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Narrative Report for Primitive Processes

1. Scan employees fingerprint

The employee will press their recognized finger on the fingerprint device to record
their name, ID number, branch location, time in and time out.

2. Check employees information

The information obtained will be viewed in their program. If there is a discrepancy or
mismatch in the information, the employee will scan again their fingerprint.

3. Upload employees attendance

If there information is already correct, they will upload it in their program and will be
directed to the main office.

4. Record timekeeping report

The HR Department will receive the uploaded information in the branch. They will
export it to excel to record the employees daily timekeeping report.

5. Compute gross pay

The HR Department will use the recorded timekeeping report to compute for the
gross pay for each employee.

6. Update payroll record

The HR Department will update the payroll record of each employee with the
calculated gross pay.

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