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Absolute consciousness and relative consciousness absolute consciousness is

unconsciousness of its own consciousness, it is totality of all existences

incapable of manifesting thro itself madame Blavatsky

The universe is within space and time - theosophy

Rules of solar system is the deity

Samadhi means the I expericiences oneness with all

Spirit (or consciousness) and matter are the two polar aspects of the Ultimate Reality. These

two with the interplay between them comprise a trinity from which proceed innumerable

universes, which come and go in an endless cycle of manifestation and dissolution, all being

expressions of that Reality.

There are many solar systems of which ours is one. Every Solar System is an orderly scheme governed
by laws of nature that reflect transcendental intelligence. "Deity is Law", said H.P. Blavatsky. The visible
planets of the solar system are its densest parts; it also contains invisible worlds of exceedingly tenuous
matter interpenetrating the physical. The entire system is the scene of a great scheme of evoluti0n

The life of the Supreme Being, permeating every atom of the universe, and being partially expressed in
the multiplicity of the mineral, vegetable, animal and human forms that fill the world, is slowly evolving
these to manifest in an ever increasing measure their potentialities through increasingly complex forms.

The soul is the germ of divine life immersed in matter - an individualized portion of the universal
consciousness. Through long periods of time it slowly evolved before it reached the human stage.
Consciousness is involved in matter and is evolving through its association with matter. Inseparable
companions, they are but two aspects of one thing - of the one reality. A center of consciousness
working in matter builds a form about itself; at the earlier stages more and more complex forms. But
the matter referred to is not always visible matter - matter that is known to the physical senses. Even in
physical matter, we have grades which are invisible and intangible, like the air and these gradations of
rarer and rarer matter continue far beyond the point.

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