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Steady and Unsteady State Two-Phase

Flow Through Vertical Flow Strings


T. L. Gould and M. R. Tek, Member AIME, U. of Michigan

.. .,,-,.
~ ~Opyrlghl lYLU

American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for the Second Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir
Performance of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME,to be held in Dallas, Tex., Feb. 5-6,
1970. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations
may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom
the paper is presented. Publication elsewhere after publication in the JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM
TECHNOLOGY or the SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS JOURNAL is usually granted upon request to the
Editor of the appropriate journal provided agreement to give proper credit is made.

Discussion of this paper is invited. Three copies of any discussion should be sent to the
Society of Petroleum Engineers office. Such discussion may be presented at the above meeting and,
with the paper, may be considered for publication in one of the two SPE magazines.


A numerical simulation for vertical The occurrence of two-phase flow in

multiphase systems has been developed, vertical flow systems is common to many
based on the original concepts presented engineering applications. Problems
by J. Orkiszewski. The rather marked ranging from oil field technology to
variability for different flow regimes boiler design, from nuclear reactors to
in a given well and the simultaneous fluidized beds, from special heat ex-
co-existence of these various regimes changers to thermosiphon reboilers
at different depths are properly frequently encounter conditions of multi
accounted for in the interative calcu- phase flow.
lation of the pressure distributions.
The method features the most reliable The main problem of engineering
and proven correlations available for interest in vertical two-phase flow may
each of the flow regimes encountered. be defined as follows: Knowing the
A programmed data package in support physical properties of each phase,
of the above correlations is described. geometry of the flow system and condi-
tions prevailing at one terminus to
The concept of Lifting Potential predict the pressure distribution along
introduced in an earlier paper has been the pipe.
programmed, permitting applications in
a variety of multiphase flow problems. The literature available on vertical
These include both steady and unsteady two-phase flow includes a large variety
state applications. In general, the of correlations, analytical and empirics
applications involve the study of head- methods developed for prediction of
ing, loading, unloading, and energy losses as well as the flow
dying of gas wells subject to liquid regimes. (l,2,3,4, 5r6,7t8t9,10tll~12 Ilsr
production, as well as different well 14,15) It is significant to note that
engineering and design optimization the references quoted above belong to
problems encountered in gas-lift and two notably different schools of thought
c~nden~a~e pr-duc5-QP.. mL-,
L-Ile fiESL
*-.-- Of -----
$:Luup pdp=LSI refererlces 1

through 7, correlate friction losses by

References and illustrations at end. a unique energy loss factor without any
particular regard to slippage. The

second group, references 8 through 15, Equation (1) relates the in-situ value
include the effect of slippage or of the pressure gradient to its two
hold-up on the pressure distribution major com~onents, namely, the hold-up
along with thermodynamic considerations gradient P Z and friction gradient T .
of energy balance. The effect 9c of acceleration gradien { ,
usually a minor one, has been put in
In considering mathematical modelin~ the form of a correction factor in the
of two-phase flow systems, one notes that denominator. The form of Eq. 1 suggests
numerical simulation would be particular- that the mathematical modeling would
ly useful. The reason for this is due involve a correction for each flow
to the large number of correlations regime at each location for both the
offered for various flow regimes and the mixture density and friction gradients.
iiversity of various flow regimes which
nay be present. The simultaneous occur- The Pressure Drop Algorithm
rence of various flow regimes along
~ifferent levels of a given flow system The common and fundamental aspect
nakes the numerical simulation not only of practically all two-phase flow design
.. ~u~ almost imperative
-.. -...
with or =-- nerfnrmanc~
----------- ~p.~~ys~s mrohlem.s
r--------- ilI-
respect to practical limitations on volves step by step calculation of the
tedious longhand trial and error calcu- pressure drop. The usual sequence of
lations. Moreover, numerical modeling calculations starts at the wellhead and
is particularly well suited to such proceeds incrementally down hole, cal-
;>roblems as initial design and economic culating in-situ properties, checking
optimization. the flow regime,and determining the
hold-up,friction and total pressure
Recognizing the value of proved gradients every step of the way. The
~orrelations for each flow regime which details, sequence and logic of the
nay occur, the authors developed a algorithm are given in Fig. 1 which
~eneral algorithm incorporating the in- depicts the bottom hole pressure calcu-
tu detection of prevailing flow lation as the SUBROUTINE BHP. It
regimes and the prediction of correspond- may be noted that the pressure drops
ing pressure drops by finite difference are not calculated explicitly but
techniques. The specific description of rather preset, permitting the calcula-
the developed algorithm, its evaluation tion of the incremental pipe length
based on field data, and its application over which that pressure drop is occur-
to steady and unsteady state problems ring. This approach permits the flexi-
are included in this paper. Of particu- bility of pre-determining the extent of
lar interest is the concept Qf Lifting the Dressure
~.__._ drop so that the mixture
Potential introduced earlier (8) , which density does indeed represent the con-
uses the capability of the pressure drop ditions prevailing over the considered
model in relating the performance of the increment to any desired degree of
two-phase flow system to the character- accuracy. The iterative cycle indicated
istic gas rate entering the system. The on Fig. 1 permits the repeated calcula-
need for reliable and general flow tions of AD. increments until the
regime detection and analysis of stabil running sum: ? AD, equals or exceeds
ity modes of two-phase flow systems i~l 1
subject to unsteady state operation are the total verticai depth. A direct
also discussed. accounting of pressures therefore yields
the bottom hole pressure desired. The
VERTICAL TWO-PHASE FLOW MODEL subroutine REGCHK determines the
+=;- b.
-fi~val .+inmc
~- ~~ lu~~~ f~~ ~

Mathematical description of pressur( and Tf for each of the five possible

drops occurring in two-phase flow system: flow regimes. These are:
usually starts with the consideration of
thermodynamic energy balance. As shown 1. Mist flow
by many authors previously (15),the 2. Transition
energy balance can be rearranged and cast 3. slug flow
into finite difference form to express tk 4. Bubble flow
?ressure drop occurring over an incremen- 5. Single-phase flow.
tal pipe length as follows:

r (1)
1 UU.L.
The physical
il.+= &u=s.A.--
vanl~+~=ii ---
and other
...- calmllatinns
------------- ~r~

Yc ADi provided by a generalized data package
Api = &
1- wtqG/4637A P2 ~A~ consisting of the following functions:
1. Surface tension Figure 3 maps out areas correspond-
2. Critical temperature ing to various flow regimes encountered
3. Critical pressure in vertical two-phase flow. The solid
4. Viscosity of the gas lines correspond to flow regime correla-
5. Viscosity of water tions recommended by Orkiszewski (15)
6. Viscosity of oil and based in part on Duns and Ros (14)
7. Viscosity of dead-oil and in part on the work of Griffith and
Moody friction factor Wallis (9). The practical experience
;: Solution gas ratio the authors had in areas of widely rang-
10. Formation volume factor ing applications suggests that the flow
11. Bubble rise velocity regime map can be logically extended to
12. Z-factor. delineate additional areas of vertical
two-phase flow. These extensions,
The algorithm described above has however, are speculative and are pre-
the ad(litional capability to include 3- sented in the form of dotted lines. It
phase pressure drop calculations when is hoped that in the near future with
two immiscible liquid phases are flowin more data the location of these lines
simultaneously with the gas phase. The will be finalized.
prediction of bottom hole pressure by
this algorithm is found to be accurate UNSTEADY STATE EFFECTS
within 10%.
Unsteady state effects are observe<
The Lifting Potential Algorithm in two-phase flow when wells are subject
to loading, unloading, heading,
The Lifting Potential was defined or dying. When conditions are chang-
(8) as the quantity of liquid that can ing gradually but somewhat continuously
be potentially lifted for a given well with time, the use of correlations
geometry, pressure distribution and gas originally developed from steady state
throughput. In an earlier paper (8) it data for two-phase flow was suggested
was pointed out that the lifting poten- in an earlier paper. (8) The computa-
tial relates the characteristics of two tional and field experience on these
phase flow in the well to the mechanics unsteady state problems have shown that
of flow through adjacent porous media. one can indeed take into account the
In applications on wells producing variation of lifting potential with
single phase liquids lifted to surface time through a succession of steady
by injected gas, the lifting potential states.
relates the two-phase flow above injec-
tion point to the available gas rate at APPLICATIONS
the point of injection.
Whether a well is producing gas,
Figure 2 presents the logical flow oil, or condensate it may be subject to
diagram for the mainline program two-phase vertical flow according to
developed for the calculation of the the place and condition of entry of each
lifting potentials. The mainline pro- phase into the production tubing. Some
gram calls on SUBROUTINE BHP, tests wells are subject to two-phase flow at
the calculated bottom hole pressure vs the bottom, while others may be pro-
the specified value and modifies g ducing undersaturated crude at the
by Regula-Falsi convergence metho . bottom with gas evolving out of solutio]
some distance from the bottom. In wells
A typical calculation of a lifting producing by gas-lift, the flow is
potential value involving roughly 20 usually single-phase at the bottom but
depth increments and 5 iterations for two-phase above the point where the gas
convergence takes 2 to 3 seconds is injected. Specific designs encoun-
~~lFT CPU time on an IBM 360/67 system. tered in bottom hole completions and the
diversity of the manner in which two or
FLOW REGIMES even three-phase flows occur are quite
numerous. For the scope and intent of
It can be seen from the preceding applications entertained in this paper,
that the pressure drop and lifting however, the well considered will con-
potential calculations critically depen sist of a single zone completion with no
upon reliable detection of the flow packer separating the casing-tubing
regimes prevailing at each step. annulus from the sand-face.
PT. FT.(3W ~TRT~! SPE-2804

Effect of Casinq-Tubing Annulus on the steady-state but unstable mode of

Performance of a Well operation. Any perturbation causing
the operating point to move either to
The performance of a well subject to the right or left of point D can be
two-phase flow may be described in terms shown to cause further displacement of
of its general time dependent behavior the original perturbation. If the
and its mode of stability with respect operating point starts at A, it can be
to perturbations imposed upon operating seen by similar considerations that the
conditions. Figure 4 represents a formation produces more than the well
typical lifting potential curve inter- can lift, the difference accumulating
secting the line giving g as a in the annulus, thereby increasing the
function of bottom hole p~!?$ure. The bottom hole pressure and causing the
significance of this figure is perhaps point A to move toward C. In this case
best appreciated by observing the mean- the well is said to be loading up
ing of points indicated as A, B, C, D, until steady state conditions are even-
E, and F. Of these, the points C and D tually reached. If the bottom hole
at the intersection of the two curves pressure is such that one begins to
represent steady-state operation. When operate at point F with a dry annulus,
the rate of production into the well is the operation is steady state but
exactly equal to the lifting potential stable indeterminate. Ifa perturba-
of the well the system operates at tion moves the operating point around
steady state. In addition, consideration F on the line CD, the operating point
of stability suggests that the point C neither returns to F nor does it move
represents metastable mode of opera- farther away.
tion. If the system operating at point
C is perturbed so that the bottom hole With bottom hole pressure at p
pressure moves to pc,at the left of p starting with a wet annulus, the 5P:::-
to a small extent, the lifting abill$y tion starts at point B, the well
at C becomes less than the actual rate unloading more than the rate of pro-
of production (C) into the well bore. duction from the formation. As soon
This would indeed cause accumulation of as the liquid level in the annulus
liquid in the casing-tubing annulus begins to drop, so does the bottom hole
which would soon reflect in an increase pressure causing the point B to move
of bottom hole pressure causing the toward C. If the annulus becomes dry
point C to move back toward C. If, on sometime during this process then the
the other hand, a similar perturbation operating point would immediately and
moves the operating point C to the vertically shift to the corresponding
right, two possible cases must be con- position on the line CD, the produc-
sidered. If there eXiStS s~rne Iiuuid
~_-_. tivity curve.
already present in the annulus, the
operating point becomes CIV where the It is believed that, when the liftin~
well begins to lift at a rate more than potential curve is at least nearly
the flow incoming from the formation. tangent to the productivity line, under
This is surely a stabilizing effect sine certain conditions, perturbations may
the depletion of the liquid in the set up fluctuations of increasing ampli-
annulus would soon reflect in a decrease tude and definite periodicity until
in bottom hole pressure causing the instabilities are encountered which leac
point CIV to move back to ~fal~~gt~e to dying. This is called heading.
lifting potential curve.
other hand, at the time of t;e pertur- It can clearly be seen from the fore-
bation the annulus was dr , then the going that any operating point right of
point C would move to C ll; where the D is unsteady and unstable and leads
lifting potential is greater than pro- to dying at point E. Table I sum-
duction into the well bore. Under this marizes the stability of two-phase
condition there would be no accumulation operations as affected by the condition
into or depletion from the annulus and of casing-tubing annulus at the start,
accordingly there would be no induced and also indicating the point at which
effect ~ return the operating point the system would be wound-up at the
from C1 f back to C. Because of this, end.
the mode of operation at C is called

By a similar analysis one can con-

clude that point D represents also a
. ----
5PE-ZUU4 T. L. GOULD ~d M. R. TEK c

Gas-Lift = average temperature of gas

injection line, R abs.
The gas-lift is a pumping technique
whereby the liquid production into the = the average Z factor on gas
well bore is lifted to the surface by s = 0.0375 gDi , dimensionless
induced two-phase flow due to injection z
of gas into the producing string. papers AV AV
articles, and books on gas-lift, details % = injection depth, ft.
of design features, performance char- f = Moody friction factor,
acteristics and other data are available dimensionless
in the literature. (17,18) The appli-
cation of the lifting potential concept = injection pressure, psia
to design and economic optimization of = p~~~~lu~~ ~~ ~~.~ ~Qp of -..
y a.
gas-lift systems will be entertained ~s
injection line, psia
IleLel. It may be
--. ._-,
appruprlace -L
at this
point to recall that the lifting poten- = gas injection rate, MCF/day
tial concept was proposed as the con-
necting link between the performance of
=..--- f~~w in ~~~ w~~~ ~Q~~ ~~~ Figure 5 shows the effect of diameter
producing capability of the formation on lifting potential and formation pro-
adjacent to it. (8) ductivity for gas-lift wells. It must
be noted that the lifting potential curve
If the well is producing its own are presented here vs the injection
gas to lift the liquid production, it pressure and not the bottom hole pressure
has been shown that the lifting capabil- The bottom hole pressure can, however,
ity depends critically on the gas be readily calculated from the injection
producing capability of the formation. pressure using single phase flow equa-
This gas producing capability is usually tions and the characteristics of the flow
related to the back pressure behavior system below the injection point. The
of the formation tested at the field lifting potential curve for each diameter
and expressed by the back pressure has a distinct maximum and two zeros.
equation: The lower zero corresponds to too little
overall pressure drop available between
n the injection point and the surface
qG = Cp(pfz - PB2) (2) gathering line pressure. The other zero
is due to having too small an injection
where qG is the bottom hole gas produc- gas rate due to high pressure at injec-
tion ra e, pf is the static formation tion point. Additionally it can be seen
and pB is the flowing bQttQrn.b-QIe that as one ~oes from 2-1~2 inches to
pressure. The coefficient c is called 3, 4, and 6 inches in two-phase tubing
the performance coefficient while (n) diameter, the entire lifting potential
is the slope of the back pressure curve curves become spectacularly larger and
determined by Isochronal Testing (19). higher. Too large a diameter d, however,
results also in zero liftinq potential
If the well is a single-phase liquidldue 0 00 little
_. ._ momentum ir>nsfer from
producer at the bottom but subject to the gas to liquid. The apparent kink on
artificially induced gas lift, then its some of the lifting potential curves is
.,..-,. ~~ ~y,e A1l
GLelllell ...-&..--
LaL lla Cl ---
nrclng performance above the point of LuLe of LJ. VW

injection becomes a function of the regime predictions.

availability of gas at the injection
point. If the compressor discharge Figure 6 shows the effect of injectio
pressure available at the surface is pS depth on lifting potentials plotted vs
then the rate of eras injection mav be the injection pressure. The oblique line
computed from the-follo~ing equation. (2o intersecting the lifting Potential curves
like those in Fig. 5 indicates the true
d5/f (esp: - p$N~ liquid productivity of the well as a
1 function of p While the curves
qG=~ 2 (3)
-1 0.000667 T;V ZAV clearly show t~~~ lifting potential curve
1 11 ecome larger for shallower injection
epths, the gas injection rate becomes
In Eq.L (3), d is the inside diameter
of gas injection tubing in inches; also increasingly higher at shallower
[ epths. Since the compression horse-
power varies linearly with the rate of
gas but only logarithmically with the
compression ratio the above set of > = depth, ft.
>urves must be considered along with !D = increment of depth, ft.
compression and other aspects before = injection depth, ft.
:rue optimization of gas-lift can be
cealized. F = Moody friction factor, dimensionless

CONCLUSIONS gravity of the gas

The major conclusions resulting gravity of the liquid

from this work may be summarized as
follows: 2
acceleration of gravity, ft/sec

1. The mathematical modeling and gravitational constant2= 32.17 ft x

~urn.ericalsimulation in vertical two- lh(mass\/lh(force)
-- \-----,, - . r
(S~C )
Phase flow is shown to provide practical
reliable and effective results, useful height of standing liquid from the
LP. e..=.b..----..-J c+lldie.s
- ------ ~~~ec&e~ &ow~~d ~Q&~Q~,, ft.
design or performance analysis of wells.
slope of the back pressure curve
2. The concept of Lifting Poten-
tial originally developed for gas wells absolute pressure, psia
subject to liquid production or accumu-
lation at the bottom is equally useful bottom hole pressure, psia
and applicable in gas-lifting of oil
wells. = calculated bottom hole pressure,
3. Unsteady state behavior exhibite
in loading, unloading, heading, or Pf = formation pressure, psia
dying of gas or oil wells is better
understood and analyzed in terms of the = injection pressure, psia
lifting potential.
P5 = gas line pressure at surface, psia
4. The modes of stability of two-
phase flow operation may be related to pT = top hole pressure of the tubing,psi[
the observed performance through the
concept of lifting potential. Ap = pressure drop, psi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT PI = productivity index, bbls/day x psi

The authors wish to acknowledge the = lifting potential, bbls/day

support, guidance and encouragement they LIFT
received from Prof. D. L. Katz and the = liquid production rate of
Michigan Gas Association for the researc LBOT
formation, bbls/day
work which resulted in this paper. The
work was part of the M.G.A. Research = gas rate, MCF/day
Program for the year 1968-69.
time, minutes
temperature, Rabs
A= cross sectional area, sq. ft.
total mass flow rate, lb(mass)\sec
A= area of the pipe, sq. ft.
P compressibility factor, dimensionle!
performance coefficient, MCF/day x
CP = (Th. psia2)n liquid density, lb(mass)/cu.ft.

d= diameter of flow string, inches average density, lb(mass)/cu.ft.

dc = diameter of casing, inches friction loss gradient, lb(force)/

df = diameter of tubing below injection
point, inches surface tension, lb(mass)/sec2

ds = diameter of injection tubing, inch~

SPE-2804 T. L. GOULD and M. R. TEK 7

15. Orkiszewski, J. ; Predicting Two-
1. Baxendell, P.B. : The Calculation of Phase Pressure Drop in Vertical
Pressure Gradients in High Rate Flow. Pipe, Jr. Pet. Tech. (June 1967)
ing Wells, Jr. Pet. Tech. (Oct. 829.
1961) 1023. 16. Carnahan, B .,Luther, H.A. , and
2. Fancher, G.H. ,Jr. and Brown, K.E.; Wilkes, J.O.; Applied Numerical
Prediction of Pressure Gradients Methods, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ,
for Multiphase Flow in Tubing, Sot. New York, 1969.
Pet. Eng. Jr. (March 1963) 59. 17. Brown, K.; Gas Lift Theory and
3. Gaither. O.D., Winkler, H.W. and Practice, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Kirkpatrick, C.F. ; Single and Two- Cliffs, New Jersey, 1967.
Phase Fluid Flow in Small Vertical 18. Handbook of Gas Lift, Garrett Oil
Conduits Including Annular Config- Tools , Longview, Texas, 1959.
urations, Jr. Pet. Tech. (March 19. Cullender, M.H. ; The Isochronal
1963) 308. Performance Method of Determining
4. Govier, G.W. and Short, W.L. ; The the Flow Characteristics of Gas
Upward Vertical Flow of Air-Water Wells, Trans. AIME, (1955) 204,137
Mixtures, The Canadian Jr. Chem. 20. Smith, R.V.; Determining Friction
Eng. (Oct. 1958) 36, 195. Factors for Measuring Productivity
5. Hagedorn, A.R. and Brown, K.E.; The of Gas Wells, Trans. AIME (1950)
Effect of Liquid Viscosity in Verti- 189:73.
cal Two-Phase Flow,:: Jr. Pet. Tech.
(Feb. 1964) 203. APPENDIX
6. Poettmann, F.H. and Carpenter, P.G. ;
The Multiphase Flow of Gas, Oil and Exam~le Problem
Water Through Vertical Flow Strings
with Application to the Gas-Lift IUI oil well is producing 40 deg.
Installations, Drill. & Prod. Prac. A.P.I. crude using 0.60 gravity gas in
API (1952) 257. a gas lift operation. A saddle string
7. Tek, M.R.; Multiphase Flow of Water 1-1/2 inches in diameter is used to
Oil and Natural Gas Through Vertical inject the gas into 4 inch tubing at a
Flow Strings, Jr. Pet. Tech. (Oct. depth of 3000 feet. The perforations
1961) 1029. are located at a depth of 3500 feet and
8. Tek, M.R., Gould, T.L., and Katz, there is no packer between the casing
D.L. ; Steady and Unsteady-State and tubing. The well is opened to a
Lifting Performance of Gas Wells gathering line pressure of 200 psia with
Unloading Produced or Accumulated a saddle string pressure of 600 psia at
Liquids, SPE-2552, 44th Annual Fall the top. When the well is initially
Meeting of SPE, Denver, Colorado, opened, the liquid level in the casing-
September 1969. tubing annulus is 820 feet from the
9. Griffith, P. and Wallis, G.B. ; Two- bottom and the reservoir formation
Phase Siug Fiow,~ J. i-ieakTransfer, p~e~SUL~
..- i= ~~~~ ~~i~.

Trans. ASME (Aug. 1961) 307-320.

,0. Hughmark, G.A. ; Holdup in Gas The operator wishes to unload the
Liquid Flow, Chem. Eng. (April 1962 accumulated oil from the annulus using
58, 62. the gas supplied by the saddle string,
.1. Hughmark, G.A. and Pressburg, B.S. ; assuming no gas production from the
Holdup and Pressure Drop with Gas- formation. How much will the liquid
Liquid Flow in a Vertical Pipe, level change and how long will it be
AIChE Jour. (Dec. 1961) 7, 677. before the system reaches steady state
.2. Moore, T.V. and Wilde, H.D.; Experi for the following conditions:
mental Measurements of Slippage in
Flow Through Vertical Tubes, Petr. a) The annulus pressure is such that the
Dev. and Tech. , AIME (Oct. 1930) 92, initial bottom hole pressure is 800
296. psia corresponding to an injection
,3. Moore, T.V. and Schilthuis, R.J. ; pressure of 620 psia for an oil well
Calculation of Pressure Drops in PI = 10 bbls/day x psi.
Flowing Wells, Petr. Dev. and Tech.
AIME (1933) 103, 170. b) The same as part (a) except for an
.4. Duns, H., Jr. and Ros, N.C.J.; oil well PI = 0.0 bbls/day x psi
Vertical Flow of Gas and Liquid (formation cemented off).
Mixtures from Boreholes, Proc.
Sixth World Pet. Congress, Frankfort
(June 19-26, 1963) Section II, Paper
-. ... ,....
.- -..A...-...,
-T..n- .-R a,-.
CAL JfJJUW bllS~LX U@ arn-deuq

c) The annulus pressure is such that The computed results are shown in
the initial bottom hole pressure is Fig. A-1 for At = 2 min.
478.8 psia corresponding to an
injection pressure of 300 psia for a) The effect of two different casing
an oil well PI = 10 bbls/day x psi. diameters is shown. The steady
state results are, however, the same,
Solution After a period of 50 min. the liquid
level has stabilized at h = 360 ft.
The solution to this problem is These results correspond to the
based on the lifting potential curve typical unloading case.
given in Fig. 5 for d = 4 inches. Havin<
the lifting potential and bottom hole b) If liquid production by the formatiol
liquid production available, the liquid is halted, PI = 0.0, then the
level can be found incrementally over results show that the annulus can be
small time steps by: completely unloaded in 30 min. for
~~ irldi ~a~irlq arid ~~ ~L~~L. +=fiwQ

(LIFT - LBOT ) At inch I.D. casing.

Ah = (A-1)
where h is measured from the bottom, ft. c) An injection pressure of 300 psia is
to the left of the stable steady
A= area of the annulus, sq. ft. state point for this case. Thus ,
(h = 500 ft.) the well will begin to load up until
= annulus area-saddle string it reaches this stable steady state
area, sq. ft. (h>500 ft.) point. The results show that this
point is reached in 40 min. at
At = time increment, min. h = 1250 ft.

Table 1 - Mode of operations on

tw~-phase vertical flow.

Condition Condition
of annulus of annulus
Start (initiaij End -

P=PA Dry (no Wet(liq.

liq. leg) +C leg)
pt. A Wet(liq. More liq.
(Fig. 4) [ leg) +C leg

( Dry +C Dry
p=pc c
i Wet +C Wet

p=pF F Dry +F Dry

P=PF B Wet + Between Dry or

F and C wet

,Dry + Anywhere Dry

P=PD D D and C
or E Wet
Wet + Anywhere Dry or wet
D and C
or E Wet





i F



T N3:.17FPTH

Eq. I



2 - The lifting potential


RETURN algorithm.

Fig. 1 - The pressure irop algorithm.

Mist Flow


---- Proposed

10- I

Fig. 3 Flow regime map including

proposed extensions.
pT =200PSI0
d=6 PS =600 L)SIO

8000 D, =3000ft
Me!o - 5toble Unstobte d~ = 11/2
PI =10 Bbls/Dayx PSI

7000 Note q~l~T=OOfor DIA=8

/ LA

2 3000

I 00 o

Pc, Pcm PF 0
400 500 600 700 800
200 300

Fig. 4 . Analysis Of Sta-bj.liiy

Fig. 5 - The effect of diameter on i%fting
potential and formation productivity.

pS =600PsIa
5000 dS = I 1/2 inches
d = 41nCheS
PI=10 BbM3wxPsl
4000 (D-D1)=500ft
D1 :4000
g 3000


300 350 400 450

550 600 650 700

Fig. 6 - The effect of injection

depth on lifting potential.
I P,= 2ooma (
dc= 10 Inches
1600 4000 PI: IO Bbls/Doy X PSI
PF= 1000psla
D1: 3500ft D1=3000ft
d =4tnches hO:820ft
1400 PINJ =300pslo 3000
1200 8 ; 200 0 -
.DqxPsI %
10 t=dc
1000 ; 100 o

c- 0
. v m
Cii 0. 0----
/0 dc GNJ

-i PI=/ooD~s, 2
/ g -20 oo-


200 ,Pr=oo = -30 00

L._.&+ -4000~~ 60
10 20 310 o

Fig. A-1 - Solution to problem Fig. A-2 - Solution to problem

in Appendix. in Appendix.

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