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Biografi Khoirul Anwar Penemu 4G

Prof. Dr. Khoirul Anwar adalah orang yang menemukan dan sekaligus pemilik paten teknologi
4G berbasis OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). Khoirul Anwar yang pernah
masuk acara Kick Andy ini adalah alumni Teknik Elektro ITB dengan cumlaude di tahun 2000,
kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan di Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) dan
memperoleh gelar master di tahun 2005 serta doktor di tahun 2008. Khoirul Anwar juga
penerima IEEE Best Student Paper Award of IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS)tahun
2006, di California.

Biografi Khoirul Anwar Penemu 4G

Satu lagi peneliti Indonesia yang telah menorehkan prestasi di kancah internasional. Dia adalah
Prof. Dr. Khoirul Anwar, penemu dan sekaligus pemilik paten teknologi 4G berbasis OFDM
(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). Temuannya ini kemudian mendapatkan
penghargaan Best Paper untuk kategori Young Scientist pada Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC) 2010-Spring yang digelar
16-19 Mei 2010, di Taiwan. Kini hasil temuan yang telah dipatenkan itu digunakan oleh sebuah
perusahaan elektronik besar asal Jepang.

Dosen sekaligus peneliti yang bekerja di laboratoriom Information Theory and Signal
Processing, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, di Jepang ini adalah lulusan
dari Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Institut Teknologi Bandung dengan predikat cum laude di tahun
2000. Ia kemudian meraih gelar master dari Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)
pada tahun 2005 dan gelar doktor pada tahun 2008 di kampus yang sama. Pada tahun 2006, ia
juga pernah menerima IEEE Best Student Paper Award of IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium
(RWS), di California. Khoirul juga mendapat penghargaan bidang Kontribusi Keilmuan Luar
Negeri oleh Konsulat Jenderal RI Osaka pada tahun 2007.
Putra dari pasangan (almarhum) Sudjianto dengan Siti Patmi itu, tak pernah lupa dengan asalnya.
Hasil royalti paten pertamanya itu ia berikan untuk ibunya yang kini hidup bertani di Kediri.
Khoirul Anwar lahir pada 22 Agustus 1978 di Kediri, Jawa Timur. Ayahnya meninggal karena
sakit saat ia baru lulus SD tahun 1990. Ibunyalah kemudian yang berusaha keras
menyekolahkannya. Untuk menyelesaikan S1 nya, ia berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa selama 4
tahun secara berturut-turut. Bahkan ia berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa S2 dari Panasonic, dan
beasiswa S3 dari perusahaan Jepang.

Bersama istrinya, Sri Yayu Indriyani dan tiga putra tercintanya, Khoirul tinggal di Nomi,
Ishikawa, tak jauh dari tempat kerjanya. Meski berprestasi cemerlang di Jepang, namun Khoirul
menyimpan keinginan untuk kembali ke Indonesia suatu hari nanti.

Penemuan 4G
INSPIRASI besar memang bisa datang dari mana saja, termasuk dari film animasi untuk anak-
anak. Anda mungkin tak pernah mengira, sebuah film anime Jepang ternyata bisa mengilhami
penemuan penting yang merevolusi anggapan tak terpatahkan di jagat transmisi telekomunikasi

Tapi cerita itulah yang terjadi pada diri Khoirul Anwar, dosen sekaligus peneliti asal Indonesia
yang bekerja di laboratoriom Information Theory and Signal Processing, Japan Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, di Jepang.

Saat terdesak karena harus mengajukan tema penelitian untuk mendapatkan dana riset, Khoirul
memeras otaknya. Akhirnya ide itu muncul juga dari Dragon Ball Z, film animasi Jepang yang
kerap ia tonton.

Ketika Goku, tokoh utama Dragon Ball Z, hendak melayangkan jurus terdahsyatnya, Genki
Dama alias Spirit Ball, Goku akan menyerap semua energi mahluk hidup di alam, sehingga
menghasilkan tenaga yang luar biasa.

Konsep itu saya turunkan formula matematikanya untuk diterapkan pada penelitian saya, kata
Khoirul, kepada VIVAnews melalui surat elektroniknya, Jumat 13 Agustus 2010.
Maka inspirasi itu kini mewujud menjadi sebuah paper bertajuk A Simple Turbo Equalization
for Single Carrier Block Transmission without Guard Interval.

Khoirul memisalkan jurus Spirit Ball Goku sebagai Turbo Equalizer (dekoder turbo) yang
mampu mengumpulkan seluruh energi dari blok transmisi yang ter-delay, maupun blok transmisi
terdahulu, untuk melenyapkan distorsi data akibat interferensi gelombang.

Asisten Profesor berusia 31 tahun itu dapat mematahkan anggapan yang awalnya tak mungkin
di dunia telekomunikasi. Kini sebuah sinyal yang dikirimkan secara nirkabel, tak perlu lagi
diperisai oleh guard interval (GI) untuk menjaganya kebal terhadap delay, pantulan, dan
interferensi. Turbo equalizer-lah yang akan membatalkan interferensi sehingga receiver bisa
menerima sinyal tanpa distorsi.

Dengan mengenyahkan GI, dan memanfaatkan dekoder turbo, secara teoritis malah bisa
menghilangkan rugi daya transmisi karena tak perlu mengirimkan daya untuk GI. Hilangnya GI
juga bisa diisi oleh parity bits yang bisa digunakan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan akibat distorsi
(error correction coding).

GI sebenarnya adalah sesuatu yang tidak berguna di receiver selain hanya untuk menjadi
pembatas. Jadi mengirimkan power untuk sesuatu yang tidak berguna adalah sia-sia, kata

Gagasan ini sendiri, dikerjakan Khoirul bersama Tadashi Matsumoto, profesor utama di
laboratorium tempat Khoirul bekerja. Saat itu ia dan Tadashi hendak mengajukan proyek ke
Kinki Mobile Wireless Center.

Setelah menurunkan formula matematikanya secara konkrit, Khoirul meminta rekannya Hui
Zhou, untuk membuat programnya.
Metode ini bisa dibilang mampu memecahkan problem transmisi nirkabel. Apalagi ia bisa
diterapkan pada hampir semua sistem telekomunikasi, termasuk GSM (2G), CDMA (3G), dan
cocok untuk diterapkan pada sistem 4G yang membutuhkan kinerja tinggi dengan tingkat
kompleksitas rendah.

Ia juga bisa diterapkan Indonesia, terlebih di kota besar yang punya banyak gedung pencakar
langit, maupun di daerah pegunungan. Sebab di daerah tadi biasanya gelombang yang
ditransmisikan mengalami pantulan dan delay lebih panjang.

Tak heran bila temuan ini membesut penghargaan Best Paper untuk kategori Young Scientist
pada Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE
VTC) 2010-Spring yang digelar 16-19 Mei 2010, di Taiwan.

Kini hasil temuan yang telah dipatenkan itu digunakan oleh sebuah perusahaan elektronik besar
asal Jepang. Bahkan teknologi ini juga tengah dijajaki oleh raksasa telekomunikasi China,
Huawei Technology.
Biography Khoirul Inventors Anwar 4G
Prof. Dr. Khoirul Anwar is the man who discovered and also the patent owner 4G
technology based on OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). Khoirul
Anwar who had entered the show Kick Andy are alumni of ITB with cum laude in
Electrical Engineering in 2000, then continued his education at the Nara Institute of
Science and Technology (NAIST) and obtained a master's degree in 2005 and
doctorate in 2008. Anwar was also the recipient Khoirul IEEE Best Student Paper
Award of the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS) in 2006, in California.

Biography Khoirul Inventors Anwar 4G

One more Indonesian researchers have incised achievements in the international arena. He is
Prof. Dr. Khoirul Anwar, inventors and patent owners at the same 4G technology based on
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). These findings then awarded the Best
Paper for the category Young Scientist at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC) 2010-Spring held 16-19 May 2010, in Taiwan.
Now, the findings of which have been patented was used by a big electronics company from
Lecturer and researcher who works in laboratoriom Information Theory and Signal Processing,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, in Japan it is a graduate of the Department
of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung cum laude in 2000. He later earned a
master's degree from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) in 2005 and a
doctorate in 2008 on the same campus. In 2006, he also received the IEEE Best Student Paper
Award of the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), in California. Khoirul also received
an award in the Scientific Contributions of Foreign Affairs by the Consulate General Osaka in

The son of (late) Sudjianto with Siti PATMI it, never forget the origin. The results of
the first patent royalties he gave to his mother, who now lives in Kediri farming.
Khoirul Anwar was born on August 22, 1978 in Kediri, East Java. His father died of
illness when he was graduating from elementary school in 1990 her mother, then
who try hard to send him. S1 to finish her, she managed to get a scholarship for 4
years in a row. In fact, he managed to get a scholarship from Panasonic S2, and S3
scholarship from the Japanese company.
Together with his wife, Sri Yayu Indriyani and three beloved son, Khoirul stayed in
Nomi, Ishikawa, not far from his workplace. Despite a brilliant achievement in Japan,
but Khoirul save the desire to return to Indonesia one day.
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The discovery 4G
Inspiration can be really great come from anywhere, including from animated films for children.
You probably never thought, a Japanese anime movie turns out to inspire more important
discoveries that revolutionized the notion unbroken in the world of wireless telecommunications
But the story is what happens to Khoirul Anwar, lecturer and researcher from Indonesia who
work in laboratoriom Information Theory and Signal Processing, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, in Japan.
When pressed about having to submit research themes to obtain research funds, Khoirul racking
his brains. Finally, the idea came also from Dragon Ball Z, Japanese animated film which she
often watched.
As Goku, the main character of Dragon Ball Z, about to cast a terdahsyatnya stance, 'Genki
Dama' aka Spirit Ball, Goku will absorb all the energy living creatures in nature, resulting in
tremendous power.
"The concept that I lower the mathematical formula to be applied to my research," said Khoirul,
to VIVAnews via electronic mail, Friday, August 13, 2010.
So inspiration is now manifest into a paper titled "A Simple Turbo Equalization for Single
Carrier Block Transmission without Guard Interval."

Letting Khoirul stance Spirit Ball Goku as Turbo Equalizer (turbo decoder) that is able to collect
all the energy from the transmission block ter-delay, or block the transmission of the foregoing,
to eliminate distortion of data as a result of wave interference.
Assistant Professor 31-year-old can break the assumption that initially 'impossible' in the world
of telecommunications. Now, a signal is sent wirelessly, no longer need to diperisai by a guard
interval (GI) for keeping immune to delay, reflection, and interference. Turbo equalizer was the
one who would cancel the interference so that the receiver can receive the signals without
With GI rid of, and utilize the turbo decoder, theoretically could even eliminating power losses
due to unnecessary transmission sends power to the GI. Loss of GI can also be filled by the
parity bits that can be used to correct errors due to distortion (error correction coding).
"GI is actually something that is 'useless' in the receiver than just to be limiting. So send power
to something 'useless' is pointless, "said Khoirul.
This idea alone, worked together Khoirul Tadashi Matsumoto, a professor in the laboratory
where Khoirul main work. At that time he and Tadashi want to submit a project to Kinki Mobile
Wireless Center.
After lowering the mathematical formula in a concrete, Khoirul asked his colleague Hui Zhou, to
make its program.

This method is arguably able to solve the problem of wireless transmission. Moreover, it can be
applied to almost all telecommunications systems, including GSM (2G), CDMA (3G), and is
suitable to be applied on 4G systems that require higher performance with low complexity.
It can also be applied in Indonesia, especially in big cities have many skyscrapers, as well as in
mountainous areas. Because in the area were usually transmitted wave reflection and experience
a longer delay.
Not surprisingly, these findings gush Best Paper award in the category of Young Scientist at the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC)
2010-Spring held 16-19 May 2010, in Taiwan.
Now, the findings of which have been patented that is used by a large Japanese electronics
company. In fact, the technology is also being explored by Chinese telecommunications giant,
Huawei Technology....

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