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January 5 2008

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the
rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable
limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free
and democratic society.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and
any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution
is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and
unusual treatment or punishment.
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has
the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law
without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination
based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or
mental or physical disability.
31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of
any body or authority.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and

government of Canada in respect of all matters within the
authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon
Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and
government of each province in respect of all matters within the
authority of the legislature of each province.

The evidence referenced on my web site

the-canadians-charter-of-rights-and-freedoms irrefutably proves the Government is an
Organized Crime syndicate of corruption and conspiracy directed at the moral majority

The success is dependent on the cooperation of the entire Government personnel

including the police forces and in particular the RCMP. They all publish themselves to
be irreproachable with conviction to the well being of the Canadian people but
demonstrate they are loyal to each other and discriminate against the individual of the
Canadian people with absolute disregard for their Charter rights.

Under public pressure they create purported to be independent agencies such as the
Ontario Ombudsman and publish them to be for the public to file complaints of
government improprieties but they are set up to diffuse the complaints and close them.

The Prime Minister, leader of the Federal Government enacted the Federal Accountability
Act, 2006 which is an admittance that the government personnel were irresponsible which
is consistent with the evidence on my web site which irrefutably proves they have no
intention of being responsible to back the guarantee of the Charter to every individual and
have failed to demonstrate due diligence in their modus operandi to support the guarantee.

They have quite convincingly demonstrated due diligence to the non support of the
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and make every effort to aid the immoral minority.

With all the hype they would have us believe they are now irreproachable with fortitude
and conviction under the leadership of Prime Minister Stephen Harper you would think he
would have been concerned in a positive way to the issues I addressed as an individual but
his office responded sure I would understand why the Prime Minister can not get involved

Of course I understand because his intentions are loyal to the conspiracy where he diffuses
pressure appearing to be for the moral majority by publicly announcing the Federal
Accountability Act, 2006 but when the individual is all by their lonesome he gives the
four finger wave with him his thumb to his nose.

I have tested a few of his new initiatives which are no different than before the enactment
of the Act which is humongous obvious as to why.

No member loyal to the conspiracy is going to provide a legal procedure as to how to go

about eradicating them from society.

The Constitution Act, 1982 demands the authorized Federal Government structure a legal
system efficient and effective adept to the support of the individual’s guaranteed Charter
rights where a chain of apparent seamless continuity of competent responsible
irreproachable government personnel of fortitude and conviction take on the major roles
all accountable to the person authorizing their authority right up to the top where the
Prime Minister is ultimately responsible to the people in accordance with the Constitution,
which guarantees them their Charter rights.

This is nothing to debate nor is it a matter of if you don’t like what I do you can hold me
accountable at election time.

From the moment the PM takes Office he is responsible to ensure the government
including the legal system is acting in accordance with the supreme law of the Country
consistent with and conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights, which is not
only in the best interest of the public but it is his sworn duty to uphold the law of the
Country and his obligation to back the Charter Guarantee to every individual equally.
I, Frank Gallagher founder and manager of the Guardians of Canadian’s Charter Rights
have taken initiatives to eradicate the Government Organized Crime of corruption and
conspiracy which they have perpetrated against the moral majority of the Canadian people

I can not over emphasize the humongousness of the challenge where everything “How it
is” has been stacked against me even the financial sources of the moral majority who I
endeavor to struggle for their rights and benefits under the Constitution.

The government conspirators have illegitimate control over the entire system financed by
the Canadian taxpayers and they have set the entire force of public servants against me by
cohesion and coercion induced by lucrative financial benefit including early retirement
with lucrative pensions all financed by the moral majority illegally extracted contrary to

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in
particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

where the moral majority are burdened with longer hour of work for much less financial
benefit and often with no paid benefits such as health and pension yet they are made to
contribute to all the benefits and better salaries of the government employees who are
incompetent and detrimental to the moral society demanded of the Constitution which
recognizes the supremacy of God where the aspirations attributed to him are consistent
with the verbiage and intent of the Charter where every individual is guarantied equality
in all matters before and under the law which most definitely applies to them, no more and
no less

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in
respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters
relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature
and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of
the legislature of each province.

What they say publicly and publish is intended to appear consistent with the
Constitution but what they do with respect to the individual is in absolute disrespect
of the individual and their guaranteed Charter rights as irrefutably proven by the
evidence published on my web site.

It is prudent to mention that the evidence I have published is thorough and

convincing of the government corruption and conspiracy but is far from thorough of
all the evidence I have in my possession nor is it thorough of all the charges that can
be laid of individual government personnel and I must make it clear that the people
will not finance their defense nor will they finance their pension plans upon conviction

At this moment only I and the guilty parties know for sure who they are and that is how it
shall remain if they come forward immediately in the public’s best interest.

The evidence is abundantly clear on my web site and has been made available to all the
people whose e-mail addresses and fax numbers which are referenced within the said
published documents.

Reality is the truth impervious to perception yet reality is precisely due to perception.

Those of you who do not yet get it most assuredly will as reality sets upon them.

The truth of this reality is within the documents for all to see with irrefutable evidence
upon evidence in support of the truth of that reality which is impervious to perception
where ones perception is private and secret until they act demonstrating their perception
which is either consistent with the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights or it is not and in
this case their perception has betrayed them as documented which has created the reality
we all exist contrary to “How it is supposed to be” under the Constitution.

This reality has been permitted to exist due the perception of the moral majority which has
succumbed to that which the government persistently would have them believe but due to
their arrogance and confidence of their control of the conspiracy and their confidence in
knowing the individual is humongously disadvantaged by the system purposely designed
against them for the extravagant benefit of the conspirators voluntarily satiated me with
the irrefutable evidence that will ultimately be the catalyst to their demise.

The evidence will have an alarming effect on the perception that has allowed their success
detrimental to the well being and safety of the individual being “How it is” which is the
truth of reality as well documented which will not and can not change where perception
can and will due the impervious nature of the evidence.

Those of you of the government personnel who still do not get it are of a stubborn
illegitimate perception which will continue to implicate you in the conspiracy as I
endeavor to put the final stage to the eradication of the immoral inclination which
cooperates with the conspiracy.

Catch 22

The beginning of the end of the Government Organized Crime of corruption and
conspiracy against the Constitution and every individual of the moral majority.

The RCMP Commissioner and the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
are now committed under the auspices of the RCMP Act, enacted by the Federal
Government, to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness to support the individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights which was guaranteed by the Federal Government, signed
sealed and delivered to the people with the enactment of the Constitution Act, 1982.

The RCMP Commissioner who is allegedly in on the conspiracy has now been provided a
most ominous challenge to either investigate the government conspiracy or refuse to
investigate the government conspiracy, either of which will ultimately be the beginning of
the end of the government conspiracy.

There is absolutely nothing the conspirators can do under close scrutiny that won’t bring
them down and any who would be so dumb as to support them in refusing to investigate
will be proven just how dumb and out of touch with reality their perception is as they
stand with conviction to their tradition as they are wont to do unable to break the habit
even when their wellbeing is in harms way.

I see this as highly beneficial to the best interest of the public as they continue to provide
overwhelming evidence of their part in the conspiracy assuring their conviction and due
punishment in accordance with justice as perceived by the people.

Beginning with the RCMP Commissioner which I have already initiated January 4 2008,
I will present the evidence to each authority in succession upon failure of each
government department, agency, commission to comply with or meet the provisions of the
supreme law of Canada, the Constitution Act, 1982 which ultimately means they must act
in a manner conducive to the support of the guarantee to the individual’s Charter rights
where ultimately it is the responsibility of the Prime Minister who appointed the Minister
of Justice and Attorney General of Canada to carry on in performance of his duties a
diligent vigil in support of the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights where every
initiative with fortitude and conviction must be to that endeavor if every individual is to be
treated equal in all matters of law in protection and benefit as guaranteed which is a most
challenging task requiring his undivided attention.

He and the Prime Minister will have their opportunity in turn to prove once and for all the
reality of their perception being consistent with that which they would have the people
believe consistence with the Charter and the wellbeing of the individual of a moral society

Let the seriousness begin, Schools Out, the games are over

The document “Fax-RCMP Complaint January 4 2008” published on aforesaid web site
was faxed to Andree Leduc of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
on January 4 2008 requesting him to deal with the issue of the RCMP Commissioner’s
non compliance with the RCMP Act regarding his failure to provide me a status report by
December 16 2007.

On page 15 of said document is a letter from him dated December 20 2007 where he
admits to the incompetence of the Office with the issues I addressed of Government
corruption and conspiracy and sets about to distance his Office from the conspiracy

I reiterate that no government department, agency, whatever is going to be granted

particular authority to take down the government conspiracy and in fact all government
departments, agencies, including the RCMP are appointed by the government conspirators
who are under their thumb.

If the government personnel were competent responsible irreproachable people of

fortitude and conviction to support the guarantee to the individual as per the Charter I
would not have had to spend 2 ½ years trying to find someone of the government
personnel with the prerequisite traits nor would I have the irrefutable evidence of the
conspiracy if the ORHT had of acted diligently in responsible manner in respect of the
Charter guarantee.

My former tenant and filed false and misleading information with the ORHT which is an
offense under s.206 (2) of the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and during the Tribunal
hearing June 30 2005 committed the criminal act of fraud right in front of the judicator
Nancy Fahlgren in a building financed by the people to administer justice in accordance
with the supreme law of Canada, the Constitution conducive to the individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights.

Not only did they refuse to file charges but they tampered with the evidence and did not
record the second day of the hearing July 28 2005.

The evidence is irrefutable to that which I state and it is incomprehensible that this was
not investigated if the government personnel was the competent responsible
irreproachable people of fortitude and conviction to the support of the individual’
guaranteed Charter rights.

It is comprehensible that it was not investigated, if the government personnel was

incompetent, irresponsible reproachable people of indifference to the support of the
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.

The evidence has been provided to a voluminous number of government personnel

referenced in documents published on my web site with the initial crimes not dealt with
in a manner consistent to and conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights
proving for certain the incompetence of the legal system and government personnel to
administer and enforce the Constitution consistent with and conducive to the support of
the guarantee of the Charter.

There is simply no excuse for this and no legitimate law that can be cited which purports
to allow such a pathetic disgrace of the Constitution: Establishment to debase and defy the
Constitution: Document which is the very foundation and spirit of Canada which
recognizes the supremacy of God and the verbiage of the Charter is consistent with the
aspirations attributed to God.

The government has not just simply strayed a little offside of the spirit of the law and God
but has gone directly to hell in the spirit of the Devil which can be none other than treason
siding with and going the way of the Devil raging havoc, hopelessness and despair on the
moral majority for money which is the root of all evil.

Not one person of the government personnel have come forward to act in the service of
the law and God to which they were financed, trusted and obliged to do and they will now
have the final opportunity to seal their fate or act consistent with the law conducive to the
guaranteed Charter rights of every individual equally with due regard to

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and
any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is,
to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Any person who stood or stands in the way of justice and due punishment regarding the
original crimes committed at the ORHT is guilty of obstruction of justice at the very least
and possibly treason where found to deliberately be responsible for the actions of the
government personnel perpetrated against the people guaranteed protection and benefits to
every individual equally in all matters before and under the law.
I reiterate to date all you people have not demonstrated the traits that are required of you under the
law but have demonstrated continuity to the conspiracy which has allowed it to thrive to humongous
detriment of the moral majority and the Constitution itself.

Each person of a legitimate government being must possessed of the traits responsible traits foresaid
consistent with and conducive to the support of the Charter guarantee which demands all personnel
to act in continuity and where one is possessed of knowledge which compromises the wellbeing and
safety of the individual’s as guaranteed by the Charter it is incumbent upon them to act in a manner
to eradicate the compromise and under the circumstances where the entire government is suspect it
is imperative to go straight to the media to divulge what you know for your wellbeing and the
Canadian people informing the media of my web address which provides all the evidence required
to eradicate the conspiracy.

The moment the evidence is published to a major audience the powers that be will be the powers
that were with no authority or right to harass, reprimand or punish you in any way which would be
ridiculous on their part to do so only to confirm they are not of the spirit of the law and the moral

I dare such a stupidity would incite the people to riot taking the law into their own hands.

Now I wait for Andree Leduc of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
to respond in a timely appropriate manner consistent with the traits of a responsible person
employed in the service of the people concerned for their safety and well being.

The obvious approach for Andree Leduc considering the circumstances is to send an e-mail to the
RCMP Commissioner requesting an immediate explanation for his tardiness and non compliance
with the RCMP Act, namely for not providing me with a status report by December 16 2007, 30
days from the acknowledgement of receipt by the RCMP Professional Standards Unit dated
November 16 2007 and e-mail me a copy having done so.

FFF, Forthright, Forthcoming and Forthwith are a must from each of you I address these issues to
from hereon out or confirm your place in the Government Organized Crime of corruption and
conspiracy against the people.

If you are not in the hierarchy of the conspiracy it would be in your best interest to encourage the
RCMP Commissioner to do his job consistent with the Constitution conducive to the individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights with the initiative to determine who is at the very top of the conspiracy.

Meanwhile the hierarchy will have his immediate attention begging or buying his loyalty to the

Quite a dilemma they are stuck with and I hope I am around to see how it all works out.

Perhaps the media are waiting for that exciting headliner proving how far the conspirators are
willing to go to cover it up.

I would appreciate if you would break the story sooner than later, like now would be the appropriate
time to do so, but one way or another the story is coming and the first media to hit the streets with
the news will not only make history but reap the rewards.

You’re welcome, no charge, free for the true freedom of the press and the people.
You will have the trust of the people and their loyalty guaranteeing the loyalty of advertisers.

Perhaps I am wrong, but for certain we will see. That is “How it is “on this 5th day of January 2008

I have attached a copy of the Fax RCMP Complaint January 4 2008 Frank

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