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Name ______________________________________________ Date ________________ Class __________________

Brain Development
Section 181
from Seven to Twelve

Sternbergs Theory of Intelligence

Robert Sternberg rst became interested in intel- According to Sternberg, people do not need to
ligence when he was in elementary school. As a be high in all three types of intelligence in order to
sixth grader, Sternberg suffered from test anxiety be successfully intelligent. Instead, they need to
and performed poorly on an intelligence test. His determine their strengths and weaknesses and use
score was so poor, in fact, that he had to take the both effectively. If they are strong in a certain area,
test again with fth graders. He felt more condent they need to build on that strength. If they are
with the younger students and performed much weak in an area, they need to improve in that area
better the second time. This experience made him or nd a way to compensate for the weakness.
wonder about the validity of intelligence tests. In
the seventh grade, Sternberg developed his own TEACHING FOR SUCCESSFUL
intelligence test, and he has continued to study INTELLIGENCE
human intelligence ever since. Sternberg believes that all three types of intel-
ligence can be developed. He also believes that
SUCCESSFUL INTELLIGENCE students learn better if the way they are taught
Sternberg believes that intelligence has less to matches their ability to learn. This means teaching
do with success in the classroom and more to do and testing students in ways that use all three
with success in the real world. He refers to the abil- types of intelligenceanalytical, creative, and
ity to achieve success in life as successful intelli- practical.
gence. He believes that people have three types of Analytically oriented teaching asks students to
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intelligence and that successfully intelligent analyze, critique, compare and contrast, evalu-
people learn to balance the three types of intelli- ate, and assess.
gence effectively.
Sternbergs three types of intelligence, called the Creatively oriented teaching asks students to
Triarchic Theory, are: create, invent, discover, imagine, and predict
what might happen.
Analytical, or componential, intelligence. This
type of intelligence allows a person to process Practically oriented teaching asks students to
information effectively and think abstractly. apply, use, put into practice, implement, or
Most tests measure this type of intelligence. employ.
Sternbergs research has shown that all three
Creative, or experiential, intelligence. This
methods of teaching can be used in a variety of
type of intelligence allows a person to come
subjects. Creatively oriented teaching, for example,
up with new ideas. People high in creative intel-
is appropriate in a history class, as well as in an art
ligence can nd connections between concepts
class. His research has also shown that students
that seem different and distinct.
who are taught in all three ways generally perform
Practical, or contextual, intelligence. This type better on tests than students who are taught in a
of intelligence allows a person to nd practical single or more traditional way.
solutions to real problems. People with this type
of intelligence are often considered street

(Continued on next page)

The Developing Child: Enrichment Activities 93

Brain Development from Seven to Twelve Section 181

Taking Action

A person who is high in creative or practical intelligence may solve problems differently from a person
who is high in analytical intelligence. A person with high analytical intelligence might use the following
problem-solving steps:
1. Recognize the problem.
2. Gather and evaluate information about the problem.
3. Consider alternatives and their consequences.
4. Choose the best alternative.
5. Plan a course of action and act.
6. Evaluate the action and how you chose it.

How might people with high creative or practical intelligence solve a problem? List the steps you think
they might follow.

Problem Solving Using Creative Intelligence:

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Problem Solving Using Practical Intelligence:

The Developing Child: Enrichment Activities 94

Name ______________________________________________ Date ________________ Class __________________

Learning from Seven to Twelve Section 182

The Educational Theories of Benjamin Bloom

Do you think it is normal for some students to Blooms taxonomy has two primary uses. It helps
succeed and others to fail? Benjamin Bloom did teachers set educational goals that promote higher-
not. He was an educational theorist who believed level thinking. It also allows teachers to classify the
that teachers were too concerned about comparing questions they ask from simple to complex. This
and ranking students. He felt that they should focus helps ensure that teachers are asking questions at
on setting goals for their students and then making all of the levels. There are certain words or phrases
sure that they reached them. that are commonly used in questions at each
BLOOMS TAXONOMY Remembering questions use words like: dene,
Bloom believed that there were different levels name, and list.
of thinking skills that students needed to be able to
use in order to really master a subject. His research Understanding questions use words like: sum-
showed that most test questions only required stu- marize, explain, and restate.
dents to memorize and recall information, the low- Apply questions use words like: use, demon-
est level. With a group of educational psycholo- strate, and solve.
gists, Bloom identied six levels of thinking skills
Analyze questions use words like: analyze,
that students needed. Those six levels, now known
focus, and determine.
as Blooms Taxonomy, are described below:
Evaluation questions use words like: judge,
Rememberthe ability to recall information
examine, and detect.
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Understandthe ability to understand the

Create questions use words like: design, gener-
meaning of information
ate, and produce.
Applythe ability to apply information to
answer a question or solve a problem
Analyzethe ability to break information into Bloom did not believe that a childs IQ was deter-
parts and to think critically and in depth mined at birth. He believed that a childs environ-
ment strongly inuences how the child performs in
Evaluatethe ability to make judgments about
school. His studies showed that the rst four years
of life are a critical period in a childs intellectual
Createthe ability to use parts to create some- development.
thing with a new meaning or structure Bloom believed that virtually all students could
The six levels are arranged from the simplest be successful in school, given the right teaching
skills to the most complex. Each level builds on the methods. He stressed that not all students should
previous levels. In other words, for a student to be be expected to learn the same material in the same
able to evaluate information, he or she must rst amount of time. Instead, teachers should accom-
remember it, understand it, and be able to apply modate individual differences by allowing students
and analyze it. more time, if needed, to really master a subject.
Blooms ideas about teaching and mastery learning
still inuence teachers today.

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Learning from Seven to Twelve Section 182

Taking Action

For each level in Blooms Taxonomy, write a question that would require a student to use the thinking
skills at that level.

Blooms Taxonomy
Level Question

Lowest Level



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Highest Level

The Developing Child: Enrichment Activities 96

Name ______________________________________________ Date ________________ Class __________________

Learning from Seven to Twelve Section 182

Enhancing Everyday Learning Opportunities

Each day is full of opportunities to reinforce and Take a walk. Family hikes are not only good for
expand on what children learn in school. By taking bonding, they are a great way to increase physi-
advantage of these opportunities, you send the cal activity and overall good health. Along the
message that learning takes place everywhere. way you can listen and watch for birds and ani-
According to research, when parents are involved mals. Collect leaves or rocks. Bring along a trash
in their childs education, the child does better in bag and pick up litter.
school and has a more positive attitude about
Money matters. Talk with children about money
learning. That translates into better attendance
management. Open a bank account for them.
and behavior at school.
Encourage them to save for something they
Discover the arts. Get tickets for a community
If you are around children, look for teachable
theater production or attend a free concert, visit
moments. These are everyday situations that pre-
art galleries, or enroll children in drama and art
sent opportunities to help children understand
their world. Here are some examples:
Look back. Visit a museum together. Discuss
Become kitchen scientists. Let children help
how learning about the past can be helpful in
plan, shop for, and prepare meals. As you cook,
modern life.
you might talk about what makes baked goods
like muffins and cakes rise (the baking soda or Play games together. This is a great way for
Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

powder). You might discuss why an egg beater children to learn basic social skills such as taking
or wire whisk is used to mix scrambled eggs (to turns, winning and losing, and following the
add air and make them uffy). rules.
Clean up. Have children help with laundry and Name that tune. Expose children to different
explain how the washing machine works or what kinds of music.
bleach does. Discuss how sanitation in the
kitchen is related to staying healthy. SUPPORT
Be tuned in. Read the newspaper or watch the Parents and caregivers should make it apparent
news together. Talk about what is happening to children that they care about their education. An
locally and in your state, the nation, and the involved parent or caregiver pays attention to a
world. childs needs, builds a good relationship, and loves
and supports the child consistently.
Dig a little deeper. Let children help with gar-
Part of that support includes recognizing that
dening and caring for the lawn. Decide what to
children have their own talents and interestsand
plant together.
that they may differ from their parents. For exam-
Hammer it out. Teach children how to x things ple, a mother who excelled at volleyball in middle
and how to use simple household tools appropri- school should not assume that her daughter will
ately and safely. want to play. The child may prefer activities like art
and orchestra instead.

(Continued on next page)

The Developing Child: Enrichment Activities 97

Learning from Seven to Twelve Section 182

Here are some additional ways to offer support Be there. Attend or help with school events.
to children: Spend time in the classroom. Attend all school
Offer the four As. Provide plenty of the four conferences.
Asattention, appreciation, affection, and Celebrate small steps. Help children learn to
acceptance. break down goals into smaller ones. Recognize
Reach for the stars. Help children set goals. everyday progress. Do not wait until the end of
Celebrate together when they are met. the semester or school year to say, Good job.
Do so frequently.
Ask questions. Find out what children learned
in school today and what they might be learning Do not compare. Keep in mind that all children
tomorrow. If they get in the habit of saying noth- develop and learn in their own way and at their
ing, try this approach: Tell me one thing that own rate. Focus on the unique development of
you learned today. the individual child instead of making compari-
sons with siblings or classmates.

Taking Action
Investigate local classes offered for children ages seven to twelve. Possible sources are the park district,
arts organizations, or a museum. Select at least three classes or events that might have interested you at
that age. Share your ideas with classmates. Work together to compile a Learning Fun brochure. Distribute
it to elementary school teachers in your area.
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The Developing Child: Enrichment Activities 98

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