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Important G.

K Update 14-08-2014-Thursday
1. India: 15 August Bangladesh: 26 th
China: 1st October 1949 Afghanistan:
1947 March 1971 (Beijing) (Azadi from Persia)
Independence Day: 15 Azadi Day: 26 March Independence Day: 1st October First Afghan State:
Augst Capital: Dhaka Provinces: 22 (23rd Taiwan) April 1709
Capital: New Delhi Divisions: 7 Autonomous Regions: 5 Afghan Empire:
States: 28 (Provinces) Direct controlled Municipalities: 4 October 1747
Unions: 7-(6) Separation from Pak: Self Governing special Recognized: 19 Aug
National Capital Territory: 16 Dec 1971 administration regions: 2 1919
1 Currency: Takka Currency: Renminbi Capital: Kabul
Currency: Rupee Parliament name: Parliament name: Quanguo Provinces: 34
Parliament name: Sansad (Jatiya Sangsad) Renmin Daibiao Dahui in chinese Currency: Afghani
(National People's Congress) in Parliament name: Loya
English. Jirga
2. Iran: 1st April 1979 Israel: 14th May USA: 4th July 1776 Palestine:
Anniversary of the 1948 Independence Day: 4 July Capital:
Islamic Revolution: (Independence from (Independence from the Kingdom Proclaimed, Jerusalem
or Independence Day: 11 Mandatory Palestine) of Great Britain) Ramallah
Feb Independence Day: Capital: Washington D.C (Administrative)
Islamic Republic Day: 1st 5th of Iyar according States: 50 (Provinces) Area: 6,020 km
April to the Hebrew Currency: Dollar Founded: November
Capital: Tehran (Largest calendar called it Yom American revolution: 1775 to 15, 1988
city) Ha'atzmaut 1782 Currency: Israeli
Currency: Rial or (Riyal) Capital: Jerusalem American civil war: 12 April 1861 Shekel
Provinces: 31 Districts: 6 to 9 April 1865 (B/w South and Conflict between Israel
Iranian Revolution: 1979 (Provinces) North States)(Won by Union or and Palestine:
Iran-Iraq War: 22 Currency: Israeli new North) in the presidency of Roots: 1920 and 1948
September 1980 (start shekel President Abraham Lincoln
by Iraq) Parliament name: Parliament name: Congress
Parliament name: Majlis- The Knesset
3. UK: (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Independence day: No Ind. Day
Provinces: 4 countries consists UK.
1. England 2. Scotland 3. Wales4. Northern Ireland
Currency: Pound Sterling
Constitution: No written constitution
Parliament name: British parliament
What is the difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and England?
The United Kingdom is a country that consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In fact, the official name of the country
is "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."
Great Britain is the name of the island northwest of France and east of Ireland that consists of three somewhat autonomous
regions: England, Wales and Scotland. Therefore, England is part of Great Britain, which is part of the United Kingdom. The
U.K. includes England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are not
independent countries but the United Kingdom is. The remaining portion of the island of Ireland (that which is not the U.K.'s
Northern Ireland) is an independent country called the Republic of Ireland (Eire).

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