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School: Saint Lucia Seventh-day Adventist Academy

Teacher: Kester Small
Form 3R4 & 3R5
Age Group: 14 16
Duration of Schemes: 7 Weeks
Number of Lessons per Week: 10
Time per Lesson: 40 Minutes
Week Topics Objectives Content Suggested Activities Materials Evaluation
(Students should be
able to :)
1 Reading Define the term Create a list of copies of Ques
Comprehension: poem Colourful language is common similes, poems that tioning-
- needed to enhance writing. metaphors and you will (Demonstr
Poetry Students will be able Writing that will help form idioms use, books, ate ability
to change
to: images in the mind of anthologies non-literal
Figurative 1. Explain what readers must have Poetry Pool , to literal
Language figurative language Figurative Language. A collection of class magazines, language)
is. Simile = comparing two poems. Inputs are made assessments Anec
Vocabulary unlike things using the by both students and and other dotal
2. Identify the words like or as. (Eg. as teachers. Students materials Notes
different types of slow as a snail, as bright can eventually learn to that will Peer
figurative language. as the sun) categorize poems help make Feedback
Metaphor = comparing narrative poems, odes, this unit a Chec
3. Deduce the impact two things by saying that limericks, ballads, success. klist
of figurative language one is another. (Eg. She is sonnets. The collection Presentatio
is a resource pool for n Rubric
as used in literature. a bad egg.)
Personification = Giving a further study. It
4. Employ the use of thing or an object is human develops as the
figurative language to qualities because of some students
enhance their story. similarity between the are promoted from one
thing and a person. form to another.
(Eg. The sky is crying. )

Onomatopoeia = Naming
a thing or an action by
Write original imitating the sound
literary texts associated with it.
Present personal (Eg. buzz, hiss, woof, roar)
responses to
poetry that make Found poetry is a type of
reference to poetry created by taking
characters, ideas, words, phrases, and
vocabulary, and
sometimes whole passages
text structure
from other sources and
Explain the
meaning of poems reframing them as poetry
with some (a literary equivalent of a
attention to collage) by making
meaning beyond changes in spacing and
the literal level lines, or by adding or
Create their own deleting text, thus
poems using imparting new meaning.
elements of poetry
they have read, The class writes down
and appropriate what poetry is and where
they can find it.
Observe the
conventions of
grammar and
usage, spelling
and punctuation

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