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Forensics Lab

By: Marcus Cassar, Jake Christensen, Nico Hartojo

Science on Pathogens
A pathogen is a biological agent which causes
illness or disease. It can be seen in plants,
multicellular and unicellular organisms. The human
body has some defenses against common
pathogens in the immune system and some
bacterias. Medical advances through vaccinations,
antibiotics and fungicide help protect against
pathogens. Being careful of what you eat, keeping
good hygiene and drinking water are the best way
to avoid getting pathogens.
Science on DNA Fingerprinting
DNA fingerprinting is used in laboratories
during criminal investigations to link evidence to
a suspect. For example, if DNA was collected
from a crime scene it would be compared to a
DNA sample of those of the suspects. After
going through the tests, there will be a match
between a suspect and the crime scene DNA
showing that they were at the crime scene. On
the other hand, if they do not match then the
evidence could not have come from the suspect.
Science on ELISA
AN Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay,
ELISA, detects and measures antibodies in
your blood through a color change. This test
comprises of a number of solution mixes and
rinses, in order to activate a number of
reactions. It separates some component of
the mixture by absorbing other components.
It is then rinsed and repeated a number of
times. In the end, if the antibody is present
the color of the blood would change.
How Life Insurance Works
There are three different forms of life insurance:
term life, whole life and universal life. In term life
it will only pay out the death benefit dies within a
defined term. Whole life insurance provides
death benefit protection of the entire life of the
insured person. It could combine with an
investment component to accumulate a cash
value which could be withdrawn or borrowed
over their lifetime. Universal life insurance has a
cash value that can be determined by interest
rates rather than a long term rate like the whole
life policy.
Timeline of a Crime Scene
Crime Scene Pictures
Evidence 1: Lip Mark
While going through the crime
scene we found two empty
wine/margarita glasses with
lipstick markings, as well as a
napkin with the markings on them.
The lip markings was a match to
Dr. Ellis, giving insight that the two
could have been together drinking
alcohol together the night of the
Evidence 2: Fingerprint
At the scene of the pathogen
freezer there was a blatant
fingerprint found.
Through our fingerprint matching
technology, we concluded that this
was from Dr. Sheetberger. This
could show that he was a part of the
crime as well, or could lead us into
a completely separate theft
Evidence 3: Blood Test
At the crimescene we found blood
under the fingernails of Dr. Donley,
which we gathered and compared.
Through our tests we received
blood samples from Dr.
Sheetberger, Dr. Island and Chip
Tolhouse. After our tests, Dr
Islands blood sample clotted
meaning it was a match to that at
the crimescene.
Evidence 4: DNA Fingerprinting
With the DNA gathered at the crime
scene, we were able to conduct a
DNA Fingerprinting test.
After conducting the test, the crime
scene sample was a perfect match
to that on Line 3, which was that of
Dr. Island, which is yet another
signal pointing her way...
Dr. Island Interview Notes
Throughout the interview (from
Schoology) Dr. Island seemed out of it.
She was adamant that she was a legal
immigrant (which our records show
otherwise) and was persistent that she
was not being blackmailed. Her
suspicious actions raised many red
A warrant has been placed for the arrest of Dr.
Island for the murder of Dr. Donley. We have
come to the conclusion that Dr Island came to
this country illegally and was blackmailed by
Dr Donley and killed her to protect herself.
They began by sipping wine together.
Following that Dr Island got straight to
business, killing Dr Donley, and in the process
leaving a trail of DNA and blood. Following the
murder Dr Sheetburger took advantage of the
situation and stole the pathogens from the If you have any information on
the whereabouts of Dr Island
freezer, which is a seperate crime on its own, please contact us, she could
and we will investigate later. be armed and dangerous.
"Pathogen Reference Terms." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web.

"ELISA." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Apr. 2017. Web.


"How Does Life Insurance Work?" How Does Life Insurance Work? | Personal Finance @ Duke.
N.p., n.d. Web.

"DNA Fingerprinting - GeneEd - Genetics, Education, Discovery." U.S. National Library of

Medicine. National Institutes of Health, n.d. Web.

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