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Lyce Des Arts

Name: ....
Class : Grade 8 Section: Date :.....
Exam in: Math
Final Term
. .1 :
.6 .2
. .3
. .4
33. .5
1st exercise: (5pts)
Choose with justification the only correct answer which corresponds to each question.
No. Questions
4 3 10 1 26 1
3 5 6 3 25 5

810 411
2. Given the real number E , then E = 48 25 82
8 4 410

An object costs 350 L.L. Its price is increased by

3. 370 L.L. 350.20 L.L 420 L.L.
20%. The new price of the object is


Given the two circles C O, 27 and C' O', 12 Tangent Tangent Not
externally internally intersecting
such that OO' 75 , then the two circles are:

Given E 5 450 445 450 445 then 0 10 - 10

2nd exercise: (3 pts)

1) The sides a, b and c of a triangle ABC are respectively proportional to the numbers 7, 5 and 4. The
perimeter of this triangle is 272 cm. Calculate the numerical values of a, b and c. (2pts)
2) The price of an object is 800$. It was sold for 600$ . Calculate the percentage of reduction with
respect to the initial price. (1 pts)

3rd exercise: (4 pts)

Given x 6 12 2 27 2 4 and y 4 75 3 48 2
1) Show that x 4 6 3 and write y in the form of a - b 3 .
Where a and b are two integers to be determined. (1 pts)
2) Let x and y represent the lengths of the bases of the trapezoid ABCD.
Precise the length of [AB] and that of [CD]. (1pt)
3) Let [BH] be the height relative to [CD], CH = 2cm and BCH 60 o D 60o
a) Calculate the length BH. (1pt) H 2
b) Calculate the area of the trapezoid ABCD. (1pt)
2010 June Final Term Math Grade 8 1/2
4th exercise: (3pts)
Given the two squares ABCD and AEFG where the lengths of their sides A B E
are (x 4) and (2x + 3) respectively (the values are given in cm) (x is a
real number strictly greater than 4).
1) Express, in terms of x, the areas A(x) and B(x) of the squares D C
(x 4)
ABCD and AEFG respectively. (1 pts)
2) Calculate x knowing that B(x) A(x) = 3x2 + 93. (1 pts)

5th exercise: (6 pts)

G (2x + 3) F
Consider the two polynomials:
A(x) = (3x m) (4x + 7) 9x2 + 25
B(x) = (x + 2)2 + 3(x 3) (2 + x) + x2 4
1) a) Calculate m, so that (- 2) is a root of A(x). ( pt)
b) Factorize A(x) for m = 5. ( pt)
2) a) Write B(x) as a product of two factors of 1st degree. (1pt)
b) Solve the equation A(x) = B(x). ( pt)
3) Let C(x)
a) Calculate C(- 2). What conclusion can you draw? (1pt)
b) For what values of x is C(x) defined? Simplify C(x). (1pt)
c) Solve the equation C(x) = 0. ( pt)
d) Calculate C 2 , then rationalize the denominator. ( pt)
6th exercise: (7 pts)
Consider a circle (C) of center O and radius R = 3cm. Designate by [AB] and [CD] two perpendicular
diameters of this circle. Let M be the midpoint of the small arc AC , such that [MB] cuts [OC] in P . Let
H be the orthogonal projection of M on (OC).
1) Draw a figure, and explain how you drew the point M. (1pt)
2) Calculate the measure of arc AC , then deduce the measures of angles MBA and BMH . (1 pts)
3) a) Tell whether BMC is an inscribed angle or a central angle. Justify. ( pt)
b) Show that BMC 45o , then deduce that triangle MPC is isosceles at vertex M. (1 pts)
4) It was given that M is the midpoint of arc AC .
a) What does [OM) represent for AOC ? ( pt)
3 2
b) Deduce the nature of triangle MHO and show that OH cm and then deduce CH. (1 pts)
c) What does H represent for [CP]? Justify. Verify that CP = 6 - 3 2 .( pt)

Good Work

2010 June Final Term Math Grade 8 2/2

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