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From the New Silk Road to Space:

LaRouches Economic Platform Concept

by Benjamin Deniston

Benjamin Deniston, a member of and wind power simply can not

Lyndon LaRouches Scientific Re- support the necessary advance of
search Team, concludes the Second humankind.)
Panel of the Schiller Institute Con-
ference of April 13-14 in New York. A New Concept of
Weve gone through a lot. I LaRouches science of physical
would like to take a few minutes to economics allows us to view the
step back and again review the New Silk Road and World Land-
New Silk Road and its expansion Bridge as a particular stage in the
into the World Land-Bridge, and larger process of human creative
re-examine all of it, and all its de- development.
tails, from the standpoint of Mr. A quick way to visualize this is
Lyndon LaRouches science of Benjamin Deniston to look at pictures of the Earth at
physical economics. night [Figure 1].
As my colleague Jason Ross discussed at the begin- As indicated by the locations of the lights, we can
ning of this panel, economics is not about money, and quickly see that much of the world population, and its
its not about market analysis, or goods production per economic activity and development, still resides near
se. Rather, youre looking at the science of how man- the coastsabout 40% living within 60 miles of a coast.
kind progresses in a completely unique way. Economic About 40% of the population lives within perhaps 10%
progress is a uniquely human characteristic. It is the ex- of the area of the continents. An interesting perspective.
pression of the absolute distinction of humankind from There are vast interior regions of continents with little or
animal species. Any animal species has a fixed ecology, no economic development and very low population den-
a fixed relation to its envi-
ronment, a fixed ecological Figure 1
characteristic. But human-
kind does not. Humankind
is characterized, in its most
fundamental essence, by
revolutionary transforma
tions and up-shifts in its re-
lation to the environment
transformations created by
humankind itself. (This is
why the decarbonization
and green energy fraud is so
dangerous. Carbon dioxide
isnt a problem, and solar

May 5, 2017 EIR Face Economic Reality 33

Figure 2
spoke about earlier. A syn-
The New Silk Road thetic platform for higher
levels of civilization. The
creation of higher-order
such synthetic platforms.

History of Human
Recognizing that most
peoples conception of in-
frastructure fell far short,
in 2010 Mr. LaRouche in-
troduced this concept of
the economic platform.
In his April 2010
paper, What Your Ac-
countant Never Under-
stood: The Secret Econ-
omy, Mr. LaRouche

sity. The interior regions that have been developed are We should then recognize that the development
most often associated with rivers, waterways, and rail- of basic economic infrastructure had always
linesbut well get into that shortly. been a needed creation of what is required as a
We see here the New Silk Road [Figure 2]cur- habitable development of a synthetic, rather
rently composed of six land routes plus the maritime than a presumably natural environment, for
componentwhich brings new densities of infrastruc- the enhancement, or even the possibility of
ture development right through many interior regions human life and practice at some time in the exis-
throughout Eurasia. Many of its routes penetrate tence of our human species. ...
through these landlocked, inland regions. Man as a creator in the likeness of the great
As envisioned by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, this Creator, is expressed by humanitys creation of
does more than simply connect existing population the artificial environments we sometimes call
centers. It also brings the potential for the development infrastructure, on which both the progress,
of interior regions in completely new ways. In effect, it and even the merely continued existence of civi-
enables these inland regions, these landlocked territo- lized society depends.
ries, to become as productive, or even more productive,
than the coastal regions have been historically. Mr. LaRouche went on to redefine the history of
This goes further with the full expansion of the New human development from the standpoint of a succes-
Silk Road into the LaRouches vision for the World sion of economic platforms.
Land-Bridge [Figure 3]. This will enable the full global
development of the interior continental regionscreat- Celestial Navigation to High-Speed Rail
ing the conditions for interior regions to become more Going way back, tens of thousands of years, we
productive, and more dense with population and eco- have ancient, prehistoric civilizations based on trans-
nomic activity, than the coastal regions have been. oceanic maritime culturestretching back into the last
To appreciate the principle behind this, requires a ice age, before the interglacial melt. In this early mari-
new conception of infrastructure, rooted in Mr. La- time economic platform, advanced civilizations rela-
Rouches science of economicsin particular, an un- tion to the natural worldmankinds ecological char-
derstanding of what infrastructure really means, as the acteristics, so to speakwas limited to certain coastal
synthetic, man-created environment that Jason Ross regions, and navigable rivers.

34 Face Economic Reality EIR May 5, 2017

Figure 3
The World Land-Bridge

And this relation wasnt simply based on the tech- the development of heat-powered machinery and en-
nologies of, for example, ship-makingit was ulti- gines.
mately based on a fundamental level of scientific dis- Regarding science, this economic platform is inti-
covery, and associated cultural development. This mately connected with the development of a new level
centered around the creation of advanced star-maps of of physical chemistry, based on the periodic table of
the night skyincluding understanding various cycles elements, and with the sciences of understanding heat,
of long-term motions. This required rather sophisti- energy, and thermodynamics.
cated levels of early scientific insight, to map ones po- All of this, again, was humankind creating a new,
sition in space and time from tiny changes in the star- higher-level synthetic environment, supporting new
map, projected back onto Earth. levels of population, living standards, and happiness.
This sky-map was the first infrastructure platform, And this takes us to the location of the New Silk
supporting a new stage of humankinds relation to the Road and the World Land-Bridge, in this context.
planetfreeing these cultures from a local existence Electrified, high-speed rail, especially magnetic
and enabling transoceanic civilization. levitation railwith air travel and highways playing a
The next great revolution was the development of subordinated roleis a higher platform, allowing man-
canal systems, linking major rivers into integrated sys- kind to conquer entire interior land-masses in a way not
tems of inland waterways. In European history, Char- possible before.
lemagne was the great pioneer of this program. This This does not involve transportation alone. New
enabled the development of inland regions in a com- power sources are an integral part of it, requiring nu-
pletely new way, with road systems adding supplemen- clear power for rising levels of energy-flux density, and
tary support. soon fusion power. It includes large-scale water sys-
Then we have the development of railroads, and es- tems, desalination, and weather control. The amazing
pecially transcontinental rail systems. Here the pio- Chinese South Water North project is an integral part
neering effort was led by the United States of John of this, and the new interest in the Transaqua program
Quincy Adams up through Abraham Lincolns great in Africa to refill Lake Chadcontinental water man-
transcontinental railroad. agement.
In effect, artificial rivers of iron and steel now Together with the associated communications, edu-
brought civilization deeper intoand acrossinland cation, and healthcare, the World Land-Bridge as a plat-
regions, in ways not possible before. form creates the next level of synthetic environment for
Regarding technologies, that step was enabled by the growth and progress of humankind.

May 5, 2017 EIR Face Economic Reality 35

the most characteristic feature of
mankind. It is a change no animal
species could ever accomplish.
Humankind isnt defined by
any particular platform or technol-
ogy or culture, but only by the abil-
ity to continually self-create higher
levels for humankind.

The Next Great Challenge

Therefore, the World Land-
Bridge isnt an end in itself, but an-
Illustration of space-launch device using Scramjet style space plane. other step in the ongoing process of
maglev propulsion in a vacuum tube. mankinds endless progress. And we
must look to the next steps to come
after, which are in space. We should
expect to go on to develop a plat-
form of human economic activity in
the Earth-Moon system. To go
beyond visiting and exploring the
Solar System, to actually begin real
human economic development of
the Solar System, beginning with
the Moon, and looking towards
University of Wisconsin, Fusion Technology Center NASA
We envision developing the in-
Illustration of Helium-3 being mined on Illustration of development on the Moon. frastructure to support making
the Moon. travel in the Solar system as easy as
travel now on Earth. Fusion propul-
Its level of science is that broadly associated with sion can reduce travel times to Mars from months to
the fundamental discoveries of Albert Einstein and Max weeksor perhaps to mere days. Reusable scramjet-
Planckthe understanding of quantum and nuclear style space planes, or space-launch devices using
processes, electromagnetism, and space-time. maglev propulsion in vacuum tubes, could vastly reduc-
So we see the New Silk Road and the World Land- ing the cost of travel into Earth orbit. A next step is to
Bridge not simply as infrastructure, as most tend to develop resources on other planetary bodies, rather than
understand infrastructure today, but as the next stage in having to take everything with us from Earth. For ex-
the natural development of mankind as a uniquely cre- ample, to mine Helium-3perhaps the best fusion
ative force, mankind as a creator. fuelon the Moon, and develop basic infrastructure on
Returning to the pedagogical distinction of human- the Moon and other planetary bodies.
kind from the animals, each of these shifts is like an These define some broad categories. Coming out of
evolutionary species transitiona revolutionary trans- our work on the Silk Road, we should be thinking about
formation of humankinds ecological characteristics, or the future next steps, when we can look forward to
its relation to the natural world. transforming mans relation to space, in the same way
But for humankind this transformation is not bio- we are transforming our relation to the interiors of con-
logical or physiological, as it is for animal evolution tinents.
it is based upon humankinds unique capability for cre- We should recognize that only this process of con-
ative scientific discovery and cultural advance, the tinual, successive developmentin which every gen-
unique characteristics of what makes mankind man- eration is engaged in new, revolutionary challenges
kind. It is this type of revolutionary advance which is can make us satisfied with our human existence.

36 Face Economic Reality EIR May 5, 2017

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