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Department of Law, Criminal Division 310 Sty Suite 520, Anchorage, AK 9950! Phone: (907) 269-6300 Fax; (607) 269-6321 ‘Email: oemrtn oor won "1 12 13 14 18 16 | 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 JN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT ANCHORAGE STATE OF ALASKA, Plaintiff, vs, DEON DAMARR DANIELS. DOB: 12/03/1985 APSIN 1D: 7232628 DMV NO.: 7246431 AK ATN: 110235933. Defendant. No. 3AN-17-_ A114 CR (Deon Damarr Daniels) 3AN-16-1502 SW. 3AN-16-1515, SW 3AN-17-500 SW INDICTMENT: Tesi tie dabanent ms aches do wal conde CT iis oF Wg of sowie ole Ted AS IBGTAND oF sides business aes or lephane number ef Vein ve ies fo my offense ues om adess dey. place oF {ae ort ees leone nur a 4g en protecting aa dnlonore of the nkrmaton wis odsed bys os. “Thefling coms cee ncrineinyalvng DOMESTIC I Count L- A§ 11.66.110(a)(1) Sex Trafficking in the First Degree Deon Damarr Daniels - 001 Count I~ AS 11.66,110(a)(2) Sex Trafficking im the Fitst Degree Deon Damatr Daniels -- 002 Count IIT AS, 11.66.130(a)(3) Sex ‘Trafficking fn The'Third Degree Deon Damarr Daniels ~ 003 Count IV - AS.11.66.110(a)(2) Sex Trafficking In, The First Degree Deon Damatr Daniels - 006 Department of Law, Ctiminal & < : 2 $1 £ Phone: (907) 269-6300 Fax: (907) 269-6321 Email: lawanchoragedao(@alaska gov 2 Count V = AS.11.66.110(8)(1) Sex Trafficking In The First Degree 7 Debri Damatr Daniels -.007 4 Count VI- AS 11,66.110@)(1) 5 Sex Trafficking In The First Degree si Deon Damatr Daniels -008 7 g | THE GRAND JURY CHARGES: 7 COUNT FA ‘That in the Third Judi¢ial District, State of Alaska, between on or about January | 41 | 2012 and on.or about December 31, 2013, on divereoecasions, at or near Anchorage, jp [DEON DAMARR DANIELS indeced or eased M.B. to engage in prostitution through 4g [toe of ree [All of which is a class A felony offense being contrary to and in violation of AS 4 | 14 | 11.66.110(8)(1) and against the peace anid dignity of the Stnte-of Alaska, 15 7 COUNT fl: 7 ‘That in the Thitd Judicial District, State-of Alaska, between on or about January 16 11, 2012 and on or about December 31, 2013, on diverseoccasions, at or near Anchorage, 19 | DEON DAMARR DANIELS, as othiet than a patron of a prostitute, induced or caused 20 || MLB. (datesof birth; 3/25/1995), & person under 20 years of age to engage in prostitution. 2 All of which is an unclassified felony offense beiig contrary to and in violation 22 | of AS 11.66.1 10(@)(2) and against the poace and dignity of the State of Alaska. 23 ai COUNT I: 7 That in the. Thitd Judicial District, State of Alaska, on or about May, 2016, on. ap hiversencensions, at or near Anchorage, DEON DAMARR DANIELS with: intent to py (Promote prosttaion, as ther than 2 prostitute receiving compensation for personally fee Sie’ en Paar Dames Pogezefi Law, Criminal Division 1 520,Anchorage, AX 995 Phone: (907) 269-6300 Fax: (907) 269-6321 wanchoragedab@alaskagov Department o| 310K. RON rendered prostitution services, received. or agreed to receive money or other property pursuant to, an agreement or understanding that the money or other property was derived froni prostitution All of which is a class C felony offense being contrary to:and in violation of AS 11.66,130(a)(3) and against the peace and dignity of the State of Alaska, COUNT IV: ‘That in the Third Judicial Distiict, State-of Alaska, ketween on-or about. January |1, 2001 and‘on ar about December 31,2003, om diverstoccasions, at of near Anchorage, | DEON DAMARR DANIELS, as other than_a, patton of a prostitute, induced or caused MR. (date of birth:-2/10/1986), a person under 20 yeats of age to engage in prostitution. ‘All of which is ari unclassified felony offense being contrary to and in violation of AS 11.66,110(2)(2) and against the peace and dignity of the State of Alaska. COUNT V: ‘That in the Third Judicial District, State of Alaska, between on or about January £, 200! and on or about December 31, 2003, on diverseoceasions, at or near Anchorage, DEON DAMARR DANIELS induced or caused MAR. @ person to engage in prostitution through use of force, All of which is a class A felony offense being contraty to and in violation of AS 1.66.110(a)(1) and against the peace and dignity of the State of Alaska. COUNT VI: ‘That in, the Third Judicial District, State‘of Alaska, on.or about January 1, 2008, land on or about Devember 31, 2011, on diverseaceasions, at or near Anchorage, DEON DAMARR DANIELS induced or caused M.R. 8 person:to engage in prostitution through use of foree. All of which is a class A felony offense being contraty to and in violation of AS 11,68.) 10(a)(1) and against the peace and dignity of the-State of Alaska, || pnajerent ‘Ste Deo Denar Dowie Pope sof inal Divisi 520,Anchorage, AK 9950) Phone: (907) 268-6300 Fax: (907) 259-6321 ‘Email: Iawanchoragedao@alaska,gov, Department of Law, Crii 310KSi DATED this 24!.day’of May, 2017 at Anchorage; Alaska, Ate bill peeeaactt Grand Jury Foreperson Clinton M. Campion District Attomey Alaska Bar No. 0812105 WITNESSES EXAMINED BEFORE THE GRAND JURY: MB, MR. 8G. Investigator David DeCoeur rcs Sine eta Dom Dini Pope dof

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