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Allen L. Richards*, Eko Rahardjo**, Djoko W. Soeatmadji***



Penyakit Rickettsia bersifat endemik hampir di seluruh bagian dunia, dun begitu juga di
Indonesia. Termasuk dalam penyakit-penyakit rickettsia adalah tifus epidemik, tifus murine, 'kcrub
typhus," dun 'kpotted fever." Tifus epidemik, yang ditularkan kepada manusia melalui tuma pada
tubuh manusia, dun dapat menyebabkan sakit berat dun kematian. Tifus murine (tifus endemik),
bersumber pada pinjal hewan, merupakan penyakit vang mirip tifus epidemik, tetapi dengan
gejala-gejala yang lebih ringan dun jarang menyebabkan kentatian. "Scrub typhus", merupakan
penyakit yang dapat ringan sampai berat dun dapat nlembahayakan hidup, ditularkan kepada
manusia melalui gigitan tungau yang belum dewasa yang dikenal sebagai "chigger". "Spotted fever:
(demam yang disertai dengan bintik-bentik pada kulit), disebabkan karena terinfeksi oleh salah satu
dari berbagai spesies rickettsia dari kelompok "spotted fever", dun ditularkan kepada manusia oleh
pejamu (hospes) vertebrata melalui gigitan capluk (tick) yang terinfeksi. penyakif yang disebabkan
oleh organisma yang menyerupai rickettsia (rickettsia-like organism) adalah: "Q fever", yaitu
penyakit yang akut atau kronis yang diduga ditularkan secara alamiah akibat terhirup oleh partikel
udara yang terinfeksi Coxiella burnetti sejenis bakteri yang sangat resisten terhadap upaya
menonaktifiannya secara kimiawi dun jsik. Bartonellosis atau penyakit Carridn, ditemukan pada
daerah dengan ketinggian sedang di Andes, Amerika Selatan. Penyakit ini ditularkan oleh lalat pasir
(sand pies). "Trench feverf', mirip dengan tifus epidemik, ditularkan kepada nlanusia oleh tuma;
penyakit ini sembuh sendiri. Penyakit garutan kucing (Cat-scratch disease), disebabkan oleh infeksi
Bartonella henselae di tempat gigitan atau garutan kucing rumah yang merupakan hospes. Demam
sennetsu, merupakan penyakit yang dapat sembuh sendiri dun hanya diternukan d i Jepang dun
Malaysia. Pengobatan dengan tetrasiklin atau kloramfenikol untuk penyakit Rickettsia dav penyakit
yang menyerupai Rickettsia, serta monositik dun granulositik ehrlichiosis pada manusia, menunjukkan
hasil yang baik. Ehrlichiosis pada manusia merupakan penyakit baru yang tidak diketahur
penyebarannya di seluruh dunia, sangat mungkin ditularkan oleh "tickf: Walaupun umumnya dapat
sembuh sendiri, angka kematian ehrlichiosis dilaporkan mencapai 2-10%. Sebagian besar penyakit
rickettsia dun penyakit yang rnenyerupai rickettsia tersebut di atas belurn dikaji secara intensf di Asia
Tenggara. Walaupun nrasih terbatas, di Indonesia sudah dilakukan penelitian-penelitian tentang
"scrub typhus" dun "murine typhus." Sedangkan penyakit-penyakit yang ada hublingan denpan kutu
penyebar Rickettsia seperti "tick typhusffatau "spottedfever': "trenchfever': bartonellosis, "Qfever",
dun ehrlichiosis masih terabaikan di Indonesia. Tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan
hasil-hasil penelitian tentang penyakit-penyakit rickettsia di Indonesia, dun nlemperlihatkan
berberapa penyakit yang penyebarannya sekarang telah diketahui disebnbkan oleh arthroioda.

* Rickettsia1 Diseases Program, Department of Immunology, Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2, Jakarta,
** Pusat Penelitian Penyakit Menular, Badan Litbangkes, Jakarta, Indonesia
*** Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.

Bul. Penelit. Kesehat. 23 (3) 1995

Rickettsial diseases: Risk for ............... Allen L. Richards et al

INTRODUCTION as 60% without proper treatment. The intensity

and duration of the maladies are sigruficantly
Rickettsiae are gram-negative, obligate decreased by intervention with antibiotic
intracellular bacteria which are responsible for a therapy (e.g., tetracycline or chloramphenicol).
large number of arthropod transmitted diseases Untreated illness may be a source of significant
in man. These diseases include: epidemic (R. morbidity and mortality". There are currently
prowazekii), and murine (R. @phi) typhus; no commercial vaccines available for any of
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (R. rickettsii), these diseases and indeed specific diagnosis is
Mediterranean spotted fever (R. conorii), accomplished only by a few specialized
Siberian tick typhus (R. sibirica), rickettsialpox laboratories around the world because of the
(R. akari), and Australian tick typhus (R. hazardous nature and fastidious growth
australis); and 3) scrub typhus (R. characteristics of the organisms involved.
tsutsugamushi). In addition, other related Diagnosis is generally by symptomatology and
"rickettsial diseases" associated with man case history with laboratory confirmation done
include: 1) trench fever (Bartonella rarely"'. Thus, the base of information on
(Rochalirnaea) quinfana); 2) Q fever (Coxiella rickettsiosis especially in Indonesia, as an
burnetii); ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia sennetsu, 6 important contributor to acute human febrile
chafleensis). A list of these diseases and some disease, is limited',4.
of their properties are presented in Table 1.

Rickettsial diseases and diseases due to RICKETTSIAL DISEASES

rickettsial-like bacteria (accept for trench fever
and sennetsu ehrlichiosis) are ever present Rickettsiosis as shown in Table 1 has been
zoonoses which exhibit periodic fluctuations in divided into three groups based upon the
attack rates due to environmental influences on antigenic relatedness of the bacteria causing the
the vectors and hosts and variations in human diseases. The following is a detailed description
(accidental host) a~tivities'.~. The resulting of these rickettsial groups as well as diseases
disease is associated with the infection of the due to infection with bacteria related to
host's endothelial cells or cells associated with rickettsiae.
the endotheliun~,or blood cells',2. The result of
rickettsial infection of the endothelium leads to
an intense vasculitis in the affected organs TYPHUS GROUP
(including brain, lungs, kidneys, heart, and
liver), which leads to headache, fever. malaise, Within the typhus group is epidemic
rnvalgia and in many cases a macular, typhus also known as louse-borne or classic
maculo-papular or papular rash (rarely in Q t-yphus. Thc etiologic agent is Rickettsia
fever)'-4. Infections involving the cells of the prowazekii which is passed among man by the
blood system result in bactercmia with fever and human body louse (Pediculus hunranus
hcadach~ for infections with bartonellae, and huntanus), or among flying squirrels and to man
sudden o ~ ~ coffevcr
ct chills, headache. myalgia, by unknown squirrel ectopara~itesl.~,~. The
arthralgia and anorcsca for chrlichiaez. The bacteria are passed to man via the arthropod
illnesses are oftcn self-limiting (approximately vector f x e s rubbcd into skin abrasions or the
15 days of fever). houcv:r, depending on !hc conj~~ncti+.e. or bj. inhalation of dried infectious
agcnt involvcd the rnortnlii!, rate may bc as high feces. Ep~demic typhus has world wide

Rul. Penelit. Keschat. 23 (3) 1995 79

Rickettsial diseases: Risk for ............... Allen L. Richards et al

Table 1. Rickettsial Diseases of Human Importance


Typhus Group

Epidemic Typhus Rickettsia prowazekri Human body louse Human Unknown

Squirrel ectoparasites Flying squirrel

Brill-Zinsser's Disease R. prowazekri Recrudescence of latent Human Unknown

epidemic tyrhus

Murine Typhus R. typhi Rat Flea Rodents Yes

Scrub Typhus Group

Scrub Typhus R. fsutsugamushr Trombiculid mites Rodents Yes

Spotted Fever Group

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever R. rrckettsir lxodid ticks R~detlts,Dogs, Unknown


Mediterranean Spotted Fever R. conorrr lxodid ticks Dogs, Rodents U~~known

Siberian Tick Typhus R. srbrrrca Ixodid ticks Rodents Unknown

Australian Tick Typhus R. ausfrabs lxodid ticks Rodents, Unknown


Rickettsialpox R. akarr Hematophagous mites House mouse,other Unknown

commensal rodents

Oriental Spotted Fever R. japonica Ticks? Rodents? Unknown


Q Fever Coxrella burnebr Ticks? Rodents, Sheep, Yes

Cattle, Goats

BartoneUa Group

Bartonellosis Disease Barfonellabanllfonnrs Sandfly Rodents Unknown

Trench Fever B. (Rochahmaea)qulnfana Lice Human Unknown

Cat Scratch Disease B. henselae Ticksitleas? Cats Unknown

Ehrlichia Group

Sennetsu Ehrlichiosis Ehrlrchia sennetsu Unknown Human Unknown

Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis E. chaffeensrs Amblyomma sp.? Deer? Unknown

Dermacentor sp.? Dog?

Human Granulocytic Ehrl~chiosls Unknown Ixodes sp.? Deer? Ilnknown

Dermacentor sp.? Dog?

80 Rul. Penelit Kesehat. 23 (3) 1995

Rickettsia1 diseases: Risk for ...............Allen L. Richards et a1

distribution and has been involved in throughout the world9.10. The disease is due to
determining man's destiny especially during an infection with R. @phi (R. mooseri). This
times of war'. The symptoms follow an agent is passed to man by the rat flea
incubat~onperiod of 1-2 weeks. They include (Xenopsylla cheopis) or possibly other
an abrupt onset of fever, chills, headache and arthropod vectors. The infection is started when
myalgia. Macular rash of upper trunk and either the flea feces is rubbed into bite or other
axillary folds occurs around day five. The wound, or the host inhales dried f e c e ~ ' . ~ . ~ , ' ~
maculopapular rash spreads over the entire body Symptoms are similar to epidemic typhus, but
except for the face, palms and soles. Death may milder. There is a gradual onset of disease with
occur in the third week, with stupor, peripheral non-productive cough, fever, headache,
vascular collapse and renal failure. Diagnosis is myalgia, nausea, vomiting and in about 50% of
the cases a macular or maculopapular rash4.
usually based on clinical suspicion plus reaction
The illness maybe debilitating, especially with
to the Proteus vulgaris antigens' OX19 + OX2 v
neurologic or nephrotic changes, fatalities are
and no reaction to the P. rnirabilis Kingsbury rare". For diagnosis the nonspecific Weil-Felix
strain OXK antigen in the nonspecific Weil- reaction generally gives the following results:
Felix serological t e ~ t ~ .There
~. are also some OX19 + OX2 v OXK -2,4. If a reference
rickettsial antigen specific noncommercial laboratory is available serologies, in which a
enzyme immuno- assays (EIA) that are used in four fold rise in titer is diagnostic, and PCR
a few reference laboratories. In even fewer with specific primers, can be performed'.'.".''.
laboratories there are the capabilities to culture Clinical specimens can be cultured for R. typhi,
clinical specimens (blood) for rickettsial but this is difficult and hazardous to laboratory
isolation4. Recently, the polymerase chain personnel. Treatment as with other rickettsial
reaction has allowed the identification of diseases incorporates use of one of the
bacteria in blood of acute ill patientss. This tetracyclines or chl~ramphenicol'~~~''.
procedure is very sensitive, but is also
technically difficult. The treatment for In Indonesia, endemicity of epidemic
epidemic typhus is tetracycline (doxycycline) or typhus and Brill-Zinsser diseases is unknown4,
chl~ramphenicol'~~~~. whereas, it is known that murine typhus is
endemic throughout the archipelago 4,13-'7.
Brill-Zinsser disease has been determined Nevertheless, murine typhus is rarely diagnosed
to be a recrudescence of epidemic typhus. The or is misdiagnosed during acute illness, due to
reemerging agent, R. prowazekii, produces a its mild, nonspecific clinical manifestations9-".
similar but much milder illness then during the Therefore, little is known of the actual
primary disease','. Diagnosis is usually based prevalence of this disease, but only of the
upon a history of epidemic typhus. The
prevalence of antibodies to R. @phi4"-I7. In
Weil-Felix reaction and EIA results are usually
Java, R. @phi has been isolated from rodent
unreliable. Culture of R. prowazekii is possible
hosts and arthropod vectors" and the presence
and PCR has been proven successful with
specific primerse. Treatment involves use of of rickettsial nucleic acid in X. cheopis fleas has
either tetracycline or chloramphenicol. been detected by PCR (Rusidy AF, Richards
Brill-Zinsser diseabe is also distributed AL, Soeatmadji DW, Church, et al unpublished
world-wide','. observ?tion) utilizing a procedure describe
previcu;lyi2. Enteric fever, is also endemic to
Murine typhus, also known as endemic, Indonesia .and often presents with clinical
flea-borne, shop, or urban typhus, 1s endemic manifestations similar to those of rickettsiosis,

BuL Penelit. Kesehat. 23 (3) 1995 81

Rickettsia1 diseases: Risk for ............... Allen L. Richards et a1

i.e., fever, headache, malaise and in 30-50% of up to 50% of patients died because of lack of a
cases of typhoid fever, rose s p ~ t s ' ~ . known treatment at that timez2. Today, the
Unfortunately, many enteric fevers, like treatment of choice for scrub typhus is
rickettsial fevers, are difficult to diagnose by tetracycline or chloramphenicol which generally
laboratory methods available in Ind~nesia'~. produces a rapid clinical improvement in the
The commonly used Weil-Felix and Widal patient with defervescence of clinical syniptoms
serological tests are nonspecific tests for usually seen within two d a y ~ l . ~ , However,
rickettsial diseases and typhoid fcbcr. there have been recent reports of drug resistant
respectively, and require assessing both acute scrub tvphrls described both in Thailand and
and convalescent serum samples far 1~di~26,Ruphanath
D personal commmcabon

In addition, the isolation and

culture of the causative agents are often difficult Scrub typhus is considered a rural, tropical
and require specialized equipment which are disease niost commonly found afflicting
not routinely found in the clinical laboratories individuals traversing through or working in
of Indonesia19. Thus, illresses characterized by terrain encompassing secondary vegetation
fever and headache in Indonesia are often resulting from previously cleared forest or
clinically diagnosed as "tifus," which may abandoned agricultural a:casl.22-24 . However.
include many enteric fevers as well as other there have been reports of individuals acquiring
infectious diseases including rickettsial fevers. scrub typhus in urban settirigs of Hong Kong,
"Tifus" is one of the leading reported causes of J a ~ a n ' ~ and
. ~ ' while gardening in suburban and
hospital admission in Jakarta2'. urban areas of South Korea2". Scrub tqphus
cases havc been reported from the southern
section of Jakarta by Gispen ct al.". R.
tsut.vugamushi has been isolated from
Scrub typhus is a zoonosis that causes trombiculid mites and three different species of
human disease comrnonly seen in rats collected in North J;akarta'4. Recently. a
~ ~ i ~ ~ , z ,5.d16.
, 252-24 case of scrub typhus in an individual residing in
. The etiologic agent, R.
. ~

(Orientia) tsutsugamushi, the only species in the central Jakarta has been identified3'.
following the feeding of an infected chigger, the The species, H. tsutsugattiu.~h:hi,
is made up
six legged larval stage of trombiculid mites, on of many distinct strains that vary in virulence32
skin tissue fluids of a human host. The and antibiotic rc~istance~~.Immunity to
subsequent rickettsial infection is characterized hornologous strains of s c n ~ btyphus rickettsiae
by first a local then a systemic vasculitis. A may continue for years. however. immunity to
cutaneous lesion or eschar begins at the site of the many heterologous strains of R.
the chigger bite, and the vascular inflammation ts~tsugamushi may onlv persist for a few
spreads throughout the blood vessels of the body months3'. Conseaoently, individuals can
involving various o r g a ~ i s ' ~ ~Though
~. scrub become infected more than once with H.
typhus has been known since the late 1800's its tstrtsugatn~shi"~'~.This lack of cross immunity
notoriety did not emerge until World War 11, and the previously successful treatment with
where in the Pacific theater, it was feared by antibiotics dinlinishcd the drive for and the
military personnel more than malaria22.2'. This successful completion of the development of an
was due in part to the high nlortality rate, where effective vaccine for scrub typlit~s'~.

82 RoI. Penelit. Kesehat. 23 (3) 1995

Rickettsia1 diseases: Risk for ............... Allen L. Richards et al

SPOTTED FEVER GROUP response develops, causing vasculitis, and the

triad of fever, head ache and rash (rash may
The spotted fever group is composed of only occur in 50% of the patients and is more
more than 20 antigenically related rickettsia1 difficult to see in darker pigmented people).
species'. Described here are several human The disease often affects multiple organs with
diseases associated with the spotted fever group manifestations involving the skin, skeletal
rickettsiae. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (R. muscles, central nervous system, myocardium,
rickettsii) is found only in the Western lungs, liver and kidneys'". Diagnosis often
Hemisphere. The vectors are the ixodid ticks depends on the history and clinical presentation.
and the normal hosts include rodents, dogs and The Weil-Felix agglutination reaction is
foxes. Mediterranean Spotted Fever also known variable for both the OX19 and OX2 antigens
as Boutonneuse fever, Kenya tick typhus, Indian and negative for the OXK. A four fold or
tick typhus and South African tick typhus (R. greater rise in titer for EIA or IFA followed by
conorii) is also vectored by ixodid ticks. Hosts ;onfirmatory Western blot analysis will provide
include dogs and rodents. Mediterranean laboratory diagnosis for spotted fever
Spotted Fever distribution includes the di~ease".'~. However, for species identification
Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Sea areas, the method of choice is culture of the agent in
and in the Middle East, India and Africa. laboratory animals or tissue culture. In
Siberian tick typhus or North Asian tick typhus addition, PCR has been shown to detect
(R. sibirica) is found in Siberia, Armenia, rickettsial nucleic acid from blot clots of
Mongolia, Central Asia & Europe. Ixodid ticks individuals with acute cases of Rocky Mountain
are the vectors and rodents are the usual hosts. spotted fever)9, and species identification can be
Australian or Queensland tick typhus (R. ascertained utilizing PCR and restriction
australis) was discovered in Queensland, fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP)
Australia, but has now been reported in other a n a l y ~ i s ~ ~Spotted
. ~ ' . fever disease may be fatal,
areas of A~stralia'~. The vectors are ixodid but when identified and treated early with
ticks and the hosts are rodents and marsupials. tetracycline or chloramphenicol mortality can
Rickettsialpox (R. akari) has been located be reduced ~ignificantly'.'.~~.
mainly in urban areas of North America and
Russia, but has also been found in Southern Members of the spotted fever group of
Africa and Korea'.'. The vector is the rickettsiae have not been reported in Indonesia
hematophagous mite (A/lodermanyssus though they are endemic in other Asia countries
sanguineus). Hosts include the house mouse and Australial.2,4,5,?2.36. There has been a lack of
and other commensal rodents. seroreactivity found in Indonesian populations
that were surveyed utilizing an EIA with R.
Infection with spotted fever group conorii antigen preparation".
rickettsiae usually involves the bacteria entering
the human body through openings or abrasions
io the skin due to the tick or mite bite, or by the DISEASES DUE TO RICKETTSIA-LIm
infection of the conjunctiva by fingers ORGANISMS
contaminated after crushing the arthropod
vectors. The organisms multiply locally at the Q fever (C. burnetii) is found worldwide
site of invasion and spread to the endothelial and is associated with domestic animals and
cells of blood vessels. An inflammatory rodents. Though C. burnetii has been found in
Rickettsia1 diseases: Risk for ...............Allen L. Richards et al

several tick species and other arthropod vectors, the limited distribution of the sandfly vector
it is thought to be maintained in nature (Lutzomyia verrucurum).
primarily by aerosol transmission. Humans are
believed to be infected by inhalation of the Trench fever, discovered among the troops
airborne organisms. C. burnetii, unlike the fighting in the trenches during World War I,
rickettsiae, are very resistant to inactivation by was originally named Rickettsia quintana.
chemical and physical treatments. C. burnetii is However, when it was found to be able to grow
known to survive on wool and other fomites for on blood agar plates and therefore determined
up to one year2. Symptoms of acute Q fever are not to be an obligate intracellular parasite (it
nonspecific and characterized by fever, attaches to the outer membrane of eukaryotic
headache, chills, myalgia, and malaise. cells44) as are the other rickettsiae, it was
Pneumonitis may occur, however, rash rarely separated into its own genus R~chalimaea'.~.
does. Q fever is usually self limiting, though Bartonella (Rochalimaea) quintana is the only
chronic Q fever with hepatitis or endocarditis is agent described in this review that does not
not un~ommon'.~. Diagnosis by reference have a host other than humans. The vector, the
laboratory usually involves performance of a human body louse (Pediculus humanus
noncommercial enzyme-linked immunoassay. humanus), transmits the disease from man to
Recently, PCR with species specific primers man. Humans have been known to be infectious
have become available. Culture of C. burnetii, for more. than ten years2. Distribution is
is risky and so is only performed in a few associated with humans, generally living in
laboratories world wide. Treatment usually is poor social economic conditions, worldwide.
with one of the tetracyclines, though there
maybe resistance2, or chloramphenicol. Identification of the agent associated with
cat scratch disease had eluded scientists for
Q fever is most likely endemic in some time. It is believed now to be B.
Indonesia as it is believed to have world wide (Rochalimaea) h e n ~ e l a e ~The
~ . ~natural
~. vector
distrib~tion'.~. In addition, a serosurvey for B. henselae is unknown, but may be ticks
conducted by Van Peenen, et a]., reported that andlor fleas. This agent is found worldwide and
25% of human serum tested from throughout its major host is the domestic cat4'.
the archipelago had evidence of Phase I1
antibodies against C. burnetii4). The prevalence Infections for bartonellae are usually via
of hospital admitted cases of Q fever in openings or abrasions in the skin of the human
Indonesia is currently unknown. body due to the bite of sandfly, louse, tick or
flea, by infection of the conjunctiva by fingers
Very recently, the Rochalirnaea genus has contaminated after crushing vectors or as in cat
been combined with that of Bartonella because scratch disease the bite or scratch of the natural
of sinlilarity in 16s rRNA, and DNA host-cat. The organislris multiply locally and
relatedness. The genus name Bartonella was spread through the blood vessels (bacteremia).
retained because of its nomenclature priority2. The im~tiediateresponse to bacteremia includes
B. hacillfornlis was identified in 1909 as the fever and headache. In Carrion's bartonellosis
erythrocyte-adherent agent of bartonellosis or there are also anemia, adenopathy, thrombo-
Carrion's disease. Bartonellosis is found only in cytopenia, severe myalgias and arthralgias, and
the intermediate altitudes of the South possible mental status changes. Without
American Andes. This is believed to be due to antibiotic treatment, fatality rates for

Rul. Penelit. Kesehat 23 (3) 1995

Rickettsia1 diseases: Risk for ............... Allen L. Richards et al

bartonellosis maybe high2. Vermga pemna oxytetracycline, doxycycline and chloramphe-

may be a common late-stage manifestation of nicol have been reported2.
Carri6n's disease. Bacteremia due to B.
quintana and B. henselae are rarely fatal though Human ehrlichiosis is a recently described
the illness maybe more severe in the disease whose importance as an arthropod
immunocompromised host, e.g., AIDS borne-illness continues to g r ~ d ~ ~ Recently . ~ ~ " ~ .
patient$'. Cat scratch disease is commonly this disease has been divided into two similar
associated with a cutaneous papule or pustule at illnesses that have different causative agents.
the site of the bite or scratch and regional The original human ehrlichiosis is now known
lymphadenopathy. Fever may also accompany as human monocytic ehrlichiosis (E.
this self-limiting disease. Diagnosis of chaffeensis). The second, is known as human
Bartonella species by culture of clinical granulocytic ehrlichiosis, the etiological agent is
specimens is difficult and thus the laboratory unknown but is very closely related to E.
must be instructed about the presumptive ,~hagocytophilaand E.egui5'. The tick vectors
diagnosis before submitting the specimen. for the two diseases are believed to be
Warthin-Stany silver technique is used for Ambylyomma and Dermacentor species for
staining of tissue samples. Fourfold or greater human monocytic ehrlichiosis and Ixodes and
rise in titer for EIA- and FA-IgG or the Dermacentor species for human granulocytic
presence of species specific IgM is diagnostic. ehrlichiosis. The natural hosts may be deer,
PCR is the most sensitive method for Bartonella dogs or other mammalss2. Distribution in the
species identification. Treatment with United States is wide spread. Other locations
tetracyclines, erythromycin or chloramphenicol throughout the world have not been extensively
is effective'. studied5. Though different agents are involved
in human monocytic and granulocytic
EHRLICHIA GROUP is made up of ehrlichiosis, symptoms are similar and include a
related bacteria species in the genus Ehrlichia sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, myalgia,
and the tribe Ehrlichieae in the family of arthralgia, anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
Rickettsiaceae4'. Several species have been pneumonia and rarely rashsz. The diseases are
related to animal disease and two to human self-limiting. However, fatality rates of 2-10%
diseases. Sennetsu ehrlichiosis, also known as have been reported2.". Laboratory diagnosis is
sennetsu fever, sennetsu rickettsiosis (E. by polymerase chain reaction to identi@ the
sennetsu) was described in Southwest Japan in agent during the acute phase and by serological
the late 1800's. However, the agent was not assays (EIAIIFAI Western blots) during
identified until 1953. The vector is currently c o n v a l e ~ c e n c e ~Attempts
~ ~ ~ ~ ~of
~ ~isolation
. from
unknown as is the natural host. The disease has blood are usually unsuc~essful~~. Recommended
only been identified in Japan and Malaysiaz. treatment is with the tetracyclines
The symptoms include a sudden onset of fever, (doxycycline). Chloramphe- nicol may not be
chills, headache and myalgia, insomnia, effective5'.
diaphoresis, sore throat, and anorexia. General
lymphadenopathy is common, hepatomegaly Ehrlichiae are responsible for many animal
and splenomegaly occur in approximately a and human disease^^,^^. They can be divided
third of the cases. The disease is self-limiting, into two groups based upon whether they infect
and no serious complications or fatalities have monocytes or granulocytes. E. sennetsu; E.
been reported2. Successful treatment with chafleensis; E. canis canine ehrlichiosis,

Rul. Penelit. Kesehat 23 (3) 1995 85

Rickettsial diseases: Risk for ............... Allen L. Richards et al

tropical canine pancytopenia; and E. risticii REFERENCES

equine monocytic ehrlichiosis, Potomac horse
fever; cause monocytic ehrlichiosis. E. 1. Dasch GA, Weiss E. (1992). The Genera
phagocytophila tick-borne fever of sheep, goat, Rickettsia, Rochalimaea, Ehrlichia, Cowdria,
cows, bison and deer; E. equi equine and i\'eorickettsia. In: Balows A, ed. The
prokaryotes. A handbook on the biology of
ehrlichiosis; and E. ewingii canine granulocytic
bacteria. Vol III. New York: Springer Vcrlag.
ehrlichiosis are granulocytic ehrlichiosis. p:2407-2470.
Currently little is known of the presence of any
of these agents in Indonesia. 2. Ferraro MJ, Gilligan PH. (1995). Chlamydia,
Rickettsia, and Related Bacteria, in Manual of
Clirzical ~i4icrobiology, 6th edit. Murray PK,
SUMMARY STATEMENT Baron EJ, Pfaller MA, Tenover FC, Yolken RH,
eds. ASM Press, Washington DC
Rickettsia1 diseases and diseases due to Ch.VI:663-695.
rickettsial-like bacteria are endemic throughout 3. Walker DH. (1995). Rocky Mountain spotted
the world. This includes Indonesia as well. fever: A seasonal alert. Clin Inf Dis,
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