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Hasil praktikum exercise 2 activity 3 :

A. Experiment Results
Predict Question:
1. Predict Question 1: As the stimulus frequency increases, what will happen
to the muscle force generated with each successive stimulus? Will there
be a limit to this response?
Jawab : (B) Bersamaan dengan bertambahnya frekuensi stimulus,
Kekuatan otot yang diperoleh tiap stimulus yang berturut-turut akan
bertambah, namun ada batas dalam pertambahan ini
2. Predict Question 2: In order to produce sustained muscle contractions with
an active force value of 5.2 grams, do you think you will need to increase
the stimulus voltage?
Jawab : (A) Ya

Stop & Think Questions:

3. Was there any change in the force generated by the muscle during the
second stimulated twitch?
Jawab : (C) Ya, Stimulasi kedua menghasilkan kekuatan otot yang lebih
4. Is the total muscle force generated by the higher frequency stimulation
greater than the force generated in previous stimulations?
Jawab : (A) Ya, lebih besar daripada stimulasi yang sebelumnya
5. Does the force generated by the muscle change with each additional
Jawab : (B) Bersamaan dengan bertambahnya frekuensi stimulus, tegangan otot
yang diproduksi tiap stimulus yang berurutan juga bertambah, dan didapatkan
adanya nilai maksimum (limit)
B. Experiment Data:
Voltage Length

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