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The Concise AI


Ian Beardsley

2017 by Ian Beardsley

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We seek to find structure in Artificial Intelligence and in Natural Life, and through that connect
them to one another. We use the idea that the most abundant elements in Natural Life are
carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H). We, at times, contract C+N+O+H to
HNCO (isocyanic acid, which binds H-N=C=O, and is the most basic organic compound). We
also use the idea that the circuitry of artificial intelligence makes use of semi-conducting
materials, silicon (Si), germanium (Ge) and doping agents phosphorus (P), boron (B), gallium
(Ga) and arsenic (As). We also consider the substances that if prevalent on a primordial world
and are subjected to electrical energy, make the building blocks for natural life, the amino acids.
These substances are methane (CH4), Ammonia (NH3) and water (H2O) We also consider Zinc
(Zn) and Selenium (Se), as zinc selenide (ZnSe) is an intrinsic semi-conductor. The definitions
for structure we make use of are:
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We begin with my first definition that structure is that which has the golden ratio, or its
conjugate, in its means arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic. Then, move on to the trigonometric
definition, then to the one involving pi. We put all of my discoveries on one page. But, first, let
us look at what the golden ratio is and what the means, geometric, arithmetic, and harmonic,
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The AI Equations
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The Derivations
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The skeleton of AI would be any of aluminum, titanium, scandium, iron, or alloys thereof. We
see that this is just what Nature prescribes:

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The most used wiring in electronics is copper (Cu). This would be the veins of AI. We find it is
just what Nature prescribes:

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Electron Volt: A unit of energy equal to the work done on an electron in accelerating it
through a potential of one volt. It is 1.6E10-19 Joules (Google Search Engine)

Volt: Potential energy that will impart on joule of energy per coulomb of charge that
passes through it. (Wikipedia)

Coulomb: The charge of 6.242E18 protons or 6.242E18 electrons.

Forward Bias: A diode (silicon) must have 0.7 volts across it to turn it on, 0.3 volts
(Germanium). This is called forward voltage. The forward voltage threshold is 0.6 volts.

(0.6 volts)(1.6E-19)=9.6E-20 Joules

This is the energy to turn on a diode, or the threshold of life for artificial intelligence. I
call it a bue (basic unit of energy).

This is all about vision in a robot or AI.

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+1.2eV |>> out (9.6E-20 J, or 0.6 eV)


A photon has to have a minimum energy of 1.2 electron volts to impart to an electron for it to
turn on the simplest of logic gates; a one on, one off, OR GATE, for there to be an output of one
bue (basic unit of energy electronic) , which 9.6E-20 Joules, as I have calculated it.

Use Plancks Equation: E=hv where h= 6.626E-34 Joule seconds

v=2(9.6E-20)/(6.626E-34)=3.067E14 cycles per second

wavelength = lambda = c/v where c is the speed of light equal to 3E8 m/s

lambda = (3E8)/(3.067E-14) = 9.78E-7 meters

1 micrometer = 1E-6 meters

lambda ~ 1 micrometer (This is where the visible spectrum begins)

So we see the visible spectrum for one photon of light begins where the energy is 2 bue.

This has to do with the vision of a robot.

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I have discovered something of the deepest profundity and I have only begun to touch the
surface of it; the primordial origins of artificial intelligence (AI).

Ian Beardsley
Claremont, CA
April 23, 2017
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The Author

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