We will attract, develop, and retain highly effective educators and provide
the tools they need to maximize all students success.

Specific Results
SR 2.3 Create avenues for educators to acquire new knowledge and reach high
levels of success.

SR 2.6 Create multiple venues for professional development designed to transform

the learning experience of students.

Call to Action
An article from the Lubbock-Avalanche Journal entitled Economically
disadvantaged students provide additional challenges to school districts quotes,
Frances Alonzo, principal of Lubbock-Cooper ISDs South Elementary School,
categorizes challenges faced by economically disadvantaged students into five
areas: basic needs, emotional needs, academic needs, behavior and parental

The direct impact teachers make daily focus on the emotional, academic and
behavior needs of these identified students. A group of teachers will be trained in
providing intellectual and emotional tools their students need to thrive, while
instilling self-discipline and hope in their pupils. * (Palumbo, A.) They will also be
intellectually and emotionally supported, and participate in partnership with a
community of optimistic educators.

Emerging Leaders Spring Project Proposal

Brittney Mata
Analysis of Student Achievement
Focusing on Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps,
the TEA overview of accountability describes it
as emphasizing academic achievement of
economically disadvantaged students and the
two lowestperforming racial/ethnic student
groups. Coakleys 2016 Accountability
Summary reported a 37% in Index 3, and our
focus as a campus is to improve in this specific

Data Systems Weekly Newsletter reports that

79% of the students at Coakley Middle School
are economically disadvantaged.

From the roster of students who took my last 6th

Grade Math Benchmark test, 82% were
economically disadvantaged.

From this data, we can conclude that a majority

of the student population of Coakley Middle School is economically disadvantaged,
and if we can help more of these students score a Satisfactory Standard or above
on their STAAR tests, this will in turn raise Coakleys Index 3 percentage.

Emerging Leaders Spring Project Proposal

Brittney Mata
Addressing the Needs of Students
Teachers will dedicate two hours a month to reflect on inspirational messages in a
Teachers Retreat. They will perform physical and mental relaxation techniques
such as yoga poses, mindful breathing and guided meditation. They will also
receive insight about the realities of economically disadvantaged students, and
best practices of how to battle those difficulties.

Each participant will choose one of their classes as a focus to practice the
presented strategies. Within this class, they will choose four specific economically
disadvantaged students whom did not pass their respective content areas
previous STAAR test, but were in the bubble (only failed by a few percentage

Interacting with Teachers

Communication with teachers is the key to this project. Teachers will exit the
program with tools to strengthen and improve their spiritual and personal health,
both inside and outside the classroom. Teachers will be supported and inspired
through the events on the agenda of each Teachers Retreat and through
community by sharing experience and thoughts with each other.

Teachers will also gain valuable insight into their chosen students lives, enabling
them to develop closer personal relationships with these students. They will
practice relationship building strategies with their chosen class, specifically with
their chosen economically disadvantaged bubble kids, in order to help improve
their academic achievement.

Conducting Parental Involvement Activities

The teachers involved in this project will participate in a Parents Retreat, involving
the parents of their four specific economically disadvantaged students whom did
not pass their respective content areas previous STAAR test, but were in the
bubble (only failed by a few percentage points). Teachers will gain insight and
build relationships with the families of these students in order to help improve their
students academic achievement.

Measuring Success
Teachers and specified students and classes will complete surveys and reflections
before and after this program. Student achievement will be measured by
qualitative data (class temperament, student reflections) and quantitative data
(grades, CFAs, Benchmark scores).

The goal of the first cadre is to include at least three teachers from each grade
level, for a total of nine dedicated teachers. This will, in effect, greatly impact nine
focus classes and 36 identified students.

Emerging Leaders Spring Project Proposal

Brittney Mata

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