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Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

Hands on S4 Classes

Yohan Chalabi

ITP ETH, Zurich

Rmetrics Association, Zurich
Finance Online, Zurich

R/Rmetrics Workshop
June 2009
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods


1 Introduction

2 S3 Classes/Methods

3 S4 Classes/Methods
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods


1 Introduction

2 S3 Classes/Methods

3 S4 Classes/Methods
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3/S4 History
The appendix in Software for Data Analysis by Chambers [1] is of great
interest to learn more about the history of the S language.

First discussion at Bell labs in May 1976 for a new system to

interface a large Fortran library.
By the end of 1976 Rick Becker and John Chambers with the help of
co-workers have a first implementation of S running locally on
Honeywell OS.
This new language is later ported to UNIX systems and becomes the
S version 2.
About ten years after the first meeting, a new version with concepts
inspired from UNIX system is developed with focus on functional
programming and with object self-description. This is the S version
Around 1992 is introduced the concept of classes and methods as
known today by S4 classes.
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

Goal of the Tutorial

The goal of this tutorial is to introduce concepts and methods of S4

classes in R.
We will start with a brief overview of S3 classes
and introduce S4 classes in comparison with their S3 counterparts.
As an example we will implement a class which could represent a
time series. This object will hold a data part (matrix), timestamps
(timeDate) and additional information in the form of data.frames
that we will call flags.

> library(timeDate)
> time <- as.character(timeSequence(length.out=4))
> data <- matrix(round(rnorm(8), 3), ncol = 2)
> colnames(data) <- c("col1", "col2")
> flag <- data.frame(flag = sample(c("M", "F"), 4, replace = TRUE))
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods


1 Introduction

2 S3 Classes/Methods

3 S4 Classes/Methods
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3 classes

An S3 class is defined by the special attribute class, a character string

vector. In our case the, Bull class. 1

> bull <- data > bull <- data

> attr(bull, "class") <- "Bull" > class(bull) <- "Bull"
> bull > bull
col1 col2 col1 col2
[1,] -2.123 1.126 [1,] -2.123 1.126
[2,] 2.833 -0.721 [2,] 2.833 -0.721
[3,] 0.921 -1.976 [3,] 0.921 -1.976
[4,] -0.917 -1.425 [4,] -0.917 -1.425
attr(,"class") attr(,"class")
[1] "Bull" [1] "Bull"

Note the class() function to define a class.

1 imagine bulls and cows mooing in the field next to the conference room
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3 classes
Now we add new attributes for the timestamps and the additional
information flag.
> attr(bull, "time") <- time
> attr(bull, "flag") <- flag
> bull
col1 col2
[1,] -2.123 1.126
[2,] 2.833 -0.721
[3,] 0.921 -1.976
[4,] -0.917 -1.425
[1] "Bull"
[1] "2009-06-01 06:04:46" "2009-06-02 06:04:46"
[3] "2009-06-03 06:04:46" "2009-06-04 06:04:46"
1 F
2 F
3 M
4 F
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3 methods
In the world of S3 classes, methods of generic functions can be
defined with a new functions named according to the scheme
<generic name>.<class>.
Here a generic function is a function which dispatches the S3
method with UseMethod().
There are some functions which are S3 generics. For example
print(), plot(), ...
Note S3 methods only dispatch on the type of the first argument.
If no method is found, the default methods is used
(<generic name>.default).

> print
function (x, ...)
<environment: namespace:base>
> head(methods(print)) #-> too many methods
[1] "print.acf" "print.anova" "print.aov"
[4] "print.aovlist" "" "print.Arima"
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3 methods

Lets define a print() method for our class "Bull"

> print.Bull <- function(x, ...)
y <- matrix(c(x), ncol = ncol(x))
dimnames(y) <- list(as.character(attr(x, "time")), colnames(x))

> bull
col1 col2
2009-06-01 06:04:46 -2.123 1.126
2009-06-02 06:04:46 2.833 -0.721
2009-06-03 06:04:46 0.921 -1.976
2009-06-04 06:04:46 -0.917 -1.425
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3 generic

Lets define a new generic function with its default method

> dinner <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("dinner")
> dinner.default <- function(x, ...) cat("A Swiss Fondue\n")

This will give with our class

> dinner(bull)
A Swiss Fondue

and with a defined method for the class Bull.

> dinner.Bull <- function(x, ...) cat("Hay !!\n")
> dinner(bull)
Hay !!
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3 group generic

There are group generic methods for a specified group of functions Math,
Ops, Summary and Complex.
> methods("Math")
[1] Math.Date Math.difftime
[4] Math.factor Math.POSIXt
> getGroupMembers("Math")
[1] "abs" "sign" "sqrt" "ceiling" "floor"
[6] "trunc" "cummax" "cummin" "cumprod" "cumsum"
[11] "exp" "expm1" "log" "log10" "log2"
[16] "log1p" "cos" "cosh" "sin" "sinh"
[21] "tan" "tanh" "acos" "acosh" "asin"
[26] "asinh" "atan" "atanh" "gamma" "lgamma"
[31] "digamma" "trigamma"
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3 inheritance

S3 classes indirectly inherits the methods of its data part because

the S3 objects is just an R object with attributes.
More than one string can be added in the class attributes if one
wants to share common properties between different classes. A good
example are the classes : POSIXct, POSIXlt and POSIXt.

> class(Sys.time())
[1] "POSIXt" "POSIXct"
> class(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()))
[1] "POSIXt" "POSIXlt"
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S3 Classes - Key Functions

class() Defines the class attribute

methods() Lists S3 methods for a class
UseMethod() Generic function mechanism
NextMethod() Invokes the next method
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

Drawbacks of S3 Classes

It does not check the consistency of the class.

It has no control on inheritance.
S3 methods can only dispatch on the first argument.
By the time S4 classes were introduced there were too many
software implemented in S3 style. We have to live with both worlds.
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods


1 Introduction

2 S3 Classes/Methods

3 S4 Classes/Methods
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 Classes

A new class can be created with the function setClass().

It defines metadata with information about the new classes.
setClass() requires the type of all components of the class. It
ensure the consistency of the class.

> setClass("Cow",
representation(data = "matrix",
time = "character",
flag = "data.frame"))
[1] "Cow"
> # class metadata
> .__C__Cow
Class "Cow" [in ".GlobalEnv"]


Name: data time flag

Class: matrix character data.frame
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 Classes

New instance of classes can be created with the function new().

> cow <- new("Cow", data = data, time = time, flag = flag)
> cow
An object of class "Cow"
Slot "data":
col1 col2
[1,] -2.123 1.126
[2,] 2.833 -0.721
[3,] 0.921 -1.976
[4,] -0.917 -1.425

Slot "time":
[1] "2009-06-01 06:04:46" "2009-06-02 06:04:46"
[3] "2009-06-03 06:04:46" "2009-06-04 06:04:46"

Slot "flag":
1 F
2 F
3 M
4 F
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 Classes

The structure of the class can be inspected with the str() function.
> str(cow)
Formal class 'Cow' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 3 slots
..@ data: num [1:4, 1:2] -2.123 2.833 0.921 -0.917 1.126 ...
.. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. .. ..$ : NULL
.. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "col1" "col2"
..@ time: chr [1:4] "2009-06-01 06:04:46" "2009-06-02 06:04:46" "2009-06-03 06
..@ flag:'data.frame': 4 obs. of 1 variable:
.. ..$ flag: Factor w/ 2 levels "F","M": 1 1 2 1
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 slots

A class representation is organized in slots which can be accessed by the

operator @ :
> cow@data
col1 col2
[1,] -2.123 1.126
[2,] 2.833 -0.721
[3,] 0.921 -1.976
[4,] -0.917 -1.425
> cow@data <- data
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

restriction on the type of object in slots

When a slot is assigned, the object is automatically checked for a valid

slot type. For instance, if we try to assign a character vector to our
@flag slot which is of type data.frame, we get an error.

> cow@flag <- "bad"

Error in checkSlotAssignment(object, name, value) :
assignment of an object of class "character" is not valid for slot
"flag" in an object of class "Cow"; is(value, "data.frame") is not TRUE
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods


In our definition of the Cow class, there is no inheritance method. Trying

to use a generic function like + will throw an error.

> cow + 1
Error in cow + 1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

But we could have defined the class with the contains argument in
setClass(). Lets redefine our class such that it inherits from the class

> setClass("Cow", representation(time = "character",

flag = "data.frame"),
contains = "matrix")
[1] "Cow"
> cow <- new("Cow", data, time = time, flag = flag)
> cow + 1
An object of class "Cow"
col1 col2
[1,] -1.123 2.126
[2,] 3.833 0.279
[3,] 1.921 -0.976
[4,] 0.083 -0.425
Slot "time":
[1] "2009-06-01 06:04:46" "2009-06-02 06:04:46"
[3] "2009-06-03 06:04:46" "2009-06-04 06:04:46"

Slot "flag":
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods


a class inheriting from another class must have all slots from its
superclass, and may define additional slots.
S4 classes cannot inherits from S3 classes unless they have been
redefined with the setOldClass() function.
> getClass("Cow")
Class "Cow" [in ".GlobalEnv"]


Name: .Data time flag

Class: matrix character data.frame

Class "matrix", from data part
Class "array", by class "matrix", distance 2
Class "structure", by class "matrix", distance 3
Class "vector", by class "matrix", distance 4, with explicit coerce
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 Validity Checks

We can also define validity checks with setValidity().

> validityCow <- function(object) {
if (nrow(object@flag) != nrow(object))
return("length of '@flag' not equal to '@.Data' extent")
> setValidity("Cow", validityCow)
Class "Cow" [in ".GlobalEnv"]


Name: .Data time flag

Class: matrix character data.frame

Class "matrix", from data part
Class "array", by class "matrix", distance 2
Class "structure", by class "matrix", distance 3
Class "vector", by class "matrix", distance 4, with explicit coerce
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 Validity Checks

Now we define our own initialize() method to ensure that objects

created with new() are valid.
> setMethod("initialize", "Cow", function(.Object, ...)
value <- callNextMethod()
[1] "initialize"
> new("Cow", data, flag = data.frame(flag[1:3,]))
Error in validObject(value) :
invalid class "Cow" object: length of '@flag' not equal to '@.Data' extent
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 Methods

As you have just seen in the previous chunk, S4 methods are defined
with setMethod().
Lets write a show() method for our class.
> setMethod("show", "Cow", function(object) {
value <- getDataPart(object)
rownames(value) <- as.character(slot(object, "time"))
flag <- as.matrix(slot(object, "flag"))
colnames(flag) <- paste(colnames(flag), "*", sep ="")
print(cbind(value, flag), right = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
[1] "show"
> cow
col1 col2 flag*
2009-06-01 06:04:46 -2.123 1.126 F
2009-06-02 06:04:46 2.833 -0.721 F
2009-06-03 06:04:46 0.921 -1.976 M
2009-06-04 06:04:46 -0.917 -1.425 F
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 Generic

S4 generics are defined with setGeneric() and

> setGeneric("cowSeries", function(x, time, flag, ...)
[1] "cowSeries"

Unlike S3 methods, the S4 setMethod() can turn any existing

function to a generic, except primitive functions.
Dispatch on primitive functions is implemented in C level and most
of the primitive functions in R have it.
One can also define group generics with setGroupGeneric() or use
the predefined groups : Arith, Compare, Ops, Logic, Math, Math2,
Summary, Complex.
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

Multiple dispatch
S3 methods are only dispatch on the first argument. You often need
many if ... else ... in your code when you are dealing with
different argument types.
> graphics:::plot.factor
function (x, y, legend.text = NULL, ...)
if (missing(y) || is.factor(y)) {
dargs <- list(...)
axisnames <- if (!is.null(dargs$axes))
else if (!is.null(dargs$xaxt))
dargs$xaxt != "n"
else TRUE
if (missing(y)) {
barplot(table(x), axisnames = axisnames, ...)
else if (is.factor(y)) {
if (is.null(legend.text))
spineplot(x, y, ...)
else {
args <- c(list(x = x, y = y), list(...))
args$yaxlabels <- legend.text
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

Multiple dispatch

With S4 methods you can define the type of all argument and also the
special types ANY and missing.
> setMethod("cowSeries", signature("matrix", "character", "data.frame"),
function(x, time, flag, ...)
new("Cow", x, time = time, flag = flag))
[1] "cowSeries"
> cowSeries(data, time, flag)
col1 col2 flag*
2009-06-01 06:04:46 -2.123 1.126 F
2009-06-02 06:04:46 2.833 -0.721 F
2009-06-03 06:04:46 0.921 -1.976 M
2009-06-04 06:04:46 -0.917 -1.425 F
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

Multiple dispatch

> setMethod("cowSeries", signature("matrix", "POSIXct", "character"),

function(x, time, flag, ...)
time <- as(time, "character")
flag <-
callGeneric(x, time, flag, ...)
[1] "cowSeries"
> timeCt <- seq(from = Sys.time(), to = (Sys.time() + 4*3600), length.out = 4)
> flagStr <- as.character(flag[[1]])
> cowSeries(data, timeCt, flagStr)
col1 col2 flag*
2009-06-30 08:04:47 -2.123 1.126 F
2009-06-30 09:24:47 2.833 -0.721 F
2009-06-30 10:44:47 0.921 -1.976 M
2009-06-30 12:04:47 -0.917 -1.425 F
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

Object Conversion
as() can be used to convert an object to another class
> as(cow, "matrix")
col1 col2
[1,] -2.123 1.126
[2,] 2.833 -0.721
[3,] 0.921 -1.976
[4,] -0.917 -1.425
and one can defined conversion methods with setAs(). Lets define
a more appropriate as() method for our class :
> setAs("Cow", "matrix", function(from)
value <- getDataPart(from)
rownames(value) <- as.character(slot(from, "time"))
[1] "coerce<-"
> as(cow, "matrix")
col1 col2
2009-06-01 06:04:46 -2.123 1.126
2009-06-02 06:04:46 2.833 -0.721
2009-06-03 06:04:46 0.921 -1.976
2009-06-04 06:04:46 -0.917 -1.425
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

What is an S4 class in R ?

S4 slots are actually attributes and, in low level, S4 objects has a special
S4 bit
> attrsCow <- attributes(cow)
> madcow <- data
> attributes(madcow) <- attrsCow
> asS4(madcow)
col1 col2 flag*
2009-06-01 06:04:46 -2.123 1.126 F
2009-06-02 06:04:46 2.833 -0.721 F
2009-06-03 06:04:46 0.921 -1.976 M
2009-06-04 06:04:46 -0.917 -1.425 F

You have to promise that you will never use such a trick !
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

What is an S4 class in R ?

S4 slots are actually attributes and, in low level, S4 objects has a special
S4 bit
> attrsCow <- attributes(cow)
> madcow <- data
> attributes(madcow) <- attrsCow
> asS4(madcow)
col1 col2 flag*
2009-06-01 06:04:46 -2.123 1.126 F
2009-06-02 06:04:46 2.833 -0.721 F
2009-06-03 06:04:46 0.921 -1.976 M
2009-06-04 06:04:46 -0.917 -1.425 F

You have to promise that you will never use such a trick !
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

S4 Classes - Key functions

setClass() define classes

new() create objects
setGeneric() define generics
setMethods() define methods
as() / setAs() convert objects
@ / slot() access slots
setValidity() / validObject() check object validity
getClass() / showMethods() / getMethod() access registry
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

References I

J.M. Chambers
Software for data analysis: programming with R
Springer, 2008.
R Development Core Team
?Clasees and ?Methods manual pages
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

> toLatex(sessionInfo())

R version 2.10.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-06-23

r48824), i686-pc-linux-gnu
Locale: LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8, LC_NUMERI ...
Base packages: base, datasets, graphics, grDevices, methods, stats,
Other packages: timeDate 2100.86
Loaded via a namespace (and not attached): tools 2.10.0
Introduction S3 Classes/Methods S4 Classes/Methods

Hands on S4 Classes

Yohan Chalabi

ITP ETH, Zurich

Rmetrics Association, Zurich
Finance Online, Zurich

R/Rmetrics Workshop
June 2009

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