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Reality is the Truth which can not be denied yet precisely due to so many Lies

June 11 2007
Charter Rights We all know corruption runs rampant throughout the
government services and during my 2 year trek to find justice in
the province of Ontario I have well documented it to the
Attorney General’s office.

The attorney General is the “guardian of the rule of law” which

is the law that protects the individual and society as a whole.
See web site “Role of the Attorney General”
In the Spirit as well as the letter Loyalty to a Belief is the answer to a charlatan’s prayers

The Attorney General wears too many hats and influences or is influenced by every department in the legal

The evidence I have irrefutably proves the individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights, in particular as defined
in s.15 (1) were never intended to be protected as stated but were in fact written for ulterior purpose so as
to have the people believe the system respects the rights of each individual equally and fairly in a moral
society as they ransack them through taxes to support a system accessible and beneficial to the powers that
be and the affluent thus creating a two tiered system leaving the majority of the people without protection
and at a huge disadvantage.
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or
physical disability.

The system is so fixed that there is not one department the individual can complain to even though the
Ombudsman, the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services and the Ontario Rental Housing
Tribunal are purported to operate independent of the Government so as to give the people a sense of
confidence, that they will keep the government in check.

The “Role of the Attorney General” as defined on his web site is quite informative and it proves the
Attorney General has stacked the cards heavily against the individual who may file a complaint with
. the police who may consult with the Attorney General or his underlings, Crown Attorneys or
Department of Justice but ultimately the police must make the charges.

Then if the Attorney General or his assigns can not convince the police to not file charges then the
Attorney General makes the final decision as to whether or not to commence or cause to commence

Ultimately the Attorney General is responsible to the people, through the legislature but since he has
chosen not to be responsible to the people it makes it rather difficult to have him charged since he
makes the final decision as to whether or not to commence proceedings against himself.

The bottom line is all the lawyers throughout the government system including the purported to be
independents such as the Ombudsman are all influenced by the Attorney General leaving it highly
improbable that charges will ever be laid against him especially if he gets the final say.
“The Role of the Attorney General” as defined on the Attorney General web site documents the
corruption which is predictable given that he wears too many hats.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law

Upon reading “The Role of the Attorney General” (see Lawyer File # 7) you will know that the rule of
law as articulated therein is incapable of backing the individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights as
particularly defined in:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or
physical disability.

It is prudent to note that the present Chief Justice of Ontario Roy McMurchy who is under the authority
of the Attorney General, was the Ontario Attorney General in 1982 and played a major role in the
patriation of the Constitution Act 1982 and the Charter which used the words “the rule of law”
As chief law officer, the Attorney General has a special responsibility to be the guardian of that most
elusive concept - the rule of law. The rule of law is a well established legal principle, but hard to easily
define. It is the rule of law that protects individuals, and society as a whole, from arbitrary measures
and safeguards personal liberties.

On one hand the individual’s guaranteed rights are part and parcel of the individual like a turkey leg
being part of the whole.
Something that is owned, not to be argued and then by the inclusion of the words “the rule of law”
which is a well established legal principle,( known only by professionals) to be that most elusive
concept, but hard to easily define which is the law that protects the individuals, and society as a whole
we can see this concept does not apply due diligence to the backing of the individuals guaranteed rights
which in fact leaves them far from guaranteed open to costly argument for something which is a given
and not to be argued as in s.15 (1)

This can only be interpreted as a deliberate conspiracy to undermine the sanctity of each and every
individuals guaranteed rights

For those who would argue, the Attorney General is capable of keeping everything in perspective and
able to efficiently and effectively separate his responsibilities so as to ensure the individual’s rights are
adequately protected in accordance with the Spirit of the Constitution (Document) I state unequivocally
that he is not, as I continue near 24 months since I first set out to find justice in particular in compliance
with my individual rights as defined in s.15(1)

On March 30 2007 I sent out 15 Lawyer Files which details some of the establishment personnel and
their offences which have declined to act in support of my guaranteed Constitutional rights.

These people all remain steadfast in neglect of their responsibilities to act in a manner consistent with
the Constitution Act, 1982 which is a deliberate act which assures my rights are not being protected.
These people are not susceptive to reasoning in the Spirit of the Constitution for the benefit of a moral
society where:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or
physical disability.

Their tyrannical ways will not be changed until they are forced to change.

The information must be made public and to that endeavor I intend to charge them all individually with
the relative offenses with particular emphasis of suing for damages so as to put a significant value on
my individual rights which they have deprived me of.

Their greed and general attitude towards the people of Canada must change and the opportune time is

I have attached Lawyer Files #s 1-5 and will follow with the remaining 10 Lawyer Files for your

I will also forward the 73 page letter to the Toronto Sun which contains the evidence that proves
beyond any doubt that the crimes were committed as stated.

It is imperative you study this material so as to be cognizant to the fact the crimes were committed as
stated and when you are coherent to the facts you will know that the responses from the various
government offices are ridiculously incomprehensible to the facts begging the question why.

This will lead you to the Attorney General and the fact the Ontario Laws are not consistent with the
Constitution Act, 1982.

When you are up to speed you will know the taxpayers are being robbed of their hard earned money
and deserved lifestyle for the enhancement of the powers that be and their influential friends.

June 11, 2007


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