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Continuum Mechanics

Chapter 2
Kinematics: Motion
C. Agelet de Saracibar
ETS Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politcnica de Catalua (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain
Motion > Contents

1. Continuum Mechanics
2. Deformation map
3. Material and spatial descriptions
4. Displacement vector field
5. Velocity vector field
6. Acceleration vector field
7. Stationary field
8. Uniform velocity vector field
9. Trajectories
10. Streamlines
11. Material and spatial domains
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 2
Motion > Continuum Mechanics

Continuum Mechanics
Continuum Body
Materials, such as solids or fluids (liquids or gases), are made of
atoms, which may be grouped in molecules separated by empty
space. Therefore, on a microscopic scale, materials are not

However, on a macroscopic scale, a length-scale much greater

than that of inter-atomic distances, materials may be modeled as
a continuum body, assuming that the matter is continuously
distributed and fills the entire region of space it occupies,
ignoring the discontinuities existing on a microscopic scale.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 3

Motion > Continuum Mechanics

Continuum Mechanics
Continuum Mechanics
Continuum mechanics is a powerful and effective tool to
succesfully describe macroscopic systems using a continuum
approach. Such an approach leads to the continuum theory.

A continuum body, denoted by B , is viewed as a continuous me-

dium, having a continuous (or at least a piecewise continuous)
distribution of matter in space and time. It may be imagined as
being a composition of a (continuous) set of particles (or
material points), represented by P B .

A continuum body is determined by macroscopic quantities

which may be described by continuous functions with continuous
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 4
Motion > Continuum Mechanics

Continuum Mechanics
Continuum Mechanics
Continuum mechanics includes the following key ingredients:
 Kinematics: Motion and deformations of a continuum body
 Stresses: Forces, stresses
 Balance laws: Fundamental laws of physics governing the
motion of a continuum body which are valid for any material
 Constitutive equations: Material characterization of a conti-
nuum body

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 5

Motion > Deformation Map

Let us consider a continuum body B with particle P B , which
is embedded in the three-dimensional Euclidean space at a given
time t.

We introduce a reference frame of rectangular coordinate axes

at a fixed origin O with right-handed orthonormal basis vectors
ea , a = 1, 2,3
x3 ,


x2 ,

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 6
Motion > Deformation Map

As the continuum body B moves in space along the time it
occupies a continuous sequence of geometrical regions denoted
as configurations 0 ,, t , which are uniquely determined at
any time t.

Any particle P B , at any time t, corresponds to a so-called

geometrical point having a position in the configuration t.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 7

Motion > Deformation Map

Reference Configuration
The geometrical region 0 with the position of a typical point X
corresponds to a fixed reference time and is denoted as
reference (or material or undeformed) configuration of the
body B .

The point X corresponds to the position occupied by the particle

P B at the reference time. The particle P may be identified
by the position vector (or material or referential position) X of
the point X relative to the fixed origin O.

It is often convenient to call X as the material point X associated

with the particle P B at the fixed reference time.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 8

Motion > Deformation Map

Initial Configuration
A geometrical region at initial time t=0 is referred to as the
initial configuration.

We agree subsequently that the initial configuration coincides

with the reference configuration, hence, we will assume that the
reference time is t=0.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 9

Motion > Deformation Map

Current Configuration
The geometrical region t with the position of a typical point x
corresponds to the current time t>0 and is denoted as current
(or spatial or deformed) configuration of the body B .

The point x corresponds to the position occupied by the particle

P B at the current time t>0. The position vector (or spatial or
current position) x relative to the fixed origin O can be used as a
label for the associated point x.

It is often convenient to call x as the spatial point x associated

with the particle P B at the current time t>0.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 10

Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
Reference or Material Configuration
Current or Spatial Configuration
time t = 0 time t

X x
0 Abstract Configuration

Material Map X 3 , x3 Spatial Map
e 3
X = 0 (P ) , P = 01 ( X ) x = (P, t ) , P = 1 ( x, t )
e 2 X 2 , x2
Inverse Deformation Map e 1 Deformation Map
X 1 , x1
X = 0 ( 1
( x, t ) ) = ( x, t )
x = ( 01 ( X ) , t ) = ( X, t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 11
Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
Material Map
A particle P may be identified by the position vector (or material
or referential position) of the point X relative to the fixed origin
O, denoted as X , through the one-to-one material map,

X = 0 (P ) , P = 01 ( X )

Spatial Map
A particle P may be identified by the position vector (or spatial
or current position) of the point x relative to the fixed origin O,
denoted as x, through the one-to-one spatial map,

x = (P, t ) , P = 1 ( x, t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 12

Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
Deformation Map
The composition of the spatial map and the inverse of the
material map, yields the one-to-one deformation map defining
the equation of motion given by,

x = ( 01 ( X ) , t ) = ( X, t )

Inverse Deformation Map

The composition of the material map and the inverse of the
spatial map, yields the one-to-one inverse deformation map
defining the inverse of the equation of motion given by,

X = 0 ( 1 ( x, t ) ) = 1 ( x, t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 13

Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
Material Coordinates
The vector position of a material point, denoted as X, may be
written as a linear combination of the orthonormal basis vectors
e1 , e 2 , e3 , i.e., the Cartesian basis, such that,

X = X 1e1 + X 2e2 + X 3e3 = X Ae A

where the components X 1 , X 2 , X 3 are denoted as material
Using matrix notation, the vector of material coordinates,
denoted as [ X ] , takes the form,
[ X] = [ X1 X2 X3]
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 14
Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
Spatial Coordinates
The vector position of a spatial point, denoted as x , may be
written as a linear combination of the orthonormal basis vectors
e1 , e 2 , e3 , i.e., the Cartesian basis, such that,

x = x1e1 + x2e 2 + x3e3 = xa e a

where the components x1 , x2 , x3 are denoted as spatial
Using matrix notation, the vector of spatial coordinates,
denoted as [ x ] , takes the form,
[ x] = [ x1 x2 x3 ]
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 15
Motion > Deformation Map

Material Differential Operators

Material Nabla, Laplacian and Hessian
The material nabla vector differential operator, denoted as , is
defined as,

= A=1,3 eA = eA
The material laplacian scalar differential operator, denoted as ,
is defined as,
= =
X A2
The material hessian symmetric second-order tensor differential
operator is defined as,
= e A eB
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 16
Motion > Deformation Map

Material Differential Operators

Material Divergence, Curl and Gradient
The material divergence differential operator DIV () is defined
DIV ( i ) = ( i ) = eA
The material curl differential operator CURL () is defined as,
( i)
CURL ( i ) = ( i ) = e A
The material gradient differential operator GRAD () is defined
(i) ( i)
GRAD ( i ) = ( i ) = eA = (i) = eA
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 17
Motion > Deformation Map

Spatial Differential Operators

Spatial Nabla, Laplacian and Hessian
The spatial nabla vector differential operator, denoted as , is
defined as,

= a =1,3 ea = ea
xa xa
The spatial laplacian scalar differential operator, denoted as ,
is defined as,
= = 2
The spatial hessian symmetric second-order tensor differential
operator is defined as,
= e a eb
xa xb
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 18
Motion > Deformation Map

Spatial Differential Operators

Spatial Divergence, Curl and Gradient
The spatial divergence differential operator div () is defined as,
( i)
div ( i ) = ( i ) = ea
The spatial curl differential operator curl () is defined as,
( i)
curl ( i ) = ( i ) = ea
The spatial gradient differential operator grad () is defined as,
(i) ( i)
grad ( i ) = ( i ) = ea = ( i ) = ea
xa xa
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 19
Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
Reference or Material Configuration
Current or Spatial Configuration
time t = 0 time t

X x
0 Abstract Configuration

Material Map X 3 , x3 Spatial Map
e 3
X = 0 (P ) , P = 01 ( X ) x = (P, t ) , P = 1 ( x, t )
e 2 X 2 , x2
Inverse Deformation Map e 1 Deformation Map
X 1 , x1
X = 0 ( 1
( x, t ) ) = ( x, t )
x = ( 01 ( X ) , t ) = ( X, t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 20
Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
Deformation Map
The deformation map x = ( X,t ) has to satisfy the following
1. Continuous with continuous derivatives up to the required
continuity degree
2. Consistency condition, i.e. taking t=0 as reference time,
X = ( X, 0 )
3. One-to-one map, i.e. there exists the inverse of the deforma-
tion map,
X = 1 ( x,t )
4. Positive Jacobian, i.e. positive differential of volume,
J := det GRAD ( X, t ) > 0
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 21
Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
Reference or Material Configuration
Current or Spatial Configuration
time t = 0 time t

dV x dv
0 0 Abstract Configuration t

X B x
X 3 , x3
Inverse Differential Volume Map Differential Volume Map
e 3
dV = J 1dv dv = J dV
e 2 X 2 , x2
Inverse Density Map e 1 Density Map
X 1 , x1
0 = J = J 1 0
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 22
Motion > Deformation Map

Deformation Map
The jacobian of the deformation map is a positive real value and
takes the form,

J := det GRAD ( X, t ) > 0

The following relation holds,
dv = J dV

Note that at the reference time for t=0,

dv = J dV = dV J =1

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 23

Motion > Material and Spatial Descriptions

Material and Spatial Descriptions

Material Description
Using a material description, any arbitrary property (of any
tensorial order) involved in the description of a continuum body,
is mathematically described as a function of the material points
(or material vector positions) X and time t, i.e.,
= ( X,t )
Spatial Description
Using a spatial description, any arbitrary property (of any
tensorial order) involved in the description of a continuum body,
is mathematically described as a function of the spatial points
(or spatial vector positions) x and time t, i.e.,
= ( x,t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 24
Motion > Material and Spatial Descriptions

Material and Spatial Descriptions

Material Description
The material description of an arbitrary property (of any
tensorial order) provides the time-evolution of the property for a
given particle or material point X and is typically used in solid
= ( X,t )
Spatial Description
The spatial description of an arbitrary property (of any
tensorial order) provides the time-evolution of the property at a
fixed spatial point x and is typically used in fluid mechanics.
= ( x,t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 25

Motion > Material and Spatial Descriptions

Material and Spatial Descriptions

Material and Spatial Descriptions
Giving the material description of an arbitrary property = ( X,t )
and the inverse of the motion equation X = 1 ( x,t ) , the spatial
description of the property reads,

= ( X, t ) = ( 1 ( x, t ) , t ) = ( x, t )
Giving the spatial description of an arbitrary property = ( x,t )
and the motion equation x = ( X,t ) , the material description of
the property reads,

= ( x, t ) = ( ( X, t ) , t ) = ( X, t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 26

Motion > Material and Spatial Descriptions

Material and Spatial Time Derivatives

Material Time Derivative
Giving the material description of an arbitrary property, = ( X,t )
the material time derivative of the property is given by,

d ( X, t ) ( X, t )
 = = =
dt t X

Spatial Time Derivative

Giving the spatial description of an arbitrary property, = ( x,t )
the spatial (or local) time derivative of the property is given by,

( x, t ) ( x, t )
= =
t t x t
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 27
Motion > Displacement Vector Field

Displacement Vector Field

Reference or Material Configuration
Current or Spatial Configuration
time t = 0 time t

X x
u = xX t

X x
X 3 , x3
e 3

e 2 X 2 , x2
e 1
X 1 , x1

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 28

Motion > Displacement Vector Field

Displacement Vector Field

Displacement Vector Field
The displacement vector field, denoted as u , is defined as the
difference between the spatial and material vector positions,
u = xX
The material description of the displacement vector field takes
the form,
u = U ( X, t ) = ( X, t ) X
The spatial description of the displacement vector field takes the
u = u ( x, t ) = x 1 ( x, t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 29

Motion > Velocity Vector Field

Velocity Vector Field

Velocity Vector Field
The velocity vector field, denoted as v , is defined as the time
variation of the spatial vector position,
The material description of the velocity vector field takes the
( X, t )
v = V ( X, t ) =
The spatial description of the velocity vector field takes the
v = V ( 1 ( x, t ) , t ) = v ( x, t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 30
Motion > Acceleration Vector Field

Acceleration Vector Field

Acceleration Vector Field
The acceleration vector field, denoted as a , is defined as the
second time derivative of the spatial vector position,
d dx dv
a= =
dt dt dt
The material description of the acceleration vector field takes
the form,
2 ( X, t ) V ( X, t )
a = A ( X, t ) = 2
t t
The spatial description of the acceleration vector field takes the
a = A ( 1 ( x, t ) , t ) = a ( x, t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 31
Motion > Acceleration Vector Field

Material Time Derivative

Material Time Derivative
Given the spatial description of an arbitrary property, = ( x, t ) ,
the material time derivative of the property can be written as,
d d ( x ( t ) , t ) ( x, t ) ( x, t ) dxa ( t )
 = = = +
dt t t xa dt
d d ( x ( t ) , t ) ( x, t )
 = = = + ( grad ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t )
dt t t 
Convective time derivative

The material time derivative of an arbitrary property given in

spatial description may be written as the sum of its spatial (or
local) time derivative and its convective time derivative.
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 32
Motion > Acceleration Vector Field

Convective Time Derivative

Convective Time Derivative
The convective time derivative of an arbitrary property given in
spatial description, = ( x, t ) , may be defined as the difference
between its material time derivative and its spatial (or local)
time derivative, yielding,
( x, t ) d ( x, t )
( grad ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t ) =  t = dt t

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 33

Motion > Acceleration Vector Field

Acceleration Vector Field

Acceleration Vector Field
The acceleration vector field may be also defined as the material
time derivative of the velocity vector field.
Using a material description for the velocity vector field, the
material description of the acceleration vector field takes the
dv V ( X, t )
a= = = A ( X, t )
dt t
dva Va ( X, t )
aa = = = Aa ( X, t )
dt t

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 34

Motion > Acceleration Vector Field

Acceleration Vector Field

Acceleration Vector Field
The acceleration vector field may be also defined as the material
time derivative of the velocity vector field.
Using a spatial description for the velocity vector field, the
spatial description of the acceleration vector field takes the
dv dv ( x, t ) v ( x, t )
a= = = + ( grad v ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t ) = a ( x, t )
dt dt t
dva dva ( x, t ) va ( x, t )
aa = = = + ( grad va ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t )
dt dt t
va ( x, t )
= + va ,b ( x, t ) vb ( x, t ) = aa ( x, t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 35
Motion > Kinematics of Deformation

Kinematics of Deformation
Material Time Derivative
Displacement Vector
Giving the spatial description of an arbitrary property, Field
the material time derivative of the property can be written as,

U ( X, t ) = ( X, t ) X, u ( x, t ) = x 1 ( x, t )
Velocity Vector Field
( X, t )
V ( X, t ) = , v ( x, t ) = V ( 1 ( x, t ) , t )
Acceleration Vector Field
V ( X, t )
A ( X, t ) = , a ( x, t ) = A ( 1 ( x, t ) , t )
v ( x, t )
= + ( grad v ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 36
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.1
Assignment 2.1
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of the
velocity field is,

vx ( x, t ) = x z, v y ( x, t ) = z ( et + et ) , vz ( x, t ) = 0
Compute the acceleration at the fixed spatial point with
Cartesian coordinates (1,1,1) at time t=2.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 37

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.1
Assignment 2.1
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of the
velocity field is,

vx ( x, t ) = x z, v y ( x, t ) = z ( et + et ) , vz ( x, t ) = 0
Compute the acceleration at the fixed spatial point with
Cartesian coordinates (1,1,1) at time t=2.

The spatial description of the acceleration vector field can be

directly computed from the spatial description of the velocity
vector field,
v ( x, t )
a ( x, t ) = + ( grad v ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 38
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.1
The Cartesian components of the acceleration vector field in
spatial description are given by,
vx ( x, t )
ax ( x, t ) = + ( grad vx ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t )
v y ( x, t )
a y ( x, t ) = + ( grad v y ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t )
vz ( x, t )
az ( x, t ) = + ( grad vz ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 39

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.1
The Cartesian components of the spatial (or local) time
derivative of the velocity in spatial description are given by,

vx ( x, t )
v y ( x, t )
= z ( et e t )
vz ( x, t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 40

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.1
The Cartesian components of the spatial gradient of each one of
the components of the velocity vector field in spatial description
take the form,
grad vx ( x, t ) = [1 0 1]
grad v y ( x, t ) = 0 0 e + e t t

grad vz ( x, t ) = [ 0 0 0]
( grad v ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t ) = x z

( grad v ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t ) = 0

( grad v ( x, t ) ) v ( x, t ) = 0
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 41
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.1
The Cartesian components of the acceleration vector field in
spatial description are given by,
ax ( x, t ) = x z
a y ( x, t ) = z ( et et )
az ( x, t ) = 0
The Cartesian components of the acceleration vector field at the
spatial point with Cartesian coordinates (1,1,1), at time t=2, are
given by,
ax ( x, t ) = 0
a y ( x, t ) = e2 e 2
az ( x, t ) = 0
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 42
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.2
Assignment 2.2 [Classwork]
The Cartesian components of the canonical form of a motion
equation, i.e. deformation map, are given by,

x ( X, t ) = Xet , y ( X, t ) = Yet , z ( X, t ) = Z + Xt

1) Compute the acceleration vector field at the fixed spatial

point with Cartesian coordinates (1,1,1).
2) Compute the acceleration vector field at the fixed material
point with Cartesian coordinates (1,1,1).
3) Compute the rate of change of the velocity vector field per
unit of time at the fixed spatial point with Cartesian
coordinates (1,1,1).

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 43

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.2
Assignment 2.2 [Classwork]
The Cartesian components of the canonical form of a motion
equation, i.e. deformation map, are given by,

x ( X, t ) = Xet , y ( X, t ) = Yet , z ( X, t ) = Z + Xt

The Cartesian components of the velocity vector field in mate-

rial description are given by,
Vx ( X, t ) = Xet , Vy ( X, t ) = Yet , Vz ( X, t ) = X
and, using the (inverse) motion equations, in spatial description
are given by,
vx ( x, t ) = x, v y ( x, t ) = y, vz ( x, t ) = xet
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 44
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.2
The Cartesian components of the acceleration vector field in
material description are given by,
Ax ( X, t ) = Xet , Ay ( X, t ) = Yet , Az ( X, t ) = 0
and, using the (inverse) motion equations, in spatial description
are given by,
ax ( x, t ) = x, a y ( x, t ) = y, az ( x, t ) = 0
The Cartesian components of the spatial (or local ) time
derivative of the velocity vector field in spatial description are
given by,
vx ( x, t ) v y ( x, t ) vz ( x, t )
= 0, = 0, = xet
t t t
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 45
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.2
The Cartesian components of the acceleration vector field at the
fixed spatial point x* with Cartesian coordinates (1,1,1) are,
ax ( x*, t ) = 1, a y ( x*, t ) = 1, az ( x*, t ) = 0
The Cartesian components of the acceleration vector field at the
fixed material point X* with Cartesian coordinates (1,1,1) are,
Ax ( X*, t ) = et , Ay ( X*, t ) = et , Az ( X*, t ) = 0
The Cartesian components of the rate of change of the velocity
vector field per unit of time at the fixed spatial point x* with
Cartesian coordinates (1,1,1) are,
vx ( x*, t ) v y ( x*, t ) vz ( x*, t )
= 0, = 0, = e t
t t t
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 46
Motion > Stationary Field

Stationary Field
Stationary Field
An arbitrary property given in spatial description as = ( x,t )
is said to be stationary if and only if the following condition is

( x, t )
= = 0 = ( x)
t t
If an arbitrary property is stationary, its material time derivative
does not needs to be stationary and, in general, will be different
than zero,
d ( x )
 = = + ( grad ( x ) ) v ( x, t ) 0
dt t
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 47
Motion > Stationary Field

Stationary Velocity Vector Field

Stationary Velocity Vector Field
The velocity vector field is said to be stationary if and only if the
following condition is satisfied,

v v ( x, t )
= = 0 v = v ( x)
t t
If the velocity vector field is stationary, the acceleration vector
field has to be also stationary, but, in general, different than
zero. Note that the opposite is not true.

v ( x )
a ( x) = + ( grad v ( x ) ) v ( x ) = ( grad v ( x ) ) v ( x ) 0
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 48
Motion > Uniform Velocity Vector Field

Uniform Velocity Vector Field

Uniform Velocity Vector Field
A velocity vector field is said to be uniform if and only if the
following condition is satisfied,

v = v ( x, t ) = v ( t ) x t
If the velocity vector field is uniform, the acceleration vector
field has to be also uniform, but, in general, different than zero.
Note that the opposite is not true.
v ( t ) v ( t )
a (t ) = + ( grad v ( t ) ) v ( t ) = 0
t t

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 49

Motion > Trajectories

The motion equation provides the sequence of spatial positions
occupied for any particle at any time, defining a time-parame-
trized family of curves denoted as trajectories (or path lines).

Reference or Material Configuration

Current or Spatial Configuration
time t = 0 time t
0 t
X 3 , x3

e 3 x
e 2 X 2 , x2
e 1 x ( t ) = ( X, t ) X
X 1 , x1

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 50

Motion > Trajectories

Differential Equation of the Trajectories

Differential Equation of the Trajectories
A trajectory can be described in differential form by means of
the spatial velocity vector field, through the following set of
differential equations,
dx ( t )
= v ( x (t ) , t )
Integrating the set of differential equations yields,
x = ( C,t )
where C is a vector of integration constants with Cartesian
components given by,
[C] = [C1 C2 C3 ]
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 51
Motion > Trajectories

Differential Equation of the Trajectories

Imposing the consistency condition, taking t=0 as reference
time, yields,
X = ( C, 0 )
Then, the vector of integration constants can be expressed in
terms of the vector of material points, yielding,
C = 1 ( X, 0 )
Then, the canonical form of the motion equation reads,

x = ( C, t ) = ( 1 ( X, 0 ) , t ) = ( X, t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 52

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.3
Assignment 2.3
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of the
velocity vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = y, v y ( x, t ) = , vz ( x, t ) = z
1+ t
Compute the canonical form of the trajectories.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 53

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.3
Assignment 2.3
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of the
velocity vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = y, v y ( x, t ) = , vz ( x, t ) = z
1+ t
The Cartesian components of the differential equation of motion
dx dy y dz
= vx ( x, t ) = y, = v y ( x, t ) = , = vz ( x, t ) = z
dt dt 1+ t dt

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 54

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.3
Integrating the differential equations yields,
dy y dy dt y
= = log = log (1 + t )
dt 1 + t y 1+ t C2
y = C2 (1 + t )
dx 1
= y = C2 (1 + t ) x = C1 + C2t + C2t 2
dt 2
dz dz z
=z = dt log = t z = C3et
dt z C3

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 55

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.3
Integrating, the motion equations read,
x = C1 + C2t + C2t 2 , y = C2 (1 + t ) , z = C3et
Imposing the consistency condition, taking t=0 as reference
time, yields,
C1 = X , C2 = Y , C3 = Z
The Cartesian components of the canonical form of the
equation of motion reads,
1 2
x = X + Yt + Yt , y = Y (1 + t ) , z = Zet

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 56

Motion > Streamlines

The streamlines are a time-dependent family of spatial curves
which at any time t are the envelope of the spatial velocity vector
field, i.e. the velocity vector field is tangent to the streamlines at
any spatial point, at any time t.

Current or Spatial Configuration

time t

x ( ) v ( x,t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 57

Motion > Streamlines

Differential Equation of the Streamlines

Differential Equation of the Streamlines
The differential equation of the streamlines may be obtained
imposing the condition that the spatial vector velocity field
v ( x ( ) ,t ) is tangent to the streamlines x ( ). The parameter of
the stramlines, denoted as , is chosen such that the velocity is
equal to the tangent to the streamlines, yielding,
dx ( )
= v (x ( ) ,t )
Integrating the differential equations, collecting the integration
constants in vector form, yields the equation of the streamlines,
x = ( C, ,t )
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 58
Motion > Streamlines

Streamlines for a Stationary Motion

Streamlines for a Stationary Motion
If the velocity vector field is stationary the streamlines are
stationary and coincide with the trajectories.
If the velocity vector field is stationary, the trajectories and
streamlines have the same differential equations, yielding,

dx ( t ) dx ( )
= v ( x (t )) = v ( x ( ))
dt d
x = ( C, t ) x = ( C, )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 59

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.4
Assignment 2.4
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of the
velocity vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = y, v y ( x, t ) = , vz ( x, t ) = z
1+ t
Obtain the equation of the streamlines.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 60

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.4
Assignment 2.4
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of the
velocity vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = y, v y ( x, t ) = , vz ( x, t ) = z
1+ t
The Cartesian components of the differential equation of the
streamlines take the form,
dx dy y dz
= vx ( x, t ) = y, = v y ( x, t ) = , = vz ( x, t ) = z
d d 1+ t d

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 61

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.4
Integrating the differential equations yields,

dy y dy d y
= = log = y = C2 e1+t
d 1+ t y 1+ t C2 1 + t

= y = C2e1+t x = C1 + C2 (1 + t ) e1+t
dz dz z
=z = d log = z = C3e
d z C3
The Cartesian components of the streamlines read,

x = C1 + C2 (1 + t ) e1+t , y = C2 e1+t , z = C3e

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 62

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.5
Assignment 2.5 [Classwork]
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of a
stationary velocity vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = y, v y ( x, t ) = y, vz ( x, t ) = z

Obtain the canonical form of the trajectories and the equation of

the streamlines.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 63

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.5
Assignment 2.5 [Classwork]
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of a
stationary velocity vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = y, v y ( x, t ) = y, vz ( x, t ) = z

As the velocity vector field is stationary the trajectories and

streamlines are the same curves.
The Cartesian components of the differential equations of the
trajectories take the form,
dx dy dz
= vx ( x, t ) = y, = v y ( x, t ) = y, = vz ( x, t ) = z
dt dt dt

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 64

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.5
Integrating the differential equations yields,
dy dy y
=y = dt log =t y = C2et
dt y C2
= y = C2et x = C1 + C2 et
dz dz z
=z = dt log = t z = C3et
dt z C3
and the Cartesian components of the trajectories take the form,

x = C1 + C2 et , y = C2 et , z = C3et

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 65

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.5
Imposing the consistency condition, taking t=0 as reference time,
C1 + C2 = X , C2 = Y , C3 = Z
C1 = X Y , C2 = Y , C3 = Z
and the Cartesian components of the canonical form of the
trajectories take the form,

x = X + Y ( et 1) , y = Yet , z = Zet

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 66

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.5
As the velocity vector field is stationary, the streamlines do not
need to be integrated and can be obtained directly substituting
the time t by in the expression of the trajectories (written in
terms of the integration constants, i.e. before having used the
consistency condition), yielding,

x = C1 + C2e , y = C2 e , z = C3e

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 67

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.6
Assignment 2.6 [Classwork]
The Cartesian components of the streamlines are given by,

x = C1et , y = C2et , z = C3e2 t

where the parameter is such that the velocity satisfies the
dx ( )
= v (x ( ) ,t )
Obtain the canonical form of the trajectories, taking t=0 as
reference time.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 68

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.6
Assignment 2.6 [Classwork]
The Cartesian components of the streamlines are given by,

x = C1et , y = C2et , z = C3e2 t

As a first step we will compute the spatial description of the
velocity. Using the differential equation of the streamlines
dx t dy t dz
= C1te = vx , = C2te = v y , = 2C3te2 t = vz
d d d
Using the equations of the streamlines, the components of the
spatial description of the velocity read,
vx = xt , v y = yt , vz = 2 zt
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 69
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.6
The Cartesian components of the differential motion equation
dx dy dz
= vx ( x, t ) = xt , = v y ( x, t ) = yt , = vz ( x, t ) = 2 zt
dt dt dt
Integrating the differential equations yields,
dx dx x 1 2 t2 2
= xt = tdt log = t x = C1e
dt x C1 2
dy dy y 1 2 t2 2
= yt = tdt log = t y = C2 e
dt y C2 2
dz dz z t2
= 2 zt = 2tdt log = t2 z = C3e
dt z C3
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 70
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.6
The Cartesian components of the motion equation read,
t2 2 t2 2 t2
x = C1e , y = C2e , z = C3e

Imposing the consistency condition at reference time t=0 yields,

C1 = X , C2 = Y , C3 = Z
The Cartesian components of the canonical form of the motion
equation reads,
t2 2 t2 2 t2
x = Xe , y = Ye , z = Ze

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 71

Motion > Material and Spatial Domains

Material Surface
Material Surface
A material surface is defined by the different positions occupied
in the space by the particles that at the reference time were on a
given surface.
The material description of a material surface may be written
S = {X | F ( X ) = 0}
where the time-independency of the material function guaran-
tees that the particles satisfying this equation are always the
same ones, for any time t.
Note that,
F ( X, t )
F ( X, t ) = F ( X ) =0
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 72
Motion > Material and Spatial Domains

Material Surface
Material Surface
The spatial description of the function may be obtained using
the inverse motion equation yielding,
F ( X ) = F ( 1 ( x, t ) ) = f ( x, t )
F ( X ) df ( x, t )
= =0
t dt
The spatial description of a material surface may be written as,

df ( x, t )
S = x | f ( x, t ) = 0 and = 0
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 73
Motion > Material and Spatial Domains

Spatial Surface
Spatial Surface
A spatial surface is defined by the same fixed spatial points at
any time t. Then, at different times t, different particles will be
on a spatial surface.
The spatial description of a spatial surface may be written as,
S = {x | f ( x ) = 0}
where the time-independency of the spatial function guaran-
tees that the spatial points satisfying this equation are always
the same ones, for any time t.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 74

Motion > Material and Spatial Domains

Material Volume
Material Volume
A material volume is a volume defined by a closed material
A material volume, written in material description, takes the
V = {X | F ( X ) 0}
and, in spatial description, takes the form,

df ( x, t )
V = x | f ( x, t ) 0 and = 0

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 75

Motion > Material and Spatial Domains

Spatial Volume
Spatial Volume
A spatial volume is a volume defined by a closed spatial surface.
The spatial description of a spatial volume may be written as,
V = {x | f ( x ) 0}

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 76

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
Assignment 2.7 [Homework]
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of a velocity
vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = 2ax, v y ( x, t ) = by, vz ( x, t ) =
t +c
where a, b, and c are constants.
(i) Obtain the equation of the trajectories, taking t=0 as
reference time.
(ii) Obtain the equation of the streamlines.
(iii) Determine all the feasible values of the constants a, b, and c,
for which the motion equation has physical sense for any
time t>0.
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 77
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
Assignment 2.7 [Homework]

(iv) Obtain the spatial density at any time t, asuming that

the density at the reference configuration is 0 = cte
(v) Obtain at any time t, the spatial equation of the
material surface which at time t=1 is a sphere of radius R
and center in (0,0,0)

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 78

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
Assignment 2.7 [Homework]
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of a velocity
vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = 2ax, v y ( x, t ) = by, vz ( x, t ) =
t +c
where a, b, and c are constants.

(i) Trajectories
The differential equation of motion takes the form:
dx dy dz z
= vx ( x, t ) = 2ax, = v y ( x, t ) = by, = vz ( x, t ) =
dt dt dt t +c
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 79
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
Integrating the set of three PDE yields,
dx dx x
= 2ax = 2adt log = 2at x = C1e 2 at
dt x C1
dy dy y
= by = bdt log = bt y = C2 e bt
dt y C2
dz z dz dt z 1 C3
= = log = log z=
dt t +c z t +c C3 t +c t +c

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 80

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
The integration constants are determined imposing the
consistency condition, taking t=0 as reference time, yielding:
x t =0 = C1 = X , y t =0 = C2 = Y , z t =0 = =Z

Substituting the integration constants into the equation of

motion, the equation of the trajectories take the form:
2 at c
x = Xe , y = Ye , z = Z
t +c

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 81

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
(ii) Streamlines
The differential equation of the streamlines takes the form:
dx dy dz z
= vx = 2ax, = v y = by, = vz =
d d d t +c

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 82

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
Integrating the set of three PDE yields,
dx dx x
= 2ax = 2ad log = 2a x = C1e 2 a
d x C1
dy dy y
= by = bd log = b y = C2 e b
d y C2

dz z dz d z
= = log = z = C3e t +c
d t +c z t +c C3 t +c
The equation of the streamlines takes the form:

x = C1e 2 a , y = C2 e b , z = C3e t +c

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 83

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
(iii) Physical admissible values of the constants a, b, and c.
The Jacobian has to be strictly positive for any time t.
The motion equation was given by:
2 at c
x = Xe , y = Ye , z = Z
t +c
The Jacobian takes the form:

e2 at 0 0
( 2 a b )t c
J = det 0 ebt 0 =e > 0 t 0
t +c
0 0
t +c
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 84
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
The Jacobian will be strictly positive for any time t>0 for the
following values of the constants a, b, and c:
a, b c > 0

(iv) Spatial density

The spatial density at any time t and the density at the reference
configuration satisfy the following relationship:
0 ( 2 a b ) t c
=J =e > 0 t 0
t +c
Then the spatial density takes the form:
( 2 a b )t t +c
= 0 e > 0 t 0
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 85
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
(v) Spatial equation of the material surface which at time t=1 is a
sphere of radius R and center (0,0,0)
The spatial coordinates of the particles at time t=1 is given by:
2a c
x* = Xe , y* = Ye , z* = Z
1+ c

The equation of the material surface at time t=1, a sphere of

radius R and center in (0,0,0), is given by:

x *2 + y *2 + z *2 = R 2

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 86

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
The equation at time t=0 of the material surface that at time t=1
is a sphere of radius R and center in (0,0,0), is given by:
2 4a 2 2b c 2 2
X e +Y e + Z = R
1 + c
The inverse of the motion equation takes the form:
2 at t +c
X = xe , Y = ye , Z = z

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 87

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.7
Using the inverse of the motion equation, the spatial equation at
any time t, of the material surface which at time t=1 is a sphere
of radius R and center in (0,0,0) is given by:
2 4 a(1t ) 2 2b(1t ) t +c 2 2
xe +y e + z = R
1 + c

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 88

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.8
Assignment 2.8 [Homework]
The Cartesian components of the spatial description of a
stationary velocity vector field are,
vx ( x, t ) = 0, v y ( x, t ) = 0, vz ( x, t ) = f ( x, y ) z

The spatial description of a material surface is given by:

g ( x, t ) = log ( xyz ) x f ( x, y ) t = 0

(i) Determine the expression of the function f ( x, y ).

(ii) Obtain the trajectories, taking t=0 as reference time.
(iii) Obtain the streamlines.

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 89

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.8
Assignment 2.8 [Homework]
The material surface satisfies the following condition:
dg ( x, t ) g ( x, t )
= + v grad g ( x, t ) = 0
dt t
g ( x, t )
= x f ( x, y )
1 2 1 1
grad g ( x, t ) = xx f ( x, y ) , xy f ( x, y ) ,

x y z
f ( x, y )
v grad g ( x, t ) =
September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 90
Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.8
Substituting, the following condition must hold:
dg ( x, t )
= x f ( x, y ) + f ( x, y ) = 0
Integrating yields,

df ( x, y ) f ( x, y )
x f ( x, y ) = f ( x, y ) = dx log = x
f ( x, y ) A( y )

f ( x, y ) = A ( y ) e x

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 91

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.8
(ii) Trajectories
The spatial velocity field is given by:
vx ( x, t ) = 0, v y ( x, t ) = 0, vz ( x, t ) = A ( y ) e x z

The differential equations of motion take the form:

dx dy dz
= vx ( x, t ) = 0, = v y ( x, t ) = 0, = vz ( x, t ) = A ( y ) e x z
dt dt dt

Integrating the first two equations yield:

x = C1 , y = C2

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 92

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.8
Substituting the result and integrating the third equation yields:
dz z
= A ( C2 ) e dt log
= A ( C2 ) eC1 t
z C3
z = C3 exp ( A ( C2 ) eC1 t )
Taking t=0 as reference time, the consistency condition yields:

xt =0 = C1 = X , yt =0 = C2 = Y , zt =0 = C3 = Z

The trajectories are given by:

x = X, y = Y , z = Z exp ( A (Y ) e X t )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 93

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.8
(iii) Streamlines
The spatial velocity field is given by:
vx ( x, t ) = 0, v y ( x, t ) = 0, vz ( x, t ) = A ( y ) e x z

The differential equations of streamlines take the form:

dx dy dz
= vx ( x, t ) = 0, = v y ( x, t ) = 0, = vz ( x, t ) = A ( y ) e x z
d d d

Integrating the first two equations yield:

x = C1 , y = C2

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 94

Motion > Assignments

Assignment 2.8
Substituting the result and integrating the third equation yields:
dz z
= A ( C2 ) e d log
= A ( C2 ) eC1
z C3
z = C3 exp ( A ( C2 ) eC1 )
The streamlines are given by:

x = C1 , y = C2 , z = C3 exp ( A ( C2 ) eC1 )

September 27, 2013 Carlos Agelet de Saracibar 95

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