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Quick, Easy, Accurate, Meaningful:

What a Viscosity
Should Be
here are a variety of ways to indicated by decreasing viscosity values.
Figure 1/Ford Dip Cup
measure the viscosity of provided by Paul N. Gard- But there is also a time dependency with
architectural paints: Efflux ner Company, Inc. these fluids; they tend to rebuild their vis-
cups, Krebs Viscometer with cosity, but not always to their original vis-
paddle spindle, Rotational cosity value, when the shearing action
Viscometer with disk spindle or stops. This recovery is a desired character-
cone/plate. All have their advantages and istic to help with continued minimal flow
disadvantages. The best measurement and leveling when the paint brush stops
procedure ultimately will be one that pro- applying the paint. Both rheological char-
vides a reliable, pass/fail method that lab acteristics are important. A single test
technicians and plant personnel can do that can provide a handle on this range of
quickly and easily. This article will briefly desired information may be the best mea-
summarize the viscosity test methods used surement technique.
by industry (which, in many cases, are all
required) and provide information on a Measurement Capabilities
proposed two-point test that may give a and Limitations
clear pass/fail QC measurement. The following is an overview of the capa-
In a busy QC lab, or out on the produc- bilities and limitations of some typical
tion floor in a manufacturing plant, a paint lab viscosity measurements.
quick and easy measurement is usually
desirable. However, like most things that Efflux Cups
are quick and easy, that may be all you Figure 1 depicts a Ford Dip Cup, and the
get not enough detail, only a go/no following points are characteristic of
go number. A goal for the meaningful Efflux cups in general.
viscosity measurement of paint is to get Quick and easy to set up and run.
data that not only tells you if the paint is Potential variability between viscosity
ok, but also qualifies how the paint will readings because temperature isnt con-
perform during application, i.e., a test trolled.
that is not too time consuming or over- Measurements are subjective based on
whelming. the operators perception of start and
Rheogram testing (shear rate ramps) does provide stop time.
useful information about the fluids shear depen- No information about rheological properties
dence. But, by now, we all have come to the realiza- means no real comparison to performance criteria of
tion that paints are, by design, shear thinning. That the paint.
is, the more they are worked, the thinner they get, as Can be time consuming to clean.

By Diane M. Beltran, Technical Sales Specialist/Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Middleboro, MA

Reprinted with permission from the August 2005 issue of Paint & Coatings Industry magazine
Krebs Viscometer Obtain only assumed information about rheolog-
A Krebs viscometer is shown in Figure 2. The limita- ical behavior of the paint, because even though the
tions and capabilities of this measurement technique speed can be varied information cant be directly
are noted below. compared to application and performance criteria.
Similar advantages and disadvantages to the Efflux Shear rate cant be quantified in the universal term
cups. Older-model Krebs viscometers require you to of reciprocal seconds (sec -1).
perform calculations. High shear rates, brushing for example, cannot be
Temperature control during the measurement is attained in the 10,000 sec -1 to 13,000 sec 1 region.
extremely difficult and, with digital instruments,
impractical. Proposed Two-Point Test
No rheological properties can be determined because So what can be advocated that wont require a lengthy
of the unique paddle spindle, Krebs unit of measure, and test time, difficult set up and use, manual calculations,
single speed, so the measured value has little to say about but also provide good temperature control, easy
the performance criteria of the paint. robust use and minimal clean up? A possible test
method would be a two-step shear measurement uti-
Controlled-Rate Viscometers: Disk Spindles lizing shear rates that differ significantly, typically
A disk spindle is shown in Figure 3. Capabilities and more than an order of magnitude.
limitations are indicated as follows. A recent innovation in the industry is the modifica-
Relatively easy to set up and run. tion of the ICI Cone/Plate Viscometer to have variable-
Sample volume is comparatively large (at least 400 speed drive and integrated temperature control built
mL beaker). into the sample plate (Figure 4). This type of instru-
Temperature control can be accomplished, but ment measures over a broad range of shear rates to
rarely is done. include the high shear rate (10,000 sec 1) character-
Clean up can be time consuming. istic of applying paint.

Figure 2/Brookfield KU-2 Viscometer for Figure 3/Brookfield DV-II+ Pro Rotational Figure 4/Brookfield CAP2000+ Cone/Plate
measuring viscosity in Krebs Units. Viscometer for measuring viscosity of sam- Viscometer for measuring viscosity using
ples in a beaker with standard spindles. quick, two-point test method.
Quick, Easy, Accurate, Meaningful: What a Viscosity Measurement Should Be

homogenous paint. These are not definitive answers

Figure 5/Quick, two-point viscosity test on two different paint samples utilizing
two shear rates.
by any means, but illustrate the kinds of questions and
interpretations that can be raised while making a sim-
ple measurement.
This two-shear step with wait-time method is an
indicative measure of a paints true performance: it
simulates how the paint is being applied with a paint
brush and then tests at a relatively lower shear to see
how the viscosity of the paint recovers from being
sheared. The inclusion of a wait-time interval of 15
seconds is mostly pragmatic: it provides enough time
for an operator using the viscometer to input the next
lower shear rate. Remember, the goal was to find a
method that would provide viscosity information and
be easy for the operator to perform.

Cone/Plate Viscometer
Here then, is an overview of a variable-shear
cone/plate viscometer and the features that make it a
good choice for measurements of paints by multiple
operators over multiple shifts.
Easy to set up and operate.
Very simple, quick measurement method.
Better potential reproducibility between operators
because variables are controlled:
Figure 5 is a graph showing viscosity information - Temperature: built-in temperature control
on two blue paint samples. One is a satin-finish acrylic through a Pelletier Plate;
latex paint, and the other is a premium eggshell finish. - No operator interpretation of readings; viscosity
Both are commercially available paints and are manu- is always calculated and displayed;
factured by the same company. The paints were tested - Built in timers with hold times for testing;
using a Brookfield CAP2000+L Cone/Plate Viscome- Overall test time is shorter due to low sample vol-
ter running at two different shear rates and a wait ume (<1mL), so time spent waiting for the sample to
time at each speed before the data is recorded. be conditioned at a target temperature is minimized.
What can be seen is that both paints appear to have Low sample volume means clean up is very quick
a similar initial viscosity value when being sheared at and easy; high-polish carbide plate lets the operator
12,000 sec-1. The difference in the premium paint ver- know when the measuring surface is clean; the
sus the regular paint is that the premium paint seems cone can be cleaned on the viscometer.
to be increasing in viscosity over time at the lower Rheological properties of viscosity versus shear can
shear rate of 667 sec -1, while the regular paint seems be evaluated; variable-shear-rate capability from 10
to level out. It isnt necessarily the difference in viscos- sec-1 to 12,000 sec1 is sufficiently broad for most
ity between the paints at the end of an elapsed time of applications.
120 seconds of low shear that is the only revealing When considering the options for testing paint vis-
piece of information. It is the rate of the increase in cosity, a cone/plate viscometer is a suitable choice to
measured viscosity that may be useful to the paint replace other test methods for use in the QA and pro-
tester. If the paint measured too high of a viscosity too duction environments. The two-shear test method
quickly, perhaps the paint had been under-mixed, with wait time provides a template for understanding
volatiles had come off during preparation, or the pre- the paint viscosity analysis in a way that is not cum-
mix condition wasnt correct. Another possibility is bersome or overwhelming, but still is revealing. 
that running at 12,000 sec-1 erases any thixotropy
issues, and the fluid recovers too quickly. If the paint For further information, contact Diane Beltran, Brookfield Engineering
measures too thin (too low in viscosity), perhaps the Laboratories, Inc., Middleboro, MA, 508/946.6200 x171; e-mail
fluid was unevenly mixed and not representative of a

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