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Author K.M.L.L.

Van Spaendonck

Publication date 31/03/2017

Publisher K.M.L.L.Van Spaendonck

This work is a summary of the work in references [I], [J], [M].

Referencing this work in publications or on media is authorized :

Van Spaendonck, K.M.L.L. (2017), Emergent Gravity : It from compressed Bit, Mol: K.M.L.L. Van
Spaendonck 2017

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Emergent Gravity : It from compressed bit

The problem seems to me how one can formulate statements

about a discontinuum without calling upon a continuum
...but we still lack the mathematical structure unfortunately.
How much have I already plagued myself in this way !

Albert Einstein - Letter to H.W. Dllenbach, 1916 [Ref.*]

Introduction and setup

We developed an exact geometrical toy model of emergent gravity involving a physical principle of
how matter curves spacetime on the subemergent level ( The level of microscale processes in the
spacephase, assumed near the Planck scale, responsable for emergent gravity [Ref.B-E-I-K-4-12] ).

We interpret the observed wavelengths of light as spacial features of a static precontracted universe,
both close by and at cosmological distances : As exponential expansions over space, instead of over
time where the Doppler shift corellated with the speed at which distance units of the universe
expanded over time. Thus dark energy is an illusion of the discrete quanta of a spacephase being
exponentially precontracted : Compressed bits of information (And information density equals
energy density, equals source of matter and field in our concept, hence It from compressed bit,
alluding to Wheelers It from bit). By analogy, we also conjecture on a similar fate for dark matter
(See conclusions).

Imagine submerging an incompressible ball (~mass M) in a fluid (~spacephase of a finite spherically
symmetric universe) which is made of compressible constituents (~cubits or quanta q which adapt
their size according to the available space on a holographic layer of spacephase, given their intrinsic
expansive nature) of equal initial largest size Qr, with a smallest size qr at the spherical surface of M.

Which mathamatically exact sizes, shapes and locations would those quanta assume around the ball,
as they are driven out of the ball volume [action] and thus each shrink in size [reaction] ?

We modeled this - after a few years of research - with a special design of discrete exponentially
contracting polar coordinates [Ref.I-J-L-M]. Observing and analizing our model, we found 3 (the 4th
not treated - see remark page 7) mathematical and geometrical supprises concerning the laws of
physics in our toy universe, and provided new interpretations for old evidence [Ref.H] :

Remarks : We assume equal amounts of radial and tangential shrinking/expanding to avoid

geometrical inconsistencies and gaps in the discrete fluid geometry, as well as to respect the idea
that the quanta are made of an orbitting fieldmass with the orbit shape remaining circular at all
times [Ref.I : there on p.30 slide 6 & p.27 slide 3]. In our toy model, the blue sphere size features far
to small, and the green spheres size feature far to large, for practical visual didactic purposes, but not
causing any changes in mathematical/geometrical correlations.

[SLIDES 1 and 2 : 3D conceptual setup].



Observation 1 :
Consecutive quanta evolve exponentially in size radially over the spacephase : a static picture.
Interpretation: The toy model thus mimics an accelererating expanding universe over time.

Quantumsize shrinking (from Q to q), radially towards M (with radius Rm - see graph), gives a static
picture of quanta expanded outward, as seen from M. The expansion follows exactly - and without
artificial parameters - the formula of compound intrest on starting capital resulting in an exponential
rise of the capital, Which is an increase of the increase according to this formula exactly :

Q = q (1+X)^n with :

n = number of holographic layers of quanta (of the spacephase around M)

X = initial expansion factor from q1 to q2 : e.g. expansion factor 0.1 means that q2 = 1.1q1

Example with n=3 and X=0.1 : Q = q3 = (1.1(1.1(1.1q1)) = 1.331q1

Total distance D = q1+ q2+ q3 : from the surface of M to q3 = (1.1q) + (1.1(1.1q) + (1.1(1.1(1.1q))

Dr is Euclidean distance. And distance expressed in quanta is 4.

redshift = (Q/q) 1 , and thus the result of exponential increase of size of distance units in a static
universe, emanated directly from the causal principle.

Observation 2 :
In our toy universe, Euclidean radial distance is proportional to redshift.
Interpretation: Toy model gains support from observations [Ref.F] to replace Doppler shift as the
interpretation of the redshift, with an exponential increase of size of distance units, over space.
The Euclidean radial distance r outward from the mass-surface into the spacephase, is proportional
to radial quantum size at r (because r follows circumference 2pir in our model, which in turn follows
tangential quantum size, which follows radial quantumsize since they maintain spherical/circular
shape. And radial quantum size in our concept is proportional to wavelength (thus redshift).

And a 2014 paper [Ref.F] actually found observational evidence of this same proportionality, thus
their conclusion that the redshift cannot be Doppler shift. But they have no theory to explain this,
since it contradicts expansion scenarios over time.

Observation 3 : [SLIDE 3 next page].

Increasing quantum density of spacephase, maintains exact proportionality between radius and
circumference (in number of quanta).
Interpretation : Solving the Eherenfest paradox differently the disc no longer breaks [Ref.A-D-G].
We extrapolate to the gravitational case : we now avoid an emergent non-Euclidean model.

Increasing the mass M x8, causes a higher quantum density : x8 ( action-reaction between mass
density and field density) resulting in doubling of quanta at any circumference, AND doubling of
according radial quanta. Avoiding thus a non-Euclidean spacetime for GR in need of dark energy, by
means of a Euclidean model that mimics dark energy. More but smaller quanta formed, which is a
new interpretation of relativistic effects [Ref.] [Ref.], translating time dilatation as energy
absorption [See principle below], as data-compression, increased quantum density, equivalently for
the inertial case and the gravitational case.

Ludwig Prandtl []

already understood that the analogic formalism of the time dilatation factor, using the speed of
sound, serves as a compensation to express the pressure more correctly, for a sphere moving
through a compressible fluid instead of an incompressible one : Cp = Cp0 (1/). And pressure is
force per surface area, and more mass density (here the quantum density of the spacephase) creates
more pressure. Resulting in time as energy density in the direction of motion, in our compressible
fluid of the toy model.

Remark: [See Appendix 3] for data-compression in flat spacephase.


*The novelty is that information bits (quanta) have an expanding and compressing nature (no longer
'dead' units) thus avoiding the Pigeon Hole Principle [Ref.C] : information can now be compressed
into a smaller volume : Data-compression as the analogy for increased field energy density. The
quanta imagined to be the equivalent of local variable Planck lengths over cosmological distances.

Our toy model allows an anti-deSitter-like non-Euclidean Universe, to emerge from a deSitter-like
model, but as a static universe from first principles, mimicing an accelerated expanding universe.
From a pre-expanded static dS universe, over discrete coordinates, over interpreting time as energy
density, to the theoretical Ads universe [APPENDIX 1 and 2] .

The quanta of the spacephase are in turn themselves emergent : distance units from a Euclidean
background. Information bit decomposing into constituents in the Euclidean background,
recomposing to information bits from that background when matter is inserted or increased in
density. Does that hold for black hole information loss, hence not lost ?

The quanta are simultaneously units of space, units of energy (responsable for emergent time since
thats energy density), and stationary units at the source of propagation of light : a unified field.

Our model has an emergent discrete geometry. Thus avoiding renormalization procedures ?
Any patch of phasespace harbours a finite amount of quanta, no infinities.

*Creating new breeding ground for the Emergent Gravity Paradigm,

e.g. in reference to questions and remarks in Erik Verlindes paper on Emergent Gravity [Ref.K] :

How does a bigbang/inflation scenario fit into emergent gravity ?

It doesnt according to our toy model.
How do we transform a theoretical adS space into observed deSitter space ?
By solving the Ehrenfest Paradox differently and re-interpreting plus extending the concept of length
contraction. Thus finding the Euclidean subemergent gravity model at the center of the
transformation [APPENDIX 1 and 2] .
How is entanglement in the gravitational field organized within the microscopic processes of
emergent gravity scenario's ?
We've developed an exact geometry of such entanglement of the quanta per holographic layer
outward : DCC : Discrete Contracting Coordinates.
What about dark matter ?
Along a conjecture, there isnt any in our toy model, nor is there any extra gravity, responsable for
higher orbital speeds. Since our quanta contract isotropically (radially AND tangentially), we can also
replace the assumed Doppler shift for the increased orbital speeds, by the concept of those
wavelengths being expanded tangentially, thus mimicing the increased speed, and thus making dark
matter superfluous .

REMARK: The 4th observation and interpretation is outside the scope of this essyay. [ See Ref.J ]

It shows how the equal expansion in tangential and radial direction is responsible for doubling the
deflection of light in a static universe. And also shows our hypothesis on the propagation of light, a
key element to translate the bending of light to our subemergent geometry in the toy universe.



Datacompression in flat spacephase : in an exact mathematical concept :

The total inside volumes of 1 quantum, the 8 quanta, and the 64 quanta, are all equal,
and they fit in the same cubical volume :

4/3Rpi = 8 times [4/3(R/2)pi] = 64 times [4/3(R/4)pi] = 4.1866 cm

REFERENCES for this essay [in order of publication date]

[*] : Excerpt of Einsteins 1916 letter to H.W. Dllenbach

But you have correctly grasped the drawback that the continuum brings. If the molecular view of matter is the
correct (appropriate) one, i.e., if a part of the universe is to be represented by a finite number of moving points,
then the continuum of the present theory contains too great a manifold of possibilities. I also believe that this
too great is responsible for the fact that our present means of description miscarry with the quantum theory.
The problem seems to me how one can formulate statements about a discontinuum without calling upon a
continuum (space-time) as an aid; the latter should be banned from the theory as a supplementary construction
not justified by the essence of the problem, which corresponds to nothing real. But we still lack the
mathematical structure unfortunately. How much have I already plagued myself in this way!
[Ref. by Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder on Backreaction, as Einstein on the discreteness of space-time ]

[] Einstein, A.(1905), Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Krper, Annalen der Physik 17, 322 (10): 891921.

[] Einstein, A.(1911), On the Influence of Gravitation on the Propagation of Light, An.der Ph. 35 : p.898908

[] Einstein, A.(1916), Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativittstheorie, An. der Physik, 354 (7): 769822

[A] Ehrenfest, Paul (1909), "Gleichfrmige Rotation starrer Krper und Relativittstheorie", Physikalische
Zeitschrift 10, 918.

[B] Sakharovs metric elasticity [Link : - p.365].

[C] Pigeonhole Principle [Link :]

[D] Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Vol. 5: The Swiss Years: Correspondence, 19021914 (CPAE 5). Klein,
Martin J., Kox, Anne J., and Schulmann, Robert (eds.). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993, Doc. 264,
note 4.

[E] Displacement by insertion of a matter volume & Volume/Surface rule:

Jerome J a Common 4D Higgs Compatible Theory, Sciences-Tech, France, Appendices B, . and Jerome F. (2012)
, New Version of General Relativity that Unifies Mass and Gravity in D and E

With remark by the authors : J. Jerome, F. Jerome (20052014). The main article and appendices are the
theoretical part of patents filed at INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property), under the following
references: 238268, 238633, 244221, 05 13355, FR 2 895 559, 248427, 258796, 261255, 268327, 297706,
297751, 297811, 297928, 298079, 298080, 329638, 332647, 335152, 335153, 339797, 12-01112, FR 2 989 507

[F] UV surface brightness of galaxies from the local Universe to z ~ 5

[G] Weinstein, G. (2015), Einstein's Uniformly Rotating Disk and the Hole Argument, p.2 [Link:]

[H] New theory about old evidence A framework for open-minded Bayesianism

Wenmackers, S. & Romeijn, JW. Synthese (2016) 193:1225. doi:10.1007/s11229-014-0632-x

[I] Van Spaendonck, K.M.L.L. (June 2016), General Quantum Gravity - Version 1.1, Mol: K.M.L.L. Van
Spaendonck, ISBN 9789402149999, 50 p. [Amazon]

Link for this work :


[J] Van Spaendonck, K.M.L.L. (June 2016), Geometry of General Quantum Gravity features static universe with
accumulative expansion of spacial units and double deflection of light, Mol: K.M.L.L. Van Spaendonck [Amazon]

Link for this work :


[K] Verlinde, E.P. (November 2016), Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe, Delta-Institute for Theoretical
Physics Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, p.3 a.o.

[L] Van Spaendonck, K.M.L.L. (December 2016), Emergent Continuous Curvature from Discrete Contracting
Coordinates [ ECC from DCC ], Mol: K.M.L.L. Van Spaendonck, ISBN 9789402158618

[M] Van Spaendonck, K.M.L.L. (January 2017), Emergent Gravity from Discrete Geometry [ EG from DG ], Mol:
K.M.L.L. Van Spaendonck, ISBN 9789402158601

Link for this work :


REFERENCES for General Quantum Gravity Version 1.1 [Ref.I above] [informative appendix]

Einstein, A. (1916), Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativittstheorie, Annalen der Physik, 354 (7): 769822

Einstein, A. (1905), Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Krper, Annalen der Physik 17, 322 (10): 891921.

Einstein, A. (1911), On the Influence of Gravitation on the Propagation of Light, An. der Physik, 35 : p.898908

[1] Standing on the shoulders of giants.

Turnbull H.W. (1959), The correspondence of Isaac Newton, volume 1, edited by HW Turnbull, p. 416
Note: About 300 years ago Isaac Newton speculated that light particles and matter particles were
interconvertible [The equivalent of todays unifying concept of a universal building block for space and
matter?], in Query 30 of his work Opticks [1718] : "Are not the gross bodies and light convertible into one
another, and may not bodies receive much of their activity from the particles of light which enter their
composition ? ".

[2] Integrated Product Design (IPD)

Braet J. and Verhaert P. (2007), The practice of new products and new business, Acco, p.51-64

Note: Paul Verhaert is a Belgian internationally respected Product Developement pioneer, who received the
Henry van de Velde Career Award 2015 - Link: ///C:/Users/User/Downloads/HVDVCATALOGUS15_5259.pdf

[3] Integrated Product Design Assessment Tool

van Gogh D., Goethijn F. and Meskens L. (2007), T.H.E.-method, a visualised assessment tool used for
integrated product developement, IASDR07 Honkong Polytechnic University, p.5, 6


[4] Emergent Gravity Paradigm

Relevant papers by T. Padmanabhan on his homepage : Link :

[Go to My Research - List of publications - numbers a.o. : 204, 218, 227, 245, 250 ]

Popular account [References at end of article] :

Further : On the origin of gravity and the laws of Newton [2010, Erik Verlinde, Institute for Theoretical
Physics University of Amsterdam]:, containing a reference to T.
Padmanabhans paper : Thermodynamical Aspects of Gravity: New insights, arXiv:0911.5004 [gr-qc], and to L.
Susskinds paper : The World As A Hologram, J. Math. Phys. 36, 6377 (1995) [arXiv:hep-th/9409089].

[5] Davies-Unruh temperature [ if you run with an acceleration carrying a thermometer, it will show a
reading different from the one when you are at rest (T. Padmanabhan) ]

Davies, P.C.W. (1975), Scalar particle production in Schwarzschild and Rindler metrics, J. Phys. A 8, 609
Unruh,W.G. (1976), Notes on black hole evaporation, Phys. Rev. D 14, 870

[6] Geometrogenesis

Oriti, D. (2013), Disappearance and emergence of space and time in quantum gravity, Max Planck Institute for
Gravitational Physics :

[7] Causal Dynamical Triangulations

Ambjorn, J. and Jurkiewicz, J. and Loll, R. (2006), The Universe from scratch, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
University - Copenhagen, Mark Kac Complex Systems Research Centre, Marian Smoluchowski Institute of
Physics, Jagellonian University - Krakow, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University - Utrecht

[8] Quantum Gravity overview & Loop Quantum Gravity

Rovelli, C. (2008), Notes for a brief history of quantum gravity, Centre de Physique Theorique - France :

[9] String Theory : A list of references in this overview

J. Louis1, T. Mohaupt3, S. Theisen, String Theory : An Overview, Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitt
Hamburg, Zentrum fur Mathematische Physik, Universitt Hamburg, Theoretical Physics Division, Department
of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Max-Planck-Institut fur Gravitationsphysik, Golm. Link:

[10] Phase transition from a pre-geometric theory to a geometric phase

Marcopoulou, F. (2007), Conserved Quantities in Background Independent Theories, Perimeter Institute for
Theoretical Physics :

[11] Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve.

John Archibald Wheeler and Kenneth Ford (1998), Geons, black holes and quantum foam: A life in physics., W.
W. Norton. ISBN 0-393-04642-7 : p.235

[12] How does discrete matter curve a continuum ?

T. Padmanabhan (2016), Exploring the Nature of Gravity., Pune University Campus Ganeshkhind, : p.23

[13] The need for causal principles, and the search for coherence.

Smolin, L. (2015), Lessons from Einsteins 1915 discovery of general relativity, Perimeter Institute for
Theoretical Physics : : p.12 a.o.

[14] How do systems self-organize ?

Heylighen F. (2008), Complexity and Self-organization, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, M. J.
Bates & M. N. Maack (Taylor & Francis, 2008) :
Curriculum and publications of Prof. F. Heylighen:

Note: A short informative video presentation on Complexity-science and Self-organization.

Link :

[15] Hafele-Keating 1972 time dilatation experiment

Hafele, J.C. and Keating, R.E. (1972), Around-the-World Atomic Clocks: Predicted Relativistic Time Gains,
Science, New Series, Vol. 177, No.4044, p.166-168

[16] Roads to a theory of Quantum Gravity

Smolin, L. (2000), Three Roads to Quantum Gravity, Weidenfeld and Nicolson - London, UK


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