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Monitoring Water Quality in the Lower Salinas Valley Watershed and

Assessing the Impacts of Agriculture Runoff

Megan Pentecost1 , Kaylie Low1, John Silveus2
1Undergraduate Student Research CSUMB, 2 Instructor and Researcher CSUMB

School of Natural Science, California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA, USA.

Introduction Results Discussion

To ensure crop success, many agricultural fields surrounding the Lower Data suggests the water quality of all nine locations in the Lower Salinas Data shows nitrate and phosphate levels exceed EPA limits, which can
Salinas Valley Watershed are supplied with a surplus of fertilizer. The Valley Watershed exceed EPA levels of 0.1 ppm for phosphate. Surface have adverse effects on the aquatic ecosystem and waterway health.
runoff and leaching of these nutrient rich additives into the watershed can waters at Temladero Slough at Haro Road and Molera Road, Old Salinas Nitrates and phosphates are essential to plant growth and are found in high
contribute to the degradation of the aquatic ecosystem by stimulating the River at Molera Road and Portrero Road exceed EPA levels of 10 ppm for concentrations in fertilizers. These nutrients then runoff into surrounding
growth of harmful algal blooms . This study aims to identify a baseline of nitrate. Tembladero Slough at Haro Road, Old Salinas River at Molera water ways due to precipitation or the irrigation of agricultural fields. The
nutrient runoff data for the watershed of the Salinas Valley to facilitate in Road, and Moss Landing Road had the highest concentrations of nitrate, elevated nitrate levels can produce an increase in aquatic plant and algae
the assessment of the significance of anthropogenic impacts. By ranging between 13.23 mg/L - 14.46 mg/L. Molera Wetland, Moro Cojo growth leading to anthropogenic eutrophication of the water body. These
comparing our data to EPA nutrient limits for nitrate and phosphate of Slough off of Highway 1 and Old Salinas River at Portrero Road had the eutrophic conditions impair the water ways with conditions that may
surface waters, our study will determine if water quality of local waters highest concentration of phosphate, ranging between 2.12 mg/L 3.91 include low dissolved oxygen, turbid waters, and dead zones (Smith V. et
are impaired or healthy. The purpose of this study is to identify possible mg/L. Old Salinas River at Molera Road had the lowest dissolved oxygen al. 1999). These conditions have shown to occur in multiple bodies of
relationships between anthropogenic influences on the watersheds nutrient levels and Molera Wetland had the highest turbidity. water within the Monterey County (Kudela R. et al. 2008). To further the
levels and establish a long term dataset that may inform agricultural
Table 1. Average turbidity, phosphates, nitrates, dissolved oxygen, pH, Water Temperature and conductivity over an study, a predictive model of seasonal nutrient levels can be used to study
operations in mitigation strategies, as well as future student research in
eight week sampling period. The following locations include Salinas R. at South Davis (SD) ,Salinas R. at Monte Rd trends and determine future nutrient loads, possibly resulting in
confronting these issues with innovative applications. (MR), Tembladero Slough at Haro St. (HT), Molera Wetland (MW), Tembladero Slough at Molera Rd. (MT), Old
Salinas R. at Molera Rd. (OSM), Old Salinas R. at Portrero Rd. (OSP), Old Salinas R. at Moss Landing Rd. (OSH),
eutrophication impacts on our local water bodies such as harmful algal
and Moro Cojo Slough at Highway 1 (MCS). blooms.
Turbidity Phosphates Nitrates Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Conductivity

Hypothesis Salinas R. @ South Davis (SD)

Location (FAU)
Phosphorus is commonly the limiting nutrient for plant and algae growth.
Salinas R. @ Monte Rd (MR) 266.13 1.06 7.19 11.80 7.68 15 244.40
Water sampled from the Lower Salinas Valley Watershed will exceed Tembladero Slough @ Haro St. (HT) 467.75 1.85 14.46 10.73 7.55 14.63 400.33 Although it occurs naturally, anthropogenic practices such as fertilizing
Molera Wetland (MW) 445.13 3.91 4.21 8.50 7.64 16.25 363.78
recommended Environmental Protection Agency levels of surface water Tembladero Slough @ Molera Rd. (MT) 580.63 1.69 11.80 10.53 7.53 15.25 472.33
crops can increase phosphate levels in aquatic ecosystems. Phosphates can
criteria for nitrates at 10 mg/L and phosphates at 0.10 mg/L. Old Salinas R. @ Molera Rd. (OSM) 252.38 1.97 13.30 10.79 7.48 15.13 2458.60 occur in a dissolved state or attached to suspended sediment. As increased
Old Salinas R. @ Potrero Rd. (OSP) 370.63 2.12 13.23 11.53 8 16.25 4787.53
Old Salinas R. @ Moss Landing Rd. (OSH) 62.38 1.83 6.39 9.84 7.48 19 13221.83
phosphate levels stimulate algae growth. the turbidity associated with the
Moro Cojo Slough @ PCH (MCS) 105.71 3.00 7.24 8.93 7.94 18 6757.50 bloom increases as well; therefore there is a correlation between the two.

Methods The EPAs maximum contaminant level for nitrates in public drinking
Average Phosphate vs. EPA Limit
To move forward in studying the quantity and effect of these parameters 4.5 water is 10 mg/L. The surface waters tested have surpassed these levels,

on waterways of the Salinas Valley watershed, nine sites were surveyed 3.5
signifying that as the water leaches into the groundwater it is possible for
Phosphate (mg/L)

once a week for eight weeks. The locations include two sites on the
3 the nitrate limits to exceed in public drinking water drawn from aquifers.

Salinas River, two sites on the Old Salinas River, two sites on the 2 Methemoglobinemia, commonly known as blue baby syndrome, is an
Tembladero Slough, the Molera Wetland, and the Moro Cojo Slough to

anemia that is caused by the changing of hemoglobin to methemoglobin
study the connections to agricultural runoff. Parameters tested include 0.5 which is inefficient at transporting molecular oxygen. This illness is linked

nitrates, phosphates, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature, salinity, SD MR HT MW MT OSM OSP OSH MCS to exposure to high levels of nitrate in drinking water and is mainly an

pH, turbidity, wind speed, precipitation and flow rate. These parameters EPA Limit x5 (mg/L) Ave. Phosphate (mg/L)
issue for pregnant women and infants less than six months of age. In cases,
Figure 6. Shows Megan Pentecost collecting this ailment can lead to death, seizures, and miscarriages of pregnant
were measured and compiled into tables and graphs where trends were Figure 3. Exhibits average phosphate compared to EPA limits samples in the Salinas R.
analyzed to draw conclusions. The process of calculating these parameters of 0.1 mg/L (x5) at nine locations. women (Manassaram D. et al.2010).
includes the utilization of a Hach colorimeter, a salinity refractometer, a Average Nitrate vs. EPA Limit
Neulog probe, USGS gauges, an anemometer and a field thermometer. In 16.00

order to gain the most effective data, the chosen waterways were sampled 12.00
Nitrate (mg/L)

near the source of agricultural fields as well as near the outlets to the 10.00

ocean. 8.00


2.00 Much appreciation to UROC for funding our spring research and providing us with
this valuable experience. A big thank you to the ENVS195 Salinas Water Quality
Locations group for your contributions and eagerness to get involved.
EPA Limit (mg/L) Average Nitrate (mg/L)

Figure 7. Displays the proximity of

Figure 4. Represents average nitrate compared to the EPA limit Tembladero Slough to agriculture fields.
of 0.10 mg/L at nine sites.

Relationship between Average Phosphate and

Average Turbidity
4.00 Manassaram DM, Backer LC1, Messing R, Fleming LE, Luke B, Monteilh CP. 2010. Nitrates in drinking water and
3.50 methemoglobin levels in pregnancy: a longitudinal study.
Phosphate (mg/L)

3.00 500.00
Turbidity (FAU)

2.50 400.00

Smith VH , Tilman GD, Nekola JC. 1999. Eutrophication: impacts of excess nutrient inputs on freshwater, marine, and
terrestrial ecosystems. Environmental Pollution 100(1-3): 179-196.
Figure 1. Displays the nine locations sampled in the Lower Figure 2. Presents a day in the field running water 1.00

Salinas Valley Watershed among the vast agricultural land. quality tests. 0.50
Kudela R, Lane J, Cochlan W. 2008. The potential role of anthropogenically derived nitrogen in the growth of harmful
0.00 0.00 algae in California, USA. Harmful Algae 8(1): 103-110.

Average Phosphate (mg/L) Average Turbidity (FAU)

Figure 8. Features Megan Pentecost (left)

Figure 5. Demonstrates the correlation between average setting up a reach pole and Kaylie Low (right)
phosphate and average turbidity levels at nine locations. measuring wind speed.


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