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English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week



El tiempo pasado simple sirve para expresar hechos y actividades terminadas en el pasado.
Para hacer oraciones con el Simple Past Tense necesitamos usar el pasado de los verbos. En
ingls hay 2 grupos de verbos: Los verbos regulares y los verbos irregulares. En esta
leccin nos concentraremos en estudiar solamente los verbos regulares.

Mira el recuadro y compara las oraciones de ambas columnas para establecer las diferencias
en su forma y significado de cada verbo empleado.

Present tense Past tense

I visit my grandparents every month. I visited my parents last month.

Yo visito a mis abuelos todos los meses. Yo visit a mis abuelos el mes pasado.
My father works for a French company. My father worked for a French company.
Mi pap trabaja para una compaa francesa. Mi pap trabaj para una compaa francesa.
We go to the cinema on Sunday. We went to the cinema last Sunday.
Nosotros vamos al cine los domingos. Nosotros fuimos al cine el domingo pasado.
He buys a CD every week. He bought a CD last week.
l compra un CD todas las semanas. l compr un CD la semana pasada.


Todas las oraciones de la primera columna estn en tiempo presente.

Las oraciones de la segunda columna expresan tiempo pasado.

El tiempo pasado del verbo visit es visited; se le aadi la terminacin ed para formar
el pasado porque es un verbo regular.

Otro verbo regular de los ejemplos es work y su pasado sera worked, agregndolo

El pasado de go (ir) es went; y el pasado de buy es bought. Estos verbos son

irregulares porque no tienen una forma exacta en el tiempo pasado.

A los verbos irregulares nunca se les agrega la terminacin ed. Para saber el pasado
de un verbo irregular debemos acudir al diccionario y aprenderlo de memoria.

El pasado simple de un verbo se utiliza con todos los sujetos o pronombres: you, we,
they, he, she, it.

Todo oracin en pasado simple expresa una accin o evento terminado, y es comn
emplear expresiones de tiempo como yesterday (ayer) last month (el mes pasado), etc.



English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
USE 1 Completed Action in the Past

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific
time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but
they do have one specific time in mind.


I saw a movie yesterday.

I didn't see a play yesterday.
Last year, I traveled to Japan.
Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
Did you have dinner last night?
She washed her car.
He didn't wash his car.

USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions

We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions
happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on.


I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the
others at 10:00.
Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?

USE 3 Duration in Past

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A
duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five
minutes, all day, all year, etc.


I lived in Brazil for two years.

Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
They sat at the beach all day.
They did not stay at the party the entire time.
We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
A: How long did you wait for them?
B: We waited for one hour.

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

USE 4 Habits in the Past

The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can
have the same meaning as "used to." To make it clear that we are talking about a habit,
we often add expressions such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child,
when I was younger, etc.


I studied French when I was a child.

He played the violin.
He didn't play the piano.
Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
She worked at the movie theater after school.
They never went to school, they always skipped class.

USE 5 Past Facts or Generalizations

The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are
no longer true. As in USE 4 above, this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the
expression "used to."


She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.

He didn't like tomatoes before.
Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.

Signal words
last week
a month ago
in 2010

Se les llama verbos regulares porque se les agrega la terminacin

ed para formar el pasado. Observa el siguiente grfico:

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

Reglas ortogrficas para aadir la terminacin ED a un verbo regular

Aadir ED a la mayora de verbos regulares:

Ejemplos: work worked playplayed visit visited clean cleaned.

Aadir solo D a los verbos regulares que terminan en la letra e.

Ejemplos: livelived like liked invite invited.

Aadir solo IED a los verbos regulares que terminan en una consonante seguido de
la letra y, deber omitirse la letra y antes de agregar IED.
Ejemplos: study studied carry carried copy copied.

Duplicar la ltima consonante y luego aadir ED en algunos verbos regulares.

Ejemplos: stop stopped plan planned prefer preferred.

Lista de verbos regulares:


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week


Positive, Negative, Question: Observa cmo se construye oraciones positivas,
negativas y preguntas.


Questions: Para hacer una pregunta en tiempo pasado debemos usar el verbo auxiliar DID
seguido del sujeto de la pregunta + el infinitivo, es decir, el verbo en forma simple (NO en
tiempo pasado): Did you clean your room? = Limpiaste tu habitacin? El verbo
auxiliar didconvierte al infintivo en pasado, por lo tanto no es necesario poner la forma en
pasado: Didyou cleaned clean your room?

Short Answers: para dar una respuesta corta afirmativa se debe seguir esta estructura:Yes, +
pronombre + did. Para la forma negativa se hace del modo siguiente: No, pronombre + didnt.

Ejemplos: Did you clean your room yesterday? + Yes, I did. No, I didnt. = Limpiaste tu
habitacin ayer? + S. No.

The spelling of the simple past form (-ed forms)

You will learn the spelling of the simple past form (-ed form.) But before
you continue the lesson study the following examples and try to see how the
verbs are spelled.

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

Verbs ending in a...

1. silent e 2. vowel + y 3. consonant + y 4. other forms
close = closed marry = married visit = visited
die = died play = played carry = carried miss = missed
phone = phoned destroy = destroyed study = studied watch = watched
show = showed finish = finished
fix = fixed
buzz = buzzed

The rules of the simple past tense forms:

Here are the rules:

1. Regular verbs ending in a silent e take /-d/ in the simple past

and past participle:
2. Regular verbs ending in a vowel + y take /-ed/ in the simple past
and past participle:
3. Regular verbs ending in a consonant + y take /-ied/ in the simple
past and past participle (the y becomes an i followed by /-ed/)
4. All the other regular vebs take /-ed/ in the simple past and past

Special cases of the -ed forms:

Follow these rules when there is a consonant after a vowel (stop, ban, open,

If there is a consonant after a stressed vowel at the end of the

word, double the consonant
stop stopped
ban - banned
swap - swapped
If the vowel is not stressed, we do not double it:
open - opened (Here the stress is on'o', not the 'e'.)
offer - offered ( Here the stress is on 'o', not the 'e'.)

In British English we double the last l even though the last vowel is not
stressed. Here are some examples:

travel - travelled
cancel - cancelled
level - levelled

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

marvel marveled


Subject Verb

Be Have Do

I was had did

You were had did

He/She/It was had did

We were had did

You were had did

They were had did


Long forms Contracted forms

I cleaned my room.

You cleaned your room. not possible

He cleaned his room.


Long forms Contracted forms

I went home. not possible


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

Long forms Contracted forms

You went home.

He went home.


Do not negate a main verb in English. Always use the auxiliary did (Simple Past of to
do) and the infinitive of the verb for negations.

There is no difference between regular and irregular verbs in negative sentences.

Long forms Contracted forms

I did not clean the room. I didn't clean the room.

You did not clean the room. You didn't clean the room.

He did not clean the room. He didn't clean the room.


You need the auxiliary did and the infinitive of the verb.

Long forms Contracted forms

Did I play football?

not possible

Did you play football?


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

Long forms Contracted forms

Did he play football?

a.) Exercise Was or Were?

Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. I ________________ happy.
2. You ________________ angry.
3. She ________________ in London last week.
4. He ________________ on holiday.
5. It ________________ cold.
6. We ________________ at school.
7. You ________________ at the cinema.
8. They ________________ at home.
9. The cat ________________ on the roof.
10.The children ________________ in the garden.

b.) Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the
appropriate tenses.

1. A: What (you, do) ________________ when the accident occurred?

B: I (try) ________________ to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

2. After I (find) ________________ the wallet full of money, I (go,

immediately) ________________ to the police and (turn) ________________ it in.

3. The doctor (say) ________________ that Tom (be) ________________ too sick to go
to work and that he (need) ________________ to stay at home for a couple of days.

4. Sebastian (arrive) ________________ at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM, but
she (be, not) ________________ there. She (study, at the
library) ________________ for her final examination in French.

5. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time yesterday, she (watch,
also) ________________ television. That's all she ever does!

6. A: I (call) ________________ you last night after dinner, but you (be,
not) ________________ there. Where were you?
B: I (work) ________________ out at the fitness center.

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

7. When I (walk) ________________ into the busy office, the secretary

(talk) ________________ on the phone with a customer, several clerks (work,
busily) ________________ at their desks, and two managers (discuss,
quietly) ________________ methods to improve customer service.

8. I (watch) ________________ a mystery movie on TV when the electricity went out.

Now I am never going to find out how the movie ends.

9. Sharon (be) ________________ in the room when John told me what happened, but
she didn't hear anything because she (listen, not) ________________ .

10. It's strange that you (call) ________________ because I (think, just)
________________ about. you.

11. The Titanic (cross) ________________ the Atlantic when it

(strike) ________________ an iceberg.

12. When I entered the bazaar, a couple of merchants (bargain,

busily) ________________ and (try) ________________ to sell their goods to naive
tourists who (hunt) ________________ for souvenirs. Some young boys
(lead) ________________ their donkeys through the narrow streets on their way
home. A couple of men (argue) ________________ over the price of a leather belt. I
(walk) ________________ over to a man who (sell) ________________ fruit and
(buy) ________________ a banana.

13. The firemen (rescue) ________________ the old woman who (be)
________________ trapped on the third floor of the burning building.

14. She was so annoying! She (leave, always) ________________ her dirty dishes in the
sink. I think she (expect, actually) ________________ me to do them for her.

15. Samantha (live) ________________ in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she
(live) ________________ there when the Berlin Wall came down.

Exercises simple past forms.

c.) Do the exercises below simple past forms.

Put the verbs into the simple past:

1. The kids (play) ________________ in the garden last Saturday.

2. She (visit) ________________ her friends last weekend.
3. Yesterday, I (show) ________________ my little brother the new computer
4. Last Friday, we (decide) ________________ to visit Cairo.
5. Who (invent) ________________ the the bulb?
6. The shop assistant (open) ________________ the door to customers.
7. What (happen) ________________ yesterday?

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
8. The students (work) ________________ on the project together yesterday.
9. They (want) ________________ to watch TV last night.
10.We (walk) ________________ home last night.

d.) Do the exercise below of

affirmative form negative form interrogative form interrogative form

Did I work? Did it work? Did they work? Did you work?
Didn't he work? Didn't she work? Didn't they work? I worked
he didn't work it didn't work she worked they didn't work
we didn't work we worked you didn't work

to affirmative negative interrogative interrogative

work form form form form
I I didn't work Didn't I work?
he he worked Did he work?

she she didn't work Did she work?

it it worked Didn't it work?

we Did we work? Didn't we work?

you you worked Didn't you work?

they they worked

Points in Time - English Vocabulary

at dawn (at don) - al amanecer
at dusk (at dsk) - al atardecer
at midnight (at mdnait) - a medianoche
at night (at nit) - de noche

at noon (at nun) - al medioda

every week (vri uik) - todas las semanas
in a week (in a uik) - dentro de una semana
in the afternoon (in di fternun) - por la tarde

in the early morning (in di rli mrning) - por la madrugada

in the evening (in di vning) - por la noche
in the morning (in de mrning) - por la maana
last Friday (lst fridei) - el viernes pasado

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
last month (last mnz) - el mes pasado
last night (lst nit) - anoche
last week (last uik) - la semana pasada
last year (last ar) - el ao pasado

next Friday (next fridei) - el viernes que viene

next week (next uik) - la semana que viene
next year (nxt ir) - el ao que viene
the day after (de di fter) - el da siguiente

the day after tomorrow (de di fter tchumrou) - pasado maana

the day before (de di bifr) - el da antes
the day before yesterday (de di bifr isterdi) - anteayer
this evening (dis vning) - esta noche

this Friday (dis fridei) - este viernes

this month (dis month) - este mes
this week (dis uik) - esta semana
this year (dis ar) - este ao

three weeks ago (zri uiks agu) - hace tres semanas

today (tchudi) - hoy
tomorrow (tchumrou) - maana
tomorrow afternoon (tchumrou afternun) - maana por la tarde

tomorrow evening (tchumrou vning) - maana por la noche

tomorrow morning (tchumrou mrning) - maana por la maana
tonight (tchunit) - esta noche
two days ago (tch dis agu) - hace dos das

two days earlier (tchu dis rlier) - dos das antes

two days later (tchu dis liter) - dos das despus
yesterday (isterdi) - ayer
yesterday evening (isterdi vning) - ayer por la noche

yesterday morning (isterdi mrning) - ayer por la maana


Pasado Simple en Ingls: Verbos Irregulares

El ingls tiene varios verbos irregulares en el pasado simple que son verbos
comunes. No hay una regla simple para deducir el pasado simple en ingls
de estos verbos y por lo tanto se deben memorizar.

Infinitiv Pasado Part. Significad

o simple pasado os en

awake awoke awoken ' I usually awake / wake / wake up early ' (normalmente me despierto temprano). ' he

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

(wake) (woke) (woken) was awoken/woken by a dog ' (fue despertado por un perro). ' awake ' se suele usar
como adjetivo: ' I was awake all night ' (pas toda la noche despierto)

be was / been ser / estar


beat beat beaten apalear, dar golpes a, golpear, batir un huevo, ganar a alguien en una carrera, juego,

become became become llegar a ser, ponerse: ' he became very angry ' (se puso muy enfadado)

begin began begun comenzar, empezar, ' he began talking ' (comenz a hablar)

bet bet bet apostar

bite bit bitten morder, picar (mosquito, araa): ' I've been bitten by a mosquito ' (me ha picado un

blow blew blown soplar: (el viento, por la boca), blow up (inflar, explotar)

break broke broken romper

bring brought brought traer

build built built construir

burn burnt burnt Quemar, quemarse: I burnt the toast (quem la tostada); The chicken burnt (el pollo
se quem).

buy bought bought comprar

catch caught caught coger: ' catch a bus ' (coger un autobus), atrapar: (una pelota), catch a cold (coger un
resfriado), catch a fish (coger un pez)

choose chose chosen elegir, seleccionar, escoger

come came come venir, ' come in ' (entrar),

cost cost cost costar: ' It cost a lot of money ' (cuesta mucho dinero)

cut cut cut cortar (con cuchillo etc.)


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

dig dug dug cavar

do did done hacer: ' you've done a good job ' (ha hecho un buen trabajo); ' can you do this for me?
' (me puedes hacer esto?); ' do your homework ' (hacer los deberes); ' do the
washing-up ' (fregar los platos); ' do business ' (hacer negocios).

draw drew drawn dibujar, ' draw out money from the bank ' (sacar dinero del banco)

drink drank drunk beber

drive drove driven conducir

eat ate eaten comer

fall fell fallen caerse

feed fed fed alimentar, dar de comer: ' he fed the dog ' (dio de comer al perro)

feel felt felt sentirse, sentir, ' I don't feel very well ' (no me siento muy bien),' I feel people are
criticising me ' (siento que la gente me critican), 'I felt it move' (lo sent moverse),
tocar, palpar (con los dedos). Parecer, Opinar, ' How do you feel about visiting us next
week? ' (Qu te parece si nos haces una visita la semana que viene?)

fight fought fought luchar, pelear

find found found encontrar (una cosa perdida): ' she found her lost cat ' (encontr su gato perdido)
(encontrar a alguien: ver ' meet ')

fling flung flung lanzar, tirar, arrojar algo con fuerza o sin cuidado: ' the boy flung his coat on the bed '
(el chico tir su abrigo en la cama)

fly flew flown volar

forbid forbade forbidden prohibir

forget forgot forgotten olvidar, olvidarse: ' I forgot to tell you ' (se me olvid decirte)

forgive forgave forgiven perdonar

freeze froze frozen congelar

get got got El significado de: obtener, conseguir: ' I've got a new car' (tengo un coche nuevo), ' I've
got (*gotten) the newspaper ' (he ido a buscar el peridico), (*Am.E. 'gotten', cuando

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

gotten*) se refiere a una accin como en el ejemplo anterior pero no cuando habla de un
estado ej. ' I've got a pen in my hand ') ' get a haircut ' (cortarse el pelo; es decir,
me cortaron el pelo. Comparar con: 'I cut my hair' si yo mismo lo corto. Tambin:
'have'.), ' she got home late ' (lleg a casa tarde), She got to the station late (lleg
tarde a la estacin); 'I got the bus to work' (cog el autobus al trabajo); ' he got in
through the window ' (entr por la ventana), ponerse (parecido a 'become'): ' he got
angry ' (se puso enfadado); get rid of she got rid of her secretary (deshacerse de - ella
ech a su secretaria); Did you get my email? (ha recibido mi email).

give gave given dar, dejar (ej. 'can you give me your pen, please?' - djame tu bolgrafo, por favor).

go went gone / ir: ' she has gone away ' (se ha ido), ' she has been away ' (ha estado fuera (pero ahora
been ha vuelto)), ' Have you ever been to Paris? ' (Has estado una vez en Paris?); I went
away last weekend (Fui de viaje el fin de semana pasado); I went out to the
Bermejales (Sal a los Bermejales); 'I went blue with cold' (Me puse de color azul por
el fro);

Go up/down: subir/bajar (desde abajo hasta arriba y al revs). I went up the stairs
(sub la escalera).

grow grew grown crecer, (una persona etc) cultivar (cereales etc)

have had had tener, (se combina con ' got ' (have got) en ingls hablado e informal). ' I've got a lot
of work today ' (tengo mucho trabajo hoy), tomar (nunca con ' got ') ' have a shower '
(tomar una ducha), ' have a rest ' (tomar un descanso), ' have something to eat '
(tomar algo para comer) ' have breakfast ' etc. (tomar el desayuno, desayunar). Have
a temperature (tener fiebre); Have dinner out (cenar fuera); opp. have dinner in; On
Sunday night I had a few drinks with my friends (El domingo por la noche tom una
copas con mis amigos.); 'I had the lawn cut' (Me cortaron el csped. Tambin "get").

hear heard heard (percibir un ruido): ' did you hear that? ' (oste eso?)

hide hid hidden esconder, esconderse

hit hit hit golpear, apalear, dar golpes a, golpear

hold held held sujetar, agarrar, sostener, ' Hold this, please ' (sujeta esto, por favor), esperar
(telfono); ' Hold the line, please. ' (No cuelgue por favor.)

hurt hurt hurt doler: ' my leg hurts ' (me duele la pierna); hacer dao a alguien: ' she hurt me a lot '
(me hizo mucho dao).

keep kept kept guardar, (+ gerundio = seguir, continuar), ' he keeps it in a box ' (lo tiene guardado en
una caja), ' let's keep walking ' (vamos a seguir caminando)

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

know knew known conocer (a alguien pero no por primera vez ver ' meet '): ' I know my mother very well
' (conozco muy bien a mi madre), saber

Infinitivo Pasado Part. Pasado Significados en espaol


lead led led llevar a alguien como lder, liderar, dirigir ' You lead the way ' (que nos
lleve usted) ' Zapatero leads the Socialist party in Spain ' (Zapatero dirige el
partido Socialista en Espaa). Resultar en: ' The marketing campaign led to
an increase in sales. ' (La campaa de marketing result en a un aumento
de ventas.)

learn learnt / learnt / aprender (un idioma etc.): ' I've learnt a lot this year ' (He aprendido
learned learned mucho este ao.)

leave left left irse, salir de un sitio. ' I leave home at 8.00 ' (salgo de casa (me voy) a las
8.00). Dejar (algo en algn sitio). ' I left my keys at home this morning. '
(Dej mis llaves en casa esta maana.)

lend lent lent prestar (dinero etc.)

let let let permitir, dejar a alguien hacer algo: ' Let me do it ' (djalo a m)

lose lost lost perder (perderse = get lost): ' I got lost in Madrid ' (Me perd en Madrid.) '
Get lost, creep! ' (pirdete, gilipollas!)

make made made fabricar, hacer, ir o asistir: ' make a cake ' (hacer un pastel), ' make
furniture ' (fabricar muebles), ' make the bed ' (hacer la cama); ' make
friends ' (hacer amigos); She made a reservation [booking] to prepare her
foreign trip. (Hizo una reserva...); I couldnt make the class last week (no
pude ir (asistir) a clase la semana pasada). 'I didn't make it to work on time
this morning. My car broke down. (No llegu al trabajo puntualmente esta
maana. Se me ha averiado el coche.)

mean meant meant significar: ' What does this mean? ' (Qu significa esto?)

meet met met encontrarse con alguien, reunirse, conocer a alguien (por primera vez): I
met Carmen in the street (me encontr con Carmen en la calle), ' We're
meeting on Monday ' (nos vamos a reunir el lunes), ' I met a nice girl at the
party ' (conoc a una chica simptica en la fiesta); I met up with my friends
(qued con mis amigos);

pay paid paid pagar


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

put put put poner: 'put it on the table' (ponlo en la mesa)

read read read leer

ride rode ridden cabalgar, montar (en bicicleta etc.) ('go for a ride in...' = pasear en (barco,
car etc.)

ring rang rung sonar (telfono, timbre), llamar por telfono, doblar (una campana)

rise rose risen elevarse, alzarse

run ran run correr (a pie, agua)

say said said decir: ' he said he was coming ' (dijo que vena), ' What did he say to you? '
(y nunca 'say you', pero s se puede decir ' tell you ') (Qu te dijo?)

see saw seen ver (percibir con la vista) ' Can you see that? ' (ves eso?), visitar, ' I'm
going to see my grandmother ' (voy a visitar/ver a mi abuela) salir con
alguien, ' He's seeing another girl ' (est viendo otra chica)

sell sold sold vender

send sent sent enviar, mandar (carta, a alguien)

set set set poner, ' set it down here carefully ' (ponlo aqu con cuidado), ' set the table
' (poner la mesa); solidificar: ej. pegamiento.

sew sewed sewn coser

shine shone shone brillar, lucir, ' the sun shone all day ' (haca un da soleado)

shoot shot shot disparar (una pistola etc). ' the President has been shot ' (han disparado al

show showed shown mostrar, demostrar

shut shut shut cerrar (shut up = callarse)

sing sang sung cantar

sink sank sunk hundirse


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

sit sat sat sentarse: ' he was sitting in a chair ' (estaba sentado en una silla)

sleep slept slept dormir

speak spoke spoken hablar

spend spent spent gastar (dinero), ' I've spent too much money; I haven't got ant left. Pasar
(tiempo), ' he spent two weeks in Tenerife ' (pas dos semanas en

stand stood stood estar, (literalmente: estar de pie.) Se usa mucho cuando en el espaol se
dira 'estar'): ' He was standing by the door ' (estaba al lado de la puerta), '
the castle stood on a hill ' (el castillo estaba en lo alto de una colina)

steal stole stolen robar: ' steal a car ' (robar un coche - es decir, llevarse el coche y no el
contenido del coche)

stick stuck stuck Pegar, pegarse (con cola, pegamiento o por s solo), The rice stuck to the
bottom of the pan (el arroz se peg al fondo de la cacerola).

stink stank stunk apestar, ' It stinks in here ' (apesta aqu dentro)

sweep swept swept barrer

swim swam swum nadar

take took taken coger, llevar, tomar, tardar 'please take a sandwich ' (por favor, coge un
sandwich), ' he took him to school ' (Le llev al colegio), ' let's take a bite to
eat ' (vamos a tomar algo de comer). 'It took me OR I took 25 minutes to
get to work this morning' (He tardado 25 minutos para llegar al trabajo
esta maana.); The guard took turns with his colleague (El guardia se
turn con su compaero.); Can I take a message? (Quiere dejar un

teach taught taught ensear (lo que hace un profesor)

tell told told decir, contar, ' Tell me what happened ' (Dime qu pas), ' Tell me a story '
(cuntame un cuento)

think thought thought pensar, creer: creer en Dios etc. ' I believe in God '; I think so (pienso que

throw threw thrown lanzar (una pelota etc.)


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

understand understood understood entender, comprender, enterarse.

wake woke woken despertar, despertarse ' I woke (up) early ', (me despert temprano), ' I
wake (up) my little sister every morning ' (despierto a mi hermana menor
todas las maanas).

wear wore worn llevar puesto ' she's wearing a coat ' (lleva puesto un abrigo)

weep wept wept llorar, sollozar.

win won won ganar (un premio, la lotera, una carrera) ' He won the race ' (gan la
carrera), gan mucho dinero en la lotera (he won a lot of money in the
lottery) (ganar dinero en el trabajo = ' earn ')

write wrote written escribir

e.) Pasado simple (verbos irregulares)

1. I ___________ (loose) my watch in the park.

2. David ___________ (not hurt) his knee.
3. I kicked the ball and it ___________ (break) a window.
4. My new shoes ___________ (not cost) a lot of money.
5. I ___________ (get) this book from the library.
6. We had a garage where we ___________ (keep) our car.
7. Ali ___________ (cut) his knee.
8. The glass ___________ (fall) off the table.
9. The glass ___________ (not break).
10. We ___________ (sell) our old car.
11. We ___________ (buy) a new car.
12. The bell ___________ (not ring).
13. We all ___________ (go) into school.
14. The dog ___________ (catch) the ball.
15. The man ___________ (not kneel) down.
16. Our cat ___________ (run) onto the road.
17. Jane ___________ (not write) a letter.
18. I ___________ (buy) a new camera last week.
19. We ___________ (drive) to a safari park yesterday.
20. Yesterday Dad ___________ (not take) me to the carnival.
21. Elizabeth ___________ (give) Eva a chocolate.
22. Jack and Jill ___________ (not go) up the hill.
23. Her ring ___________ (cost) ten Euros.
24. I ___________ (put) sugar in my coffee.
25. He ___________ (not hit) the ball over the net.

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

f.) Completa con el verbo en pasado simple (verbos


1. I opened the door and ___________ (look) inside.

2. Who ___________ (close) all the windows?
3. I ___________ (carry) my moms shopping bag.
4. I ___________ (not climb) over the fence.
5. I ___________ (rip) my shirt.
6. The plane ___________ (land) ten minutes ago.
7. We ___________ (live) in that house when I was a baby.
8. My brother ___________ (not cry) when he fell of his bike.
9. We ___________ (walk) to school yesterday.
10. She ___________ (smile) when she saw me.
11. We ___________ (hurry) to the station to catch the train.
12. She ___________ (laugh) when I told her the joke.
13. We ___________ (race) each other on our bikes.
14. Dad ___________ (not help) me with my homework.
15. Helen ___________ (whisper) me a secret.
16. Luis Miguel ___________ (hurry) to catch a bus.
17. We ___________ (return) our books to the library.
18. She ___________ (not kiss) the frog.
19. The frog ___________ (change) into a prince.
20. Two doctors ___________ (rush) into the room.
21. I ___________ (not kick) the ball very hard.
22. Who ___________ (invent) the computer?
23. Dinosaurs ___________ (live) many years ago.
24. It ___________ (not snow) last night.
25. They ___________ (not work) until twelve last night.

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

Pasado simple: Oraciones y preguntas. Uso de auxiliar "Did"

Usamos el tiempo "Pasado simple" para hablar acerca de acciones que sucedieron en un
tiempo especfico del pasado. En este tema es de suma importancia el saber distinguir entre
los verbos regulares y los verbos irregulares ya que su forma en pasado simple variar en
funcin de estas dos categoras de verbos.

Para formar el pasado simple de los verbos regulares bastar con aadir en la mayora de los
casos la terminacin "-ed", en cambio con los verbos irregulares no se tiene una regla
especfica y por lo tanto son palabras que deben ser aprendidas por la persona interesada en
aprender ingls.

Cabe mencionar que el aprendizaje de los tiempos en pasado simple de los verbos nos
ayudar nicamente a formular oraciones afirmativas. Para estructurar oraciones negativas
e interrogativas haremos uso del auxiliar "did".

Oraciones afirmativas en pasado simple


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
Ejemplos de oraciones afirmativas en pasado simple

1.- He closed the window.

(El cerr la ventana)

2.- They lost the keys.

(Ellos perdieron las llaves)

3.- Alice brushed her teeth

(Alicia cepill sus dientes)

4.- Mike drank all the juice.

(Miguel bebi todo el jugo)

5.- Sam and Ernest watched that movie.

(Sam y Ernesto vieron esa pelcula)

6.- Our team won the competition.

(Nuestro equipo gan la competencia)

Es de resaltar que en el tiempo pasado para oraciones afirmativas no hay cambio en la

estructura del verbo dependiendo de la persona de quien se est hablando (como es el
caso del presente simple).

En este tiempo hay que tener en cuenta que la conjugacin de algunos verbos en pasado
puede ser que se forme con la terminacin "-ed" (verbos regulares) o tambin que no se tenga
forma establecida (verbos irregulares).

Oraciones negativas en pasado simple

Como mencionaba anteriormente, el aprendizaje de los verbos en tiempo pasado nicamente

ser til para la estructuracin de oraciones afirmativas.

En el caso de oraciones negativas e interrogativas nos valdremos del auxiliar "did + not" para
hacer oraciones.

A resaltar que en tiempo pasado ya que utilizamos el auxiliar "did" por ello no es
necesario poner la forma del pasado simple del verbo, por lo tanto, este se debe poner en
su forma infinitiva tal y como se mostr en el curso de ingls bsico: Verbos en Ingles, uso del
infinitivo y ejemplos comunes.

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
Nota: No hay diferencia entre el uso de "did not" o "didn't", nicamente que la segunda forma
es la forma contrada de la primera y es ms utilizada al momento de comunicarse

Ejemplos de oraciones negativas en pasado simple

Para mostrar los ejemplos basaremos las oraciones en la forma negativa de las oraciones
ejemplo de la seccin anterior:

1.- He did not close the window.

(El no cerr la ventana)

2.- They didn't lose the keys.

(Ellos no perdieron las llaves)

3.- Alice did not brush her teeth

(Alicia no cepill sus dientes)

4.- Mike didn't drink all the juice.

(Miguel no bebi todo el jugo)

Nota: La palabra did es la forma en pasado simple del verbo do como se puede ver en
la lista de los verbos irregulares ms usados en ingls. Sin embargo en este tema la palabra
did no se us como verbo sino como auxiliar, as que su traduccin en espaol va de
acuerdo al verbo infinitivo que le acompaa. No obstante tambin pueden hacer oraciones

He didnt do his homework.

(El no hiso su tarea)

Oraciones interrogativas en pasado simple (Preguntas)

Llegando al mdulo final de la seccin pasado simple veamos la estructura correcta de una
pregunta en sus dos formas bsicas:

1.- Preguntas que comienzan con el auxiliar "Did" y se contestan con: Si / No.


- Did he arrive on time?

(Lleg l a tiempo?)

- Yes, he did.

- Did the package arrive on time?


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
(Lleg el paquete a tiempo?)

- No, it didn't

2.- Preguntas especficas con palabras "Wh-" y se contestan con: Respuesta especfica.


- When did they arrive?

(Cundo llegaron ellos?)

- They arrived three hours ago.

(Ellos llegaron hace tres horas)

- Why did she leave?

(Por qu se fue ella?)

- She left because she forgot something at home.

(Ella se fue porque olvido algo en casa)

Ejemplos de preguntas en pasado simple

Primer caso (respuesta Si / No)

- Did he close the window?

(Cerr el ventana?)

- Yes, he did.

- Did they lose the keys?

(Perdieron ellos las llaves?)

- No, they didn't.

- Did Alice brush her teeth?

(Cepill Alicia sus dientes?)

- Yes, she did.

- Did Mike drink all the juice?

(Bebi Miguel todo el jugo?)

- No, he didn't.

Segundo caso (respuesta especfica)

- What did you prepare for dinner?


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
(Qu preparaste para la cena?)

- I prepared a pizza.

(Prepar una pizza)

- When did she arrive?

(Cundo lleg ella?)

- She arrived last week.

(Ella lleg la semana pasada)

- Where did they go?

(A dnde fueron ellos?)

- They went to the store.

(Ellos fueron a la tienda)

- Why did he buy a new TV?

(Por qu compr l una nueva televisin?)

- He bought a new TV because it had a great discount.

(l compr una nueva televisin porque tena un gran descuento)

Como se puede ver, en cuanto a estructura gramatical, el tiempo pasado simple es algo
complejo, por ello recomiendo tener impresas listas de verbos regulares e irregulares para
evitar confusin al momento de hacer oraciones.

El did siempre va delante de la persona, por lo que si quieres formar una pregunta con
una palabra interrogativa, sa va primero de todo, por ejemplo:

Qu comiste?
What did you eat?

Qu comiste?
What did you eat?

Cundo llegaron?
When did they arrive?

Cundo llegaron?
When did they arrive?

A qu hora salieron?
What time did they leave?

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

A qu hora salieron?
What time did they leave?

Si la pregunta es negativa, se utiliza didnt en lugar de did. Didnt es una contraccin

de did y not. Por ejemplo:

No trabajaste?
Didnt you work?

No vinieron?
Didnt they come?

Por qu l no habl contigo?

Why didnt he speak with you?

Por qu l no habl contigo?

Why didnt he speak with you?

El didnt tambin se utiliza para negar las frases pero en stas se coloca entre la
persona y el verbo principal, por ejemplo:

No trabaj.
I didnt work.

No vinieron.
They didnt come.

l no habl conmigo.
He didnt speak with me.

No llovi ayer.
It didnt rain yesterday.

Es as de sencillo. Ahora te toca a ti practicar un poco. Cmo se traducira lo


1. Me llamaste?
2. Por qu no lo acabaron?
3. Lo prepar l?
4. Por qu ella no abri la ventana?
5. No lo compr.
6. Mi amigo no me ayud.

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

Past Simple Tense - "Wh" Questions

g.) Make questions using the "wh" words below.
When How Who What Why

eg. I saw someone.

Who did you see?

1. They wanted to see Fiona. did they want to see?

2. I got up at 7 o'clock. time did you get up?

3. She paid $10. much did she pay?

4. He didn't like the movie. didn't he like the movie?

5. We had dinner. did you have for dinner?

6. The meeting finished late. time did the meeting finish?

7. I ate an apple pie? kind of pie did you eat?

8. I played tennis last week. did you play tennis?

9. They wrote to Ellen. did they write to?

10. I didn't eat the chicken. didn't you eat the chicken?

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

h.) Make questions using the "wh" words

1) Where __did you go______________ (you/go) to school?

2) When __did she arrive________________________ (she/arrive)?

3) Why __________________________ (he/eat) so much?.

4) What __________________________ (they/do) yesterday?.
5) Who __________________________ (you/meet) at the party?.
6) How __________________________ (she/come) to work this morning?.
7) Where __________________________ (I/leave) my glasses?.
8) When __________________________ he/get) home last night?.
9) What __________________________ (you/do) at the weekend?.
10) Why __________________________ (she/get) angry?.
11) Who __________________________ (they/talk) earlier?.
12) What __________________________ (we/do) last Christmas?.
13) Why __________________________ (it/rain) on my birthday?.
14) How __________________________ (she/finish) so quickly?.
15) Where __________________________ (he/go) after the class last week?.
16) What __________________________ (I/do) last Tuesday?.
17) When __________________________ (you/start) your job?.
18) How __________________________ (she/get) here?.
19) What __________________________ (he/do) last summer

Relative Pronouns
Los pronombres relativos

Utilizamos los pronombres relativos para referirnos a un sustantivo (una persona o una cosa)
mencionado antes y al que queremos agregar ms informacin o modificar. Los pronombres
relativos pueden referirse a algo o alguien en singular o plural. Algunos pronombres relativos se
pueden usar slo con personas, otros slo con cosas y algunos con ambos. A continuacin,
tienes una lista de los pronombres relativos.

Pronombre Persona Cosa

x x

which x

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

que / cual

que / quin

que / a quien

x x

Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)

El pronombre relativo se encuentra en lugar de un sustantivo. Este sustantivo suele

aparecer anteriormente en la oracin.


That es el pronombre relativo ms utilizado en ingls hablado, ya que se puede

utilizar tanto con personas como con cosas. Se utiliza para
sustituir which, who o whom en clusulas que definen el sustantivo.

This is the book that won the Pulitzer prize last year. (Este es el libro que gan el
Permio Pulizer el ao pasado.)

This is the restaurant that received the excellent reviews in the newspaper.(Este es
el restaurante que recibi excelentes crticas en el peridico.)


Which slo se puede utilizar con las cosas.

My new job, which I only started last week, is already very stressful. (Mi nuevo
trabajo, que acabo de empezar la semana pasada, ya es muy estresante.)

The house in which we lived in when we were children burnt down last week.(La
casa en la que vivamos cuando ramos nios se quem la semana pasada.)

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

Solo se puede utilizar who con personas.

My sister, who just moved in with me, is looking for a job. (Mi hermana, que se
acaba de mudar conmigo, est buscando un trabajo.)

I never met someone who didnt like music. (Nunca he conocido a alguien que no le
guste la msica.)


Whom se utiliza para hacer referencia al objeto indirecto del verbo, pero no lo
utilizamos mucho en ingls coloquial. Ms a menudo utilizamos who en vez
de whom.

The woman with whom I was talking to was my cousin. (La mujer con quin estaba
hablando era mi prima.)

This is Peter, whom I met at the party last week. (Este es Peter, a quien conoc en
la fiesta la semana pasada.)


El uso de whose indica posesin, tanto para las personas y las cosas.

That is the girl whose parents got divorced last year. (Esa es la chica cuyos padres
se divorciaron el ao pasado.)

Paul, whose wife just had a baby, will not be at work for a few weeks. (Paul, cuyo
esposa acaba de tener un beb, no ir a trabajar durante unas semanas.)

When and where, why

Estos adverbios relativos a veces se utilizan en lugar de un pronombre relativo para

hacer la frase ms fcil de entender. Estos adverbios se refieren a expresiones de
tiempo, lugares o motivos.


The university where I teach is an excellent school. (La universidad donde enseo

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
es una escuela excelente.)

Can you tell me when is the best time to call? (Puedes decirme cuando es la mejor
hora para llamar?)

Nota: Puede omitirse el pronombre relativo cuando es el objeto de la frase.

The exam [that] I took this morning wont be corrected and returned until next
week. (El examen que hice esta maana no se corregir ni se devolver hasta la
semana que viene.)

The woman [who] Im dating is a teacher. (La mujer con quien estoy saliendo es

Relative Clauses (Clusulas relativas)

Se utilizan los pronombres relativos para unir dos o ms clusulas, formando as lo

que llamamos clusulas relativas. Hay dos tipos de clusulas relativas: las que
aaden informacin adicional y aquellas que modifican (o definen) el sujeto de la

Non-defining Relative Clauses

Estas clusulas agregan informacin adicional. Se utilizan comas para separar la

clusula relativa del resto de la oracin. No se puede utilizar that en lugar
de which o who en este tipo de clusula.

My friend Tony, who is an excellent writer, is helping me with my English paper. (Mi
amigo Tony, quien es un escritor excelente, est ayundndome con mi estudio de

The report, which my boss asked me to write last week, still isnt finished. (El
informe, que mi jefe me pidi que escribiera la semana pasada, todava no est

Defining Relative Clauses

Estas clusulas definen el sustantivo e identifican a qu cosa o persona nos referimos.

No se usan comas con este tipo de clusula.

I wrote the report that you asked for. (Escrib el informe que me pidi.)

She never met the man who saved her fathers life. (Nunca conoci al hombre que
salv la vida de su padre.)

English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week
Nota: El significado de la frase cambia dependiendo de qu tipo de clusula relativa se

The employees who worked long hours completed their projects on time.(Los
empleados que trabajaban largas horas terminaron sus proyectos a tiempo.)
Nota: Slo los que trabajaron muchas horas terminaron los proyectos a tiempo.

The employees, who worked long hours, completed their projects on time. (Los
empleados, que trabajaron muchas horas, terminaron sus proyectos a
tiempo.) Nota: Todos los empleados terminaron los proyectos a tiempo.

i.) relative pronouns review:

Write the correct word or words necessary to combine the two sentences into a single
1. La seora es anciana. La seora compr una casa.

La seora ______ es anciana compr una casa.The lady _____ is old bought a

2. Tienes un reloj. El reloj es mo.

El reloj _______ tienes es mo.The watch ________ you have is mine.

3. Tengo el libro. Quieres el libro.

Yo tengo el libro_______ t quieres.I have the book _____ you want.

4. Escribo con una pluma. La pluma es roja.

La pluma con la ______ escribo es roja.The pen with ______ I am writing is red.

5. Ella cantaba una cancin. La cancin es de Madonna.

La cancin _______ ella cantaba es de Madonna.The song _______ she was

singing is by Madonna.

j.)Suggested writing exercise: Write ten sentences using all the various
relative pronouns discussed in the previous lessons.

Complete the sentences using relative pronouns:

1. George, ___________ father is a doctor, is a nice boy.

2. This is the animal ___________ John saw last week. (El relativo puede omitirse)

3. He is the boy ___________ broke the window.

4. I dont understand the reason ___________ he got so angry.

5. ___________ you say is false. I strongly disagree.


English Class III

Simple Past 1st to 6th Week

6. That is the school ___________ Andrew works.

7. Mary, ___________ was eighteen yesterday, is one of my best friends. (Nunca podra ser
THAT, porque THAT no se puede poner despus de coma. Es una regla).

8. The table, ___________ you broke yesterday, was bought by my grandmother. (Nunca
podra ser THAT, porque THAT no se puede poner despus de coma. Es una regla).

9. I dont understand ___________ you say. Could you repeat it?

10. That is the dog ___________ I told you yesterday. (El relativo puede omitirse)

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