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What do the values for ABI imply about Johns legs?

He has a .42 in his right leg which means he has a moderate obstruction and a .
9 in his left leg which is normal blood flow.

What is most likely occurring inside Johns leg to cause this increase in
peripheral pressures? How does this relate to smoking?

Inside Johns leg there are most likely decreases in calf muscle tissue
oxygenation and increased metabolic waste build-up in the calf muscle. This is
most likely caused by his constant smoking. He has been smoking an excessive
amount every day for thirty years and is now older which also increases the risk
of getting PAD. It is 30% more common for people who smoke to develop PAD
than for non-smokers to develop it.

What is arteriosclerosis? What is the difference between arteriosclerosis and


Arteriosclerosis is the stiffening or hardening of the artery

walls. Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of the artery because of plaque build-
up. Atherosclerosis is a specific type of arteriosclerosis.

How can atherosclerosis be linked to PAD?

In atherosclerosis, plaques build up in your artery walls and reduce blood flow.
Although the heart is usually the focus of discussion of atherosclerosis, this
disease usually does affect arteries throughout your body such as the arteries in
the calf muscle for John.

What other tests can be performed to confirm this diagnosis?

An ultrasound such as Doppler ultrasound, can help your doctor evaluate blood
flow through your blood vessels and identify blocked or narrowed arteries. Also
an angiography can be used to allow your doctor to view blood flow through your
arteries as it happens by injecting a dye into your blood vessels. Your doctor is
able to trace the flow of the contrast material using imaging techniques, such as
X-ray imaging or procedures called magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or
computerized tomography angiography (CTA).

If tests confirm that John has a clot in his leg, what treatment options may
help relieve his pain and save his leg?

Medications can be used such as cholesterol-lowering medications, high blood

pressure medications, medications to control blood sugar, medications to
prevent blood clots, and symptom-relief medications. Also surgically an
angioplasty can be performed to open up the blocked arteries or a bypass to re-
route the blood around the blocked artery.

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